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Book reviews     
Statistical Papers -  相似文献   

Book reviews     

Book reviews     

Book reviews     
Donald J. Koosis: Statistics. A Self-Teaching Guide, Fourth Edition. Wiley 1997, ISBN 0-471-14688-9

Christopher C. Heyde: Quasi-Likelihood and Its Applications, Springer Series in Statistics, 1997, pp. 235, [ISBN 0-387-98225-61

Jeffrey S. Simonoff: Smoothing Methods in Statistics, Springer Series in Statistics, 1996, pp. 338

Andr´e I. Khuri, Thomas Mathew and Birmal K. Sinha: Statistical Tests for Mixed Linear Models, Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics, 1998, pp. 352, PSBN 0-471-1 5653-11

Ronald Christensen: Log-Linear Models and Logistic Regression, Springer Texts in Statistics, 1997, pp. 483, [ISBN 0-387-98247-71

E. L. Lehmann: Testing Statistical Hypotheses, Springer Texts in Statistics, 1997, pp. 600, [ISBN 0-387-94919-41

S. R. Searle, G. Casella and Ch. E. McCulloch: Variance Components, Wiley and Sons, 1992, pp. 496, [ISBN 0-471-62162-51

B. J. T. Morgan: Analysis of Quantal Response Data, Chapman & Hall, 1992, pp. 51 1

Carl D. Huberty: Applied Discriminant Analysis, Wiley and Sons, 1994, pp. 490

C. R. Rao and H. Toutenburg: Linear Models. Least Squares and Alternatives, Springer Series in Statistics, 1995, 188 pp., [ISBN 0-387-94562-81  相似文献   

Book reviews     
S.M.Kendall:Multivariate Analysis.Charles Griffin & Co. Ltd., London and High Wycombe 1975, 210 pp

C.T.Leondes (ed.):Control and Dynamic Systems, Advances in Theory and Applications. Vol. 11, Academic Press, New York and London 1974, 516 pp., $ 24.50.

CH. R.Nelson:Applied Time Series Analysis for Managerial Forecasting. Holden Day, Inc., San Francisco 1973, 231 pp., $ 14.95.

B.DE Finetti:Theory of Probability. Vol. 1, 2, John Wiley & Sons, New York, London, Sydney, Toronto. Vol. 1, 1974, 300 pp., £ 7.50 - Vol. 2 1975, 375 pp., £ 10.50.

P.Erdördos, J. Spencer:Probabilistic Methods in Combinatorics. Akadémic Press, New York and London; Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest 1974, 106 pp., $ 11.75.

J.S.R.Ustagi:Variational Methods in Statistics.Academic Press, New York and London 1975.

J.S.Rustagi:Optimizing Methods in Statistics.Academic Press, New York and London 1971,488 pp., $ 17.00.

Karl V. Bury:Statistical Models in Applied Science. John Wiley & Sons, New York-London-Sydney-Toronto 1975,.625 pp., £ 15.60; $ 28.00.

Michael R. Anderberg:Cluster Analysis for Applications. Academic Press, New York-San Francisco-London 1973, 359 pp., $ 27,–.

J.L.Fleiss:Statistical Methods for Rates and Proportions. John Wiley & Sons, New York-London-Sydney-Toronto 1973. 223 pp., £ 6.50.

J.Tanur et al. (Ed.):Statistics:A Guide to the Unknown. Holden Day, Inc., San Francisco 1972, 430 pp.

H.VÁliaho, T. Pekkonen:A Procedure for Stepwise Regression Analysis.Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1976, 90 pp., 18,– M.

M.Reinfeldt, U. TrÁnkle:Signifikanztabellen statistischer Testvertellungen. R. Oldenbourg Verlag, Mnchen, Wien 1976, 151 S., DM 44,–.

R.E.Barlow, D.J.Batholomew, J.M.Bremner, H.D.Brunk:Statistical Inference Under Order Restrictions.(The Theory and Applications of Isotonic Regression.) John Wiley & Sons, New York 1972, 388 pp., £ 7.50.

H.J.Larson:Introduction to Probability Theory and Statistical Inference. Wiley, New York 1974, 430 pp., £ 6.85.

R.A.Carlson:Statistics. Holden Day, Inc., San Francisco 1973, 393 pp.

E. Page:Queueing Theory in OR. Butterworths, London 1972, 187 pp., £ 3.60.

H.Krampe, J.Kubat, W.Runge:Bedienungsmodelle. Ein Leitfaden für die praktische Anwendung, Verlag Die Wirtachaft, Berlin 1973, 512 S., 79,– M.

G.S.Fishman:Concepts and Methods in Discrete Events Digital Simulation. John Wiley & Sons, New York 1973, 385 pp., £ 8,75.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
E. Kofler, G. Menges: Entscheidungen bei unvollständiger Information. Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems 136. Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-NewYork 1976, 357 S., DM 31.

B. S. Everitt: The Analysis ot Contingency Tables. Chapman and Han, London 1977, 128 S., £ 3.75.

O. Barndorff-Nielsen: Information and Exponential Families in Statistical Theory. J. Wiley & Sons, Chichester-New York-Brisbane-Toronto 1978, 247 S., £ 13.50; $ 28.50.

W. Gilchrist: Statisticai Forecasting. J. Wiley & Sons, London-New York-Sydney-Toronto 1976, 321 S., £ 9.50; $ 19.00.

J. M. Chambers: Computational Methods for Data Analysis. J. Wiley & Sons, New York Chichester-Brisbane-Toronto 1977, 279 pp., £ 11.30.

A. Hughes, D. Grawoig: Statistics: A Foundation for Analysis. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Reading-Menlo-Park London-Don Mills 1971, 525 S., $ 11.50.

K.Krickeberg, H.Ziezold: Stochastiche Methoden. Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York 1977, 201 S., 13 Abb., DM 28.

Ch. Schneeweiss: Inventory-Production Theory. A Linear Policy Approach. Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems 151. Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-NewYork 1977, 122 S., 13 Abb., 9 Tab., DM 18.

S. Dworatschek: Grundlagen der Datenverarbeltung, 6., völlig neu bearb. u. erw. Aufl., Walter de Gruyter, Berlin-New York 1977, 538 S., 200 Abb., 212 Üb.Aufg., 59 Fotos, DM 38.

H. E. Steinhagen, S. Fuchs:Objekterkennung. Einführung in die mathematischen Methoden der Zeichenerkennung. VEB Verlag Technik, Berlin 1976, 436 S., 165 Abb., 32 Tab., 49,–.M.

G. Tinhofer: Mathematik für Studlenanfänger, Carl Hanser Verlag, München 1977, 464 S., 191 Abb., DM 38.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Mihram, G. A.: Simulation: Statistical Foudations and Methodology, Academic Press, 1972.  相似文献   

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