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Most prior studies on internal audit function (IAF) quality and financial reporting have focused on the US setting and have found a positive association between IAF quality proxies and both financial reporting quality and audit efficiency. In this study, we apply the German setting that is characterized by a two-tier board system of corporate governance and different prerequisites for the serving-two-masters problem. This might weaken the IAF’s ability to monitor financial reporting-related processes. To analyze this, we use survey data to measure IAF quality in the German setting and run multiple regressions to examine the association of several IAF quality characteristics and a self-developed IAF quality score with financial reporting quality and audit efficiency. The results show that also in a two-tier system, a high-quality IAF is able to contribute to both financial reporting quality and audit efficiency. Our findings support the notion that the IAF serves as an essential element of effective corporate governance and plays an important role in financial reporting. Moreover, as a practical implication of interest to regulators and managers, we identify that the external certification of the IAF and internal audit-related certifications of IAF employees may contribute to higher financial reporting quality and lower audit fees.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to provide empirical evidence on the efficacy of three important governance mechanisms (auditors, directors, and institutional shareholders) in constraining aggressive financial reporting, proxied by abnormal accruals. It also examines the effects of the Sarbanes–Oxley Act (SOX) on their efficacy. Using a sample of US firms audited by the Big 5 (4) auditors between 2000 and 2004, we document a positive relation between abnormal accruals (our proxy for financial reporting aggressiveness) and auditors’ economic dependence on their clients. Furthermore, we find that this relation is driven by firms with weak non-auditor governance mechanisms before and after the enactment of SOX. The results suggest that aggressive financial reporting occurs only when multiple governance mechanisms ‘fail’. More specifically, such type of reporting requires that a highly dependent auditor operates in a ‘poor’ governance setting. Thus, the paper underscores the importance of strong governance in constraining aggressive financial reporting. Moreover, our results suggest that governance regulation (such as SOX) is not a substitute for strong governance mechanisms and thus caution against the over reliance on SOX-type legislation in other parts of the world.  相似文献   

A rational use of production resources has been catalysing the attention of researchers and practitioners for several years. A number of indicators have been proposed to assess the effective and efficient use of the various production factors. A widely known example of these metrics is the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), which applies to machines and equipment. This paper proposes a novel methodology that seizes upon OEE’s straight forward and easy-to-use structure to address the problem of measuring the effective use of materials within a factory. An inclusive structure of material loss and a methodology to calculate a novel performance indicator called overall material usage effectiveness (OME) is given. The proposed set of KPIs not only permits the comprehension of material-related issues but also the identification of viable countermeasures. A real-life application to demonstrate the practical usefulness of the methodology and illustrate the capability of its KPIs is described.  相似文献   

本文利用全国各省区及七十个大中城市房地产价格数据,匹配以上市公司的房屋和土地使用权数据,从微观层面考察融资约束在房地产价格传导机制中所发挥的作用及其经济后果.本文研究表明房地产价格波动对我国企业融资和投资行为具有显著的传导效应,其效应扩散程度主要取决于企业的融资约束状况,当企业所拥有的房地产价值上涨时,融资约束程度高的企业外部债务融资更多,具有更高的投资水平,表现出更强的过度投资倾向.本文进一步考察传导效应的资源配置后果,发现企业的绩效并未有实质性的改善,说明抵押资产价格传导效应可能存在负面经济后果.本文还发现,随着房地产价格的波动,融资约束程度高的企业也体现出更大的投资波动幅度,这说明融资约束有可能放大经济周期性波动程度,证实了Kiyotaki和Moore(1997)的理论推断.  相似文献   

How can physician executives interested in promoting change be more effective at the task? This article explores how to create an attraction towards change, as opposed to viewing change as overcoming resistance. Learning to recognize naturally occurring change, identify attractors, explore the rationality of others' points of view, and reduce risk are clear and constructive insights from research and emerging systems science. Other ideas to consider are: Understand the issues of those you wish to change, create changes that are "exothermic," produce system changes, accept responsibility, learn from failed efforts, and focus on building relationships of trust.  相似文献   

This study examines the causal complexity of how the effectiveness of board monitoring influences CEO compensation around the world. Previous research drawing from the managerial power theory and ‘increased career risks’ perspective offer alternative arguments for how low and high levels of effective monitoring by boards of directors influence CEO compensation. Adopting a configurational approach using fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis, we explore the idea that there are multiple causal paths leading to high levels of CEO compensation, such that theoretical logic from both theories may be relevant contingent upon the institutional environment in which the relationship is embedded. Our findings in a sample of 38 countries suggest that high CEO compensation is an outcome of both the presence and absence of effective board monitoring depending upon how it combines with minority investor protections and the cultural dimensions of power distance, uncertainty avoidance, and individualism, as well as the overall stock market value. Specifically, in countries with high levels of effective board monitoring, high CEO compensation will be more likely when the country’s culture is high in uncertainty avoidance, low in power distance and when there are strong protections for minority investors. Whereas in countries with low levels of effective board monitoring, high CEO compensation will be more likely when power distance is high and uncertainty avoidance is low and when there are weak protections for minority investors. Our country-level study highlights the theoretical strengths of employing a configurational approach to explore the complex interrelationships of governance mechanisms and the contexts in which they manifest.  相似文献   

Corporate planning models frequently consist of integrated pro forma income statements, statements of financial position, and cashflow statements. When implemented by utilizing computer-based planning systems, these models allow managers to explore potential decisions in ‘what if?’ planning analyses.The logic of an integrated financial statement planning model can be arranged following either a ‘funds needed to balance approach’ or a ‘direct approach’. With a funds needed to balance approach total assets are set equal to total liabilities plus equities to satisfy this fundamental accounting identity. Logic in such models is often difficult to validate. In the direct approach, total assets are calculated independently of total liabilities plus equities providing an extremely strong test for model validation prior to using the model to assess ‘what if’ alternatives.In this paper, the author discusses the logic of integrated financial planning models and their implementation with computer-based planning systems. The funds need to balance approach and the direct approach are described and contrasted to assist corporate planners in evaluating and selecting a method for constructing the logic of corporate planning models.  相似文献   

从情感体验的视角,依次研究人们面临金融风险决策时的主动与被动选择模式偏好、伴随的情感体验差异、以及不同人格特质对风险偏好的影响.首先通过大规模在线问卷调查发现,在面临多种金融风险决策的情境下,人们偏好于主动而非被动选择,高感觉寻求的男性比女性更偏好主动选择,低感觉寻求的男性与女性主动选择意愿无显著差异;其次,利用仿真气球冒险任务(BART:balloon analogue risk task)进行行为学实验研究,结果表明,主动选择比被动选择带给被试更强的情感体验,包括更强的控制感、成就感、更多的喜悦感、较少的痛苦感;最后,借助感觉寻求量表和BART实验,探索了不同人格特质决策者的风险决策过程差异,发现感觉寻求水平高的男性比女性更偏爱冒险,但感觉寻求水平低的男性与女性偏爱冒险程度无显著差异.  相似文献   

盛昭瀚 《管理科学》2019,22(3):2-14
人们对管理从“简单的”向“复杂的”认知, 开始于感性直觉上的体验, 并逐渐向揭示本质属性的理性思维深化.本文基于现代科学技术体系的层次框架, 构建了系统科学与管理科学各自标识性概念之间的相互映射.在系统科学思维下, 系统性是一切管理活动的属性, 任何管理活动既是系统的实践, 也是实践的系统.随着人类社会的发展, 管理实践与本质属性在整体上均呈现出从系统性到复杂性的演变趋势.复杂整体性已是各种复杂管理形态的重要起因和深刻内涵, 这是在当今管理领域实现多学科融合, 破解复杂性难题重要的实践逻辑与理论逻辑.  相似文献   

Despite increasing interest in human resource management (HRM) implementation as an explanation for the association between HRM and firm performance, considerable confusion remains about what implementation means. In order to develop conceptual definitions of HRM implementation and implementation effectiveness, this study builds on three different literatures outside the HRM field (strategy, innovation, and change management), which have addressed this topic extensively. As a result, implementation is characterized as a dynamic process, involving the interaction among multiple actors, starting with the adoption of a new practice and ending with its routinization. This is distinguished from implementation effectiveness as an outcome of that process. The study helps to achieve construct clarity, hence providing a more solid basis for future research and allowing for a better consolidation of findings. The authors also develop an agenda for further research by reviewing a number of theoretical and methodological approaches that have been used in implementation research across fields, including HRM. Overall, the study aims to establish implementation research as a highly relevant academic and practical quest not only in HRM, but also in other management literatures.  相似文献   

Journal of Management and Governance - Integrated reporting (IR) represents an innovative approach to business reporting especially by Public Interest Entities (PIEs). In addition to financial...  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》1987,20(1):78-83
As part of a Manpower Services Commision project on the development of quality circles, a study of four manufacturing companies using quality circles for over 4 years has been carried out. The reasons for introducing a circle programme, the operating problems and the changes which occured over the years are discussed. The findings indicate that circle programmes no matter how successful will always face obstacles during the various stages from introduction through to maturity; there is no magic formula for success. The suggestion is made that a circle programme has a life cycle with the phases of introduction, establishment and growth, maturity and consolidation, and integration and dynamism.  相似文献   

The idea of this paper is that ifdecision-making processes are more consideredin a procedural rationality assumption, thenthe interplay of trust and calculativereasoning, and, at a more collective level, theinterplay of contracts and social networks maybe clarified. We use Lindenberg's framingtheory to define enlightened self-interest asthe rationality of contractual relationships.Cooperation is then explained by thewillingness to pursue the relationship which,from the background, decreases the salience ofthe gain frame. This willingness is supportedby a process of mutual relational signaling.When temptations of opportunism are strong,cooperation needs to be embedded, first in aformal contract and then, if stakes are toohigh, in a social network. In this framework,we show that the acceptance of contractualincompleteness by the parties is a positivesignal, which favors cooperation.  相似文献   

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