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The q-Bernstein basis, used in the definition of the q-Bernstein polynomials, is shown to be the probability mass function of a q-binomial distribution. This distribution is defined on a sequence of zero–one Bernoulli trials with probability of failure at any trial increasing geometrically with the number of previous failures. A modification of this model, with the probability of failure at any trial decreasing geometrically with the number of previous failures, leads to a second q-binomial distribution that is also connected to the q-Bernstein polynomials. The q-factorial moments as well as the usual factorial moments of these distributions are derived. Further, the q-Bernstein polynomial Bn(f(t),q;x) is expressed as the expected value of the function f([Xn]q/[n]q) of the random variable Xn obeying the q-binomial distribution. Also, using the expression of the q-moments of Xn, an explicit expression of the q-Bernstein polynomial Bn(fr(t),q;x), for fr(t) a polynomial, is obtained.  相似文献   

Consider a sequence of independent Bernoulli trials and assume that the odds of success (or failure) or the probability of success (or failure) at the ith trial varies (increases or decreases) geometrically with rate (proportion) q, for increasing i=1,2,…. Introducing the notion of a geometric sequence of trials as a sequence of Bernoulli trials, with constant probability, that is terminated with the occurrence of the first success, a useful stochastic model is constructed. Specifically, consider a sequence of independent geometric sequences of trials and assume that the probability of success at the jth geometric sequence varies (increases or decreases) geometrically with rate (proportion) q, for increasing j=1,2,…. On both models, let Xn be the number of successes up the nth trial and Tk (or Wk) be the number of trials (or failures) until the occurrence of the kth success. The distributions of these random variables turned out to be q-analogues of the binomial and Pascal (or negative binomial) distributions. The distributions of Xn, for n→∞n, and the distributions of Wk, for k→∞k, can be approximated by a q  -Poisson distribution. Also, as k→0k0, a zero truncated negative q  -binomial distribution Uk=Wk|Wk>0Uk=Wk|Wk>0 can be approximated by a q-logarithmic distribution. These discrete q-distributions and their applications are reviewed, with critical comments and additions. Finally, consider a sequence of independent Bernoulli trials and assume that the probability of success (or failure) is a product of two sequences of probabilities with one of these sequences depending only the number of trials and the other depending only on the number of successes (or failures). The q-distributions of the number Xn of successes up to the nth trial and the number Tk of trials until the occurrence of the kth success are similarly reviewed.  相似文献   

The Polya-Eggenberger distribution Involves drawing a ball from an urn containing black and white balls and, after each drawing, returning the ball together with s balls of the same color, The model represents positive contagion since the added balls are the same color as the one drawn, See Johnson and Kotz, (1977),

This paper derives and examines the probability distribution which results from the Polya-Eggenberger model with only one change namely, the s additional balls added after each drawing are of the opposite color, producing a negative contagion model.

Formulas in closed form are presented for the probability distribution function, the mean and variance, all binomial moments and, where s is greater than or equal to the number of balls in the urn at start, the mode, A formula for the mode is conjectured where s is less than the number of balls in the urn at start.

Finally, the probability of obtaining k black balls in n drawings is shown in certain instances to be equal to Ank/n!

where Ank are the Eulerian numbers.  相似文献   

Helga Bunke  Olaf Bunke 《Statistics》2013,47(4):607-623
We discuss a stochastic urn model in which there are two urns A and B. B is originally empty and A contains some fixed number of white and black balls. A player selects integers n>O and b>O. Balls are drawn with replacement in A and balls of the same color are put in B as long as the number of white balls in B exceeds (b-1) times the number of black balls in B. Under this condition, the player stops after drawing n+bx balls and is declared to be a winnear if urn B has x black balls. This number of black balls, x, is shown to have the generalized negative binomial distribution  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the Markov-Pólya distribution and its links with the Katz family of distributions. The Katz family is defined through a first-order recursion of remarkable form; it (only) covers the Poisson, negative binomial and binomial distributions. The Markov-Pólya distribution arises in the study of certain urn or population models that incorporate (anti)contagion effects. The present work is motivated by questions and applications in actuarial sciences. First, the Markov-Pólya distribution is presented as a claim frequency model. This distribution is then shown to satisfy a Katz-like recursion. As a consequence, a simple recursion is derived for computing a compound sum distribution that generalizes the Panjer algorithm in risk theory. The Katz family is also obtained as a limit of the Markov-Pólya distribution. Finally, an observed frequency of car accidents is fitted by a Markov-Pólya distribution.  相似文献   

The first stochastic model is based upon two urns A and B, where A contains a fixed number of white and black balls and B is empty. The player selects an integer β ≥, 2 and draws the balls one by one (with replacement) from urn A and balls of the same colour are put in urn B. The process is continued as long as the number of white balls in B exceeds (β-1) times the number of black balls in B. The player stops after drawing β(x-1) balls and is declared to be a winner if urn B has (x-1) black balls. It is shown that x has the Geeta distribution.

Assuming that the mean μ is a function of two parameters θ and β it has been shown that for small changes inthe value of θ there exists a difference-differential equation which leads to the Geeta distribution.  相似文献   

In many settings it is useful to have bounds on the total variation distance between some random variable Z and its shifted version Z+1. For example, such quantities are often needed when applying Stein's method for probability approximation. This note considers one way in which such bounds can be derived, in cases where Z is either the equilibrium distribution of some birth-death process or the mixture of such a distribution. Applications of these bounds are given to translated Poisson and compound Poisson approximations for Poisson mixtures and the Pólya distribution.  相似文献   

For the two-color reinforcement-depletion urn model, with balancing reinforcement and depletion held constant over cycles, a recursive formula is given from which all factorial moments (for white balls, for example) can be determined. When the reinforcement of each color is positive, the stationary distribution of white balls (infinite number of cycles) turns out to be determined by three parameters. namely (i) the total number of balls in the urn, (ii) the richness of the reinforcement, or ratio of white ball reinforcement to total reinforcement, and (iii) the size of the white ball reinforcement. In addition, the distribution mimics the binomial (with less variance and skewness (√β1:) ) and from formulas for the exact first four moments rapidly approaches normality. On the basis of the few cases studied, an approximating Gram-Charlier distribution with a binomial nucleus is only moderately successful  相似文献   

Trimmed L-moments, defined by Elamir and Seheult [2003. Trimmed L-moments. Comput. Statist. Data Anal. 43, 299–314], summarize the shape of probability distributions or data samples in a way that remains viable for heavy-tailed distributions, even those for which the mean may not exist. We derive some further theoretical results concerning trimmed L-moments: a relation with the expansion of the quantile function as a weighted sum of Jacobi polynomials; the bounds that must be satisfied by trimmed L-moments; recurrences between trimmed L-moments with different degrees of trimming; and the asymptotic distributions of sample estimators of trimmed L-moments. We also give examples of how trimmed L-moments can be used, analogously to L-moments, in the analysis of heavy-tailed data. Examples include identification of distributions using a trimmed L-moment ratio diagram, shape parameter estimation for the generalized Pareto distribution, and fitting generalized Pareto distributions to a heavy-tailed data sample of computer network traffic.  相似文献   

We give a construction for a generalized Hadamard matrix GH(4q, EA(q)) as a 4 × 4 matrix of q × q blocks, for q an odd prime power other than 3 or 5. Each block is a GH(q, EA(q)) and certain combinations of 4 blocks form GH(2q, EA(q)) matrices. Hence a GH(4q, EA(q)) matrix exists for every prime power q.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new bivariate discrete distribution that generalizes the bivariate Beta-Binomial distribution. It is generated by Appell hypergeometric function F1 and can be obtained as a Binomial mixture with an Exton's Generalized Beta distribution. The model has different marginal distributions which are, together with the conditional distributions, more flexible than the Beta-Binomial distribution. It has non-linear regression curves and is useful for random variables with positive correlation. These features make the model very adequate to fit observed data as the two applications included show.  相似文献   

This paper continues earlier work of the authors in carrying out the program discussed in Kiefer (1975), of comparing the performance of designs under various optimality criteria. Designs for extrapolation problems are also obtained. The setting is that in which the controllable variable takes on values in the q-dimensional unit ball, and the regression is cubic. Thus, the ideas of comparison are tested for a model more complex than the quadratic models discussed previously. The E-optimum design performs well in terms of other criteria, as well as for extrapolation to larger balls. A method of simplifying the calculations to obtain approximately optimum designs, is illustrated.  相似文献   

The exact distribution of the maximum and minimum frequencies of Multinomial/Dirichlet and Multivariate Hypergeometric distributions of n balls in m urns is compactly represented as a product of stochastic matrices. This representation does not require equal urn probabilities, is invariant to urn order, and permits rapid calculation of exact probabilities. The exact distribution of the range is also obtained. These algorithms satisfy a long-standing need for routines to compute exact Multinomial/Dirichlet and Multivariate Hypergeometric maximum, minimum, and range probabilities in statistical computation libraries and software packages.  相似文献   

The use of truncated distributions arises often in a wide variety of scientific problems. In the literature, there are a lot of sampling schemes and proposals developed for various specific truncated distributions. So far, however, the study of the truncated multivariate t (TMVT) distribution is rarely discussed. In this paper, we first present general formulae for computing the first two moments of the TMVT distribution under the double truncation. We formulate the results as analytic matrix expressions, which can be directly computed in existing software. Results for the left and right truncation can be viewed as special cases. We then apply the slice sampling algorithm to generate random variates from the TMVT distribution by introducing auxiliary variables. This strategic approach can result in a series of full conditional densities that are of uniform distributions. Finally, several examples and practical applications are given to illustrate the effectiveness and importance of the proposed results.  相似文献   

The paper studies the three-parameter generalization of the logarithmic distribution that is obtained as the cluster distribution for the generalized Euler distribution. The diagnostic statistic, R(x)=xpx/[(x-1)px-1]R(x)=xpx/[(x-1)px-1], is constant for the logarithmic distribution. For the new distribution it can decrease, stay constant, or increase as x increases. The relative values of the extra parameters determine the flatness/hollowness of the distribution and its tail behaviour. Kemp's q-logarithmic distribution and the Euler cluster distribution are special cases. Fitted data sets illustrate the properties of the distribution and its limiting forms.  相似文献   

For the Bose-Einstein Statistics, where n indistinguishable balls are distributed in m urns such that all the arrangements are equally likely, define the random variables

Mk = number of urns containing exactly k balls each;

Nk = number of urns containing at least k balls each.

We consider the approximation of the distributions of Mk and Nk by suitable normal distributions, for large but finite m. Estimates are found for the error in the approximation to both the probability mass function and the distribution function in each case. These results apply also to the alternative model where no urn is allowed to be empty. The results are illustrated by some numerical examples.  相似文献   

The two-sided power (TSP) distribution is a flexible two-parameter distribution having uniform, power function and triangular as sub-distributions, and it is a reasonable alternative to beta distribution in some cases. In this work, we introduce the TSP-binomial model which is defined as a mixture of binomial distributions, with the binomial parameter p having a TSP distribution. We study its distributional properties and demonstrate its use on some data. It is shown that the newly defined model is a useful candidate for overdispersed binomial data.  相似文献   

A robust estimator is developed for Poisson mixture models with a known number of components. The proposed estimator minimizes the L2 distance between a sample of data and the model. When the component distributions are completely known, the estimators for the mixing proportions are in closed form. When the parameters for the component Poisson distributions are unknown, numerical methods are needed to calculate the estimators. Compared to the minimum Hellinger distance estimator, the minimum L2 estimator can be less robust to extreme outliers, and often more robust to moderate outliers.  相似文献   

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