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文章论述了在分层随机抽样中由于抽样方法的不同可能形成的样本个数,重点对于不放回抽样不考虑中选顺序方法的分层随抽样作了叙述,还设计了例证,为研究分层随机抽样误差计算作了必要的准备  相似文献   

分层排序集抽样是指将分层抽样与排序集抽样结合起来,运用分层技术将总体分为多层,再在每层中用排序集抽样获取样本.分层比率估计是利用辅助信息,构造总体均值或总值的估计量,分为联合比率估计和分别比率估计.文章利用此思路得到下分层排序集抽样下总体均值的分别比率估计,并和分层排序集抽样下的联合比率估计、分层随机抽样下的分别比率估计进行比较.结果表明,分层排序集抽样下总体均值的分别比率估计比分层随机抽样下总体均值的分别比率估计效果好,分层排序集抽样下总体均值的联合比率估计比分层排序集抽样下总体均值的分别比率估计效果好.  相似文献   

文章探索运用数理统计的极大似然估计法计算季节指数,得出的计算公式与传统的算术方法完全一致,从直观上保持了与传统算法的衔接性,又可以得出季节指数的区间估计,提高了季节指数计算的完备性.  相似文献   

本文利用季节虚拟变量建立回归模型,通过季节虚拟变量的参数估计间接地估计季节指数,并且利用模型进行了一些传统的季节指数方法无法进行的推断统计。这是一种分析季节指数和季节变动的新思路。  相似文献   

文章以分层随机抽样为例,研究了在有辅助变量可以利用的情形下,分别比估计、联合比估计、分别回归估计和联合回归估计的应用,并对其偏倚进行评估.结果表明,与简单估计相比,这类间接估计量都是非线性的较为复杂的估计量,可以改善简单估计的效果,且当目标变量和辅助变量高度相关时,各种估计量均是有效的.  相似文献   

分层随机抽样条件下缺失数据的多重插补方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
介绍分层随机抽样条件下多重插补法处理缺失数据的基本思想,分析可忽略无回答的分层随机抽样建立多重插补的常用方法,并通过实例加以说明.  相似文献   

近日,在高级统计师培训班授课时发现最基础的分层随机抽样误差公式的推导方法各异,要求知识面深浅不均,书写表述方式冗简区别甚大,为规范之,对其误差公式推导如下,以供学员应试参考.  相似文献   

为了提高样本数据的质量,文章提出了一种新的抽样方法——分层拉丁超立方体抽样,给出了该抽样方法的定义以及实现算法,证明了在相应条件下该抽样方法的估计精度比分层随机抽样方法更高,可以更有效地缩减蒙特卡罗方差。同时,还通过数值模拟比较了分层拉丁超立方体抽样与分层随机抽样在用蒙特卡罗方法估计定积分时的效果,数值模拟结果验证了上述结论的正确性。  相似文献   

文章从事后分层的角度,对适应性整群抽样的估计方法进行了研究.利用事后分层的层内单元相似性,构造了一种新的无偏估计量,并对估计量的性质进行了推导,最后通过一组模拟数据对估计量的效果进行了对比检验.  相似文献   

文章对季节指数的描述统计和推断统计进行了简单的综述,总结了季节指数的研究现状并分析了季节指数现有研究中存在的问题。  相似文献   

A new calibration estimator is proposed to estimate the population mean in the stratified random sampling. The corrected expression of Tracy et al. (2003) calibrated weights are presented and new improved calibration weights are introduced. Theoretical variance of the suggested estimator is discussed. Also a simulation study is carried out to show the properties of the proposed estimator.  相似文献   

In this article, a chain ratio-product type exponential estimator is proposed for estimating finite population mean in stratified random sampling with two auxiliary variables under double sampling design. Theoretical and empirical results show that the proposed estimator is more efficient than the existing estimators, i.e., usual stratified random sample mean estimator, Chand (1975) chain ratio estimator, Choudhary and Singh (2012) estimator, chain ratio-product-type estimator, Sahoo et al. (1993) difference type estimator, and Kiregyera (1984) regression-type estimator. Two data sets are used to illustrate the performances of different estimators.  相似文献   

In multivariate surveys where p (> 1) characteristics are defined on each unit of the population, the problem of allocation becomes complicated. In the present article, we propose a method to work out the compromise allocation in a multivariate stratified surveys. The problem is formulated as a Multiobjective Integer Nonlinear Programming Problem. Using the value function technique, the problem is converted into a single objective problem. A formula for continuous sample sizes is obtained using Lagrange Multipliers Technique (LMT) that can provide a near optimum solution in some cases. It may give an initial point for any integer nonlinear programing technique.  相似文献   

This paper deals with estimation of population median in simple and stratified random samplings by using auxiliary information. Auxiliary information is rarely used in estimating population median, although there have been many studies to estimate population mean using auxiliary information. In this study, we suggest some estimators using auxiliary information such as mode and range of an auxiliary variable and correlation coefficient. We also expand these estimators to stratified random sampling for combined and separate estimators. We obtain mean square error equations for all proposed estimators and find theoretical conditions. These conditions are also supported by using numerical examples.  相似文献   

We propose separate ratio estimators for population variance in stratified random sampling. We obtain mean square error equations and compare proposed estimators about efficiency with each other. By these comparisons, we find the conditions which make proposed estimators more efficient than others. It has been shown that proposed classes of estimators are more efficient than usual unbiased estimator. We find that separate ratio estimators are more efficient than combined ratio estimators for population variance. The theoretical results are supported by a numerical illustration with original data. A simulation study is also carried out to investigate empirical performance of estimators.  相似文献   

This paper suggests an efficient class of ratio and product estimators for estimating the population mean in stratified random sampling using auxiliary information. It is interesting to mention that, in addition to many, Koyuncu and Kadilar (2009 Koyuncu , N. , Kadilar , C. ( 2009 ). Ratio and product estimators in stratified random sampling . J. Statist. Plann. Infer. 139 : 25522558 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), Kadilar and Cingi (2003 Kadilar , C. , Cingi , H. ( 2003 ). Ratio estimator in stratified sampling . Biometr. J. 45 : 218225 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], 2005 Kadilar , C. , Cingi , H. ( 2005 ). A new estimator in stratified random sampling . Commun. Statist. Theor. Meth. 34 : 597602 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), and Singh and Vishwakarma (2007 Singh , H. P. , Vishwakarma , G. K. ( 2007 ). Modified exponential ratio and product estimators for finite population mean in double sampling . Austr. J. Statist. 36 ( 3 ): 217225 . [Google Scholar]) estimators are identified as members of the proposed class of estimators. The expressions of bias and mean square error (MSE) of the proposed estimators are derived under large sample approximation in general form. Asymptotically optimum estimator (AOE) in the class is identified alongwith its MSE formula. It has been shown that the proposed class of estimators is more efficient than combined regression estimator and Koyuncu and Kadilar (2009 Koyuncu , N. , Kadilar , C. ( 2009 ). Ratio and product estimators in stratified random sampling . J. Statist. Plann. Infer. 139 : 25522558 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) estimator. Moreover, theoretical findings are supported through a numerical example.  相似文献   

A general family of estimators, which use the information of two auxiliary variables in the stratified random sampling, is proposed to estimate the population mean of the variable under study. Under stratified random sampling without replacement scheme, the expressions of bias and mean square error (MSE) up to the first- and second-order approximations are derived. The family of estimators in its optimum case is discussed. Also, an empirical study is carried out to show the properties of the proposed estimators.  相似文献   

This article addresses the problem of estimating the finite population mean in stratified random sampling using auxiliary information. Motivated by Singh (1967 Singh , M. P. ( 1967 ). Ratio cum product method of estimation . Metrika 12 : 3442 .[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) and Bahl and Tuteja (1991 Bahl , S. , Tuteja , R. K. ( 1991 ). Ratio and product type exponential estimator . Inform. Optimiz. Sci. 12 ( 1 ): 159163 .[Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) a ratio-cum-product type exponential estimator has been suggested and its bias and mean squared error have been derived under large sample approximation. Suggested estimator has been compared with usual unbiased estimator of population mean in stratified random sampling, combined ratio estimator, combined product estimator, ratio and product type exponential estimator of Singh et al. (2008 Singh , R. , Kumar , M. , Singh , R. D. , Chaudhary , M. K. ( 2008 ). Exponential ratio type estimators in stratified random sampling. Presented in International Symposium on Optimisation and Statistics (I.S.O.S) at A.M.U., Aligarh, India, during 29–31 Dec . [Google Scholar]). Conditions under which suggested estimator is more efficient than other considered estimators have been obtained. A numerical illustration is given in support of the theoretical findings.  相似文献   

分层抽样中,样本在各层中的不同获取方式会对估计量的精度和试验费用产生一定的影响,而已有的理论方法大多不能在提高精度的同时降低调查费用。为此,将排序抽样与分层抽样方法相结合,提出了辅以排序集样本的分层抽样方案,并得到了总体均值的估计量以及这一估计量的良好性质。这些结果表明,与单一的分层随机抽样相比,这种抽样设计的估计量具有更高的精度,同时也节约了各层抽样调查的费用。  相似文献   

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