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The Bowen theory, developed by Murray Bowen, views the family as a natural system of relationships. This paper reviews basic concepts of the Bowen theory and describes their role in guiding the clinical approach to the disturbed two‐person relationship.  相似文献   

The following article was written by Dr Michael Kerr in response to questions put to him by Barbara Fraser; Linda Mackay and Lu Pease when he visited Australia two years ago. These three family therapists took it upon themselves to prepare this interview in recognition of Dr Kerr's unique vantage point on Bowen Theory and family therapy. Michael Kerr was trained by Murray Bowen in the 1970s and subsequently went on to work as faculty at the Georgetown Family centre. He succeeded Bowen as director of the centre where he has devoted his professional life to the understanding, application and extension of theory. He is the co‐author with Dr Bowen of Family Evaluation: An Approach Based on Bowen Theory (Kerr & Bowen, 1988), which remains the most esteemed text on this theory. He is also the editor of Family Systems: A Journal of Natural Systems Thinking in Psychiatry and The Sciences. Bowen's Family Systems Theory grew out of years of research from the 1950s‐1970s, which included observations of inpatient families with a schizophrenic member and using data from Bowen's own interactions with his family of origin (Bowen, 1978). The theory continues to be influential in family therapy with its most well‐known contributions being the process of triangling, the intergenerational transmission of family patterns and the concept of differentiation of self. (Brown, 1999). The following discussion from Dr Kerr brings a fresh perspective on the current applications and developments of this systems theory  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to apply Bowen family systems theory to work with families involved in the child welfare system. An overview of family systems theory is provided, and then specific tenets of Bowen family systems theory are presented. The authors highlight incidents within the child welfare setting that can be conceptualized through Bowen family therapy terms and concepts. A case study is used to highlight how this theory could be applied in practice. Furthermore, recommendations for child welfare practice and policy implications are discussed, utilizing the lens of a Bowenian family systems approach.  相似文献   

This paper is a personal account of my own family of origin research. It explores the impact of separations from parents, nuclear family, and extended family through a Bowen family systems theory perspective using concepts pertaining to Bowen theory such as chronic anxiety, differentiation of self, multigenerational family process, and the emotional system. An outline of the process of doing research in ‘vivo’ with my mother as well as conversations with my supervisor are included. Theoretical differences between individual and system models are discussed. A Bowen theoretical approach to the anxiety of separations is investigated. The efficacy of engaging in family of origin work and the effects of thinking systems is examined in light of how it assisted me to view family members, family system disturbances, and clients’ emotional systems more objectively.  相似文献   

Bowen Family Systems Theory is most commonly used to understand and predict family process. It is also applied to other potentially intense relationship systems, especially the workplace. It has been used by workplace consultants and by individuals to understand, and to manage, their own workplace functioning. This paper will draw from several key Bowen concepts to analyse common workplace dilemmas and to suggest responses that may assist the functioning of the individual and the system. The author's own experience as a manager in a child and adolescent mental health programme will be used as the case study to illustrate the theory's application.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Titelman, P. (Ed.). (1998). Clinical applications of Bowen family systems theory.
Mogel, W. (2001). The blessing of a skinned knee: Using Jewish teachings to raise self-reliant children.
McGuire, D. K., & McGuire, D. E. (2001). Linking parents to play therapy: A practical guide with applications, interventions, and case studies.
Higgins, G. O. (1994). Resilient adults: Overcoming a cruel past.
Christensen, A., & Jacobson, N. S. (2000). Reconciable differences.  相似文献   

Child focus is a central construct within Bowen family systems theory (Bowen theory). A clinical implication is that mental health treatment focusing on a child may unwittingly reinforce the operation of child-focused processes, which undermine rather than enhance child well-being. The concept of child focus in Bowen theory presents significant implications for professionals working in school settings and in fields such as children's mental health, which are inherently child-focused. Bowen theory is the guiding theoretical framework for School-Based Filial Therapy (SBFT). SBFT is a play therapy intervention that was initially established in remote and outer-regional New South Wales, Australia in response to the low availability of children's mental health services and the significant barriers associated with caregiver engagement in children's mental health treatment. It involves trained school personnel facilitating therapeutic play sessions with children experiencing emotional–behavioural problems. The intervention occurs on school grounds, during school hours, and children's family members do not participate in the intervention. This mixed-methods study examines the impact of children's participation in SBFT upon family functioning. Interviews with caregivers (n = 10) of children who participated in 10 SBFT sessions were analysed using content analysis. Quantitative data were collected using the Differentiation of Self Inventory – Short Form and Visual Analogue Scale – Family Functioning. A Wilcoxon signed rank test was used to analyse the pre- and post-data. Qualitative outcomes indicated changes in the categories of child functioning, caregiver functioning, and extended family functioning, whilst child-focused processes remained dominant but changed in intensity and valence following SBFT.  相似文献   

In response to Horne and Hicks's critique of my 1994 revision of Bowen Theory, I present an updated rationale for my work. I argue that the primary difference in my construction of emotional differentiation rests in the way "self" is constructed. I suggest that many women, persons from less individualistic cultures, and very spiritual persons develop a "connected self" that is significantly different than Bowen's image of separate selves engaged with each other. I hold that Bowen Theory privileges individuality and ignores many of the positive aspects of togetherness. I put forth an inclusive model for differentiation that equally prioritizes each.  相似文献   

In the last 15 years, a substantial number of studies have tested the theoretical validity of Bowen family systems theory. A review of this basic research provided empirical support for the relationship between differentiation and chronic anxiety, marital satisfaction, and psychological distress. Bowen's assumption that couples with the same level of differentiation marry was not supported. His specific theories of sibling position and triangulation also received little empirical support. Research on multigenerational transmission has generally ignored Bowen's theoretical perspective, and more research needs to test Bowen's claim that his theory is universal. In addition, researchers still need to examine the effect of differentiation on child functioning, physical health problems, and adaptability.  相似文献   

Guided by Bowen theory, we investigated the relationships between parent–child triangulation, parental differential treatment (PDT), sibling warmth, and individual depressive symptoms in a sample of 77 sibling dyads, aged 18–25 years, recruited through undergraduate classes at a U.S. public University. Results of the actor–partner interdependence models suggested that being triangulated into parental conflict was positively related to both siblings’ perception of PDT; however, as one sibling felt triangulated, the other perceived reduced levels of PDT. For both siblings, the perception of higher levels of PDT was related to decreased sibling warmth and higher sibling warmth was associated with fewer depressive symptoms. The implications of these findings for research and the treatment of depression in the college‐aged population are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper explores the common parenting style tension around nurture versus limit-setting often evident when working with families with a symptomatic child. Firstly it will delve into the parenting ‘soft/hard split’ with an overview of the literature on parenting styles. Next, it summarises the appearance of this phenomenon in the family therapy literature during its formative days, noting how Bowen, Minuchin, Haley, MRI (Bateson), and the Milan associates respond to this parent presentation in their approaches. Next, the paper outlines recent iterations of these family therapy interventions. An expanded discussion follows on Bowen theory's understanding of the parenting tension triangle. The article then outlines elements of the author's qualitative research study of parents' experience of adolescents' mental health treatment where the ‘soft/hard split’ emerged as a repeating theme. Finally, a clinical intervention based on Bowen theory, the Parent Hope Project, is outlined for how it addresses the parenting ‘soft/hard split.’ The goal is to contribute to understanding this phenomenon and its implications for clinical practice.  相似文献   

Bowen family systems theory (BFST) identifies differentiation of self as a crucial characteristic that relates to one's individual and relational maturity. Bowen theorizes that an individual's level of differentiation typically remains static over time and that individuals select and pair in relationships with others who have similar levels of differentiation. This study aimed to test the hypotheses of BFST by using components of differentiation of self, emotional reactivity, and emotional cutoff, in dyadic structural equation modeling. Specifically, a longitudinal dyadic confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation longitudinal panel model were two analyses utilized to statistically test the dyadic nonindependence and stability of emotional reactivity and emotional cutoff across time. Results indicated mixed support for Bowen's assumptions regarding similarity (nonindependence) and stability. That is, small levels of nonindependence and significant stability paths across time were found. Theoretical implications and considerations for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This article explores the use of creative artistic activity and metaphor to augment Bowen family of origin work. It draws on the case study of a couple engaging in premarital counselling to illustrate several ways that art making can be used to enhance Bowen systemic processes. It illustrates the value of collaborative genograms and related creative products to offer a supplementary voice for salient, verbally inexpressible content while supporting clients in externalising and processing difficult emotions with reduced reactivity.  相似文献   

This paper uses data at the school district level for 257 Michigan school districts to estimate the Bowen equilibrium level of expenditures in each district. The estimation uses a theoretical model of millage referenda that is developed in the paper. Then, the estimated Bowen equilibrium level of expenditures in each district is compared with the actual level. In the average district, the actual level of expenditures is less than 3 percent away from the estimated Bowen equilibrium. This evidence strongly suggests that, for educational expenditures at least, the theoretical median voter model provides a good explanation of empirical reality.  相似文献   

The Charitable Nonprofits: An Analysis of Institutional Dynamics and Characteristics, by William G. Bowen, Thomas I. Nygren, Sarah E. Turner, and Elizabeth A. Duffy. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1994. 326 pp., $39.95 cloth. America's Nonprofit Sector: A Primer, by Lester M. Salamon. New York: Foundation Center, 1992. 110 pp., $14–95. paper.  相似文献   

Using Bowen Family Systems Theory as a theoretical underpinning, in this study, we investigated the hypothesis that clients with higher levels of differentiation would improve more quickly in therapy than clients with lower levels of differentiation. Hierarchical Linear Modeling was used to analyze the data over nine sessions of therapy in a sample from an on-campus training clinic. The results suggest that there was variation in the initial levels of psychological symptoms and that differentiation was a significant predictor of this variance. The results also suggest that although psychological symptoms decreased over the nine sessions of therapy, there was very little variance in this change. These results are discussed in relation to Bowen Theory. The difficulties of doing this type of research and the lessons learned from this project are also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes the process of "coaching" individuals in their efforts to change themselves in the context of their nuclear and parental family systems. Although this approach is regarded as one of the major modes of intervention in family therapy, the actual methods and techniques for intervention are not widely understood. Moreover, we have expanded the Bowen approach to address powerful cultural and family life cycle influences. The goal of coaching is to help clients define themselves proactively in relationship to others in their families without emotionally cutting off or giving in. Coaching begins by training clients to become observers and researchers of their own role in the family and of family patterns of behavior. Coaching then moves to help them bring their behavior more in line with their deepest beliefs, even if this means upsetting family members by disobeying family "rules."  相似文献   

The effectiveness of the Relationship Enhancement (RE) program (Guerney, 1987a) in increasing functional and basic levels of differentiation of self (Bowen, 1987a) was examined. Participants were 20 married couples who received training in relationship enhancement skills over six 2 1/2-hour sessions. Measures of differentiation of self, quality of relationship, and anxiety were obtained before and after training and at follow-up. The data show that significant increases in the functional and basic levels of differentiation of self occurred, a significant increase in the quality of relationship occurred, and significant negative correlations were found between differentiation of self and anxiety.  相似文献   

The Differentiation of Self Inventory (DSI) is a multidimensional measure of differentiation consisting of four subscales focusing on adults (ages 25+), and their significant relationships, including current relationships with family of origin. Although the DSI full scale and three of its subscales are theoretically and psychometrically sound, the Fusion with Others (FO) subscale is lacking. Therefore, responses of 225 adults were used to revise the FO subscale. Results yielded a 12-item, revised FO subscale with improved internal consistency reliability and construct validity. Greater fusion with others was associated with greater spousal fusion and dimensions of adult attachment insecurity. Implications for Bowen theory and suggestions for future research with the DSI-R are discussed.  相似文献   

The concept of self‐soothing originating in the psychodynamic tradition has attracted interest from therapists as a key skill in the managing and regulating of strong affect and emotional discomfort. While a capacity for self‐soothing is implicit in, and a vital prerequisite to, the process of differentiation, Murray Bowen also predicted that the outcome of increased differentiation is improved emotional equilibrium and a capacity for self‐soothing, clearly a recursive process. The attention of Bowen family systems theory to both the relational and intrapsychic aspects of human functioning provides a useful framework through which to explore these aspects of the dynamics of self‐soothing. This article describes some of the key processes involved in developing a self‐soothing capacity within an effort to define a more autonomous self in significant relationships. The author contrasts Family Systems thinking with other theoretical perspectives that speak to the importance of self‐soothing. Finally, the role of the therapist as a facilitator of an environment in which the self‐soothing resources of clients can emerge is considered alongside suggestions and strategies for how a therapist may contribute to a client's own efforts.  相似文献   

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