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Job burnout for workers in any career can be frightening. It's truly debilitating to think that your job and career are worthless, that your future isn't bright. There are, however, some steps you can take to recognize, avoid or overcome the stress and anxiety that leads to job burnout.  相似文献   

This career advice column is usually directed toward those in transition--physician executives who are actively pursuing job opportunities or preparing to do so. But most of your career is actually spent in a position and on the job. So it seems appropriate to focus on the great majority of physician executives who are not currently in the job market. Take a look at opportunities to learn and grow in your present position.  相似文献   

What should physician executives do to prepare for a career move? This is not a list of items to improve technical skills and knowledge, but information on how to accurately and clearly present your experience and gain credibility. A few of the basic career preparations that physician executives must make include: (1) Get your paperwork in order, both a resume and a curriculum vitae; (2) seek feedback and critical input; (3) refresh or establish your interviewing skills; and (4) focus on your communications techniques. Physicians executives cannot rest on their deserved laurels as strong practitioners when aspiring to a senior management role. It is critical to emphasize other skills--decisiveness, communication, and management experience in a range of health care organizations.  相似文献   

At various points in your physician leadership career you may feel such a sense of mastery that you delude yourself into believing that you are better than you are. Depending on the size of your ego, that time may come sooner or later than in your peers, but, be mindful, it could come.  相似文献   

The turbulent state of health care and the rapid changes that show no sign of abating point to many career-related challenges for physician executives. How can you predict the impact of these changes on your career? What measures can be taken to prevent any negative impact of change? And how can you prevail when dealt a negative blow like job loss? The signs that foreshadow the unraveling of a physician executive's career are described. The warning signs are: Not keeping up with change, losing your influence; getting negative feedback; turning your "concerns" into complaints; the economy working against you; and being blindsided because we think leaders operate logically. Being proactive puts more control in your hands and leaves less to chance. You can prevent being blindsided if you: develop your people skills; get comfortable and involved with e-business; stay abreast of health care trends; pick up the pace; and develop "You, Inc." There is a final component to prevailing over adverse circumstances--find your work-related passion and apply it to your career.  相似文献   

How can physician executives get the kind of management experience they need to move to the next level? Is the MBA the end all or can significant management experience and top assignments impress recruiters and CEOs? Here are some important questions to ask yourself about each job you have held as you prepare to move forward in your career: How did I improve the organization? How did I contribute to greater efficiency? How did I affect productivity? How did my work increase the bottom line? Thinking about these questions can help you put teeth in your résumé and get you where you want to go. When you can answer those questions from your own experience, you will have created a powerful career track record that is likely to impress the next CEO whose staff you want to join.  相似文献   

Physician executives should manage their career strategies like a well-run company. Learn how to start thinking aout your career strategy.  相似文献   

With the right boss, you can go far and learn much. The wrong boss could actually slow or even stall your executive career. When you interview for a job, you're also interviewing for a boss--and it's in your own interest to try to find the individual who is the best possible fit with your own management style. This is a matching process--not quite a courtship, but with some of the same characteristics. What can you do to ensure a good match with your new boss? (1) Do your homework; (2) Make your interview a dialog; (3) Use subtle strategies, too, such as watching for body language; (4) Ask the employer for references; and (5) Know yourself.  相似文献   

When you are exploring your career and where you are headed, it is helpful to consider what aspects of your job turn you on, and of course, those that don't. Energizers are activities that excite and invigorate you or people who lift your heart and inspire you. De-energizers are activities or people who drain you, drag you down, depress you. Make lists of those things that energize and de-energize you either at work or in other situations. Try hard to do something to incorporate or change at least the first five on each list and see if you feel more job and life satisfaction. Responses from 30 participants of a recent Career Choices program are provided to help you get started.  相似文献   

Learn ways to integrate Generation X physicians into your hospital or practice. Discover how their career goals differ from the earlier generation's and find out how health care organizations can help meet those goals.  相似文献   

Physician executives need to exercise considerable discretion, care, and judgment when they write about their professional accomplishments in the form of a résumé or curriculum vitae (CV). This paperwork is intensely personal. It must be a true reflection of you, your achievements and goals. Others read it to learn more about you. Those you fail to convince, you're likely to lose--along with your chance to meet and charm them in a personal interview. A physician executive's thoughtfully prepared résumé and CV can result in him or her being offered terrific opportunities for career growth. The paperwork is a self-constructed gateway through which you can properly approach hiring organizations--and how it reads is totally under your control. Some suggestions to consider in developing your résumé or CV are: be succinct; don't overstate; use both documents; do your homework; and be ready for the next steps.  相似文献   

Bouncing back     
If you have taken a career sidetrack, realize that you are still marketable. You have skills, traits, and knowledge that are transferable to many new opportunities. Fortunately, many leaders today in health care and executive search are familiar with your plight, given that they all have their own version of initiatives that did not fly. They will not judge you unfairly because they understand all too well the complex pressures of today's health care environment, filled with risk, cost constraints, and unrealistic profit targets. If you're bouncing back from an unfortunate career move, these steps may keep you focused on your search for new opportunities: (1) recognize that you are not alone, (2) realize that the entity failed, not you, (3) discuss the former position in a positive light, (4) don't give in to cynicism or self-pity, (5) don't let it happen to you again, and (6) play an active role in structuring your next position.  相似文献   

If you find yourself between a rock and a hard place during your career, there are some tough choices you will have to make. Read how one physician executive made these choices.  相似文献   

Team building and teamwork are well entrenched in the American workplace. If you're independent, shy, or short on time, making decisions with a team may be one of the toughest situations you face. Learn how to get along with the rest of the group even if you don't buy in to the team concept. Teamwork may be one of your most useful career skills.  相似文献   

In these days of doctors, lawyers and lawsuits, chances of an American physician finishing his or her career without a malpractice claim are growing more remote. Every physician executive overseeing the activities of a group of peers knows this and should be prepared to assist the physician who is sued. Examine four key ways to help your physicians deal with the stress of a lawsuit.  相似文献   

Chalk it up to the labor shortage or to growing worker independence, but today almost everyone agrees that management effectiveness rests heavily on grass roots support. Why do subordinates despise a superior? Indecisiveness, non-support, expense account abuse, and arrogance are some of the documented reasons. Your direct reports can cause you to fail and their perfidy will never be detected. They can question your competence and decisions often-through the grapevine-bombarding top management with derogatory information it ultimately can't or won't ignore. Moreover, the movement of workers from organization to organization means that negative gossip will be repeated in dozens of grapevines. What is the worst thing disgruntled workers do to a manager's career? Not only will victims protest and flack your sins in the grapevine, they'll vote with their feet. Worker shortages mean that turnover is watched as closely as salary expenses. Explored herein are some signs that should cause a manager to examine how he or she stands with the troops.  相似文献   

Richard L. Reece, MD, interviewed Robert J. Hudson, MD, on April 24, 2000 to discuss his experiences as a physician executive who has made the career transition from practicing physician to managed care executive to biotech entrepreneur. Along the way, he's hired and fired others, and been fired himself. Painful as it is, many physician executives' career realities include being fired. Organizations, after all, are living organizations--they grow, wither, and molt. And as they molt, organizations shed and regrow new skin. What do physician executives do when they've been fired? They go through their own cycle and retreat, reflect, and re-emerge, often reinventing themselves as they go. An essential part of this process is looking within to plumb likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, nightmares and dreams, and positive and negative experiences. For most executives, out of these experiences has come a circle of friends and a Rolodex. Start by reaching out to the circle, by going through your Rolodex, and you can broadcast the news of your rebirth.  相似文献   

Motivation is an important career issue, especially in the shrinking health care market. What inspires people to work hard today is often not the same thing that encouraged our parents' industriousness. What motivates you? What motivates your direct reports? Research suggests that people can't be motivated beyond their "financial set point"--the amount of money they need or want which will motivate them to work harder or smarter. The following motivators are explored: (1) Upward mobility; (2) limited goals; (3) need only; (4) revenge; (5) ego nourishment; and (6) time.  相似文献   

Ignoring disruptive behavior is no longer an option in today's changing health care environment. Competition and managed care have caused more organizations to deal with the disruptive physician, rather than look the other way as many did in years past. But it's not an easy task, possibly the toughest of your management career. How should you confront a disruptive physician? By having clearly stated expectations for physician behavior and policies in place for dealing with problem physicians, organizations have a context from which to address the situation.  相似文献   

Are you prepared to ride the waves of change? Will you be ready when the pink slip arrives? Health care executives who can jump a little higher and run a little faster will go further in the draft. Those of you who are prepared for change will always be appealing to recruiters and prospective employers. How can you ride these turbulent waves and not capsize? This article explores some suggestions for positioning yourself: Proper positioning with the inevitable changes in mind will help you move your career in a forward direction.  相似文献   

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