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In a recent article published in the Journal of Family Social Work McNeece (1995) argued that family therapy has no interest in or relevance for social policy interventions. Through the presentation of several arguments he constructs an irreconcilable dichotomy between policy and practice, suggesting that therapeutic interventions are responsible for pulling resources away from the development of effective social policy interventions. This paper challenges the dichotomy between policy and practice and presents an alternative view concerning the relationship between social policy and family therapy. The increasing importance of family policy in family therapy is summarized and a new trend within marriage and family practice, policy as practice, is discussed. Current family practice literature and personal case examples are used to provide alternative viewpoints to three main points that were presented by McNeece concerning family therapy practice, and the therapy/policy interface. Finally, the current practice context of managed care is used to illustrate the interdependence of practice and policy, and the need for a new understanding concerning family practice.  相似文献   

One means by which the Soviet state maintained hegemony was through control over the production and movement of information. This function created ambiguity, on the one hand, and contradiction on the other, as sociological inquiry progressed within the Soviet system. This circumstance extended to both the appropriate subject matter and the methodology of sociological research. While sociology practiced in the West operated more or less within broad boundaries of free inquiry, such was not the case for most of twentieth century Russia. This paper explores this history of permissible sociological research in Russia, and then turns an eye on the more recent developments in sociology in light of the new Russian state. In particular, the development of democratic processes in Russia have led to a concomitant growth in research centers, institutes, and consultancies, all of which have significant practical and applied objectives for the sociological product. A listing of Russian research centers on the web is included.  相似文献   

The author responds to Witkin's (1993) comparison of family social work and family therapy. The author argues that family social work and family therapy share important commonalities. He challenges Witkin's characterization of family therapy as outdated. Instead, family therapy is characterized as having contributed important writings about gender and culture to its practitioners. The paper ends with reflections on the implications of social justice for clinicians.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

The obvious continuities between the political and the personal, the public and the private, dominate South African life in a way which may not be familiar to those in the Australian context. South African clinical work with families, much of it in the form of mediated interventions, cannot but operate at the edges of our definitions of both what a family is and what it means to be a mental health worker. In this article I argue that thinking broadly about politics and about our work is essential in the service of developing family and personal growth.  相似文献   

This paper utilizes a family systems perspective to discuss the ways in which family therapy may or may not fit in the social work curriculum. Specific issues addressed include those of professional identity, alternative epistemologies and valid ways of knowing, as well as the tension between research and practice. It is concluded that such issues cease to exist when one adopts a metaperspective according to which differences are understood as logical complements.  相似文献   

The potential contribution of family therapists to the treatment of depression remains underdeveloped. Family therapists need to articulate how changes in family functioning might benefit depressed persons, as well as how other problems in the families of depressed persons tend to go unrecognised. Furthermore, family therapists need to be alert to how undetected depression in adults and children may interfere with their ability to meet their goals with families who seek therapy for other persons. This article provides family therapists with (1) an overview of the nature and experience of depression; (2) an introduction to antidepressant medication; (3) a summary of research findings relating depression to its family context and (4) a brief overview of developments in the marital and family treatment of depression.  相似文献   

It is estimated that currently one child in five under the age of eighteen is a stepchild and that by h e year 2000, the remarried (REM) family will outnumber all other family forms. Historically, American society defines any form of family fife that does not conform to the traditional nuclear family as problematic. Family researchers have generally been consistent with society's negative views, using a problem-oriented approach to studying the REM family (Hoffman, 1991; Duncan and Brown, 1992; Coleman, Ganong, and Gingich, 1985). In so doing they have focused on documenting the difficulties of he REM family. This paper attempts to rectify these issues by first exploring the typical problems associated with the REM family focusing on social constructionist themes and therapy which serve to shift the focus of a problem-oriented approach toward a search for the strengths and positive characteristics of the family. Social construction focuses on the sociocultural and the individual relationship influences of language, family and culture. In addition, h e paper proposes a six-stage therapeutic model based on Social Constructionist Theory (Gergen and Gergen, 1983). The six stages of therapy with a remarried family are: ( I ) Joining the Family Meaning System, (2) Proposing the Notion of a Socially Constructed Family Meaning System, (3) Learning the Family's Meaning System,(4) Challenging the Family's Meaning System, (5) Amplifying the New Meaning System, and (6) Stabilizing the New Meaning System. It allows the REM family the ability to construct new meanings around their problems in living in order that they might find workable family solutions.  相似文献   

I tabulate international data showing Africans and Asians scoring at opposite ends of a continuum with Europeans falling in the middle. This Asian-European-African gradient occurs in mean scores on a long list of characteristics including brain size, crime, sex hormones, sexual behavior, personality, family stability, speed of physical maturation, twinning rate, and social organization. It seems to me that only evolutionary theories are able to fully explain the consistency of the pattern across so many variables. Theories about social inequalities and social problems may need to be revised in the light of this new in/onnation. This challenge to the social science orthodoxy brought political correctness out in force against me, some examples of which I document here. However, numerous benefits derive from studying race particularly in the field of medicine which I illustrate with special emphasis on AIDS. I conclude that if more scientists would speak openly about the views they now voice only in private, our world would become not only a safer place, but a more enlightened one as well.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the process of acquiring informed consent from parents of economically disadvantaged children 7 to 12 years of age at a Boys &; Girls Club in a Midwest city. The article addresses the following question: What are the obstacles in mainstream research to including children’s voluntary participation in research that intends to benefit their lives? The lessons gained from requesting an invitation into the lives of poor children through informed-consent processes inform future social work research methods.  相似文献   

We examined the effectiveness of behavioural family therapy (following the treatment agenda outlined in Fleischman, Horne and Arthur, 1983) and brief family therapy (following the procedures outlined in Fisch, Weakland and Segal, 1985), in the treatment of child psychological disorders. The parents of the 49 children referred to the outpatient unit of a children's hospital completed the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) (Achenbach and Edelbrock, 1983). Three scales of the CBCL were examined to assess the effectiveness of the two therapeutic approaches pre- to post-treatment. Significant pre- and post-treatment differences were found for behavioural family therapy on the Internalizing, Externalizing, and Sum T scales and for brief family therapy on the Internalizing and Sum T scales. Sum T scales represent the sum of scores across all sub-scales of the CBCL. Neither treatment was found to be more effective than the other.  相似文献   

In response to the need for increased understanding of the identity process of transracial adoptees, the Cultural-Racial Identity Model (A. L. Baden &; R. J. Steward, 1995) was developed; however, the model has yet to be empirically validated. The model allows distinctions to be made between racial identity and cultural identity, resulting in 16 proposed identities. Identities are based on the degrees to which individuals (1) have knowledge of, awareness of, competence within, and con1fort with their own racial group’s culture, their parents’ racial group’s culture, and multiple cultures, and (2) are comfortable with their racial group membership and with those belonging to their own racial group, theirparents’ racial group, and multiple racial groups. Four dimensions of the model were determinedfor study: the Adoptee Culture Dimension, the Parental Culture Dimension, the Adoptee Race Dimension, and the Parental Race Dimension. In this study, the Cultural-Racial Identity oftransracial adoptees was assessed by a modified version ofthe Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (MEIM; J. S. Phinney, 1992). Psychological adjustment was assessed by the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI; L. R. Derogatis &; P. A. Cleary, 1977). The sample consisted of 51 transracial adoptees who completed mail survey questionnaires. The exploratory findings supported the Cultural-Racial Identity Model by demonstrating that the modified version of the MEIM successfully yielded variation in the potential CulturalRacial Identities that the transracial adoptees reported. Findings also did not yield support for differences in psychological adjustment among transracial adoptees  相似文献   

Social capital (SC) is a concept variedly defined and object today of great attention at an international level: it concerns trust among people, the ability to activate nets, solidarity, and civic engagement in the public sphere.

The SC constitutive character makes it producible only in original and fundamental relationships (in primis the family), where trust is developed and the code of solidarity is current.

Nevertheless, the increasing fragmentation and individualization of the family seem to consume SC, rather than to increase it. This leads to the question about the nature of SC today as constituted by the family. Some phenomena, for example family associationism, show that the family is still a patrimony irrefutable for social life: when families constitute family associations, they produce primary and secondary SC.  相似文献   


The conjunction of poetry therapy and family social work is briefly discussed with respect to philosophical, theoretical, and professional issues. Noting that the use of poetry, narrative, metaphor, and the related language arts are within the purview of poetry therapy, 14 techniques applied to family therapy are examined. The limitations of poetry therapy and new directions for practice and research are also noted.  相似文献   

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