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This article explores the issue of immigrant women entrepreneurship. It focuses on the emergence of new points of view on self‐employed migrant women and in particular their search for independence. With the support of qualitative research carried on in Italy, it will set out a typology of motivations and strategies to become self‐employed in which, besides a “family strategy” and an “independency strategy”, a “mixed network strategy” also emerges. This last focuses on the role of mixed networks (with other foreigners and/or natives) not only in business management but also in the promotion of transnational social activities. Policies that support associations, creating opportunities for gathering and exchanging with local residents and improving the presence of immigrant women in local institutions, could have the side‐effect of increasing participation by immigrant women in self‐employment, not for lack of alternatives but as a path towards self‐fulfilment and empowerment.  相似文献   

This paper responds to some of the specific and the generalised challenges to narrative therapy from therapists of other persuasions. It discusses the long history of model rivalry and locates this debate in that process. It also takes up specific concerns of isolationism, desertion, language, sectarianism, colonialism and ethical superiority. Throughout, I attempt to identify my thinking in relation to the criticisms, and to write transparently about why I understand things in the way I do. This is not a neutral paper — I see myself as a narrative therapist.  相似文献   

This paper examines the influence of dominant metaphors in everyday and professional language, and relates this theme to emerging concerns with the historically dominant metaphor in family therapy: the family viewed as a system. Increasing interest is being shown in the development of alternative metaphors, especially those based on aspects of language and literary practice e.g. conversation, discourse, rhetoric, narrative and text. However, the fundamental question remains: how do we choose the metaphors we wish to live by? To address this question, a journey into postmodernist cultural studies is made and the concept of the ethical-poetical imagination is borrowed as a criterion for comparison and choice. From this vantage point, preferences for the metaphorical future of ‘postmodernist’ family therapy are expressed and explained.  相似文献   

In this exploratory study, 50 mental health case managers from 2 Midwestern states were interviewed to capture their observations about the consumers they serve; aspects of the job they like and dislike; and their beliefs about the concept, process, and possibility of recovery from mental illness. The nature of the professional relationship in case management is described from the perspective of these professionals, as well as the methods these informants identify as key to the helping process. It is argued that effective case management requires complex and nuanced professional skills that might go unrecognized and underappreciated in community mental health.  相似文献   

African-centered reality therapy provides a foundation for restructuring parenting. It has as its foundation an African worldview connected to reality therapy. The components of this paradigm are the task environment and the procedures that lead to change as defined by its epistemological and axiological systems. This parenting style teaches the basic needs as the key to empowerment. These needs are essential for making a shift to African-centered reality therapy parenting. This foundation connects African-centered reality therapy with parenting intervention and treatment.  相似文献   

This article applies research on paradox, semantics, and theories of groups and logical types to public relations, particularly the concept of relationship management. Paradoxes create tension and are often produced by semantic disturbances resulting from errors in logical typing. Communication is inherently paradoxical. The article contends that progress in public relations practice and scholarship has been inhibited by a failure to recognize or reconcile paradoxes associated with popular concepts, such as relationship management, mutually beneficial relationships, and symmetrical communication. Such concepts breach levels of communication to create logical fallacies and place practitioners into a double bind of promising more than they can deliver without resorting to coercion and manipulation. The article introduces Group Theory and the Theory of Logical Types, and suggests that public relations reframe relationship management with relating management, a practices more consistent with Kant's humanity imperative.  相似文献   

Schools of family therapy have been highly selective in their presentation of the theory/practice nexus. Family therapy's method of teaching (the infamous workshop format) has hampered it's growth as a practice and academic discipline. An inadvertent, unhelpful legacy of Gregory Bateson has been that lesser scholars have aped his capacity to draw on other fields of knowledge without his rigour, or his propriety. Family therapy's cavalier dealings with bodies of knowledge and its reliance on miraculous case studies has resulted in the bypassing of individual suffering. The heroic narrative that has dominated family therapy has precluded other styles of stories for therapists, theorists and clients. Family therapy has been dominated by the myth of the hero, with its accompanying motif of the puer eternus (the eternal youth). Family therapy has been forever reinventing itself, forever the ‘new kid on the block’. This fascination with newness has interfered with family therapy's capacity, at times, to consolidate its genuine value as a therapeutic entity.  相似文献   

Following incarceration, women face unique challenges in returning to their communities and seeking employment. This qualitative study used interpretative phenomenological analysis to explore the lived experiences of previously incarcerated women as they participated in It's More Than a Job Club, Sister, a spiritually integrated career intervention, and subsequently sought employment. The following 4 superordinate themes emerged describing this experience: (a) It was more than a job club; (b) God gave me a second chance: the impact of faith on recovery and employment; (c) barriers to employment; and (d) looking ahead. The findings indicate the need for a strengths‐based approach to career intervention that builds upon existing skills and emphasizes identity exploration, uncovering core beliefs and vocational values, bridging the gap between goals and barriers, and leveraging interpersonal skills. The findings also indicate that career counseling with female returning citizens is enhanced by incorporating attention to the role of substance abuse/recovery and by attending to the intersection of calling and vocation.  相似文献   

Several researchers have suggested that the persistently higher rate of divorce among Blacks may be due to hard‐to‐measure concepts such as culture or norms. To attack this problem, we use data from the NLSY‐79 to examine the risk of divorce among enlisted active‐duty military servicemen where economic differences and the negative effects of discrimination are minimized. Our results indicate that military service reduces the likelihood of marital dissolution among Blacks serving in the Army and that this finding is not likely the result of unobserved selectivity. We attribute the latter finding to the fact that the Army has a well‐defined career ladder for Blacks that fully integrates them into leadership positions providing role models and positive work environments that reduce stress associated with discrimination and promote stable marriages.  相似文献   


The present paper reports on a study conducted with seven women who identified themselves as experiencing depression as well as an eating disorder and who live in a rural region of northern New South Wales. Self-referred, the women participated in a weekly group for 10 weeks, with a mixture of topics, conducted within a narrative therapy framework. A comparison of pre- and post-group tests demonstrated a reduction in depression scores and eating disorder risk. All women reported a change in daily practices, together with less self-criticism. These findings were supported by a post-group evaluation survey that revealed that externalisation of, and disengagement from, the eating disorder strongly assisted the women to make changes in their daily practices. Although preliminary and short term, the outcomes of the present study indicate that group work conducted within a narrative therapy framework may result in positive changes for women entangled with depression and an eating disorder.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with outcome research in child-oriented family therapy. Nine investigations comparing brief family therapy with an alternative treatment were critically reviewed. All of the studies were vulnerable to criticisms on design and methodological grounds. Problem areas included: specification of therapeutic techniques, confounding of therapeutic variables, equivalence of therapist factors, measurement of outcome, adequacy of measures and appropriate use of control groups. All studies concluded that childhood problems could be treated successfully with brief family therapy techniques. However, in the light of the design problems listed above, these conclusions should be treated tentatively.  相似文献   

The history of basic interests helps explain their under-use as a meaningful dimension in the interpretation of career inventories. Research and reflection support new attention to basic interests for four reasons: (a) basic interests may be more optimal cognitive categories than other levels of classification, (b) the RIASEC arrangement of general occupational types may not adequately represent the complexity of the interest space, (c) the interest space itself may be differently conceptualized by men and by women, and (d) the realities of work in this technological era are fundamentally different than they were when occupational inventories such as the Strong Interest Inventory? (Campbell, 1977) were designed.  相似文献   

Derrida's concept of hospitality has been proposed by some authors working from a collaborative perspective as an interesting tool to reflect on the therapeutic relationship as an ethical relationship in which the therapist develops a welcoming openness to the client. In this paper, we engage with this recent emphasis on the therapist's ethical position of welcoming the client's otherness and turn to Jacques Derrida's original texts with the aim of developing an in‐depth understanding of what exactly is at stake in this therapeutic position of hospitality. This reading evolves into an understanding of how Derrida's notion of hospitality invites clinicians to identify how the therapeutic position intricately intertwines healing and violence. The concept of hospitality calls on therapists to accept the complexity of therapeutic responsibility as a form of supportive presence that necessarily and simultaneously involves the violence of appropriation and power difference.  相似文献   

This paper describes a process set up to facilitate a group of people living with a serious mental illness. The group was based on Anthony's notions of recovery, and incorporated a narrative approach, while remaining consistent with Northen's groupwork model. Particular attention is paid to the preplanning and initial session of the group, to the use of letters and to the incorporation of a reflective team approach. Documentation of the discoveries made by the group members during its life is included in full.  相似文献   

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