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随着社交媒体的发展与粉丝亚文化的兴起,由青年群体主导的粉丝公益成为我国公益慈善领域的一抹亮色。文章基于对2020年武汉新冠肺炎疫情期间成立的“百家粉丝团公益联盟”的经验观察,从心理动机、行动主体、活动领域、活动空间、资源动员五个维度系统梳理了当下粉丝公益的主要特征,分别为:以情感表达为目的的行为动机、多元化的行动主体、虚拟网络为主的活动空间、追随偶像或政策注意力的活动领域、偶像与社会的双重动员机制。在新媒体技术给公益领域带来结构性变革的当下,不断增进对青年粉丝公益这一新兴公益形态的现实了解与理论认知,对思考如何有效引导青年粉丝公益朝着理性、健康的方向发展具有重要的理论与实践价值。  相似文献   

青年公益组织的行动模式体现的是当代青年群体与当下社会关系及其互动结果,反映了社会系统中的规则和资源对青年公益组织的制约与促进。对G市3个青年公益组织的研究发现,青年公益组织的行动模式具有行动倡导和近用媒体的特点。在青年公益组织的成长过程中,社会公益孵化机构和大众传播媒介的公益报道发挥了明显的扶助作用,青年公益活动的倡导模式来自公益孵化组织的传授和公益传统,体现了青年公益人群的行动特点,而报纸的公益报道则提高了青年公益活动的社会认可程度。  相似文献   

“走这条路,我时常感到很孤单。没想到今天在这里能遇到这么多同道中人!”34岁的青年次仁罗布今天激动地说。他来自西藏日喀则地区,是当地唯一由民间发起、民间运作的公益机构负责人。他来到北京,是和全国各地层层筛选的16名候选人·起参与“银杏伙伴成长计划”的角逐。  相似文献   

青年民间组织规制的伦理向度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民间组织的兴起使公共福利和市场供给的不足得以代偿,但公众对民间组织的价值吁求超越了其伦理现实。文章从伦理的视角研判青年民间组织生长所面临的民间性阙如、非营利性蜕变、制度虚置与内部治理失范、参与失灵与公共理性缺位等诸多困境,探寻青年民间组织伦理规制之可能。  相似文献   

近几年来,高校青年志愿服务事业取得了较大发展。除了每年的志愿者服务日,日常志愿服务活动外,奥运会、世博会、女足世界杯、亚运会、国际动漫节等大型活动,都有大量大学生志愿者积极参与其中,以其较高的文化素质为活动提供宣传介绍、会场布置、秩序维护、礼仪服务等服务工作,有效地解决了主办方人手不足的苦恼,也切实解决了社会的需要,并起到了弘扬奉献与服务的文明新风、发扬助人为乐的传统美德和促进城市文明建设的作用。尽管如此,针对高校青年志愿者群体存在的共同问题,我们也要认真思考、仔细分析,从满足其共性需求人手。多角度探索合适的路径。  相似文献   

大学生公益创业,不仅是将社会价值与经济价值创造性地融合的过程,而且为大学生未来发展提供了诸多契机。对上海8所高校20个大学生公益创业项目的研究发现,大学生公益创业有三种类型:非盈利组织模式、社会企业模式以及"产学研"混合模式,且具备社会性、创新性和市场导向性三个基本特征。但大学生公益创业的发展也受到了来自政府、社会、高校以及学生个人的制约,因此,应当从政府资源整合、社会广泛支持、高校人才培养几个方面来建立大学生公益创业的社会支持系统。  相似文献   

在社会转型过程中,社会分化是青年公益事业发展的外部条件.在政府和市场之外逐渐形成的第三领域为青年公益事业的发展提供了新的发展空间。多元化的需求和青年群体的参与促进了青年公益事业的发展。但是,目前青年公益事业仍然面临着制度困境、资金困境和人才困境。通过社会创新、完善的制度设计、建构多元的融资机制以及公益组织的自我完善等途径可以有效促进青年公益事业的发展。鼓励和发挥大学生的自我教育,树立"四位一体"的消费观教育体系,是考量"90后"大学生消费观教育的现实路径选择。  相似文献   

青年社会组织差异化的危机响应从侧面勾勒了社会部门与青年公益者在社会治理中的不同想法。对青年社会组织应对危机的动机、行为、协同治理能力的研究发现,青年社会组织不同理性要素的交织产生了纺锤型危机治理结构,而公益理性取向与互动关系格局是最关键的两个分析维度。青年社会组织与青年公益者应加强社会责任与组织利益的协调,将工具性目标转变为内在的价值追求,重塑公益价值,才能实现理想的自主发展的社会化公益状态。  相似文献   

赵恩成 《城市》2019,(5):23-33
公益创投将企业创投理念和模式应用于社会服务之中,通过竞争择优的市场化方式,为社会组织创新开展的公益项目提供资金支持、管理支持和技能支持,具有发掘填补社会公共服务缺口和培育发展社会组织的双重效果,也是追求社会效益最大化的公益事业发展模式。笔者概括了我国公益创投活动的运作模式和发展脉络,对近年来兴起于各地的公益创投实践从参与主体、公益内容和资金使用等角度进行归纳和类比。在此基础上,聚焦天津市滨海新区的公益创投活动,提炼经验,剖析问题,并提出改进建议。  相似文献   

大学生社会公益实践是由大学生发起或参与的以利他为内容、以公共利益为目标的社会实践活动。大学生社会公益实践活动具有自愿性、社会性、利他性、学习性以及多方联动性等多种属性。应从建构教育启蒙机制、资源整合机制、项目运作机制、风险规避机制和追踪评价机制等方面着手,推动大学生社会公益实践的可持续发展。  相似文献   

The present study reports the outcome of an attempt to integrate a graduate research seminar with fieldwork and clinical methods courses. Findings show, however, that students in the nonintegrated research seminar displayed more positive attitudes toward and gained greater knowledge of the research process when compared to students in the integrated seminar. Interpretation of the findings and implications for building integrated educational structures also are discussed.  相似文献   


This paper highlights the problem of children being at risk for placement by public child welfare systems into substitute care. It focuses on one state, Illinois, which has had considerable success in reducing its caseload. Risk factors are hypothesized. It presents research involving regression analysis of data for the city of Chicago. A cross-sectional design is utilized for a division of the city into nine regions. Results indicate that children being wards of the state is impacted significantly by demographics (being African-American) and teen-age pregnancy. The effects of poverty were not as hypothesized. Further research is required.  相似文献   

信息技术的演进促进了社会形态的变革,随着网络化逻辑在公益传播领域的不断渗入,我国迎来了公益3.0时代的崭新生态。作为公益传播中重要主体的大学生公益组织,囿于学校行政层面的制度限制以及高校相对安稳平和的成长环境,并未能很好把握当前网络化社会的转型本质以及带来的发展机遇,面临着技术运用、组织结构及公益理念三个层面上的现实困境。由此,变在地生存到脱域发展、变科层约束到共意动员等可谓支教组织网络化发展的可行路径。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to try to highlight some of the recent trends in thinking within local communities in Victoria, about how best to provide for the needs within their areas. We will also raise certain points regarding the role of the Social Worker employed to operate a localised community welfare service. The development of local services will probably, in the early stages, be distinct from that of Regional Services; regional development of functions carried out by the Social Welfare Department, the Mental Health Department, and voluntary organisations offering specialist help is essential throughout the state, and should occur concurrently with the establishment of local welfare offices.  相似文献   


In this study we categorize welfare duration determinants into those associated with family traits and the social macro environment outside the family. Monthly AFDC-Basic data for Texas from mid-1989 through April 1993 are analyzed using an event history analysis to examine the length of time families receive AFDC benefits and to estimate the effects of the two latent traits that influence the pace of quitting welfare. Results suggest a need for reformulating welfare policies to address the disadvantages stemming from the social structural context of poverty such as urban residence and race membership.  相似文献   


Universities across the nation are attempting to increase the number of workers employed in child welfare, but thus far there has not been a systematic evaluation effort of these university/agency partnerships. This article addresses evaluation strategies and issues for preparing students for public child welfare by identifying eight beginning steps for university/agency partnerships to consider in developing an evaluation plan. Following the identification of the eight steps, the authors discuss key issues involved in evaluating university/agency child welfare partnerships and suggest recommendations for the future.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: This is an account of a visit to Moscow in May 1994 to assess the possibilities for collaboration in developing child welfare services in Russia. The authors argue that the present situation is a critical one for millions of children, and that there is an urgent need for practical and theoretical assistance from Britain.  相似文献   

以城镇基本公共服务均等化促进农业转移人口市民化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新型城镇化的核心是人的城镇化,人的城镇化主要是解决进城的农业转移人口能否顺利转变为城镇居民的问题,而实现这种转变的关键是能否享受均等化的基本公共服务。城镇基本公共服务不均等既表现在城镇社会的不同群体间,也表现在区域间。两者都会影响到农业转移人口的市民化过程。本文首先界定了城镇基本公共服务的内涵,并对其在群体间和区域间不均等的表现进行了考察,进而深入分析了不平等产生的原因,在此基础上提出了城镇基本公共服务均等化的实现路径。  相似文献   

The discourses surrounding the abolition of the federal welfare system provide an excellent opportunity to investigate instances in which people cling to erroneous beliefs in the face of clear proof of error. Gendered and racialized stereotypes abound in public discourse about welfare, and it is tempting to assume that those stereotypes remain in play because alternative information is not available. This article shows that in a survey of editorial coverage just before and after the 1996 federal welfare law change, ample corrective information was available, but certain features of the discourse remained consistent despite such correctives, for example, sympathy for children at the expense of blaming their mothers and the belief that the welfare system then existing was too generous. What, then, could help to explain the attachment to error and to unsupported beliefs? One productive approach is to apply Taussig's (1999) concept of the “public secret”: that is, something generally known but not explicitly acknowledged, which gains in force each time it is revealed. In the welfare context, two such public secrets can be found: (1) that the welfare system is harsh and punitive; and (2) that race and gender bias pervades that system as well as the wider social terrain. This article traces the revelation and reestablishment of those two public secrets, thereby offering an explanation, at the social level, for subjects' attachment to certain forms of error.  相似文献   

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