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Competition or interference occurs when the responses to treatments in experimental units are affected by the treatments in neighbouring units. This may contribute to variability in experimental results and lead to substantial losses in efficiency. The study of a competing situation needs designs in which the competing units appear in a predetermined pattern. This paper deals with optimality aspects of circular block designs for studying the competition among treatments applied to neighbouring experimental units. The model considered is a four-way classified model consisting of direct effect of the treatment applied to a particular plot, the effect of those treatments applied to the immediate left and right neighbouring units and the block effect. Conditions have been obtained for the block design to be universally optimal for estimating direct and neighbour effects. Some classes of balanced and strongly balanced complete block designs have been identified to be universally optimal for the estimation of direct, left and right neighbour effects and a list of universally optimal designs for v<20 and r<100 has been prepared.  相似文献   

We consider an experiment with fixed number of blocks, in which a response to a treatment can be affected by treatments from neighboring units. For such experiment the interference model with neighbor effects is studied. Under this model we study connectedness of binary complete block designs. Assuming the circular interference model with left-neighbor effects we give the condition for minimal number of blocks necessary to obtain connected design. For a specified class of binary, complete block designs, we show that all designs are connected. Further we present the sufficient and necessary conditions of connectedness of designs with arbitrary, fixed number of blocks.  相似文献   

If a crossover design with more than two treatments is carryover balanced, then the usual randomization of experimental units and periods would destroy the neighbour structure of the design. As an alternative, Bailey [1985. Restricted randomization for neighbour-balanced designs. Statist. Decisions Suppl. 2, 237–248] considered randomization of experimental units and of treatment labels, which leaves the neighbour structure intact. She has shown that, if there are no carryover effects, this randomization validates the row–column model, provided the starting design is a generalized Latin square. We extend this result to generalized Youden designs where either the number of experimental units is a multiple of the number of treatments or the number of periods is equal to the number of treatments. For the situation when there are carryover effects we show for so-called totally balanced designs that the variance of the estimates of treatment differences does not change in the presence of carryover effects, while the estimated variance of this estimate becomes conservative.  相似文献   

It is shown that within the class of connected binary designs with arbitrary block sizes and arbitrary replications only a symmetic balanced incomplete block design produces a completely symmetric information matrix for the treatment effects whenever the number of blocks is equal to the number of treatments and the number of experimental units is an integer multiple of the number of treatments. Such a design is known to be universally optimal.  相似文献   

Summary.  Designs for two-colour microarray experiments can be viewed as block designs with two treatments per block. Explicit formulae for the A- and D-criteria are given for the case that the number of blocks is equal to the number of treatments. These show that the A- and D-optimality criteria conflict badly if there are 10 or more treatments. A similar analysis shows that designs with one or two extra blocks perform very much better, but again there is a conflict between the two optimality criteria for moderately large numbers of treatments. It is shown that this problem can be avoided by slightly increasing the number of blocks. The two colours that are used in each block effectively turn the block design into a row–column design. There is no need to use a design in which every treatment has each colour equally often: rather, an efficient row–column design should be used. For odd replication, it is recommended that the row–column design should be based on a bipartite graph, and it is proved that the optimal such design corresponds to an optimal block design for half the number of treatments. Efficient row–column designs are given for replications 3–6. It is shown how to adapt them for experiments in which some treatments have replication only 2.  相似文献   

Hervé Monod 《Statistics》2013,47(3-4):311-324
Valid methods of randomization have been proposed for several classes of neighbour-balanced designs, but the assumed models did not include the neighbour effects from treatments. We present sufficient conditions for such randomizations to be also valid for direct and neighbour effects simultaneously. It is shown through several examples that these sufficient conditions can be satisfied for uni- or bi-directional neighbour effects, provided a particular block structure is used. The covariance between estimators of direct and neighbour effects over the randomization is also studied.  相似文献   

Mike Jacroux 《Statistics》2013,47(5):1022-1029
In this paper, we consider the construction of optimal blocked main effects designs where m two-level factors are to be studied in N runs which are partitioned into b blocks of equal size. For N ≡ 2±od4 sufficient conditions are derived for a design to be Φ f optimal among all designs having main effects occurring equally often at their high and low levels within blocks and then this result is extended to the class of all designs for the case when the block size is two. Methods of constructing designs satisfying the sufficient conditions derived are also given.  相似文献   

The paper considers a model for crossover designs with carryover effects and a random interaction between treatments and subjects. Under this model, two observations of the same treatment on the same subject are positively correlated and therefore provide less information than two observations of the same treatment on different subjects. The introduction of the interaction makes the determination of optimal designs much harder than is the case for the traditional model. Generalising the results of Bludowsky's thesis, the present paper uses Kushner's method to determine optimal approximate designs. We restrict attention to the case where the number of periods is less than or equal to the number of treatments. We determine the optimal designs in the important special cases that the number of periods is 3, 4 or 5. It turns out that the optimal designs depend on the variance of the random interactions and in most cases are not binary. However, we can show that neighbour balanced binary designs are highly efficient, regardless of the number of periods and of the size of the variance of the interaction effects.  相似文献   

Neighbor balance designs were first introduced by Rees (1967) in circular blocks for the use in serological research. Subsequently several researchers have defined the neighbor designs in different ways. In this paper, neighbor balance circular designs for (kv) block size are constructed for even number of treatments i.e. v=2n. No such series of designs is known in literature. Two theorems are developed for circular designs. Theorem 1 gives the non-binary circular blocks, whereas Theorem 2 generates binary circular blocks when n≤4 and non-binary blocks for n>4. In suggested designs no treatment is ever a neighbor of itself. Blocks are constructed in such a way that each treatment is a right and left neighbor of every other treatment for a fixed number of times say λ. Sizes of initial circular blocks are not same. One main guiding principle for such designs is to ensure economy in material use.  相似文献   

The problem considered is to find optimum designs for treatment effects in a block design (BD) setup, when positional effects are also present besides treatment and block effects, but they are ignored while formulating the model. In the class of symmetric balanced incomplete block designs, the Youden square design is shown to be optimal in the sense of minimizing the bias term in the mean squared error (MSE) of the best linear unbiased estimators of the full set of orthonormal treatment contrasts, irrespective of the value of the positional effects.  相似文献   

Current methods for the design of efficient incomplete block experiments when the observations within a block are dependent usually involve computer searches of binary designs. These searches give little insight into the features that lead to efficiency, and can miss more efficient designs. This paper aims to develop some approximations which give some insight into the features of a design that lead to high efficiency under a generalized least-squares analysis for a known dependence structure, and to show that non-binary designs can be more efficient for some dependence structures. In particular, we show how neighbour balance and end plot balance are related to the design efficiency for low-order autoregressions, and that under moderate positive dependence, replication at lag two can sometimes increase efficiency.  相似文献   

The paper aims to find variance balanced and variance partially balanced incomplete block designs when observations within blocks are autocorrelated and we call them BIBAC and PBIBAC designs. Orthogonal arrays of type I and type II when used as BIBAC designs have smaller average variance of elementary contrasts of treatment effects compared to the corresponding Balanced Incomplete Block (BIB) designs with homoscedastic, uncorrelated errors. The relative efficiency of BIB designs compared to BIBAC designs depends on the block size k and the autocorrelation ρ and is independent of the number of treatments. Further this relative efficiency increases with increasing k. Partially balanced incomplete block designs with autocorrelated errors are introduced using partially balanced incomplete block designs and orthogonal arrays of type I and type II.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of randomisation restrictions, either to satisfy conditions for a balanced incomplete block design or to attain a higher level of partial neighbour balance, on the average variance of pair-wise treatment contrasts under a neighbour model discussed by Gleeson & Cullis (1987). Results suggest that smaller average pairwise variances can be obtained by ignoring requirements for incomplete block designs and concentrating on achieving a higher level of partial neighbour balance. Field layout of the design, although often determined by practical constraints, e.g. size, shape of site, minimum plot size and experimental husbandry, may markedly affect average pairwise variance. For the one-dimensional (row-wise) neighbour model considered here, investigation of three different layouts suggests that for a rectangular array of plots, smaller average pairwise variances can generally be obtained from layouts with fewer rows and more plots per row.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is systematically to derive the general upper bound for the number of blocks having a given number of treatments common with a given block of certain incomplete block designs. The approach adopted here is based on the spectral decomposition of NN for the incidence matrix N of a design, where N' is the transpose of the matrix N. This approach will lead us to upper bounds for incomplete block designs, in particular for a large number of partially balanced incomplete block (PBIB) designs, which are not covered with the standard approach (Shah 1964, 1966), Kapadia (1966)) of using well known relations between blocks of the designs and their association schemes. Several results concerning block structure of block designs are also derived from the main theorem. Finally, further generalizations of the main theorem are discussed with some illustrations.  相似文献   

This paper presents further results on a class of designs called equineighboured designs, ED. These designs are intended for field and related experiments, especially whenever there is evidence that observations in the same block are correlated. An ED has the property that every unordered pair of treatments occurs as nearest neighbours equally frequently at each level. Ipinyomi (1986) has defined and shown that ED are balanced designs when neighbouring observations are correlated. He has also presented ED as a continuation of the development of optimal block designs. An ED would often require many times the number of experimental materials needed for the construction of an ordinary balanced incomplete block, BIB, design for the same number of treatments and block sizes. Thus for a relatively large number of treatments and block sizes the required minimum number of blocks may be excessively large for practical use of ED. In this paper we shall define and examine partially equineighboured designs with n concurrences, PED (n), as alternatives where ED are practically unachievable. Particular attention will be given to designs with smaller numbers of blocks and for which only as little balance as possible may be lost.  相似文献   

In scientific investigations, there are many situations where each two experimental units have to be grouped into a block of size two. For planning such experiments, the variance-based optimality criteria like A-, D- and E-criterion are typically employed to choose efficient designs, if the estimation efficiency of treatment contrasts is primarily concerned. Alternatively, if there are observations which tend to become lost during the experimental period, the robustness criteria against the unavailability of data should be strongly recommended for selecting the planning scheme. In this study, a new criterion, called minimum breakdown criterion, is proposed to quantify the robustness of designs in blocks of size two. Based on the proposed criterion, a new class of robust designs, called minimum breakdown designs, is defined. When various numbers of blocks are missing, the minimum breakdown designs provide the highest probabilities that all the treatment contrasts are estimable. An exhaustive search procedure is proposed to generate such designs. In addition, two classes of uniformly minimum breakdown designs are theoretically verified.  相似文献   

Optimal block designs in small blocks are explored under the A-, E- and D-criteria when the treatments have a natural ordering and interest lies in comparing consecutive pairs of treatments. We first formulate the problem via approximate theory which leads to a convenient multiplicative algorithm for obtaining A-optimal design measures. This, in turn, yields highly efficient exact designs, under the A-criterion, even when the number of blocks is rather small. Moreover, our approach is seen to allow nesting of such efficient exact designs which is an advantage when the resources for the experiment are available in possibly several stages. Illustrative examples are given and tables of A-optimal design measures are provided. Approximate theory is also seen to yield analytical results on E- and D-optimal design measures.  相似文献   

A general method is presented for randomising a block design while preserving the neighbour relationships between treatments. The randomisation possesses validity properties for the first-difference analysis introduced by Besag & Kempton (1986). The estimators of treatment differences are unbiased, and the paper shows how to calculate quadratic estimators of their variance, which are unbiased if treatment effects and plot effects are additive. Simplifications, which appear when the design is neighbour-balanced, are described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Neighbor designs have their own importance in the experiments to remove the neighbor effects where the performance of a treatment is affected by the treatments applied to its adjacent plots. If each pair of distinct treatments appears exactly once as neighbors, neighbor designs are called minimal. Most of the neighbor designs require a large number of blocks of equal sizes. In this situation minimal neighbor designs in unequal block sizes are preferred to reduce the experimental material. In this article some series are presented to construct minimal neighbor designs in circular blocks of unequal sizes.  相似文献   

The terms sweeping and alignment refer to the same process. Sweeping/alignment is used by data analysts as a technique for describing the effects of a model factor (e.g., treatments in a randomized block design) after the effects of nuisance parameters (e.g., blocks) have been removed from the data. In this paper sweeping/alignment is used as the basis for developing tests of factors in unbalanced experimental design models. Formulas are presented for treatment effects in randomized block designs with missing observations, and for interaction and main effects in unbalanced two-way factorial designs with empty cells.  相似文献   

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