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自70年代初大力推行计划生育以来,陕西的计划生育工作取得了巨大成就,人口过快增长的现象得到了有效控制,实现了人口再生产类型的转变,进入到低生育水平时期。21世纪初,中央作出了《关于加强人口与计划生育工作稳定低生育水平的决定》,提出了新时期人口与计划生育工作的主要任务是转向稳定低生育水平,提高出生人口素质。如何按照中央的要求进一步做好人口与计划生育工作,本文就陕西的低生育水平现状、存在问题及稳定低生育水平的不利因素作了进一步的分析研究,强调要充分认识到人口与计划生育工作的长期性、严峻性和复杂性,必须克服盲目乐观情绪,保持清醒头脑,坚持以人为本,提高计划生育服务质量和管理水平,才能保证低生育水平的稳定,促进人口与经济社会资源协调发展与可持续发展。  相似文献   

在世纪之交,党中央、国务院作出了《加强人口与计划生育工作稳定低生育水平的决定》,这标志着我国以及我省人口与计划生育工作已经进入了新的发展阶段。以江总书记“三个代表”思想为指导,正确认识当前我省的低生育水平和计划生育工作的基本特点,对于因地制宜地认真贯彻党和国家的基本方针政策、巩固和发展来之不易的低生育水平,并将我省的计划生育工作引向深入,具有重要的意义。本文拟就我省当前人口与计划生育工作的基本特征及稳定低生育水平应正确处理好的若干关系,作一论述。  相似文献   

背景 今年3月,中共中央、国务院颁布了《关于加强人口与计划生育工作稳定低生育水平的决定》,明确指出;人口问题是社会主义初级阶段长期面临的重大问题,是制约我国经济、社会发展的关键因素。在实现了人口再生产类型的转变之后,人口与计划生育工作的主要任务将转向稳定低生育水平,提高人口素质。 20世纪70年代以来,在中国计划生育和控制人口增长的卓绝努力下,中国人口过快增长得到了有效控制,作为我们几十年为之奋斗的低生育率目标已如期实现,90年代中国的生育水平开始持续地低于更替水平,目前中国的总和生育率与多数欧洲…  相似文献   

90年代以来,我国人口控制工作取得了显著成效,全国整体进入低生育水平阶段,但由于我国人口转变超越社会经济和生育观念的发展水平,如果人口控制出现失误,极有可能出现生育率“反弹”现象,给计划生育工作造成被动。因此稳定低生育水平是今后人口与计划生育工作的大政方针。  应当看到,我国的生育水平地区差异较大,特别是东西部地区的差异异常明显。东部地区相对发达,西部地区相对落后,这种落后不仅表现在经济和文化方面,同时也表现在人口发展方面。西部地区的人口增长相对较快、素质较低,有些地方的人口分布还不尽合理,生育水…  相似文献   

由于社会的、历史的、经济的、文化的以及自然条件等诸多因素影响,海南省的人口与计划生育工作曾长期处于被动、落后局面,与全国其他省市、地区相比,人口与计划生育工作一直存在着阶段性差距,目前仍然处于由高生育水平向低生育水平的过渡阶段。随着新时期我国人口与计划生育工作的不断深入发展,随着政府职能的逐步转变,新形势和新任务对人口与计划生育工作提出了新的要求和新的挑战。为了改变过去的落后面貌,适应新的工作需要,进一步做好人口与计划生育工作,2001年1月,海南省委、省政府研究制定了《贯彻落实<中共中央国务院关于加强人口与计划生育工作稳定低生育水平的决定>的实施意见》,明确提出了全省人口与计划生育工作“三年打基础、五年上水平”的奋  相似文献   

一、“家庭计划指导”促进模式研究的动因近年来世界各地普遍强调家庭计划对促进妇幼保健的作用,发达国家则更多地强调生育权。我国的计划生育与国外的家庭计划有所不同,因面临严峻的人口问题,更多地强调人口的社会控制手段。随着人口再生育类型的转变,进入低生育水平,我国经济社会比较发达的地区,开始注重家庭的生育控制和生殖健康服务。上海市自1993年起人口自然变动持续负增长后,开始将计划生育宣传和服务工作重点转向社区和家庭,先后提出了计划生育健康教育、生殖健康教育(六期综合教育)和社区生殖健康促进模式,2003年又提出了推进家庭…  相似文献   

2000年3月2日《中共中央国务院关于加强人口与计划生育工作稳定低生育水平的决定》这一文件的提出,为我国2010年之前的人口与计划生育工作指明了总体目标和实施方针。三十多年来,我们实现了人口再生产类型从高出生、低死亡、高增长到低出生、低死亡、低增长的历史性转变。但是,从我国人  相似文献   

为了稳定现行的低生育水平,中共中央国务院作出了《关于加强人口与计划生育工作稳定低生育水平的决定》,提出了一系列方针政策,如加强人口与计划生育工作的领导,进一步夯实基层基础工作,开展计划生育优质服务以及加强流动人口计划生育管理等等,笔者认为其中最根本、最重要的一条就是进一步夯实基层基础工作。因为目前我国人口与计划生育工作的重点仍然在农村,在基层,在村一级。  相似文献   

在党中央、国务院的正确领导下,过去的5年,我国人口与计划生育工作深入发展,取得了新的成就。人口再生产类型已从高出生、低死亡、高增长转变为低出生、低死亡、低增长,妇女总和生育率始终保持在更替水平以下,低生育水平得到进一步稳定,实现了到20世纪末把全国总人口控制  相似文献   

○党中央、国务院《关于加强人口与计划生育工作稳定低生育水平的决定》是指导我国人口与计划生育工作的纲领性文件。○中央《决定》深刻分析了我国人口问题和计划生育工作面临的形势以及所处的重要地位 ,明确提出21世纪前10年人口与计划生育工作的目标、方针、任务和政策措施。○按照中央《决定》的要求 ,促使各级领导干部从全局和战略的高度认识和解决人口问题 ,锲而不舍地抓紧抓好人口与计划生育工作 ,稳定低生育水平党中央、国务院最近发出了《关于加强人口与计划生育工作稳定低生育水平的决定》(以下简称《决定》)。这是指导我国…  相似文献   

At the 1986 National Commendation Conference of Family Planning Vice Premier Wan Li told the 600 participants from all parts of China that the task of controlling population growth during the 6th Five-Year Plan had been accomplished and that the trend of population growth had been held in check. He emphasized the progress made in the field of family planning, noting that family planning is a basic state policy of China and that the government always regarded family planning as a priority concern. Wan Li made the point that the population control stipulated in the 6th Five-Year Plan is of great significance to the promotion of China's 4 modernizations -- socialist construction and the improvement in the living standards of the people -- as well as helpful to the stabilization of world population growth. Recommending a flexible approach to family planning, the Vice Premier urged those engaged in family planning to work to overcome compulsory and coercive approaches. He recommended scientific research devoted to birth control technology and asked family planning workers to give family planning a higher priority in order to assure fulfillment of the plan for population control as outlined in the 7th Five-Year Plan.  相似文献   

China's 7th Five-Year Plan recommends that China's total mainland population be held within the limit of 1.113 billion, with an annual average natural growth rate of about 12.4/1000. As a large number of youths will reach marriage and childbearing age during the course of the 7th Five-Year Plan, the Plan affords a high priority to the family planning program and to the control of population growth. The plan proposes 5 policies and measures to realize its goal: continuous efforts need to be made to give family planning a high priority; late marriage, late childbearing, and the 1-child family should be advocated; ideological and political education should be strengthened; scientific and technological research devoted to family planning should be intensified; and family planning communication and service centers at the county level should be consolidated and strengthened, and the family planning program should be conducted systematically and be ongoing.  相似文献   

Shuangyang County is located in the southeast of the Changchun City, Jilin Province, with a total population of 385,000 and a total area of 2,000 square kilometers. The rural population makes up 96% of the total with 8.2% minorities. As the county government vigorously promoted the family planning program in the period of the 6th Five-Year Plan, the rapid growth of the population was effectively controlled. Since 1982, the county government has put the emphasis of the family planning work on publicizing scientific knowledge, on provviding technical services and on training the working staff at the grass-roots level. In response to the different needs of the community for knowledge about premarriage, preconception, and postnatal cares as well as infant feeding, the county government started a program in 1985 for popularizing knowledge about puberty, hygiene, sexual physiological hygiene, pregnancy care, and birth control. As a result, a number of young people have delayed their former marriage date to the ideal marriage age. Many newlyweds voluntarily chose the most proper age for giving birth. To improve the effectiveness of contraception, the county government promoted widely the use of a new type of IUD. Finally, the county government believes that it is most important to improve the quality of the family planning workers at the grass-roots level. Accordingly, the government worked out a plan to train the community workers regularly.  相似文献   

X Chang 《人口研究》1987,(6):36-39
Population trends in China during the period of the Seventh Five-Year Plan (from 1986 to 1990) are analyzed. It is noted that, because of the high fertility rates prevalent during the 1960s, an increase in the birth rate following 1986 was to be expected. The author considers the cumulative effect of this change in fertility, the trend toward earlier marriage, and the increase in internal, primarily rural-urban, migration. Some possible measures to control population growth in these circumstances are enumerated.  相似文献   

党的十七届五中全会通过的我国国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划中,明确提出推进基本公共服务均等化,加强社会管理能力建设,创新社会管理机制的工作要求。围绕相关概念的解析,结合我国人口和计划生育基层网络体系的功能、特点和优势,指出人口计生基层网络在新形势下必须完成其职能定位的转变,明确提出人口和计划生育基层网络在基本公共服务中的作用和服务内容,对于我国人口和计划生育基层网络的未来的功能定位和工作内容开展有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

论稳定低生育水平   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国经济已进入以扩大内需为主的新发展阶段,从可持续发展计,保持经济持续、快速和健康发展,必须把已出现的低生育水平稳定住。我国已经是低生育率国家,但低生育水平还不稳定。从当前和今后的发展来看,稳定低生育水平,必须使人口政策和经济政策协调起来,积极寻求扩大内需与稳定低生育水平的政策结合点,增加计划生育的政府投入,完善计划生育利益导向机制,处理好稳定现行政策与人口与计划生育工作机制改革与创新的关系。  相似文献   

"后人口转变时期"我国人口问题面临的挑战与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪末,我国人口发展进入了以“低出生率、低死亡率和低增长率”为特征的“后人口转变时期”。本文首先对“后人口转变时期”我国人口发展的特征进行了论述,在此基础上分析了该时期我国人口问题面临的挑战,并对“后人口转变时期”我国的人口问题的解决特别是计生政策提出了建议。  相似文献   

This statement, prepared for the 1984 International Conference on Population, summarizes the demographic situation in the Philippines, the Philippine position regarding implementation of the World Population Plan of Action, and current population policies. In 1980, the population of the Philippines stood at 48.1 million. The country's current population growth rate reflects the interplay between decreasing mortality and still high but declining fertility. The 1984-87 Philippine Development Plan aims to achieve sustainable economic growth, equitable distribution of the gains of development, and personal development. A net reproduction rate of unity by the year 2000 is sought, and preschool-age children, youth, premarriage-age groups, and married couples of reproductive age have been targeted for special outreach efforts. The national population program will concentrate on developing a network of public and private community-based organizations, strengthening the capacity of local government and community organizations to plan and manage the population program, developing community capacity to finance family planning services, upgrading the quality of natural family planning practice, continuing the promotion of effective contraceptive methods, developing a population data bank, and upgrading the technical and management capabilities of population program personnel. Increasing attention is being paid to regional development and spatial distribution. The average annual population growth rate is expected to decline from 2.8% in 1970-75 to 2.2% by 1987. The crude birth rate is expected to drop from 34/1000 in 1980 to 31/1000 in 1987. To help achieve this goal, the contraceptive prevalence rate should increase from 34% in 1983 to 41% in 1987 and 50% by 1993. In addition, attempts will be made to reduce the proportion of women marrying below the age of 20 years and to improve women's access to educational and employment opportunities.  相似文献   

The Population Program in the Philippines initially was preoccupied with the problem of fertility reduction. From 1981-85, the program will be carrying out a 5-year population plan which aims at the reduction of fertility as well as the broader goal of enhancing the well-being of the family and of society. Called the Medium Term Plan, this population plan began to evolve in January 1978 when President Marcos called for a comprehensive review of the population program in the context of the country's overall development plans. The Special Committee to Review the Philippine Population Program, worked from February to June 1978 and focused attention on the policy, program, and research components of the population program. They assessed the achievements of the program, analyzed its limitations, and recommended future policy and program thrusts. In performing its task, the committee observed the following guidelines: 1) the program must be evaluated by taking into account the overall development goals that are directly related to the population problem, 2) the program must be evaluated in its totality, 3) the concept of family planning must be redefined as family planning and welfare, 4) research must be recognized as a vital instrument for program formulation, and 5) the population program must be evaluated with an awareness of the role of financial and institutional support in its implementation. The committee's findings stressed the need to link family planning efforts with the rest of socioeconomic issues outlined in the government's 5-year development plan for 1978-82. The broad objective of the National Population Program is to reduce the population growth rate to levels that promote national welfare and individual well-being. Under the Medium Term Plan the population growth rate should be reduced from an estimated 2.3% to an estimated 2.0% in 1985. To achieve this objective, the program aims to raise the number and quality of protected couples, promote delayed marriage, promote internalization of the small family size norm, and study other development factors. 14 strategies and their objectives are outlined along with action steps.  相似文献   

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