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<正>近日,湖北省十堰市张湾区印发了《防范和破除形式主义官僚主义十项规定》,从推动工作落细落实、改进文风、精减会议等方面作出要求,以更实的措施、更优的机制激励广大党员干部干事创业。该"规定"明确每年的3、 5、 8、11月为无会月,无会月除外的月份每月第二周、第三周为无会周。(据4月19日《十  相似文献   

曾几何时,“文山会海”此起彼伏,成为了各级党政机关痛心疾首的顽症。去年以来,秦皇岛市委办借助全省“干部作风建设年”活动的东风,大力精文简会,出实招、下猛药,采取了一系列针对精文简会工作的“组合拳”,彻底削减“文山”、填浅“会海”,使领导干部真正从“文山会海”中解脱了出来,  相似文献   

如何创建特色学校的问题或许使不少校长感到困惑,甚至束手无策.笔者也曾为此饱受煎熬.一旦揭开其神秘面纱后也就感觉不那么困难了.简言之,为则易不为则难.只要确定了目标,辅之科学合理的实施方案,以活动为载体形式多样地开展活动并坚持下去,特色学校雏形也就形成.  相似文献   

张浩 《领导科学》2005,(12):13-14
近几年来,我们博野县立足县情,突出特色,把握关键,按照“环境招商、项目立县、工业强县”的总体思路,把发展和壮大民营经济作为全局工作的重点,实施“催生、助长、扶强”战略,使全县民营经济呈现出蓬勃发展的良好势头。在实践中,我们是这样为民营企业搭建创业舞台的。一是以解放思想为先导,认真排除民营企业发展的制约点。剖析制约民营经济发展的种种因素,首先是思想观念上的障碍。已取得的发展成就无一不是解放思想的结果,要再取得新成就仍离不开解放思想。所以,树立新观念,解放思想,是促进民营经济发展的首要前提。鉴于此,2004年以来,我们…  相似文献   

胡锦涛同志在党的十七大报告中明确指出:"社会稳定是人民群众的共同心愿,是改革发展的重要前提."崂山区作为青岛市新兴的城市副中心,随着城市化的加快推进,以及青岛高新技术核心区、国际旅游度假区、现代服务业聚集区三大区域功能的日臻完善,既面临着科学发展、和谐发展、率先发展的大好机遇,又面临着项目大建设、旧村大改造、环境大治理、人口大流动等带来的稳定工作的压力.  相似文献   

美国没有国教,种族不一,文化各异,能够聚合在一起,主要靠相同的信念和责任。比如机会均等、自我实现等等,历史的传承又给这些观念赋予了具体的涵意。美国军队是各种精英的荟萃之地,在这支队伍里,财富和出身不能保证晋级和优先提拔。  相似文献   

徐超 《领导科学》2004,(11):24-25
县域工作的实践证明:创业是发展之基,发展是富民之道,群众是创业之源。在全面建设小康社会的新征途上,我们本着以开阔的视野引导群众创业、以扎实的举措扶持群众创业、以灵活的机制促进群众创业的精神,不断把民心凝聚起来、把资源整合起来、把潜能释放出来,为我区实施全民大创业搭建了宽阔的舞台。一、号准脉搏、鼓励创业,发掘干部群众放胆实干的动力源。事在人为,人靠精神。领导者应综合运用舆论、政策和典型的力量,营造社会氛围,使想创业、敢创业、会创业、创大业成为干部群众的共同追求。一是坚持舆论开路,推进民心大凝聚。积极探索如何…  相似文献   

2009年已经过去,这一年,是世界多磨难的一年,金融风暴继续,甲流肆虐全球;这一年,是新中国辉煌的一年,国际地位节节攀升,60华诞庆典举世瞩目……  相似文献   

Increasingly, stories are emerging about businesses that engage in ethical behaviors above and beyond mere compliance with regulations. These positive deviations along the ethical continuum provide an opportunity to explore how some companies’ business philosophy leads them to pursue an array of outcomes beyond the bottom line. This paper presents a case study of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, the leading ethical company in the United States as rated by Forbes magazine, exploring the company culture and operating philosophy from a perspective of conscientious capitalism. The three underlying assumptions of conscientious capitalism are: (1) interconnectedness between individuals, businesses, and global society; (2) wealth as a holistically understood state rather than solely a financial status; and (3) relevant time spanning multiple generations. Implications are offered for commerce, business practitioners, and educators.  相似文献   

We implemented functional behavioral assessment (FBA) at a human services organization to reduce the tardiness of scheduled staff meetings. Following baseline, FBA focused on antecedent and consequence conditions that affected staff arriving on time to scheduled meetings. These data were subsequently presented at a staff meeting in which staff planned an intervention to improve the timeliness of meetings. The intervention, composed of premeeting reminders, positive reinforcement for arriving on time, and meeting termination criteria (to facilitate meeting-to-meeting transitions), was implemented in a multiple baseline design across 3 types of meetings. As a result of the intervention, the number of minutes late that meetings started decreased. We discuss FBA within organizational behavior management that targets performance improvement objectives.  相似文献   

This article reviews the studies commissioned by the Nevada Nuclear Waste Project Office to estimate the economic impact of a high-level nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain. Case studies found that visitor impacts occur for some analogous facilities, but not for others. Assessments of behavioral intent indicate that at least some economic agents would avoid visiting Nevada under repository scenarios. A third set of studies tested the risk-aversion and negative-imagery models of visitor decision making; people avoid visiting places associated with either a significant health risk or negative imagery, but it has yet to be shown that a repository would induce these perceptions in nearby places. In sum, the NWPO-sponsored studies suggest the potential for visitor impacts, but do confirm that these effects will occur.  相似文献   

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