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Correspondence to Mike Fisher, Department of Social Work, University of Bristol, 8 Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1TN. Summary Recent evidence about the extent of caring for older peopleby older people themselves, and about the importance of spousecare, has challenged existing debates about gender and care.Male carers, particularly older husbands, have been ‘discovered’.This paper attempts to reconceptualize the debate about genderand caring to take account of these developments, particularlyto develop an understanding of the caring activities of oldermale carers and to elaborate the implications for communitycare policy. The evidence suggests there are circumstances where men acceptthe obligation to care, undertake intimate personal care, andderive identity and reward from their caring work, driven bysimilar motives and experiencing similar struggles as women.Rather than seeking maximum distinction between the motivesand experiences of women and men carers, the paper suggeststhat one important way to promote non-sexist community careis to explore the conditions where men's caring is undertakenand how it can be understood and developed.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Imogen Taylor, Research Fellow, Department of Social Work, University of Bristol, 8 Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1TN Summary This paper discusses the importance of evaluation of socialwork education by social work researchers, particularly giventhe increasing demands from different interest groups for socialwork courses to demonstrate effectiveness. It is noted that educational researchers are dominating thefield of educational evaluation, yet it is crucial for the survivalof social work that social work education be evaluated by socialwork researchers. Both the tools and the outcome of such evaluationwill shape the future of social work education and social workitself. Recognizing that cross fertilization of ideas between disciplinesis essential, a model for social work evaluation is proposedwhich is derived from models developed by other disciplinesand integrated with social work practice theory. The resultingresearch model draws a number of parallels between researchand practice, bringing together two groups which are often distantand distinct. The model also brings researcher and user closertogether. The model is analysed in light of its applicationto the evaluation of Enquiry and Action Learning, an innovativeapproach to social work education implemented by the Departmentof Social Work, University of Bristol. Central government funding must be available to ensure systematicand rigorous evaluation of social work education rather thanthe piecemeal research possible so far.  相似文献   

Research Note: Developing Outcome Measures in Child Care   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Correpondence to Dr Harriet Ward. Research Associate, University of Bristol, Social Policy and Social Planning. The Alfred Marshall Building, 40 Berkeley Square, Bristol BS8 1HY. Summary The complexity of the concept of outcome has discouraged researchinto the impact of the care experience on the child. This Notesummarizes the conceptual thinking behind a comprehensive systemof assessment which is being piloted in four local authorities,and reports on the preliminary results.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Elinor Nicholas, Research Fellow, Social Policy Research Unit, University of York, Heslington, York YO10 5DD, UK. E-mail: en2{at}york.ac.uk Summary A focus on outcomes and a desire to improve assessment and supportto carers are central to government policy, crystallized inthe 2000 Carers and Disabled Children Act. This paper exploresthe benefits and challenges of implementing an outcomes approachto carer assessment and review, highlighted by a research anddevelopment project, undertaken in partnership with one localauthority. The project developed and tested research-based practicetools which aimed to promote carer-centred practice, togetherwith clarity in communication and recording of outcomes intendedand achieved. Findings indicated that practice could be enhancedwith the help of a clear conceptual framework and tools, flexiblyand sensitively used to assist discussion and decision-makingwith carers about outcomes. Information about outcomes, aggregatedfrom individual records, was perceived as potentially usefulfor informing service development. Some significant obstaclesand challenges also emerged; not least, the subtle but significantculture shift required, and the additional time needed to effectivelyidentify and address outcomes with carers. A number of factorswere highlighted as important in introducing such an approach:collaboration with, and between, all stakeholders; trainingand support for practitioners to include practice in recordingoutcomes, and opportunities for continuing discussion and reflectionduring implementation.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Brian Caddick, Department of Social Work, University of Bristol, 8 Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1TN. Summary This paper traces the history, and assesses the impact, of aninnovatory project in which current and ex-offenders were providedwith the opportunity to gain practical social work experienceand training for long-term rehabilitative purposes. Based onearlier American schemes in which members of disadvantaged ordiscriminated against groups received training and support fornon-professional careers in human services agencies, the projectcan claim a measure of success. But the evidence also suggeststhat a demonstrated potential for individual change is not alwaysmatched by agency interests and ideologies. The findings areconsidered in relation to the philosophy and provisions associatedwith the 1991 Criminal Justice Act.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr Liz Lloyd, School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol, 7 Priory Road, Bristol BS8 1UA Summary This article considers some of the issues raised by criticsof postmodern analyses of social work. It analyses the waysin which social services departments have changed to a ‘post-fordist’organizational form and considers the implications for equalitypolicies and anti-oppressive practice. It challenges the viewthat preserving a more professional approach to social workoffers greater opportunities for anti-oppressive practice thanthe more deprofessionalized approach currently being developedand argues that social workers committed to the principles ofanti-oppressive practice can develop new tactics appropriateto the changing organizational context It also argues that postmodernistanalyses offer new insights into experiences of power, oppressionand inequality. In particular, it stresses the importance ofunderstanding the linkages between broader, political and economictrends and the experiences of individual social workers andservice users. Drawing on research in Avon Social Services, it considers theways in which race equality strategies in community care continueto reduce issues of race and racism to culture and identity.Reflecting critically on anti-oppressive and anti-racist actionit argues that the limitations placed on anti-oppressive practiceunder the postfordist context of community care are unlikelyto differ greatly from those felt under previous organizationalregimes.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Gill Hague and Ellen Malos, Domestic Violence Research Group, School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol, 8 Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1TN, UK. Summary The development of inter-agency initiatives as a response todomestic violence is currently enjoying widespread popularity,and was the subject of a Home Office Circular in 1995 encouragingthis approach as one of the principal planks of government domesticviolence policy. The Domestic Violence Research Group in theSchool for Policy Studies at the University of Bristol has completeda national study of inter-agency approaches to domestic violence,supported by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, and this paperexplores some of the themes identified in the research and therelevance of multi-agency domestic violence initiatives to socialworkers. Social services departments and voluntary sector socialwork agencies have a key role to play within inter-agency workof this type. The research indicates, however, that, while somesocial workers are active within inter-agency domestic violenceforums, social services could often take a more active rolewith firm commitment from management. It could be suggestedthat social services organizations cannot afford to be absentas the new policy direction offered by inter-agency initiativescontinues to grow in the future, which looks almost certainto happen. Some of the areas explored in the paper are: powerdifferentials between member agencies; the participation (andsometimes the marginalization) of Women's Aid and the refugemovement within multi-agency work; equalities issues; and theinvolvement in inter-agency projects of women and children whohave experienced domestic violence.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Steven Walker, Senior Lecturer, School of Community Health and Social Studies, Anglia Polytechnic University, 2nd Floor, Ashby House, Brook Street, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 1SQ, UK. E-mail: s.walker{at}apu.ac.uk Summary The increased prevalence, complexity and earlier onset of childand adolescent mental health difficulties, has prompted governmentinitiatives to reconfigure current provision for this clientgroup, their parents and the carers who try to support them.Social workers have an important part to play in respondingto the needs of these individual children and families. A residual,care management role is not adequate in these circumstances.This paper describes the development of social work in childand adolescent mental health, and suggests that a synthesisof psychosocial principles and community practice, offers theoptimum social work model of assessment and intervention. Sucha model embraces the most useful aspects of psychodynamic theoryin the context of practice consistent with anti-discriminatory,children's rights and partnership principles.  相似文献   

A Model for the Comprehensive Assessment of Older People and Their Carers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Correspondence to Beverley Hughes, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL. Summary Although local authorities and social service departments arein the process of developing systems of assessment in relationto care management, there has been little debate about the principleswhich ought to underpin assessment processes, nor about thepurpose, scope, and content of comprehensive assessment witholder people. This article discusses these issues and proposesa framework for comprehensive assessment with older people andtheir carers, derived from development work with social workersin a number of local authorities. Of particular importance isthe need for comprehensive assessment to embody meaningful mechanismsfor user and carer participation and empowerment; to acknowledgenot only need and risk but strengths and resources; to regardthe older person as the centre of a network of personal, familial,and social factors which together determine her or his qualityof life and level of risk. The implications for practitionersare examined.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Ms. B. Penhale, Team Leader, Social Work Department, West Norwich Hospital, Bowthorpe Road, Norwich NR2 2TU. Summary Within the last six years, concern about the abuse of elderlypeople by their informal carers has increased in Britain. However,problems remain in the identification and treatment of boththose who are abused and their abusers. The purpose of thispaper is to consider some of the barriers to the identificationof abuse; to look at the similarities and differences betweenthe abuse of elderly people and other forms of family violence(in particular child abuse) and to discuss the implicationsof these for social work practice.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr Matthew Colton, Department of Social Policy and Applied Social Studies, University College, Swansea SA2 8PP. Summary This article compares residential care, foster care and theiralternatives in the countries of the European Community. Thefollowing common trends in policy and practice are examined:the decline of residential child care; changes in the populationof separated children; the trend towards small-scale provision;the development of an ecological perspective; increasing differentiationof care provision; professionalization; and alternatives toresidential and foster care. The pace of development is uneven across EC countries. Overall,the trends high-lighted are more apparent in the northern countriesthan in the southern states.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr David Gordon, School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol, 8 Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1TN, UK. Summary Wide variation in rates of children on protection registersin different authorities has led to doubts about the reliabilityof local decision making. A study of 1,752 referrals, for suspectedabuse or neglect in eight English local authorities, found thatindicators of child and family vulnerability were more importantthan local area in explaining selection for initial child protectionconference and placement on registers. There appeared to beagreement on ‘common-sense’ risk indicators butstronger measurements of risk would enable child protectionprocedures to be better targeted.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Andrew Gage, Manchester City Council Social Services Department, Adult Homefinding Team, Fenham, 5 Moorfield Road, West Didsbury, Manchester M20 8UZ. Summary This study examines the social and personal characteristicsof the people providing support in their own homes (adult fostering)to people with severe learning disabilities. Comparisons aremade with the general population on social and personal areas.A typical carer is identified and the results lead into issuescurrently affecting carers. Links are drawn between carer characteristicsand service user quality of life which require further study.  相似文献   

Correspondence to University of Glasgow, Department of Social Administration and Social Work, Lilybank House, Bute Gardens, Glasgow G12 8RT. Summary This article examines some of the key implications of publicchild abuse inquiries for social work services and practice.It recognizes the positive value of certain of their findingsand recommendations. However, equally important are the unintendedconsequences and latent social functions of inquiries. Thesehave meant that the general public has been able to distanceitself from responsibility for protecting children. Attentionhas been diverted from wider social processes, including adult-childand male-female power relationships. At the same time, the dominantrole of child protection procedures in the statutory sectorhas inhibited the development of preventive practice strategies.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Professor Ian Sinclair, Social Work Research and Development Unit, University of York, York YO10 5DD. E-mail: acs5{at}york.ac.uk Summary Data were collected on 472 foster children at an interval of14 months. The children's social workers, the family placementsocial workers and the foster carers reported on disruptions,and the reasons for placement success or lack of it. These views,combined with comments from the children, led to hypothesesabout the origins of successful placements. Statistical testsof these hypotheses suggested that success depended on threeaspects of the placement. First of these was the children'scharacteristics. Children, who wanted to be fostered (had attractivecharacteristics and low levels of disturbance), did better.Second were the qualities of the foster carer. Placements withwarm, child-oriented carers were more successful. Third wasthe interaction between carer and child. The findings emphasizethe crucial importance of the foster carers to outcomes. Theyalso support the need to pay close attention to children's views,and the potential importance of early intervention to preventnegative spirals of interaction between carer and child.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Professor Robert Harris, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Department of Social Policy and Professional Studies, The University of Hull, Hull HU6 7RX. Summary This paper describes the characteristics of a sample of children(N = 399) being held in secure accommodation in eleven localauthorities prior to the implementation of the Children Act1989. It is argued that secure accommodation cannot be divorcedfrom other aspects of child care policy and practice; that anyconfidence that problems of excessive or variable usage canbe removed by more restrictive legislation is largely misplaced;that when social workers resort to secure accommodation it isoften through a combination of ‘worry’ about anunpredictable child and uncertainty as to what else to do; andthat since not all children in secure accommodation wish toleave it (and the more secure accommodation constitutes goodquality child care the more children are likely to want to stay)a ‘rights’ framework, though necessary, is not asufficient moral or conceptual basis for developing secure accommodationpolicy and practice.  相似文献   

Summary The new Diploma in Social Work (DipSW) requires practice teachersand academic tutors to foster student empowerment while at thesame time ensuring practice competence. A model for achievingthese aims is that of adult learning. This paper traces thedevelopment of adult learning research and offers suggestionsfor effective teaching methods. It argues that the principlesof adult learning could provide a unified framework for professionaltraining and that, moreover, this educational approach couldbe used to benefit social work practice itself.  相似文献   

Correspondence to David Howe, School of Economic and Social Studies, University of East Anglia, Norwich NR4 7TJ. Summary Four local authority social services departments were surveyedto determine the number of adopted children who were currentlyin their care. The biographical characteristics of these childrenand the reasons for them entering care are reported. The adoptivedimension is discussed as a possibly relevant factor in theassessment and treatment of these children and their families.It is concluded that appropriate practice in this field requiresspecialist skills and understanding.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr R. F. Drewett, Department of Psychology, University of Durham, South Road, Durham DH1 3LE Summary In 1984 a family placement scheme for people with a mental handicapwas started by Durham County Council Social Services Department.Thirteen were placed in ten families by the summer of 1988,when we interviewed all clients and carers in the scheme. Responses to the scheme were generally positive, both from thecarers and from the clients. All but two of the carers, however,had considerable previous professional experience with peoplewith a mental handicap, and generalizations from the experienceof this initial group of carers therefore need to be made withsome caution.  相似文献   

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