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夕阳向海水相衔接的云层落下,海面闪烁着耀眼的波光,天越变越灰暗,可卡塔尔首都多哈的海滨大道却越来越明亮、喧闹。这时,在誉为“中东最美的海滨大道”上一些身着白袍的男人和身披黑纱的妇女正迈着快步,锻炼身体;成群的年轻运动员们在集体坚持长跑训练;下了班的国家与公司员  相似文献   

卡塔尔地处海湾,面积10,300多平方里.人口21万,阿拉伯人占多数,非洲人占5%.居民信奉伊斯兰教,讲阿拉伯语. 卡塔尔自1971年9月1日宣告独立以来,在埃米尔哈利法·哈马德·阿勒萨尼的领导下,经过十几年的艰苦努力,在各个领域取得了巨大发展.人民的生活水平、文教卫生事业也不断得到改善.今天的卡塔尔已成为中东地区的经济富国之一.  相似文献   

卡塔尔国独立十二年来,一直致力于发展教育事业。数百年来遭受外来侵略、欺凌、饱尝贫困落后的卡塔尔人,在政治上独立、经济上翻身之后,上自元首下至平民都深深懂得这样一个明确的道理,即人是最宝贵的财富,培养卡塔尔人是首要的任务。  相似文献   

在海合会6国中,卡塔尔军队的规模最小,军事实力也最薄弱。为确保国家安全,卡塔尔从西方国家进口了大量的武器装备。本文对卡塔尔国家安全形势进行分析的基础上,介绍了卡塔尔的军火贸易情况,并试对未来卡塔尔军火贸易市场前景进行预测。  相似文献   

在海合会6国中,卡塔尔军队的规模最小,军事实力也最薄弱.为确保国家安全,卡塔尔从西方国家进口了大量的武器装备.本文对卡塔尔国家安全形势进行分析的基础上,介绍了卡塔尔的军火贸易情况,并试对未来卡塔尔军火贸易市场前景进行预测.  相似文献   

党的十六届五中全会把天津滨海新区纳入国家总体发展战略布局,我国“十一五”规划纲要明确提出要大力推进天津滨海新区的开发开放。这就为天津向国际现代化城市迈进提供了千载难逢的历史机遇,其中推进文化建设是滨海新区经济社会进一步改革开放的战略举措。  相似文献   

海湾小国卡塔尔近年来采取积极的外交政策,多次斡旋中东地区的危机和冲突,缓和了中东政治矛盾和安全局势,取得了令人瞩目的外交成就。卡塔尔采取积极外交政策的动因包括营造和平稳定的发展环境、保护在冲突发生国的利益和提升软实力。同时,雄厚的经济实力、务实的外交政策和丰富的外交资源等因素是卡塔尔外交成功的主要原因。卡塔尔外交为当今世界小国外交带来了启示,其外交实践丰富了国际关系理论。  相似文献   

作为地处海湾的阿拉伯小国,卡塔尔在构建国家形象、提升软实力方面走在所有阿拉伯国家的前列,得到了国际社会的广泛认可.这既基于卡塔尔对构建国家形象重要性的深刻认识,也源于西方国家的压力和内部改革的需要,体现了该国领导人的政治智慧和战略眼光.  相似文献   

海边的温哥华无疑是美丽的, 那里永远是蓝天白云,永远是碧波荡漾,处处闪动着的是那生动活泼的面庞。离开这个花园般迷人的城市已经有一年多了,但那幽幽之春草、绚烂之夏花、缤纷之秋叶,以及远山那皑皑白雪,随着光影的变幻,常在眼前飘过。四时佳气、天地大观、人情温暖,万千气象早已了然于心。  相似文献   

In societies where homosexuality is legally proscribed, gays and lesbians rely on private and informal networks for mutual self-help, information dissemination, sociability, and the sharing of gay goods. This is particularly the case in Singapore where an authoritarian and paternalistic state is actively involved in the marriage and procreation of its citizens, and is hostile to homosexuality. In the era of AIDS, a new social movement has developed in ways that de jure seek to educate the public about AIDS but de facto serve the needs of the larger gay community. The dual roles of Action For AIDS are fraught with tensions, ambivalence and problems, but represent a strategic response to the social and political conditions in which the organization is located.  相似文献   

WALKING in any city or ruralarea in China today, one will seewomen with confidence andpride, with their own work and lives.There is not much difference between theurban and rural women in dress. Theirfaces portray contentment and happiness.These are significant changes which havebeen brought about by women walking outof the family over the past near 50 years,and getting involved in society, alteringtheir dependence on men and making thempeople of dignity. The government knew clearly that to  相似文献   

Sarah Pink 《Visual Studies》2013,28(3):240-252
In this article the author discusses the idea of ‘walking with video’ as a phenomenological research method that attends to sensorial elements of human experience and place‐making. As a simple method this means walking with and video‐recording research participants as they experience, tell and show their material, immaterial and social environments in personally, socially and culturally specific ways. Her aims are twofold. First, in relation to recent anthropological work on sensory experience and on walking, she articulates the theoretical and methodological basis for this idea; why is it that walking with another person should allow researchers to learn empathetically about their experiences? Second, in relation to established and recent work in visual anthropology, she discusses how the integration of video into this method can serve as a catalyst for creating ethnographic understandings of other people's experiences, and representing these experiences to a wider audience.  相似文献   



Several studies have already examined the positive effects of various forms of endurance training in patient groups and in healthy adults up to 60 years old. The aim of this study was to analyse the effects of Nordic Walking (NW) and XCO Walking (XCO) training on endurance capacity in healthy older adults, aged 60 years and older.


Twenty-three older participants (mean age: 69.9 ± 5.4 years) were randomly assigned to either the NW group or the XCO group. All participants were measured before and after the 12 weeks of endurance training (2 sessions/week) to examine oxygen uptake (VO2) and energy consumption during an outdoor field test. In addition, heart rates were recorded and lactate samples were collected.


NW mainly demonstrated some significant (p < 0.05) decreases in heart rate, lactate concentration at lower to moderate walking speeds, whereas XCO Walking revealed significant (p < 0.05) decreases in lactate concentration and VO2 at low to higher walking speeds.


NW as well as XCO training increase the efficiency of the cardio-vascular system in older subjects. Both training approaches are suitable options for endurance training, which may serve to counteract age- and inactivity-related decreases in cardio-vascular functioning as well as aid in maintaining overall performance in older adults.

麦德布利这个名字,在埃及知识界可谓无人不知、无人不晓.他所创建的麦德布利书店更是声名远播.但凡来到开罗的阿拉伯知识分子和对阿拉伯书籍感兴趣的外国人,绝少有不光顾这家书店的.而对于中国人来说,近几十年在埃及留学、深造的学生和学者,恐怕也不会对它感到陌生.前不久,我终于有了头一回去埃及的机会.行前北京外国语大学的国少华教授就在电话里一再叮嘱:"咱们怎么也得腾出一天工夫去书店啊."我说:"好,要去就去麦德布利."  相似文献   

Ill‐conceived tax policies cost developing countries vast sums of public revenue, but this issue has received relatively little attention within the Financing for Development (FfD) process of the United Nations. The outcome documents of the FfD conferences in Monterrey (2002) and Doha (2008) largely neglect globalisation‐related tax issues such as under‐taxation of multinationals and capital flight to tax havens. This article analyses how this topic has been marginalised by powerful interests, ideas and institutional factors, but it also shows how a growing coalition of governments, international organisations and NGOs has recently succeeded in raising the issue much higher up the international agenda.  相似文献   

This article is an attempt to capture something of the atmosphere of a Mental Health Act assessment, and was inspired by a recent article by Professor Harry Ferguson on child protection (2010). Here, the focus is on adult mental health practice and, in particular, on Mental Health Act assessments which may take place in any location including police stations, hospital wards or care homes. The following article mainly concentrates on assessments that take place in the service user's home. The Mental Health Act 2007 replaced Approved Social Workers with Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMHPs) in England and Wales; prior to this change the role was, as the name stated, entirely performed by social workers and they remain the predominant profession within the ranks of AMHPs.  相似文献   

The spatial organization of 1,020 groups comprised of adolescents and young adults, observed in an ecological setting while walking, was analyzed. Observations were made in an urban environment where walking speed could be considered. The results showed that male dyads and triads tended to walk abreast less often than female dyads. Mixed dyads walked abreast more often than same-sex dyads; and the males preceded the females in two-thirds of the cases. The male groups walked at a higher rate of speed than the female groups. Walking speed was correlated to misalignment between group members when walking. The most frequent spatial arrangement in triads was a “<” formation (as seen from above, while the walking direction was from left to right), with the middle individual positioned slightly behind in comparison to the lateral individuals. Groups comprised of more than three individuals tended to split themselves into single individuals, dyads, and triads.  相似文献   

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