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The present article obtains the point estimators of the exponentiated-Weibull parameters when all the three parameters of the distribution are unknown. Maximum likelihood estimator generalized maximum likelihood estimator and Bayes estimators are proposed for three-parameter exponentiated-Weibull distribution when available sample is type-II censored. Independent non-informative types of priors are considered for the unknown parameters to develop generalized maximum likelihood estimator and Bayes estimators. Although the proposed estimators cannot be expressed in nice closed forms, these can be easily obtained through the use of appropriate numerical techniques. The performances of these estimators are studied on the basis of their risks, computed separately under LINEX loss and squared error loss functions through Monte-Carlo simulation technique. An example is also considered to illustrate the estimators.  相似文献   

Estimation of each of and linear functions of two order restricted normal means is considered when variances are unknown and possibly unequal. We replace unknown variances with sample variances and construct isotonic regression estimators, which we call in our paper the plug-in estimators, to estimate ordered normal means. Under squared error loss, a necessary and sufficient condition is given for the plug-in estimators to improve upon the unrestricted maximum likelihood estimators uniformly. As for the estimation of linear functions of ordered normal means, we also show that when variances are known, the restricted maximum likelihood estimator always improves upon the unrestricted maximum likelihood estimator uniformly, but when variances are unknown, the plug-in estimator does not always improve upon the unrestricted maximum likelihood estimator uniformly.  相似文献   


Estimators using multiplicative tuning parameters for maximum likelihood estimators in cross-validation are called cross-data estimators in this paper. Single-sample versions of the cross-data estimators have been called predictive estimators in literatures, which are given by maximizing the expected log-likelihood, where the two-fold expectations are taken over the distributions of future and current data using maximum likelihood estimators based on current data. An asymptotic equivalence of the cross-data and predictive estimators is shown, which guarantees an optimality of the predictive estimator when an unknown population parameter vector is replaced by the sample counterpart. Examples using typical statistical distributions are shown.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the predictive mean squared error performance of a modified double k-class estimator by incorporating the Stein variance estimator. Recent studies show that the performance of the Stein rule estimator can be improved by using the Stein variance estimator. However, as we demonstrate below, this conclusion does not hold in general for all members of the double k-class estimators. On the other hand, an estimator is found to have smaller predictive mean squared error than the Stein variance-Stein rule estimator, over quite large parts of the parameter space.  相似文献   

The additive risk model provides an alternative modelling technique for failure time data to the proportional hazards model. In this article, we consider the additive risk model with a nonparametric risk effect. We study estimation of the risk function and its derivatives with a parametric and an unspecified baseline hazard function respectively. The resulting estimators are the local likelihood and the local score estimators. We establish the asymptotic normality of the estimators and show that both methods have the same formula for asymptotic bias but different formula for variance. It is found that, in some special cases, the local score estimator is of the same efficiency as the local likelihood estimator though it does not use the information about the baseline hazard function. Another advantage of the local score estimator is that it has a closed form and is easy to implement. Some simulation studies are conducted to evaluate and compare the performance of the two estimators. A numerical example is used for illustration.  相似文献   

Leave-one-out cross-validation (LOO) and the widely applicable information criterion (WAIC) are methods for estimating pointwise out-of-sample prediction accuracy from a fitted Bayesian model using the log-likelihood evaluated at the posterior simulations of the parameter values. LOO and WAIC have various advantages over simpler estimates of predictive error such as AIC and DIC but are less used in practice because they involve additional computational steps. Here we lay out fast and stable computations for LOO and WAIC that can be performed using existing simulation draws. We introduce an efficient computation of LOO using Pareto-smoothed importance sampling (PSIS), a new procedure for regularizing importance weights. Although WAIC is asymptotically equal to LOO, we demonstrate that PSIS-LOO is more robust in the finite case with weak priors or influential observations. As a byproduct of our calculations, we also obtain approximate standard errors for estimated predictive errors and for comparison of predictive errors between two models. We implement the computations in an R package called loo and demonstrate using models fit with the Bayesian inference package Stan.  相似文献   

Negative binomial regression (NBR) and Poisson regression (PR) applications have become very popular in the analysis of count data in recent years. However, if there is a high degree of relationship between the independent variables, the problem of multicollinearity arises in these models. We introduce new two-parameter estimators (TPEs) for the NBR and the PR models by unifying the two-parameter estimator (TPE) of Özkale and Kaç?ranlar [The restricted and unrestricted two-parameter estimators. Commun Stat Theory Methods. 2007;36:2707–2725]. These new estimators are general estimators which include maximum likelihood (ML) estimator, ridge estimator (RE), Liu estimator (LE) and contraction estimator (CE) as special cases. Furthermore, biasing parameters of these estimators are given and a Monte Carlo simulation is done to evaluate the performance of these estimators using mean square error (MSE) criterion. The benefits of the new TPEs are also illustrated in an empirical application. The results show that the new proposed TPEs for the NBR and the PR models are better than the ML estimator, the RE and the LE.  相似文献   

This article derives explicit expressions for the asymptotic variances of the maximum likelihood and continuously-updated GMM estimators in models that may not satisfy the fundamental asset-pricing restrictions in population. The proposed misspecification-robust variance estimators allow the researcher to conduct valid inference on the model parameters even when the model is rejected by the data. While the results for the maximum likelihood estimator are only applicable to linear asset-pricing models, the asymptotic distribution of the continuously-updated GMM estimator is derived for general, possibly nonlinear, models. The large corrections in the asymptotic variances, that arise from explicitly incorporating model misspecification in the analysis, are illustrated using simulations and an empirical application.  相似文献   


The paper deals with Bayes estimation of the exponentiated Weibull shape parameters under linex loss function when independent non-informative type of priors are available for the parameters. Generalized maximum likelihood estimators have also been obtained. Performances of the proposed Bayes estimator, generalized maximum likelihood estimators, posterior mean (i.e., Bayes estimator under squared error loss function) and maximum likelihood estimators have been studied on the basis of their risks under linex loss function. The comparison is based on a simulation study because the expressions for risk functions of these estimators cannot be obtained in nice closed forms.  相似文献   

Y. Takagi 《Statistics》2013,47(6):571-581
Our main concern is on the second-order asymptotic optimality problem of estimators. The φ-divergence loss is used as a criterion for evaluating the performance of estimators. In the comparison problem of any two estimators, the condition that one estimator dominates another estimator under the φ-divergence risk is given by evaluating the second-order term in the difference between the risks. As a result, it is proved that the condition is characterized by a peculiar value of the φ-divergence loss, which is called the divergence-loss coefficient. Furthermore, it is shown that the comparison based on the φ-divergence loss does not correspond with that based on any standard loss functions including the mean squared error, the absolute loss and the 0-1 loss. In addition, a necessary and sufficient condition for an estimator to be second-order admissible is derived.  相似文献   

In randomized clinical trials (RCTs), we may come across the situation in which some patients do not fully comply with their assigned treatment. For an experimental treatment with trichotomous levels, we derive the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of the risk ratio (RR) per level of dose increase in a RCT with noncompliance. We further develop three asymptotic interval estimators for the RR. To evaluate and compare the finite sample performance of these interval estimators, we employ Monte Carlo simulation. When the number of patients per treatment is large, we find that all interval estimators derived in this paper can perform well. When the number of patients is not large, we find that the interval estimator using Wald’s statistic can be liberal, while the interval estimator using the logarithmic transformation of the MLE can lose precision. We note that use of a bootstrap variance estimate in this case may alleviate these concerns. We further note that an interval estimator combining interval estimators using Wald’s statistic and the logarithmic transformation can generally perform well with respect to the coverage probability, and be generally more efficient than interval estimators using bootstrap variance estimates when RR>1. Finally, we use the data taken from a study of vitamin A supplementation to reduce mortality in preschool children to illustrate the use of these estimators.  相似文献   

This paper discusses estimation associated with the long-memory time series models proposed by Granger & Joyeux (1980) and Hosking (1981). We consider the maximum likelihood estimator and the least squares estimator. Certain regularity conditions introduced by several authors to develop the asymptotic theory of these estimators do not hold in this model. However we can show that these estimators are strongly consistent, and we derive the limiting distribution and the rate of convergence.  相似文献   

In this paper we present an indirect estimation procedure for (ARFIMA) fractional time series models.The estimation method is based on an ‘incorrect’criterion which does not directly provide a consistent estimator of the parameters of interest,but leads to correct inference by using simulations.

The main steps are the following. First,we consider an auxiliary model which can be easily estimated.Specifically,we choose the finite lag Autoregressive model.Then, this is estimated on the observations and simulated values drawn from the ARFIMA model associated with a given value of the parameters of interest.Finally,the latter is calibrated in order to obtain close values of the two estimators of the auxiliary parameters.

In this article,we describe the estimation procedure and compare the performance of the indirect estimator with some alternative estimators based on the likelihood function by a Monte Carlo study.  相似文献   

In the case of prior knowledge about the unknown parameter, the Bayesian predictive density coincides with the Bayes estimator for the true density in the sense of the Kullback-Leibler divergence, but this is no longer true if we consider another loss function. In this paper we present a generalized Bayes rule to obtain Bayes density estimators with respect to any α-divergence, including the Kullback-Leibler divergence and the Hellinger distance. For curved exponential models, we study the asymptotic behaviour of these predictive densities. We show that, whatever prior we use, the generalized Bayes rule improves (in a non-Bayesian sense) the estimative density corresponding to a bias modification of the maximum likelihood estimator. It gives rise to a correspondence between choosing a prior density for the generalized Bayes rule and fixing a bias for the maximum likelihood estimator in the classical setting. A criterion for comparing and selecting prior densities is also given.  相似文献   

In longitudinal studies, robust sandwich variance estimators are often used, and are especially useful when model assumptions are in doubt. However, the usual sandwich estimator does not allow for models with crossed random effects. The hierarchical likelihood extends the idea of the sandwich estimator to models not currently covered. By simulation studies, we show that the new sandwich estimator is robust against heteroscedastic errors and against misspecification of overdispersion in the y | v component.  相似文献   


Point estimators for a scalar parameter of interest in the presence of nuisance parameters can be defined as zero-level confidence intervals as explained in Skovgaard (1989). A natural implementation of this approach is based on estimating equations obtained from higher-order pivots for the parameter of interest. In this paper, generalising the results in Pace and Salvan (1999) outside exponential families, we take as an estimating function the modified directed likelihood. This is a higher-order pivotal quantity that can be easily computed in practice for a wide range of models, using recent advances in higher-order asymptotics (HOA, 2000). The estimators obtained from these estimating equations are a refinement of the maximum likelihood estimators, improving their small sample properties and keeping equivariance under reparameterisation. Simple explicit approximate versions of these estimators are also derived and have the form of the maximum likelihood estimator plus a function of derivatives of the loglikelihood function. Some examples and simulation studies are discussed for widely-used model classes.  相似文献   

A common problem in multivariate general linear models is partially missing response data. The simplest method of analysis in the presence of missing data has been to delete all observations on any individual with any missing data(listwise deletion) and utilize a traditional complete data approach. However: this can result in a great loss of information: and perhaps inconsistencies in the estimation of the variance-covariance matrix. In the generalized multivariate analysis of variance(GMANOVA) model with missing data: Kleinbaum(1973) proposed an estimated generalized least squares approach. In order to apply this: however: a consistent estimate of the variance-covariance matrix is needed. Kleinbaum proposed an estimator which is unbiased and consistent: but it does not take advantage of the fact that the underlying model is GMANOVA and not MANOVA. Using the fact that the underlying model is GMANOVA we have constructed four other con¬sistent estimators. A Monte Carlo simulation experiment is conducted tto further examine how well these estimators compare to the estimator proposed by Kleinbaum.  相似文献   

Consider the problem of estimating the common location parameter of two exponential populations using record data when the scale parameters are unknown. We derive the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE), the modified maximum likelihood estimator (MMLE) and the uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator (UMVUE) of the common location parameter. Further, we derive a general result for inadmissibility of an equivariant estimator under the scaled-squared error loss function. Using this result, we conclude that the MLE and the UMVUE are inadmissible and better estimators are provided. A simulation study is conducted for comparing the performances of various competing estimators.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider robust M-estimation of time series models with both symmetric and asymmetric forms of heteroscedasticity related to the GARCH and GJR models. The class of estimators includes least absolute deviation (LAD), Huber’s, Cauchy and B-estimator as well as the well-known quasi maximum likelihood estimator (QMLE). Extensive simulations are used to check the relative performance of these estimators in both models and the weighted resampling methods are used to approximate the sampling distribution of M-estimators. Our study indicates that there are estimators that can perform better than QMLE and even outperform robust estimator such as LAD when the error distribution is heavy-tailed. These estimators are also applied to real data sets.  相似文献   

Recent small sample studies of estimators for the shape parameter a of the negative binomial distribution (NBD) tend to indicate that the choice of estimator can be reduced to a choice between the method of moments estimator, maximum likelihood estimator (MLE), maximum quasi-likelihood estimator and the conditional likelihood estimator (CLE). In this paper the results of a comprehensive simulation study are reported to assist with the choice from these four estimators. The study includes a traditional procedure for assessing estimators for the shape parameter of the NBD and in addition introduces an alternative assessment procedure. Based on the traditional approach the CLE is considered to perform the best overall for the range of parameter values and sample sizes considered. The alternative assessment procedure indicates that the MLE is the preferred estimator.  相似文献   

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