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任何艺术品市场参与者做决策时,都需要借助有关的价格信息。在如今的信息时代,最不缺乏的就是信息,但漫天的实况报道、行情分析、数据发布中,既有主观臆测,也有粗制滥造,更有恶意造假。能够搜集到真实可靠的价格信息,在艺术品市场变得越来越重要。  相似文献   

马琳 《公关世界》2016,(14):108-113
今天,艺术展览不再让人陌生。据不完全统计,在一个月的时间里,全球正在举办的展览就有大约4万个,国内正在举办的展览数百个。从某种意义上说,现当代艺术史是通过一个又一个展览来推进和改变的,现当代艺术史俨然成为展览史,并且这种推动和改变还将通过展览继续下去。  相似文献   

In this article I juxtapose American media coverage of the Gulf war and the war on abortion in 1991 to trace the meanings and possibilities for identity and activism mobilized by both. While the two wars seem unrelated, I examine the techniques through which the news coverage of both marginalized social protest and women's place within the national imaginary. In the news, protesters and women were positioned outside the sphere of normal politics and reasonable opinion. In this way, the news created a mythic community of "people like us" in opposition to women and activists. Through this marginalization of protest, broadcast news contained the threat of activism to the national imaginary of the United States in both conflicts.  相似文献   

We use a new U.S. survey on pro‐environmental behaviors, attitudes, and knowledge and find that individuals engage in activities that they believe are more effective in reducing carbon emissions, regardless of whether or not these beliefs are accurate. We find that low provision of the public good is greater among people who believe they cannot do much for the environment and do not consider themselves environmentalists. A policy implication of our results is that the effect of more accurate information on the provision of the public good is ambiguous. (JEL Q50, Q54, C10)  相似文献   

Despite the egalitarian position espoused in behavioral marital therapy, little attention has been paid to sex role issues and female-male differences. This paper explores advantages and disadvantages of behavioral marital therapy vis à vis the treatment of women and men. Features of behavioral marital therapy implicated as important in the consideration of sex role issues include underlying assumptions of egalitarianism, assumptions of external causality, and orientation toward action, as well as specific procedures such as goal setting, behavioral exchange and training in communication and problem-solving skills. Each of these features is evaluated with respect to clinical considerations as well as to research findings on female-male differences in marriage. The paper concludes with recommendations as to how behavioral marital therapy could become more sensitive to sex role issues.  相似文献   

Kanazawa tests the hypothesis, derived from Evolutionary Psychology, that men's income enhances their ability to engage in copulation with more partners and at a greater frequency. However, the results presented in Kanazawa's article fail to appropriately test for interaction effects and some of the analyses may suffer from sample-selection bias. I reestimate the equations appearing in Kanazawa's study and find (given the author's original methodological decisions) evidence in support of the evolutionary prediction in only two of the four original analyses. Had the same methodological decisions been consistently applied in the original study, then only one of the four analyses provides very weak evidence in favor of a sex difference in the returns to income. Furthermore, I conduct cross-national analyses with International Social Survey Program data from four other industrialized nations: Australia, Bulgaria, Ireland, and Poland. In only one of the nations (Ireland) and for only two of the four dependent variables is there any compelling evidence that men with higher incomes have more sex partners. Since the term "sex partner" may be ambiguous, I also use data from the National Health and Social Life Survey where detailed questions were asked that may better measure evolutionarily significant forms of copulation. The data are not consistent with the evolutionary psychological theory of sexual behavior.  相似文献   

Recent analyses of gender based salary differentials among University faculty have focused on colleges and universities which are quite different from those used in earlier (pre-1975) studies. To facilitate comparisons with previous studies we examine gender earnings differentials during the 1983–84 academic year at Kent State University, a school similar to those studied in the pre-1975 period. Our results suggest that after controlling for differentials in productivity-related characteristics and market influences, there is little evidence of gender based salary discrimination at Kent State during 1983–84.  相似文献   

We explore the connection between optimal monetary policy and heterogeneity among agents in a standard monetary economy with two types of agents where the stationary distribution of money holdings is nondegenerate. Sans type-specific fiscal policy, we show that the zero-nominal-interest rate policy (the Friedman rule) does not maximize type-specific welfare; it may not maximize aggregate ex ante social welfare either. Indeed, one or, more surprisingly, both types may benefit if the central bank deviates from the Friedman rule. ( JEL E31, E51, E58)  相似文献   

齐建秋 《公关世界》2016,(14):59-61
在艺术品持续调整的背景下,书画市场显得冷清,当有人感叹市场冷落的时候容易忽略这样一个事实:其实此时正是买画的好时机,在书画的价格显得平稳甚至低落时,正是立志于书画收藏的人买好画买精品的时候。  相似文献   

Once language is understood in terms of competing discourses, competing ways of giving meaning to the world, which imply differences in the organization of social power, then language becomes an important site of political struggle.  相似文献   

Using a panel of countries over 1990–2000, this paper examines the extent to which different dimensions of the institutional framework affect total exports, exports of manufactured goods, and exports of nonmanufactured goods. It is observed that exports of manufactured goods are positively affected by the quality of institutions but neither total exports nor nonmanufactured exports. The latter may even correlate negatively with the quality of institutions. The results are robust to estimation methods. ( JEL F14, F15, O17)  相似文献   

The inability to mourn is a common but not sufficiently recognized theme underlying various forms of psychopathology. The paper will demonstrate how a patient has defended against the pain of loss by turning away from the external object in reality and creating a maternal object in fantasy over which she has omnipotent control. Focus is on a contemporary understanding of the inability to mourn as a “disease of narcissism.” Aspects of transference distortion, annihilation fantasies, and merger with the maternal object will be highlighted. Through treatment the patient has begun to relinquish the fantasied object, have moments of experiencing real loss of others, and connect more realistically with others.  相似文献   

By extending an influential theory relating societal-level sex ratios to women's life circumstances (Guttentag and Secord 1983), this article formulates hypotheses linking the sex ratio with three dimensions of women's involvement in crime: (1) women's victimization, (2) the protection given to women by the criminal justice system, and (3) women's criminal offending. These hypotheses are then tested with data from approximately 60 countries. The results suggest that a relative undersupply of women (i.e., a high sex ratio) decreases significantly women's criminal offending rate (as indicated by the ratio of female–to–male arrest rates for theft). The hypothesis that the sex ratio increases the protection from crime afforded women (as indicated by the percent of rape cases solved by police) receives guarded support. These findings accord with the sex-ratio thesis, which suggests that in high sex-ratio societies women will be highly valued and their roles limited to the family, where opportunities to commit property crimes are minimal. Contrary to our hypothesis, however, the sex ratio does not significantly influence the female homicide victimization rate. Finally, the level of socioeconomic development, as measured by a multi-item index, is shown to have a substantial influence on sex differences in homicide victimization and theft offending.  相似文献   

西方媒体评价她的演技"像钻石一样熠熠生辉";外国电影人士认为,她是"继张曼玉之后,又一身上具有东方典雅气质的中国女演员."好莱坞最大的经纪管理公司CAA,己与她签约,本年度她将担纲主演一部文艺片和一部商业片.  相似文献   

Racial differences in the receipt of financial inheritances he& to explain why the average difference in wealth between black and white households is larger than the average difference in income. Using data from a panel of prime-aged males and from a representative survey of the U.S. population, we document the greater likelihood of white households receiving an inheritance than black households. Controlling for other factors which contribute to racial differences in wealth, we estimate that financial inheritances may account for between 10% and 20% of the average difference in black-white household wealth.  相似文献   

Well-conducted telephone surveys provide an economical meansof estimating the prevalence of sexual and reproductive behaviorsin a population. There is, however, a nontrivial potential forbias since respondents must report sensitive information toa human interviewer. The National STD and Behavior MeasurementExperiment (NSBME) evaluates a new survey technology—telephoneaudio computer-assisted self-interviewing (T-ACASI)—thateliminates this requirement. The NSBME embedded a randomizedexperiment in a survey of probability samples of 1,543 U.S.and 744 Baltimore adults ages 18 to 45. Compared with NSBMErespondents interviewed by human interviewers, respondents interviewedby T-ACASI were 1.5 to 1.6 times more likely to report same-gendersexual attraction, experience, and genital contact. The impactof T-ACASI was more pronounced (odds ratio = 2.5) for residentsof locales that have historically been less tolerant of same-gendersexual behaviors and for respondents in households with children(odds ratio = 3.0).  相似文献   

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