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顺应组织发展要求构建有效人力资源管理模式,增强企业的持续竞争力,已经成为战略人力资源管理的热点之一。通过梳理近年来相关研究成果,剖析国外高绩效人力资源实践的概念及其构成。从员工态度和行为、组织资本、组织能力等方面指出高绩效人力资源实践的结果变量。根据实证研究相关文献,梳理高绩效人力资源实践与企业绩效的内在关联性。在此基础上,提出高绩效人力资源实践的未来研究方向,为相关理论和实证研究提供指导。 相似文献
Green Human Resource Management: A Review and Research Agenda* 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The paper makes a case for the integration of the largely separate literatures of environmental management (EM) and human resource management (HRM) research. The paper categorizes the existing literature on the basis of Ability–Motivation–Opportunity (AMO) theory, revealing the role that Green human resource management (GHRM) processes play in people‐management practice. The contributions of the paper lie in drawing together the extant literature in the area, mapping the terrain of the field, identifying some gaps in the existing literature and suggesting some potentially fruitful future research agendas. The findings of the review suggest that understanding of how GHRM practices influence employee motivation to become involved in environmental activities lags behind that of how organizations develop Green abilities and provide employees with opportunities to be involved in EM organizational efforts. Organizations are not using the full range of GHRM practices, and this may limit their effectiveness in efforts to improve EM. 相似文献
《Journal of International Management》2017,23(2):111-123
In this introductory article, we analyze developments in the field of human resource management (HRM) in multinational corporations (MNCs) from the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa). We do this in terms of conceptual models, theoretical frameworks, empirical studies, research designs and MNC settings, with a view to setting the future research agenda on this emerging topic. In doing so, we identify research gaps as well as propose a number of research directions that can act as a useful guide for future research. The article therefore provides valuable information to both academics and practitioners and paves the way for future studies on the nature of HRM systems in MNCs from BRICS. 相似文献
基于内部人力资源效能最大化的日本式经营 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
决定一个企业特性和业绩的关键并不是其资金、设备、技术等物质要素,而是内部人力资源效能的发挥。本文力图从企业内部X要因和X效率的角度,通过对日本企业内部人力资源的特性、发挥作用的机理及其效果的分析,阐明日本式经营的特质及其存在问题,为进一步分析日本企业由盛转衰的原因提供依据。 相似文献
全球化和知识经济时代动荡复杂的环境,对中国企业的组织形态和人力资源管理模式形成了严峻挑战.同时,近年来主流西方管理理论在中国遭遇的“水土不服”,也需要中国管理学界在深刻反思的基础上积极探索中国式管理之路.基于对组织和人力资源管理领域回应现实课题和理论创新的双重要求,2012年5月26~27日在南开大学商学院召开的首届“中国人力资源管理论坛(2012):组织创新与人力资源管理变革”学术研讨会上,与会学者就中国人力资源管理的挑战和学科建设方向、人力资源管理研究的方法论、战略人力资源管理、组织行为与领导力、组织学习与变革等专题进行了深入研讨.鉴于此,在介绍诸多学术观点的基础上,对相关问题进行简要评述. 相似文献
虚拟人力资源:人力资源的新构架 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
虚拟人力资源是战略人力资源的一个新概念.从战略性、柔性、效益和顾客导向性等四方面分析了虚拟人力资源产生的原因,从人力资源活动的价值和独特性两方面构建了虚拟人力资源的二维结构框架. 相似文献
战略人力资源管理的理论模式 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
本文将战略人力资源管理中关于人力资源管理与企业绩效关系的研究总结为三种不同的理论模式:根据最佳实践模式,一些HRM活动是普遍有效的,组织采用这些最佳的HRM活动就会获得相当好的绩效;在权变模式里,HRM活动的效率是随着企业战略等因素而变化的,组织采用适合于其战略的HRM活动将更有效率;在形态模式里,HRM活动通过内部匹配形成特定的HRM系统形态,HRM系统与组织战略等因素的外部匹配会对组织绩效产生重要影响。 相似文献
战略国际人力资源管理与企业绩效关系研究——基于在华跨国企业的经验证据 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
企业国际化中人力资源实践如何影响绩效,既是一个国际企业管理问题,更是人力资源管理领域的中心问题;因为任何一种国际化战略的成功都离不开恰当的人力资源管理方式,而成功的跨国公司对人力资源管理的导向选择也主要取决于它能否更好地支撑其国际化战略的实施.本文以100家在华跨国企业为研究样本,在战略国际人力资源管理(SIHRM)的框架下,将人力资源管理系统和国际化程度对企业绩效的影响作为主要研究问题,构建层级回归模型,通过实证检验考察人力资源管理与企业绩效的关系.研究结果表明,企业绩效不仅同人力资源管理与企业战略的整合程度有关,而且同人力资源管理系统与国际化程度之间存在积极的联系.该研究结论为中国企业在国际化过程中如何实施有效的战略国际人力资源管理以提升组织绩效并获取持续竞争优势提供借鉴与参考. 相似文献
企业的发展演化与人力资源管理 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
人力资源是企业重要而稀缺的资源。从企业演化过程来看,企业在其发展的不同阶段对人力资源的要求是不同的。因此,相应的人力资源管理与开发工作也应有所区别。本文首先介绍企业演化的一般规律,接着从企业发展演化不同阶段的管理特点出发,讨论企业发展演化处于不同阶段对人力资源的要求以及人力资源管理与开发的差异,从而强调人力资源战略管理对于企业持续发展的重要作用。 相似文献
本文针对企业人力资源管理是否存在质量问题及该问题是否值得研究的分歧,基于高绩效工作系统和人力资源管理效能假设,通过案例研究、实地访谈和问卷调查,提出包含技术水平、专业水平和战略人力资源管理3个一阶因子、17个具体指标的企业人力资源管理质量(HRMQ)评价模型,并检验该模型的有效性。实证结果表明,企业HRMQ的标准差系数随着成熟度等级的提高而逐步收敛,企业HRMQ存在客观性。同时,随着企业提高HRMQ,技术水平、专业水平和战略人力资源管理三者之间的变异程度逐渐缩小,高质量企业人力资源管理阶段比低质量阶段更强调管理的一致性,从HRMQ角度验证了平衡计分卡(BSC)思想和方法在企业管理中的普适性。 相似文献
Human Resource Development (HRD) in small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) is a significant area of scholarship. However, the cumulativeness of research on HRD in SMEs remains relatively low when compared to HRD generally. This paper reports a systematic literature review (SLR) to synthesise research in this area. A disciplined screening process resulted in a final sample of 117 papers published in 31 journals from 1995 to 2014. The synthesis of these empirical and theoretical studies revealed that: (a) the literature utilises a narrow range of theoretical and conceptual perspectives; (b) HRD is being investigated across a variety of SME contexts, themes and units of analysis; (c) researchers define HRD in multiple ways and use a diverse set of measures of HRD activity; (d) there is significant potential for future research across the SME and HRD disciplines, SME settings and beyond existing theoretical perspectives. We offer suggestions for further advancing the development of this area of research in terms of theory, content and methodology. 相似文献
Effective human resources management (HRM) is focused on the only dynamic asset of the organization, its people; and, behind every business issue ultimately lies a human issue. Thus, the ethical adequacy of responses to all business issues rests on judgments made by individuals. HRM has a role to play as organizations address ethical challenges and as many strive to become ethical organizations. This article outlines three key responsibilities of HRM with regard to supporting an organization's efforts to become an ethical organization: (1) to establish ethical HR practices; (2) to facilitate the change process as all functions move to ethical business practices; and (3) to create cultures that build individual ethical capability and commitment to the goal of becoming an ethical organization. 相似文献
Michael Muller 《英国管理杂志》1999,10(Z1):31-44
Most human resource management (HRM) research has been conducted in countries that have relatively weak labour market institutions such as the UK and the USA. There is little research about the scope for and constraints on the adoption of HRM practices in countries with strong statutory regulations. The research presented here is based on 16 case studies of banks and chemical firms operating in Germany, that comply with the requirements of the German labour market institutions of collective bargaining, co-determination and initial vocational training, and hence operate under strong institutional constraints. The evidence presented shows that institutional features of the German system encourage the implementation of some ingredients of the HRM ‘recipe’ and inhibit others. It also indicates that constraining influences notwithstanding, a pluralist version of HRM appears to be quite compatible with the highly regulated German context. 相似文献
Human Resource Management Best Practices and Globalization: The Universality of Common Sense 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1
Popular strategies for reform have come directly from the private sector in what is perhaps the most profound redefinition of public administration since the field first emerged as an identifiable specialty. The purpose of this paper is to examine the context out of which these reforms have grown, the challenges that have arisen as a result, and cases where private sector reform strategies have been successfully (and sometimes unsuccessfully) applied in human resource management (HRM). We discuss the benefits and hazards of many of the reforms and conclude that restoring a measure of confidence in the legitimate role of the civil service is essential for nations dealing with the challenges of globalization. 相似文献
Labour market flexibility is often portrayed as a key to the competitive success of the UK and US economies. We surveyed several hundred firms in the UK, and using the resulting data (on over 200 manufacturing firms) this paper investigates the relationships between firms’ use of flexible work practices, human resource systems and industrial relations on the one hand, and corporate performance on the other hand. The results suggest that ‘low‐road’ practices – short‐term contracts, a lack of employer commitment to job security, low levels of training and low levels of human resource sophistication – are negatively correlated with corporate performance. In contrast, it is found that ‘high‐road’ work practices –‘high commitment’ organizations or ‘transformed’ workplaces – are positively correlated with good corporate performance. It is also found that human resource management practices are more likely to contribute to competitive success where they are introduced as a comprehensive package, or ‘bundle’ of practices. Significant interaction effects between human resource systems, trade unions and flexible work practices add further support to the bundling hypothesis. 相似文献