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1990年1月,法国罗伯特·拉卡出版社出版了苏联著名经济学家A·阿甘别吉扬的近著《搬掉大山:进行一场政治经济革命》一书,分析了苏联面临的种种经济问题和困难。围绕这个主题,法国《快报》记者采访了阿甘别吉扬。作为苏联科学院经济学部主任、政府经济顾问委员会主任和经济学院院长的阿甘别吉扬强调了苏联经济“危机”,扼要阐述了他关于经济改革的主要观点。现译介如下。  相似文献   

马吉英 《东西南北》2012,(21):36-38
“跑下去”,是阿甘的人生信条,也是万向在海外的立足之本。 没想到梦寐以求的机会来得这么快,年近古稀、头发花白的万向集团董事局主席鲁冠球按捺不住内心的狂喜:“你们听说了吧?美国那边今天公布了!”  相似文献   

张长江 《社科纵横》2007,22(5):175-176
《一场美国梦》是美国著名作家诺曼.梅勒的存在主义代表作,作品体现了四个主题:一、美国社会是一个非理性的极权主义社会;二、对“死亡”的极端恐惧(对生命的渴望);三、人际关系严重异化;四、信仰危机。  相似文献   

甘安顺 《创新》2009,3(5):74-77
文化的生命植根于社会生活,靠一个个具体生动的生命来承载。文化创新的动力源自个体生命的自由精神,文化创新增加了社会生活的丰富性。没有个体生命的创造性,文化必将无所依附而枯萎凋敝。文化创新的起点是个体生命,而文化创新离不开对个体生命意义的追求。因此,在个体生命的活力日渐枯竭的当下,应在继承传统人文精神的基础上推进文化创新,创建一个让人们安身立命的新的精神家园。  相似文献   

皮皮 《东西南北》2009,(8):16-17
事实证明,有爱心,有行动,人人都能成为拯救生命的英雄。踏上捐献之旅凯瑟琳出生在美国田纳西州一个幸福的家庭,妈妈琳达是一个家庭妇女,爸爸安东尼是一个健身教练,凯瑟琳出生两年后,她又有了一个弟弟。2006年4月初的一天,5岁的凯瑟琳看电视时,眼前出现了一幅悲惨景象——烈日当空、沙尘障目,在非洲普通村落一棵干枯的芒果  相似文献   

正韩红和她的团队,像"阿甘"一样一直奔跑在公益的路上。她眼里的"热闹",早已不是娱乐圈的地位与繁华,而是她的慈善。如今,是韩红名望最盛之时,也是她踌躇满志之刻。韩红眼里的"热闹",早不是她的演唱会,而是她的慈善。她希望人们未来在提到韩红的时候,将"慈善家"的名头放在"歌唱家"之前——前者意味着更大范围的影响力。而她也确确实实,把自己名下的这个基金会做到远超出一个普通明星  相似文献   

尚铁英 《学术交流》2007,(3):156-158
美国现实主义文学的产生有其深厚的历史根源和文化背景。19世纪后半叶,机械化的迅速扩展,垄断集团的迅速形成,财富的迅速积累,构成了这一时代特点:一个过度和极端的时代,一个衰退和进步的时代,一个贫困和财富炫耀、郁闷和充满希望的时代。美国现实主义作家此时写出了大量具有地方色彩,反映美国西部、南部、东部人们生活的小说,广泛地表现不同阶层、不同领域的人,并力图将人们的生活画面真实、清晰、透彻地表现出来。  相似文献   

伴随着时代的钟声,人们对生命的热爱成为生活的主旋律。在珍惜生命、优化生命的交响曲中,人们又不能不相信一个现实,那就是“死”。如何死?寿终正寝当然是最好的选择。然而,世界上有多少人是长寿而终的呢?当有的人被病魔折磨得无法忍受的时候,当有的人在死亡线上痛苦挣扎的时候,他自己和他的亲人们多么希望能让他微笑而去,于是便郑地选择“安乐死”。自从安乐死耀眼醒目于报端之后,在我们这个深受传统观念影响的国家,便产生了强烈的共振,褒贬针锋相对,各自推出诸方面的依据,纷纷投书报刊,掀起了追踪生命、选择死亡的大辩论。一、死的“权利”之争安乐死辩论的一个主要焦点就是人是否有死的  相似文献   

提到美国,也许人们马上会想到,这是一个现代化的国家,生活节奏快,都市霓虹灯闪烁,酒吧餐馆歌舞升平,人们尔虞我诈勾心斗角,人情冷漠,家庭观念不强,性方面非常开放,各种消费欲望极强,钱才是上帝。到了美国你会发现,以上描述基本符合如今中国的状况,与美国关系不算太大。  相似文献   

网上的一篇文章吸引了人们的眼球,说美国有个大富翁,上世纪90年代启动了一项"天才工程",那就是成立一个诺贝尔奖获得者的精子库,希望借此造出"神童"来.  相似文献   

Peter King 《Social history》2013,38(2):215-228

Mark Colvin, Penitentiaries, Reformatories, and Chain Gangs: Social Theory and the History of Punishment in Nineteenth‐Century America (1997), x + 294 (St Martin's Press, New York, £35.00/$45.00).

Alex Lichtenstein, Twice the Work of Free Labor:The Political Economy of Convict Labor in the New South (1996), xix + 264 (Verso, London and New York, £39–95/$65–00, paperback £13.95/$19–00).

Adele Lindenmeyr, Poverty is Not a Vice: Charity, Society and the State in Imperial Russia (1996), xiv + 335 (Princeton University Press, Princeton, £35.00/$49.50).

Hew Strachan, The Politics of the British Army (1997), 328 (Oxford University Press, Oxford, £30.00/$55.00).

Philippe Minard, La fortune du colbertisme: Etat et industrie dans la France des Lumières (1998), 505 (Fayard, Paris, 160 FF). [Colbert's Legacy: State and Industry in Enlightenment France.]

William Doyle, Venality: The Sale of Offices in Eighteenth‐Century France (1996), xvii + 343 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, £45.00/$85.00).

Alan Forrest, The Revolution in Provincial France: Aquitaine 1789–1799 (1996), vi + 377 (Clarendon Press, Oxford and New York, £45.00/$85.00).

Vanessa R. Schwartz, Spectacular Realities: Early Mass Culture in Fin‐de‐Siècle Paris (1998), xiii + 230 (University of California Press, Berkeley, $35.00).  相似文献   

R. H. Hilton, The English Peasantry in the Later Middle Ages (1975), 256 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, £6.50).

Colin Platt, The English Medieval Town (1976), 219 (Seeker and Warburg, £6.00).

James Axtell, The School Upon A Hill. Education and Society In Colonial New England (1974), xxi+298 (Yale University Press, New Haven, £7.50).

Kenneth A. Lockridge, Literacy in Colonial New England. An Enquiry Into The Social Context of Literacy in the Early Modern West (1974), 164 (W. W. Norton and Co., New‐York, $6.95).

Jean‐Claude Perrot, Genèse d'une ville moderns. Caen au XVIII'siècle (1975), 2 vols, 1157 (Mouton: Paris, the Hague, 250 fr.).

Douglas Hay, Peter Linebaugh and E. P. Thompson (eds.), Albion's Fatal Tree (1975), 344+15 illustrations (Allen Lane, £7.50).

E. P. Thompson, Whigs and Hunters (1975), 300+17 illustrations (Allen Lane, £6.50).

Arthur E. Imhof (ed.), Historische Demographie als Sozialgeschichte. Giessen und Umgebung (1975), 2 vols, 626+495 (Historische Kommission für Hessen, Darmstadt und Marburg, DM 48).

Historical Demography as Social History. Giessen and Surrounding District.1

Alan Forrest, Society and Politics in Revolutionary Bordeaux (1975), xi+300 (Oxford University Press, £8.00).

Richard Hunter and Ida Macalpine, Psychiatry for the Poor (1974), 264 (Dawsons of Pall Mall, £4.50, paperback £1.50).

Vieda Skultans, Madness and Morals. Ideas on Insanity in the Nineteenth Century (197 5), xv+260 (Routledge and Kegan Paul, £5.50).

Thomas S. Szasz, The Age of Madness, The History of Involuntary Mental Hospitalization Presented in Selected Texts (1973), xxi+372 (Routledge and Kegan Paul, £5.95).

Harald Runblom and Hans Norman (eds.), From Sweden to America: a History of the Migration (1976), 391 (University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, and University of Uppsala).

Charlotte Erickson (ed.), Emigration from Europe 1815–1914: Select Documents (1976), 320 (A. and C. Black, £6.50).

T. J. Nossiter, Influence, Opinion and Political Idioms in Reformed England: Case Studies from the North‐East, 1832–1874 (1975), xii+255 (Harvester, £7.50).

Robert J. Bezucha, The Lyon Uprising of 1834: Social and Political Conflict in the Early July Monarchy (1974), xviii+271 (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, £6.25).

Lawrence Schofer, The Formation of a Modern Labour Force. Upper Silesia, 1865–1914 (1975), xvi+213 (University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles and London, £7.80).

Léon Poliakov, The History of Anti‐Semitism. Volume III. From Voltaire to Wagner (1975), x+582 (Routledge and Kegan Paul, no price given).

Reinhard Rürup, Emanzipation und Antisemitismus. Studien zur ‘Judenfrage’ der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft (1975), 208 (Vandenhoeck and Rupprecht, Göttingen, paperback DM 28).

Uriel Tal, Christians and Jews in Germany. Religion, Politics and Ideology in the Second Reich, 1870–1914 (1975), 359 (Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London, £10.70).

Richard S. Levy, The Downfall of the Anti‐Semitic Political Parties in Imperial Germany (1975), 335 (Yale University Press, New Haven and London, no price given).

Andrew G. Whiteside, The Socialism of Fools. Georg Ritter von Schönerer and Austrian Pan‐Germanism (1975), x+404 (University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles and London, £15.75).

Paul Thompson, The Edwardians: the remaking of British society (1975), xi+382 (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, £10.00).

Marc Fried, The World of the Urban Working Class (1975), x+410 (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, £6.50).

Philip Gabriel Eidelberg, The Great Rumanian Peasant Revolt of 1907 (1974), xii+260 (E. J. Brill, Leiden, 64 guilders).

Peter H. Mcrkl, Political Violence under the Swastika: 581 Early Nazis (1975), xiv+735 (Princeton University Press, Princeton, $17.50, paper $6.30).  相似文献   

叶启政 《社会》2016,36(2):77-98
过去,一些重要的西方社会学者主张,社会学者最主要的任务乃在于挖掘与诠释社会互动现象所可能意涵的“未预期结果”。在结构功能论之思维传统的主导下,最具代表性的,莫过于默顿的说法,他认为,“未预期结果”是客观地存在于社会体系中的一种具潜在功能作用的社会事实,乃反映着那些有助于体系的调整与适应、但却未能为该体系之参与者所意图、且认识到的客观结果。在本文中,笔者则采取另类的观点,尝试表达如下的见解,其实,社会学家原本只不过是一个编织故事的艺匠而已。他大体上犹如都市中漫游的行走者,一直处于当下此刻,在一再分岔的街道上一边行走一边浏览着沿途的景观,也就是说,他选择个人特别亲近的、但具深邃文化-历史意涵的某种核心概念作为出发点,以不断分岔的方式来编织“社会”的图像。准此,韦伯所提出之理念型的研究策略,可以说是最为典型的例证。  相似文献   

侯俊丹 《社会》2014,34(3):61-91
太平天国运动对晚清帝国的冲击不仅体现在财政税收、人口、土地关系等社会结构要素上,更重要的是人心与世风之变以及由此形成的新的社会民情基础。这一世风丕变特别体现在:地方为应对太平军冲击而进行的军事化运动中伴生的失范型暴力,是以“任侠之气”的精神伦理作为军事动员的内在组织原则而导致的后果。“侠气”这一精神伦理以“力”的无限扩张为法则,与传统帝国政治结构中的宗法、乡礼、师道以及凝结在地权上的依附关系形成巨大张力,由此造成军事化组织与国家政治的背离。“力”的无限扩张法则打碎了帝国政治所依赖的身份与等级结构,导致了夷平化的社会形态出现,从而对传统政治治理构成挑战,并最终召唤了用现代革命的方式推进政治和社会变迁的时代的到来。  相似文献   

In the second part of a paper reporting a unique single day a week adult day program, the service methodologies developed in the program are described as well as a study of outcomes in four areas: success in reaching the target group, attendance, length of participation, and resolution of psychosocial and health related problems. Outcomes, illustrated by statistical and case material, indicate success in achieving the overall goal of maintenance and enhancement of the participant's life and functioning as a whole. Such a resource is recommended as a vital one for the target population of isolated older people described in the paper.  相似文献   

徐国栋 《求是学刊》2002,29(6):78-83
本文以实证的方法研究了十二表法的 4个中译本的西方语言版本依据 ,将它们与晚近的两个西方语言的版本进行了逐表的比较 ,指出了诸中译本中存在的一些错误 ,介绍了西方国家研究十二表法的新进展 ,在此基础了提出了重译十二表法的建议  相似文献   

2000年以来中国家庭结构变动表现为:核心家庭比例明显下降,单人户显著上升,直系家庭没有降低反而略有增加。城乡家庭结构变动有别:城市核心家庭构成缩小,单人户明显增加,直系家庭稍有降低;农村核心家庭构成降幅较大,单人户提高,直系家庭上升。城乡二级家庭结构变动也不尽相同。人口流动、子女数量、人口老龄化、婚姻和住房情况对家庭结构及其变动有显著影响。在家庭结构小型化为主导的时代,政府及社会组织应加强以家庭为目标的公共服务建设;改进户籍制度,减少劳动者与其家庭成员的地域分割;为增进和改善家庭代际关系创造条件。。  相似文献   

In light of the growing trend of developing practice doctoral degree programmes in social work, the author uses the first Doctor of Social Work (DSW) programme in Hong Kong, which is a unique programme in China, as a case study to examine the pedagogy and constraints of doctoral programmes in social work. The programme serves as an alternative to a typical PhD programme and is designed particularly for seasoned practitioners in the field who strive to achieve a balance between a research and practice orientation and between an academic and a pragmatic focus. This paper emphasises that, to stand out from the crowd, practice doctorates in Hong Kong should take part in practice-based research and publish in refereed journals.  相似文献   

Poor quality of care may have a detrimental effect on access and take-up and can become a serious barrier to the universality of health services. This consideration is of particular interest in view of the fact that health systems in many countries must address a growing public-sector deficit and respond to increasing pressures due to COVID-19 and aging population, among other factors. In line with a rapidly emerging literature, we focus on patient satisfaction as a proxy for quality of health care. Drawing on rich longitudinal and cross-sectional data for Spain and multilevel estimation techniques, we show that in addition to individual level differences, policy levers (such as public health spending and the patient-doctor ratio, in particular) exert a considerable influence on the quality of a health care system. Our results suggest that policymakers seeking to enhance the quality of care should be cautious when compromising the level of health resources, and in particular, health personnel, as a response to economic downturns in a sector that traditionally had insufficient human resources in many countries, which have become even more evident in the light of the current health crisis. Additionally, we provide evidence that the increasing reliance on the private health sector may be indicative of inefficiencies in the public system and/or the existence of features of private insurance which are deemed important by patients.  相似文献   

Transnational caregiving can be daunting, yet it often brings out the strengths of the caregiver that he or she may not have been aware of. Thus, it is a wonderful opportunity to know oneself and use those strengths to become better in other areas of life. Transnational caregiving is also a blessing, in that one can still continue to provide care for a loved one by surmounting the barriers of geographical distance. To transform what often is a challenging situation into a blessing, a fresh eye is needed to seek different ways of fulfilling the needs of the loved one by focusing on one thing: How can the caregiver, in his or her individual capacity, make a difference in the quality of life of the family member? This article, while relating personal experience in caring for a parent, traverses these issues.  相似文献   

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