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Objective. Several studies have reported a widespread belief in conspiracy theories among African Americans. Such theories have been shown to have possible deleterious effects, especially when they deal with HIV/AIDS. It has been conjectured that African‐American elites could play a role in dispelling these beliefs, unless, of course, they believe in these theories themselves. To examine this possibility the present study examines the conspiratorial beliefs of African‐American locally elected officials in Louisiana and compares them with a previous study of African‐American churchgoers in the same state. Methods. A systematic sample of 400 African‐American locally elected officials was drawn from a list of all African‐American elected officials in the state and 170 officials completed and returned the mail survey. Confirmatory factor analysis and OLS regression were used to analyze the attitude structure and determinants of beliefs, respectively. Results. The locally elected officials believe in these theories as much as the churchgoers and the structures of their beliefs are also very similar. In some very important ways, however, the predictors of these beliefs differ between the two samples. Conclusions. Our findings suggest that beliefs in conspiracy theories are widespread and that African‐American locally elected officials will not seek to dispel these beliefs.  相似文献   

中国旅游业处于成长期 ,产品正在形成规模 ,市场正在发育 ,旅游消费刚刚兴起。国家二元经济结构、体制转轨、温饱上升为小康、逐步扩大开放、民族文化传统、国民素质、法制建设状况 ,以及产业成长期等特征 ,都作用于中国的旅游业。加入WTO后我国旅游业机遇与挑战并存。当前要抓紧企业转制 ,加快市场化进程 ;要广泛与国际标准接轨 ,并汲取其成熟经验 ;要抓紧人员素质的提高。从根本上讲要发挥后发优势 ,加强产品开发、市场开发和法制建设 ,搞好政府宏观调控和市场化管理 ,坚持可持续发展 ,在战略上统筹好 ,在战术上扎实推进。  相似文献   

Summary This paper is concerned with the relevance of interactionistperspectives in sociology to social work practice. Crucial tothese perspectives are the ‘meanings’ that peoplegive to situations and the ways they interpret actions. Basically,they are grounded on the assumption that there is no such thingas a single social reality. There are many different constructionswhich depend on the identities of the different people involvedand on the context in which they occur. The paper is based ontape recorded excerpts from an interview between a client, MrsSmith, and a social worker, from a discussion about some aspectsof that interview between the social worker and the writer,and from a discussion about the case between the team leaderand the writer. This material suggests different interpretationsof the situation, information gained in the discussion withthe social worker providing new ideas about the original interview.The views of the different people involved indicate that itis helpful to take into account the organizational context ofthe interviews. It is also suggested that conceiving of interviewsas ways of constructing reality has implications for the studyof social work practice.  相似文献   

In this article, we examine the potential role that conspiracy beliefs regarding HIV/AIDS (e.g., "HIV is a manmade virus") and birth control (e.g., "The government is trying to limit the Black population by encouraging the use of condoms") play in the prevention of HIV, other STIs, and unintended pregnancies among African Americans in the United States. First, we review prior research indicating that substantial percentages of African Americans endorse conspiracy beliefs about HIV/AIDS and birth control. Next, we present a theoretical framework that suggests how conspiracy beliefs influence sexual behavior and attitudes. We then offer several recommendations for future research. Finally, we discuss the policy and programmatic implications of conspiracy beliefs for the prevention of HIV, other STIs, and unintended pregnancy .  相似文献   

经过30多年改革开放,我国农业由原来单纯的种植业和养殖业正在向产前、产后等产业部门发展,农业主体的经营方式由单纯承担农产品供给功能和为工业部门提供原料的产业部门在向"产加销、贸工农"一体化方向迈进,农村劳动力的就业结构由单纯在种养业内部,向产前、产后等涉农行业内部以及非农产业门类转移,以提升土地产出率、劳动生产率和农产品商品率为主要内容的农业科技创新能力和创新水平获得了持续提升.因此,我国在由传统农业向现代农业的转轨进程中面临两大基本任务:一是在家庭经营基础上嵌入农村社群自组织微观治理结构,构建农村资本和劳动间利益一体化的契约机制;二是在宏观上稳步推进新型农村社会化服务体系建设,推动现代农业产业上、下游之间的整合及产业间横向协同.  相似文献   

The Communist Party of China has always been paid ample attention to the development of philosophy and social sciences, and been supported to the work of philosophy and social sciences. Hu Jintao, the Chinese president and CPCCC general secretary, made a series of speech about prosperity and development of philosophy and social sciences many times. These expositions and innovation theories not only embody the concept of scientific development in the field of philosophy and social sciences, but also are valuable experience over many years. Therefore, these expositions are very important for the philosophy and social sciences.  相似文献   

在麦金农和萧之后,20世纪80年代末,现代金融发展理论在利用现代金融理论和内生经济增长理论重构自己的理论基础之后,已经成为一个包括发展中国家和发达国家金融发展问题的一般理论.本文依照金融发展理论的发展脉络系统评述了这一领域的主要文献,介绍了最新的研究进展.  相似文献   

金融发展理论:一个文献综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在麦金农和萧之后 ,2 0世纪 80年代末 ,现代金融发展理论在利用现代金融理论和内生经济增长理论重构自己的理论基础之后 ,已经成为一个包括发展中国家和发达国家金融发展问题的一般理论。本文依照金融发展理论的发展脉络系统评述了这一领域的主要文献 ,介绍了最新的研究进展。  相似文献   

中国-东盟关系:现实与理解的困境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文试图探讨中国与东盟关系中,东盟对中国理解所扮演的角色,以及双方应该如何摆脱现实与理解的困境。  相似文献   

Summary This paper reviews the social constructions of the paedophileas these are embodied in clinical and journalistic discourses.It considers how these discourses have influenced communityperceptions of risk and professional responses to the concernsthey portray. It then locates these professional constructionswithin a context of hegemonic masculinity and unsafe families.It concludes that community safety is not adequately addressedby professional assessments of risk that focus primarily onthe problems posed by known paedophiles. It is important toconsider the problem of sexual violence in a much wider contextthat problematises the context in which sexual abuse occurs.  相似文献   

The study investigates European American and Taiwanese grandmothers’ folk theories of childrearing and self‐esteem, building on an earlier comparison of mothers from the same families. Adopting methods that privilege local meanings, we bring grandmothers’ voices into the conversation about childrearing, thereby contributing to a deeper understanding of intergenerational nuances in folk theories. In each cultural case, 16 grandmothers of 3‐year‐olds participated in in‐depth interviews that were customized according to local communicative norms. Although self‐esteem emerged as a central organizing concept in the folk theories of European American mothers, grandmothers spoke in two voices, either echoing their daughters or invoking a counter‐discourse of wariness towards self‐esteem. By contrast, Taiwanese mothers and grandmothers resembled one another—but differed from their American counterparts—in treating self‐esteem as peripheral in childrearing. Results contribute to the growing consensus that self‐esteem is a culture‐specific childrearing goal and suggest that the European American tendency to valorize self‐esteem varies by generation.  相似文献   

法人类学的理论、方法及其流变   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
法人类学是 19世纪中后期出现并发展起来的一门学科 ,最初研究人类早期的法律制度在不同文明个体中的表现、功能及其变迁 ,后来被广泛应用于包括西方国家在内的法律制度和社会秩序的研究。本文对西方法人类学的研究对象、学科内涵、发展历程和研究特点等问题进行了阐述和探讨  相似文献   

张灯  庄青青 《创新》2016,(6):61-67
共产主义是一种理论,是一种社会理想,更是一种现实的运动。这种运动的条件是"由现有的前提产生的",离不开主体前提、物质前提、交往前提。当今,社会主义初级阶段基本国情是中国最大的现实,共产主义现实运动在中国就是走中国特色社会主义道路,进行中国特色社会主义实践。马克思称为共产主义的是一种现实运动,这种现实运动必须实现六个超越,即超越分工、阶级、异化、私有、地域、劳动,才能走向共产主义。因此,在研究共产主义的时候,既要立足中国特色社会主义现实,又要不断超越现实,树立远大的共产主义理想。  相似文献   

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