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Based on sero-prevalence data of rubella, mumps in the UK and varicella in Belgium, we show how the force of infection, the age-specific rate at which susceptible individuals contract infection, can be estimated using generalized linear mixed models (McCulloch & Searle, 2001). Modelling the dependency of the force of infection on age by penalized splines, which involve fixed and random effects, allows us to use generalized linear mixed models techniques to estimate both the cumulative probability of being infected before a given age and the force of infection. Moreover, these models permit an automatic selection of the smoothing parameter. The smoothness of the estimated force of infection can be influenced by the number of knots and the degree of the penalized spline used. To determine these, a different number of knots and different degrees are used and the results are compared to establish this sensitivity. Simulations with a different number of knots and polynomial spline bases of different degrees suggest - for estimating the force of infection from serological data - the use of a quadratic penalized spline based on about 10 knots.  相似文献   

This article introduces a new specification for the heterogenous autoregressive (HAR) model for the realized volatility of S&P 500 index returns. In this modeling framework, the coefficients of the HAR are allowed to be time-varying with unspecified functional forms. The local linear method with the cross-validation (CV) bandwidth selection is applied to estimate the time-varying coefficient HAR (TVC-HAR) model, and a bootstrap method is used to construct the point-wise confidence bands for the coefficient functions. Furthermore, the asymptotic distribution of the proposed local linear estimators of the TVC-HAR model is established under some mild conditions. The results of the simulation study show that the local linear estimator with CV bandwidth selection has favorable finite sample properties. The outcomes of the conditional predictive ability test indicate that the proposed nonparametric TVC-HAR model outperforms the parametric HAR and its extension to HAR with jumps and/or GARCH in terms of multi-step out-of-sample forecasting, in particular in the post-2003 crisis and 2007 global financial crisis (GFC) periods, during which financial market volatilities were unduly high.  相似文献   

A periodically stationary time series has seasonal variances. A local linear trend estimation is proposed to accommodate unequal variances. A comparison of this proposed estimator with the estimator commonly used for a stationary time series is provided. The optimal bandwidth selection for this new trend estimator is discussed.  相似文献   


Nonparametric regression is a standard statistical tool with increased importance in the Big Data era. Boundary points pose additional difficulties but local polynomial regression can be used to alleviate them. Local linear regression, for example, is easy to implement and performs quite well both at interior and boundary points. Estimating the conditional distribution function and/or the quantile function at a given regressor point is immediate via standard kernel methods but problems ensue if local linear methods are to be used. In particular, the distribution function estimator is not guaranteed to be monotone increasing, and the quantile curves can “cross.” In the article at hand, a simple method of correcting the local linear distribution estimator for monotonicity is proposed, and its good performance is demonstrated via simulations and real data examples. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.  相似文献   

对于部分线性模型中非参数部分是否为多项式函数的检验问题,应该先确定其是否为多项式函数类。通过对部分线性模型的拟合残差进行再光滑,基于其变化的趋势性构造统计量以检验其是否为多项式函数类,给出了计算检验P-值的精确算法和三阶矩χ2逼近方法,模拟例子与实际例子充分显示了本方法的有效性。  相似文献   

A technique is presented for estimating the size of a closed population from multiple recapture data when sampling is performed without replacement on the last trapping occasion. The estimator of the population size along with the variance estimator is derived from a log-linear model.  相似文献   

This paper shows how cubic smoothing splines fitted to univariate time series data can be used to obtain local linear forecasts. The approach is based on a stochastic state‐space model which allows the use of likelihoods for estimating the smoothing parameter, and which enables easy construction of prediction intervals. The paper shows that the model is a special case of an ARIMA(0, 2, 2) model; it provides a simple upper bound for the smoothing parameter to ensure an invertible model; and it demonstrates that the spline model is not a special case of Holt's local linear trend method. The paper compares the spline forecasts with Holt's forecasts and those obtained from the full ARIMA(0, 2, 2) model, showing that the restricted parameter space does not impair forecast performance. The advantage of this approach over a full ARIMA(0, 2, 2) model is that it gives a smooth trend estimate as well as a linear forecast function.  相似文献   

Abstract.  We consider marginal semiparametric partially linear models for longitudinal/clustered data and propose an estimation procedure based on a spline approximation of the non-parametric part of the model and an extension of the parametric marginal generalized estimating equations (GEE). Our estimates of both parametric part and non-parametric part of the model have properties parallel to those of parametric GEE, that is, the estimates are efficient if the covariance structure is correctly specified and they are still consistent and asymptotically normal even if the covariance structure is misspecified. By showing that our estimate achieves the semiparametric information bound, we actually establish the efficiency of estimating the parametric part of the model in a stronger sense than what is typically considered for GEE. The semiparametric efficiency of our estimate is obtained by assuming only conditional moment restrictions instead of the strict multivariate Gaussian error assumption.  相似文献   

Functional data analysis has become an important area of research because of its ability of handling high‐dimensional and complex data structures. However, the development is limited in the context of linear mixed effect models and, in particular, for small area estimation. The linear mixed effect models are the backbone of small area estimation. In this article, we consider area‐level data and fit a varying coefficient linear mixed effect model where the varying coefficients are semiparametrically modelled via B‐splines. We propose a method of estimating the fixed effect parameters and consider prediction of random effects that can be implemented using a standard software. For measuring prediction uncertainties, we derive an analytical expression for the mean squared errors and propose a method of estimating the mean squared errors. The procedure is illustrated via a real data example, and operating characteristics of the method are judged using finite sample simulation studies.  相似文献   

We present some lower bounds for the probability of zero for the class of count distributions having a log‐convex probability generating function, which includes compound and mixed‐Poisson distributions. These lower bounds allow the construction of new non‐parametric estimators of the number of unobserved zeros, which are useful for capture‐recapture models, or in areas like epidemiology and literary style analysis. Some of these bounds also lead to the well‐known Chao's and Turing's estimators. Several examples of application are analysed and discussed.  相似文献   

We compare jackknifing and bootstrapping as methods for estimating the variance of a U-statistic. The use of these estimates in calculating asymptotic confidence intervals is discussed, and the results of a numerical study involving Kendall's tau are reported. For the special case of this statistic, the bootstrap is the estimate of choice.  相似文献   

Heteroscedasticity generally exists when a linear regression model is applied to analyzing some real-world problems. Therefore, how to accurately estimate the variance functions of the error term in a heteroscedastic linear regression model is of great importance for obtaining efficient estimates of the regression parameters and making valid statistical inferences. A method for estimating the variance function of heteroscedastic linear regression models is proposed in this article based on the variance-reduced local linear smoothing technique. Some simulations and comparisons with other method are conducted to assess the performance of the proposed method. The results demonstrate that the proposed method can accurately estimate the variance functions and therefore produce more efficient estimates of the regression parameters.  相似文献   

In this article, we are concerned with whether the nonparametric functions are parallel from two partial linear models, and propose a test statistic to check the difference of the two functions. The unknown constant α is estimated by using moment method under null models. Nonparametric functions under both null and full models are estimated by using local linear method. The asymptotic properties of parametric and nonparametric components are derived. The test statistic under the null hypothesis is calculated and shown to be asymptotically normal.  相似文献   

In designed experiments and in particular longitudinal studies, the aim may be to assess the effect of a quantitative variable such as time on treatment effects. Modelling treatment effects can be complex in the presence of other sources of variation. Three examples are presented to illustrate an approach to analysis in such cases. The first example is a longitudinal experiment on the growth of cows under a factorial treatment structure where serial correlation and variance heterogeneity complicate the analysis. The second example involves the calibration of optical density and the concentration of a protein DNase in the presence of sampling variation and variance heterogeneity. The final example is a multienvironment agricultural field experiment in which a yield–seeding rate relationship is required for several varieties of lupins. Spatial variation within environments, heterogeneity between environments and variation between varieties all need to be incorporated in the analysis. In this paper, the cubic smoothing spline is used in conjunction with fixed and random effects, random coefficients and variance modelling to provide simultaneous modelling of trends and covariance structure. The key result that allows coherent and flexible empirical model building in complex situations is the linear mixed model representation of the cubic smoothing spline. An extension is proposed in which trend is partitioned into smooth and non-smooth components. Estimation and inference, the analysis of the three examples and a discussion of extensions and unresolved issues are also presented.  相似文献   

The predicitive sample reuse (PSR) data analysis technique proposed by Geisser and Eddy (1979) is applied to the analysis of categorical data. This application yiclds a new approach which has a number of advantages over classical methods for analysis of such data. A PSR technique for comparing linear or nonlinar regressino relationships, for two or more populations, and a PSR ailernative to certain nonparaemetri statistical tesis are also proposed.  相似文献   

In this article, we study the profile likelihood estimation and inference on the partially linear model with a diverging number of parameters. Polynomial splines are applied to estimate the nonparametric component and we focus on constructing profile likelihood ratio statistic to examine the testing problem for the parametric component in the partially linear model. Under some regularity conditions, the asymptotic distribution of profile likelihood ratio statistic is proposed when the number of parameters grows with the sample size. Numerical studies confirm our theory.  相似文献   

Abstract. In this paper, we provide a definition of pattern of outliers in contingency tables within a model‐based framework. In particular, we make use of log‐linear models and exact goodness‐of‐fit tests to specify the notions of outlier and pattern of outliers. The language and some techniques from Algebraic Statistics are essential tools to make the definition clear and easily applicable. We also analyse several numerical examples to show how to use our definitions.  相似文献   

This article discusses estimation of the cure rate by means of the bounded cumulative hazard (BCH) model using interval censored data. The parametric and nonparametric estimation methods within the framework of the EM algorithm were employed for cure rate estimation and their results compared. The Turnbull estimator was used in the nonparametric estimation while in parametric method both the exponential and Weibull distributions were considered. We show via simulation that the nonparametric method is a viable alternative to the parametric one when the censoring rate is rapidly increasing.  相似文献   

It is quite appealing to extend existing theories in classical linear models to correlated responses where linear mixed-effects models are utilized and the dependency in the data is modeled by random effects. In the mixed modeling framework, missing values occur naturally due to dropouts or non-responses, which is frequently encountered when dealing with real data. Motivated by such problems, we aim to investigate the estimation and model selection performance in linear mixed models when missing data are present. Inspired by the property of the indicator function for missingness and its relation to missing rates, we propose an approach that records missingness in an indicator-based matrix and derive the likelihood-based estimators for all parameters involved in the linear mixed-effects models. Based on the proposed method for estimation, we explore the relationship between estimation and selection behavior over missing rates. Simulations and a real data application are conducted for illustrating the effectiveness of the proposed method in selecting the most appropriate model and in estimating parameters.  相似文献   

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