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This paper argues for the inherent connection between language and culture in the therapeutic setting, which is illustrated using an example of a bilingual therapy. It examines the bilingual interaction between a German-speaking second-generation Holocaust survivor and a German-speaking analyst of German descent. By paying attention to the shifts between German and English, it is possible to see how the therapeutic process is grounded in the culture and language of its participants. Using a hermeneutic perspective, this paper suggests that culture and history are disclosed in language in ways that are often outside of conscious awareness. The intersubjective nature of bilingual therapy is demonstrated by the fact that both client and analyst are participants in the process of language shifting. The role of language and the function of culture is considered across therapeutic contexts.  相似文献   

The psychoanalytic relationship between patient and analyst has undergone a dramatic evolution over the years. As the illusion of anonymity and neutrality of the analyst has dropped away, a more human engagement and intimacy has developed between them. This paper explores the gains for both participants from such a change, using a clinical case to anchor the discussion. Following up on the work of Ferenczi and Searles, concepts of shared process and mutual transformation are examined from both theoretical and clinical perspectives. A concern remains, however, that issues of hierarchy and self-interest for the analyst still interfere with a more intimate connection and greater benefits for both participants.  相似文献   

Although the use of the analyst's countertransference remains a point of controversy, it is a rare analyst who would not consider countertransference feelings useful fodder at least for the analyst's private reverie. But when the affective valence leans erotic, countertransference becomes once again taboo. This article explores the erotic meanderings of an analyst in relation to several patients with the aim of illustrating how erotic countertransference can be used to further the clinical process in each example. Cases include patients of both genders. Material is considered from within contemporary relational formulations, including the assumptions of multiplicity, the dialectic between relationality and autonomy, and judicious clinical technique that respects the complexity of clinical process.  相似文献   

Our study explores the effect of market volatility expectations, captured by the implied volatility index (VIX), aka “investors’ fear gauge,” on investors’ reactions to analyst recommendation revisions. We find that positive (negative) excess returns following recommendation upgrades (downgrades) are stronger when accompanied by daily VIX decreases (increases). A rational explanation for the effect may be due to VIX serving as an indicator of future economic conditions. Noting, however, that the VIX effect is detected on excess daily stock returns is suggestive that the results are driven by more than mere changes in investors’ expectations of economic fundamentals. We suggest, therefore, that investors’ mood, as reflected by VIX changes, mediates their reactions to analyst recommendation revisions, to wit, investors in good (bad) mood perceive positive (negative) future financial outcomes as more probable (whether indicative of future occurrences or not) and react more strongly to analyst recommendation upgrades (downgrades).  相似文献   

Narrative and its potential contribution to disability studies   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
This article seeks to expand our understanding of narrative and the analysis of stories researchers invite and collect in the domain of disability studies. What narrative inquiry is and various reasons why researchers might opt to choose to turn to narratives are highlighted. Painting with broad strokes, narrative analysis is then considered before a typology of different ways in which stories can be analysed is offered. Illuminated by the typology are two contrasting standpoints on narrative analysis (storyteller and story analyst) and three specific methods (structural, performative, and autoethnographic creative analytic practices) that each standpoint might use to analyse the whats and hows of stories. The article closes by suggesting that researchers might consider using a variety of analyses in order to assist us to understand the complexities of the social world in diverse ways.  相似文献   

The author examines a particular form of addictive exploitation of sensory experience to extend Meltzer’s concept of claustrum states. She elaborates how bodily experience—both the patient’s and the analyst’s—is key to emergence from these states. Following the distinction between holding and containing made by Bion and Cartwright, the author traces the reciprocity of meaning making through the analyst’s seeing/sensing of beauty in the patient, noted by the analyst’s erotic response to a coming-alive self, allowing for aesthetic reciprocity and transformation.  相似文献   

This article seeks to expand our understanding on narrative and the analysis of stories researchers invite and collect in the domain of aging studies. To do so, we first offer an understanding of what narrative inquiry can be by laying out a theoretical basis for this kind of research, and making a case for the relevance of narrative as an alternative methodology. Painting with broad strokes, narrative analysis as a method is then considered before a typology of different ways in which stories can be analyzed is introduced. Illuminated by the typology are two contrasting standpoints toward narrative analysis—storyteller and story analyst—and three specific methods—structural, performative, and autoethnograpic creative analytic practices—that each standpoint might use to analyse the whats and hows of storytelling. The article closes by suggesting that in order to assist us to understand the complexities of aging researchers might consider using a variety of analyses.  相似文献   

This paper is a summarized report of a panel presentation made by three analysts on the topic of resolving difficult points in the treatment of three of their patients through the understanding of countertransference and transference issues. The first analyst presented a case in which a stalemate was broken by addressing three different kinds of countertransference. The second presenter addressed an impasse in the treatment of her drug addicted male patient which was caused by positive transference and countertransference. The third analyst discussed the resolution of a critical point in the third year of treatment of a female patient which was uncovered by addressing the parameter of appointment scheduling. The candor and honesty of these presentations takes the reader into the heart of practice issues and illustrates how stalemates are resolved and treatment deepened. Audience reaction indicated that more such presentations which illustrate how analysts really work would be welcome.  相似文献   

This article is an exploration of the phenomenological experiences of temporality in the psychoanalytic treatment of a patient who suffered severe dissociation. The writer tracked exchanges with an adult analysand who repeatedly suffered childhood attachment losses and sexual and physical traumata. During treatment sessions the patient enacted dissociated alter personality states each with distinct memories. Loewald (1980) contrasted the experience of time as eternity to the fragmented temporality of trauma. Tracking his experience during key sessions, the writer/analyst infers that by repeatedly going back and forth between experiences of sequential time and timelessness, the analyst helped the patient link previously dissociated experiences. This in turn allowed the patient to realize increased coherence and stability of identity and affectivity. The case material is used to consider how multiple temporalities are represented by the patient and the implications of temporality for understanding trauma and deep dissociation.  相似文献   

We could state that a catastrophic discourse is one that refers to a catastrophe which is avoided by the same discourse. This kind of discourse stimulates cautious behaviours. It is necessary that the actors do not know that the catastrophe exists and that they are avoiding it so that this situation can work. Nevertheless, the analyst knows everything. The catastrophic discourse takes part in a stable situation in which the analyst's knowledge is directly proportional to the actor alienation. The economist knows that unstable situations like panic produce an opposite phenomenon: the analyst does not know very well what is going on but the actor knows how to manage. If the market, as well as stable operation, permits instability, the prevention of catastrophes could admit an unstable one, similar to panic and together with the catastrophic solution. This paper suggests some concepts to think about this unstable and anticatastrophic situation. They are notions which give prominence to ‘emergentism’, autopoiesis and uncertainty. The reinterpretation of the Hobbesian natural state developed by Foucault, the analysis of the mobilization power of fear by Bataille and the unpolitical reflections of the community which have been proposed by Esposito, Nancy and Agamben will be reinterpreted in order to achieve this goal.  相似文献   

In this commentary on Tara Babiak's analytic work with a very disturbed, almost autistic young man, I take up the function of gender categories as defense and as potential; the power of enactments in analytic treatment; and the difficulties of homophobia in patient, analyst and culture. I focus on the uses and functions of gender and ideals of masculinity in the patient's identity. A central enactment early in the treatment gave rise to intense transference and countertransference scrutiny. I suggest the long shadow cast by this enactment, which was both hopeful and provocatively destructive. I discuss the quandaries (analytic, personal, and cultural) for the analyst working with a patient for whom phobic dread may be a defense against fragmentation and madness.  相似文献   

Transnational adoption involves the intersection of two powerful origin myths—the return to mother and to motherland. In this case history of a Korean transnational adoptee, Mina, problems relating to Asian immigration, assimilation, and racialization are central to her psychic predicaments. Mina mourns the loss of Korea and her Korean birth mother as a profoundly intrasubjective and unconscious affair. Her losses trigger a series of psychical responses that reconfigure Freud's notions of melancholia not as pathological but an everyday (racial) structure of feeling and Klein's theories of good and bad objects as good and bad racialized objects, as good and bad racialized mothers. Mina's case also draws attention to the analyst as a raced subject. The “public” fact of the analyst's and the patient's shared racial difference, and the “public” nature of the analyst's pregnancy during the course of the patient's treatment, constitutes the analyst, to reformulate Winnicott, as a “racial transitional object” for Mina. As such, Mina “uses” the analyst to manage her envy and to transition into a reparative position for race, one allowing her to create space in her psyche for two “good-enough” mothers-the Korean birth mother as well as the white adoptive mother.  相似文献   

Jack Michael was the quintessential behavior analyst. Despite his reputation as a theoretician and expert in verbal behavior and on Skinner’s book Verbal Behavior, Jack was actually an applied behavior analyst in the literal sense before anyone had coined the term. Prior to becoming one of Jack’s doctoral students at Western Michigan University, I was a behavior-analytic neophyte. After I graduated and began my own teaching (modeled after Jack’s behavior-analytic method of teaching) and thinking and writing about behavior analysis, I found myself talking and thinking like Jack. He had a similar behavior changing effect not only on many of his other students, but also on others who had the good fortune to know him.  相似文献   

Therapeutic impasse, while often heralding the destruction of the analytical treatment process, may provide an unexpected opportunity for setting it back into motion. While not deliberately sought after, the impasse sets the stage for both patient and analyst to shift sufficiently to forge a more meaningful dialogue and connection. Pizer's discussion highlighted the analyst's struggle to keep his patient in mind while maintaining a working grasp on his capacity for reflective, analytical thought. Ringstrom's contributions offered the framework of improvisational drama, allowing a greater range of experimentation and play between patient and analyst, facilitating their collaborative creation of new ways of connecting, while exploring what is mutually safe and manageable. Harris's thoughts on phallic potency provided clinically valuable insights into the patient's undercurrent of conflict between desire and dread/hatred, in his strivings for master y and a meaningful connection. The discussants' contributions also allowed a deeper understanding of the analyst's own conflicts over mastery and the self-protective urge to retreat.  相似文献   

This paper presents a summary and excerpts taken from the psychoanalytic treatment, spanning over 16 years, of a highly disturbed and provocative male patient. Prior to referral, the man had been unsuccessfully treated psychopharmacologically for a depressive illness with severe somatic and affective symptoms and behavioral disturbances. A highlight of the case is the emergence of a therapeutic impasse that developed around the patient's attempt to connect intensely with the analyst; the patient attempted to repair his own damaged phallic narcissism by demanding that the analyst participate in a ritualized sexual enactment, which threatened the destruction of the treatment process. The resolution of the impasse was accomplished through the analyst's reaffirming the frame and recovering his own disrupted composure and ref lectiveness, while maintaining a compassionate and caring attitude toward the patient.  相似文献   

Maternal Silence     
Interpellation is not only a function of public life. It is also at home. Here Maura Sheehy works with Melissa, a young mother, who, just like her analyst, struggles with the multiple interpellations of motherhood. Abjected as well as idealized, motherhood produces both exaltation and utter confused misery for both. As the treatment proceeds, we witness analyst's and patient's common search for intelligibility, a parallel process in which the analyst finds/sees how both her patient and she locate themselves in and wrestle with discourse, an engagement that effects change in both.  相似文献   

This paper describes the work of a White lesbian analyst with her White gay male patient who carries a secret feminine self of which he is mortifyingly ashamed. Together they discover this feminine self as the site of childhood gender trauma—for years the patient was violently and persistently bullied for not being a masculine-enough boy. To enable this patient to address his shame and find an internal space to develop an authentic gender identity, analyst and patient must take account of and process the field of the treatment room as it exists within the larger social/political field of Trump’s America, in which the forces of misogyny, homophobia, gender rigidity, and racism combine to collapse any breathable space for this dyad’s multiple “deviant” identities.  相似文献   

Psychoanalysis has, from Freud's earliest ideas, been drawn to comprehending and defining gender—decoding what is masculine and what is feminine. Although Freud believed that masculinity and femininity would normatively fall along biological lines, gender, as a category, very quickly became destabilized by theorists who contested Freud's view. This article looks at a case in which the analyst came to view the patient's gender performance as a form of protest as it became transacted within the transference-countertransference relationship. In drawing upon contemporary gender and relational psychoanalytic theories, the author considers the multiple layers of gender meanings held within the patient and within the analyst and concludes that gender is never fully resolved and will continue to carry shifting relational meanings.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of the gender, race, class, and culture of the three participants in the patient-therapist dyad and the patient-therapist-supervisor triad, and how these similarities and differences reflect the unconscious cultivation of transferences and internalizations. The analyst's skills, art, experience, and relative freedom from conventional assumptions are important, and the main problem for analyst and supervisor is to meet the challenge to our analytic selves posed by conventional assumptions, which are compromises regarding culturally sensitive issues that derive from the ever-present dominant culture and its ideologies.  相似文献   

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