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魏薇  岳琦摄影 《经理人》2010,(4):116-119
每一个成功男人背后都有一个默默付出的女人,每~位成功的女人背后都有一个优秀的团队。如何打造一支具有竞争力的高管队伍?选人、用人、留人,我们会习惯性地想到“丛林法则”,想到离职挖角等江湖恩怨。残酷的市场竞争面前,女企业家们却选择了另外的方式,  相似文献   

加强内部财务管理与控制,成为企业发展到一定程度的必然产物。大量的事实证明,每一个成功企业的背后,都建立了一套比较成熟规范的内部财务管理与控制制度。  相似文献   

<正>隋朝的历史虽然短暂,却因其结束了中国200多年的分裂状态而意义重大。完成统一大业的隋文帝杨坚,以其功绩和德行,成为开国皇帝中的佼佼者。每个成功的男人背后都有一个优秀的女人,现代人常说的这句话,在隋文帝身上也可印证。隋文帝的皇后独孤氏,虽然在史册上连名字都未留下,却是一个杰出的"内助"。史载,杨坚当上皇帝,与独孤  相似文献   

孙琳琳 《领导文萃》2012,(19):118-120
中国人相信事在人为,所谓"人为",除了努力,多是指"搞关系"。后宫便是这么一个有各种关系要搞的复杂人际网络:表面上是一个男人说了算,实际上谁都可以影响他的判断;表面上等级森严,实际上一夜春风就可以飞上枝头做凤凰;表面上是女人之间斗来斗去,实际上每个女人背后都连着一大家子的性命和利益,说到底是拼爹、拼色、拼财势、拼演技。  相似文献   

提及微软公司,人们首先想到的便是它的创始人比尔·盖茨,一个前所未有的天才和大慈善家。但是很多人不知道的是,比尔·盖茨的成功很大一部分都应该归功于一直在背后支持他的不为人熟悉的影子天才、现任微软CEO的史蒂夫·鲍尔默。  相似文献   

宋丽  刘伯良 《经理人》2007,(1):122-125
杨澜曾说,一个女人创业,没有一点点的运气眷顾,是怎样艰难的事情。而事实上,并不是每一个职业经理人都能够成为成功的创业者。但玫瑰圈中并不缺乏成功的创业案例。本期“玫瑰部落沙龙活动”所邀请的几位女性,现在正走在成功的创业道路上,希望通过聆听她们的创业经历和心路历程,让更多有梦想的玫瑰们勇敢地把梦想变成现实。  相似文献   

提及微软公司,人们首先想到的便是它的创始人比尔·盖茨,一个前所未有的天才和大慈善家.但是很多人不知道的是,比尔·盖茨的成功很大一部分都应该归功于一直在背后支持他的不为人熟悉的影子天才、现任微软CEO的史蒂夫·鲍尔默.  相似文献   

正企业领导的个人魅力能够美化企业形象,提升品牌效力;能够网罗四方人才,激发最高效能;更能够推动改革创新,谋求长效发展。企业领导人魅力对企业发展的影响有着不能忽视的作用。一、形象魅力提升企业形象每一个成功的企业背后都有一个杰出的领导者(群体),如奠基IBM的沃森父子、重振IBM的郭士纳、微软的比尔·盖茨、奠基FORD的老福特、通用的杰克.韦尔奇、海尔的张瑞敏、  相似文献   

她也许不是中国最有钱的人,也许不是最会赚钱的人。但她20年前以3口锅起家,到今天资产近4个亿,其间的经历蕴含着创业的智慧,体现了成功背后的执着追求。这是关于一个重庆女人和重庆火锅的故事。  相似文献   

每一个花朵都渴望绽放,每一棵松柏都期盼挺拔,每一个学生都梦想成功。主题班会这个小小的舞台可以让学生初步品尝短短人生中成功的喜悦。  相似文献   

Senior physician executives were surveyed in 1998/99 to ascertain that they see as their greatest value to their organizations. They believe that their most significant contribution is their accumulated knowledge and experience--both in medicine and management. This medical management perspective is considered the key advantage of serving on the senior management team and helping to shape the organization's decisions and direction. Additionally, they rated their relationships with physicians as a critical aspect of their position. They were also asked what activities they most enjoyed. The number one response was working with the physicians on the medical staff and in the community. This includes the day-to-day involvement as a leader, as a mentor and educator, and overall as a liasion to the organization's practitioners. The activities that they found most rewarding were also those they perceived to be of greatest value. If these physicians are correct about what is valued in their organizations, they are the right people in the right jobs--and they enjoy what they do.  相似文献   

Weekly observations of direct-care staff in a facility for persons with brain injury yielded less than optimal interactional style with facility residents. Following an observational baseline, staff were asked to self-rate a 15-min video sample of their interaction behavior with participants on their unit. They were then asked to compare their self-ratings to those of a supervisor, as well as view a video exemplar of appropriate positive interaction behavior. Elements of their interactional style were highlighted and specific feedback was provided on how to improve their performance. Interaction style was then reevaluated via an unobtrusive observer and yielded positive gains for all participants. Subsequent on-the-job feedback sustained performance gains.  相似文献   

The well-trained group of professionals had worked hard at the business they knew well. Their efforts had paid off--they were highly respected for their quality; their business grew; they had a close, trusting relationship with their customers; and they had the satisfaction of running their business as they alone knew to be best. As they looked ahead, they saw the personal security of a bright, safe future, of more of the same success. Then, slowly at first but building steadily to a feverish pace, their business and their lives were uprooted and torn apart in an all-encompassing economic and social earthquake. Now, with a force the professionals could hardly believe, let alone keep track of, the very definition of their business was changing, the trusting relationship with customers began to break down as massive numbers of new and different competitors vied for their business, many new players began to control how they ran their business, and security vanished into a confusion of competition, entrepreneurship, and risk.  相似文献   

This is an interview-based study of 104 families and their observations of the last weeks and days of a dying family member. Forty families reported "unusual experiences and behaviors" from the dying person in their last period of life. Thirty of these dying persons displayed behavior consistent with deathbed visions-interacting or speaking with deceased relatives, mostly their dead parents. There were six cases of reported premonitions of death and five possible confusional states with one patient reported to have had both a deathbed vision and confusional experiences. Socio-demographic factors such as gender, age, occupation, or cause and place of death were not found to be significant. Hindu patients appeared to be more likely than Muslim patients to report these experiences. Use of opiates (or not) did not appear to influence reports. The findings are discussed with reference to past studies of deathbed visions as well as their implications for the future pastoral care of dying people and their families.  相似文献   

Although project portfolio management has been an active research area over the past 50 years, budget allocation models that consider competition are sparse. Faced with the competition, firms contemplating budget allocation for their project portfolio cannot limit their attention to the returns from their projects' target markets, as is the case for monopoly firms, but must also anticipate the competitive effects on these returns. Assuming firms allocate their budgets between projects offering incremental innovation targeting a mature market and projects offering radical innovation targeting an emerging market, we show that while the monopoly firm bases its budget allocation decision solely on the marginal returns of the markets, competing firms—as they take into account their counterparts' investment decisions—need to also consider the projects' average returns from their respective markets. This drives competing firms into incrementalism: faced with competition, firms invest larger portions of their budgets into projects targeting mature markets. This effect is amplified as the number of competing firms increases and firms allocate an even greater share of their budget into projects targeting a mature market. We further demonstrate the effects that changes to firms' individual budgets, as well as to market characteristics, have on firms' budget allocation decision.  相似文献   

The study examined the efforts of 11 manufacturing companies to regenerate competitiveness through implementing improvement programmes. Data were collected about the activities seen to constitute improvement programmes as well as the reasons and intentions given for their implementation. Companies were found to have shared a common set of strategic intentions whilst having used differently constituted improvement programmes to achieve them. This similarity in strategic intent was seen as evidence of companies using improvement programmes to facilitate movement from mass to lean production paradigms. AU of the 11 companies studied exhibited widespread use of improvement activities. However, significant differences in individual company choice was interpreted as contra-evidence of improvements being driven solely by manufacturing fashions. This together with their similarities in strategic intent was seen as evidence that companies tailored their regenerative efforts to suit individual circumstances in pursuit of a generic strategic recipe. Some companies had discovered they had developed new capabilities through their regenerative efforts and these were seen as providing a distinctive competitive advantage. All of the companies set out with strategic intentions which centred on catching up with or imitating the best of their competitors – over a half discovered en route a means for changing the rules of the game.  相似文献   

In this article, we analyze how retailers change their inventory investment behavior in response to macroeconomic shocks. We examine if service level, as measured by the ratio of stockout to inventory holding costs, can explain the differences in observed behavior across retailers. We use data on macroeconomic indicators and quarterly filings of US public retailers from 1985 to 2009 to estimate a dynamic model of short‐ and long‐term impact of macroeconomic shocks on inventory investment. Our results show that retailers with a high service level increase their inventory investment significantly more than those with a low service level during expansion shocks. Conversely, retailers with a low service level curtail their inventory investment significantly more than those with a high service level during periods of economic contractions. Thus, we show that the aggregate change in inventory investment documented in prior macroeconomics research is driven by different sets of retailers, as predicted by newsvendor logic. We draw implications of our findings to retailers as well as their suppliers.  相似文献   

This case study examined the relationship between the family flexibility of expatriates in a multinational corporation and their cross-cultural adjustment, as well as the stressors experienced by the expatriate, spouse, and children during the international transition. Family flexibility was negatively correlated with cross-cultural adjustment as perceived by the participating expatriates. All five cross-cultural adjustment dimensions (cultural, psychological, organizational, personal and relational) had a statistically significant relationship with family flexibility. Expatriate families identified cultural, relational, and psychological stressors as having the greatest impact on their cross-cultural adjustment. The components of family flexibility (roles, rules, assertiveness and leadership) played a key role in the cross-cultural adjustment of the expatriate, spouse and children. These findings provide insights to organizations and their human resource development professionals as well as to expatriates and their families on how family flexibility impacts cross-cultural adjustment – insights that could lead to the development of appropriate support and development mechanisms.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of the job responsibilities, the career aspirations, and continuing education needs of Saudi engineers. A sample survey of 217 Saudi engineers was conducted in 1985. Results indicate that the majority switch to a management career within six years of graduation. The majority of engineers are content with their career. However a significant number would like to make a switch in their career. A typology is suggested which categorizes 12% of Saudi engineers as “disillusioned administrators”, 22% as “ambitious technologists”, 18% as “contented administrators”, and 33% as “loyal technologists”. In general, Saudi engineers realize the necessity of their playing a dual role and wish to develop both their technical and managerial skills through continuing education.  相似文献   

This paper examines the strategies and routines adopted by small and medium-sized suppliers to develop capabilities that enable them to engage in upgrading, despite a precarious relational and institutional context. To this end, we investigate the strategic behaviour of two Bangladeshi garment manufacturers. Both started out as small suppliers for multinational enterprises (MNEs) and have eventually grown into micro-multinationals. The firms are involved in ‘tacit promissory contracting’ with their buyers, a specific form of international outsourcing relationship. The study adopts a multiple case study design that involves interviews with managers/owners of the firms. The analysis yields two key findings. Both firms have devised strategies and taken coherent routines involving actions to develop skills and motivation needed to perform appropriate functional activities (i.e. pre-production, production and post-production) as they embarked on different stages of upgrading. Furthermore, firms have designed routines to internalise the challenges originating from their relationships with their buyers and the institutional environment at the time that had the potential to affect their upgrading goals. The paper contributes to IB studies by highlighting how suppliers, even in a precarious context, can control their own strategies and routines, so as to develop capabilities that allow them to gradually redress the power imbalance between themselves and their buyers.  相似文献   

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