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This study investigates the effects of neighborhood racial composition and residential stability—as measured by the percentage of individuals who have lived in the same location for the past five years—on perceived neighborhood problems. Among a sample of older black and white adults, findings indicate that the patterns are contingent upon residents' race. For whites who reside in neighborhoods with a low percentage of black residents, greater residential stability is associated with fewer perceived neighborhood problems net of individual- and neighborhood-level disadvantage. For blacks, greater residential stability is associated with fewer neighborhood problems, but the percentage of black residents is associated with more neighborhood problems. In both cases, individual- and neighborhood-level socioeconomic disadvantages contribute to those patterns. These findings have implications for theories about the personal and social effects of residential stability and neighborhood racial composition, as well as race differences in the links between neighborhood context and the subjective assessment of neighborhood problems.  相似文献   

A method of therapy for families with an acting out adolescent or young adult is presented, as is a rationale for the method. The aim of the approach is to alter the underlying problem of immaturity that is hypothesized to exist in these families. Emphasis is placed on working with the parents in a systematic way over an extended period of time. As progress is made by the parents, an emotional crisis is created in the adolescent that can then be used by him as the basis for extensive change. The therapy of the parents proceeds in phases: 1) preparation for a long-term effort; 2) rethinking and objectively evaluating the nature of the relationship with the adolescent in specific areas; 3) translation of the newly gained perspective into action positions vis-à-vis the adolescent; and 4) non-child-focused therapy.  相似文献   

A face-to-face survey conducted in 1984 with a sample of 1491residents of the Detroit metropolitan area (including an oversampleof older adults) and a reinterview of a random subset of theserespondents by telephone were used to compare the two modesof data collection across two age levels. Except for a tendencytoward a disproportionately large number of DK answers and adisproportionately large amount of interviewer assistance onthe telephone, respondents 60 years of age and older did notexhibit larger mode differences than did respondents under 60.For both age groups, response distributions were rather similar,suggesting little effect of mode. Likewise, response style differedlittle by mode, while a higher proportion of missing data (i.e.,"I don't know" answers) was given on the telephone. The responserate for the telephone reinterview was 90%, somewhat lower forolder than younger persons. The findings support the feasibilityof using the telephone for reinterviewing older adults.  相似文献   

This study uses Australian survey data to explore whether caring for children and young people with disabilities affects paid employment participation of fathers who identify as the secondary caregiver. More fathers in the study were in full-time employment than those in the general Australian population, but they worked fewer hours, often in jobs they did not enjoy or roles with less responsibility. Over one third of fathers reported that caring had impacted on their job opportunities or career progression, particularly those whose children had more severe disabilities. The financial costs of raising a child with disabilities and their caring obligations informed many of the decisions fathers made in relation to employment. Fixed hours of work, lack of understanding from their employer, an income tied to hours worked and staff resources were cited as reasons why almost half of the fathers felt they were unable to access flexible working conditions to assist with their child’s care. Self-employment was seen by many fathers as desirable, but the perceived increase in flexibility may be accompanied by an increase in work hours. Implications for paternal well-being are discussed, along with the lifelong implications of caring on employment and financial security for families in the Australian context.  相似文献   

Des filles au niveau sénior dans une école secondaire de classe ouvrière ont été soumises à des questionnaires et des entrevues. Quatre dimensions des croyances par rapport aux rôles sexuels ont été mesurées et mises en relation entre elles et à des indicateurs de classe sociale.
Questionnaires and interviews were given to the senior girls in one working class high school. Four dimensions of sex-role beliefs were measured and related to one another and to indicators of social class.  相似文献   

This paper examines experiments of shorter working hours in Finnish municipalities between 1996 and 1998 in terms of the effects of the experiments on work–family interaction and which of the ways of reducing working time had the most positive effect. We analyse the experiment in respect of the Finnish working time regime, and in addition, from the perspective of community time. The analysis combines questionnaire and interview data. The results indicated that the experiment had a positive effect on work–family interaction. Six-hour shifts, in comparison to other forms of working time reductions, had the strongest impact on the decrease in conflict arising from work and affecting family. The interviews demonstrated various effects of the working time experiment on family, including the negative effects caused by unsocial working hours and the loss of time autonomy at work among the highly educated. Furthermore, reduced working hours in a culture based on the principle of full-time work caused some negative effects, such as feelings of guilt. The impact of the experiment on community time depended on the way the experiment was implemented.  相似文献   

This paper explores the determinants of neighborhood satisfaction for a population of older persons. Here neighborhood satisfaction is presumed to be the result of a complicated process involving: objective qualities in the neighborhood, the psychological and physical state of the person making the evaluation, as well as the person's own subjective definitions of the neighborhood. The intent of this research is to weigh the significance of these objective neighborhood conditions, subjective definitions, and the individual's level of environmental docility for the determination of neighborhood satisfaction among the elderly. To investigate this issue a random sample of 1,185 respondents 60 years and older was interviewed in the Albany-Schenectady-Troy, New York SMSA. The data suggest that while all three general factors are significant in the production of neighborhood satisfaction, mental portraits of the neighborhood are the most significant source of neighborhood satisfaction. This finding indicates support for a synthesis of symbolic interactionist and traditional ecological models of environmental response. Clearly, for this sample, older persons sharing the same neighborhoods do not necessarily occupy the same environmental worlds.  相似文献   

This overview of an online degree programme aims to develop a concrete illustration of an exploding array of courses and programmes. The approach at the Ethel Percy Andrus Gerontology Center, at the University of Southern California, seeks to address a targeted audience and to build on the special strengths and more unique degree programmes of the University.  相似文献   

Because of the well-documented effectiveness of paradigms which emphasize parental or family pathology in understanding and intervening with dysfunctional children, the temptation exists for applying them to other dysfunctional populations. Autism is a pervasive developmental dysfunction with life-long adverse sequelae for the child and family. This paper reviews evidence on the biological etiology of autism and other pervasive developmental deviations, and stresses the necessity for providing an early and accurate diagnosis for the family. The adverse implications of downplaying individual pathology and concentrating on parental or family dysfunction are then discussed. The natural evolution and specific components of a psychoeducational model for diagnosing autistic children and working with them and their families are then presented. Finally, some of the advantages of this multimodal, multidiscipline model in long-term work with these pervasively dysfunctional individuals and their families are considered.  相似文献   

Data collected in a case study of a British TV play provide the basis for an analysis of the social organization of TV drama production. The perceived needs of mass audiences and the ways in which the technical requirements of television are interpreted and acted upon set the preconditions for the ongoing interaction between actors, directors and technicians. The conventions of TV production are upheld and reinforced by continued use, though subject to renegotiation by all participants.  相似文献   

Using national data from 1,508 married men and women between the ages of 20 and 60, this article addresses the question of how men and women differ in their perception of aging and whether their senses of aging are affected differently by life course, socioeconomic status, or quality of life. Results show more similarities than differences in the ways in which men and women come to perceive themselves as aging. Those differences that exist appear to be rooted more in differential health than in differential vanity. The chief finding of this research is the strong association between awareness of aging and quality of social relationships.  相似文献   

Voting is a human right for every citizen yet many people with intellectual disabilities do not vote or have little support to exercise their right to vote. This article explores views on the wider aspects of voting against the backdrop of the Scottish referendum using focus groups involving people with intellectual disabilities (n = 12), family carers (n = 7) and paid carers (n = 5). Findings revealed that people with intellectual disabilities had similar concerns to the general population about the referendum. Regarding voting, all groups identified the need to discuss issues and for practical support and accessible information to ensure informed choices were made when voting.  相似文献   

The relationship between work and family is changing. A question is raised about whether practice measures up to changed thinking concerning the interface between working life and family life. A study titled ‘Daily transitions between home, child day-care centre and workplace’ throws light on the Norwegian situation. This project takes its point of departure from what happens at the start and at the end of a workday seen from the perspective of parents with children attending day-care, staff in their day-care centres and leaders in enterprises which are the workplace of one of the parents. The article builds mainly on the interviews with company managers. It is suggested that the workplaces send ambiguous messages about their conception of the relationship between work and family and about equal opportunity issues and that this creates problems — for individuals, particularly women, and for families and workplaces. Some possibilities for improvement of the situation in the world of work are suggested.  相似文献   

Parent carers are often central in future planning for their children with disability; however, little is known about the implications of planning for parents’ futures and aspirations. In understanding these, parents’ own identities are important, but how these identities intersect with their planning is not well understood. This study explored how parents were positioned in discussions about planning. Interviews with parents and planning service staff highlighted three positions among parents – carer, parent, and person – representing multiple, intersecting identities. These impacted on and were impacted by planning in particular ways. Understanding these processes may assist programmes to support parents more effectively.  相似文献   

This article presents an experiential-educational approach to families with infants (under one year of age). This approach integrates dance and movement therapy with family therapy theories and techniques. Non-verbal techniques are the only possible methods of working directly with infants, who are present with their parents in these workshops. The focus is on harmonious and conflictual interactions and functional and dysfunctional communications, negotiations and exchanges of feelings in the child-parent dyads and family triads.  相似文献   

This article examines the broader historical context of American colonial Indian education policy, the challenges American Indian students face with successful performance in higher education today, the legacy of active resistance to culturally destructive educational policy, and the critical role of tribal colleges in preserving traditional prerogatives and values, while providing access to higher education for American Indian students living in the homelands. It examines the Council on Social Work Education's accreditation standard 6.0 and offers practical ways social work educators can collaborate with tribal colleges to further support indigenous social work education in culturally compatible and affirming ways to strengthen bicultural identity and tribal sovereignty.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the work of a consultation to a staff group at a residential home for adolescent boys. The work discovered that each encounter increased each group's sense of deprivation. This escalation is understood as their relationship being based upon a spiral of deprivation. In this situation the staff's capacity to think in terms of their training in Winnicott's ideas about residential care, and that behaviour has meaning, was lost. By using himself as the container of staff emotional states, through recognising their communications in terms of Bion's concept of normal projective identification, the consultant was better able to understand the nature of the difficulties in the boys' and staff relationship. Hence, the attempt to engage staff through the consultation was successful and their capacity to think was restored. The material discussed shows this development enabled staff to better contain their own and the boys' feelings, thus allowing the spiral to reverse.  相似文献   

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