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正不同泳姿所锻炼的身体部位是不同的,你可以根据需要选择更适合自己的泳姿。蛙泳瘦腿蛙泳主要是蹬夹动作,进行蛙泳时大腿要充分地展开及收缩,这样的动作更多地会用到大腿股四头肌,因此可以有效加强腿部的力量,有利于大腿内侧赘肉的消除。蝶泳瘦腰蝶泳时,手臂向内划水,类似在做扩胸运动,对胸大肌、背阔肌、腹直  相似文献   

正医生,我的肩膀很疼,做外展的动作时根本打不开。一位病人捂着肩膀,来到杭州市红会医院运动康复科。自由泳、蝶泳易出现游泳肩肩关节活动受限,关节腔积液。运动康复科主任戎军说,老百姓俗称的游泳肩就是指在游泳时由于肩部过度运动所致的肩部损伤。一般都是肩袖部位剧痛,肩的外展能力丧失或者肩膀外展时疼痛等。肩袖好比衣服的袖子,是由肌肉与筋腱所组成的,如果肩袖损伤了,那肩膀的旋转活动就  相似文献   

时尚 《老年世界》2010,(11):33-33
颈椎位于胸椎的上方,共由七节椎体组成,支撑着头部。颈椎的椎体比较小,但活动频率最高,所以,特别容易发生劳损和外伤性退行性病理变化。颈椎病是中老年人的常见病和多发病。有资料表明:在50岁左右的人群中,约有50%的人患过或者正在患此病,70岁以上的人群中约100%患过或者正在患颈椎病。  相似文献   

罗小 《现代交际》2005,(12):35-35
1.你让秘书晚上加班两个小时完成工作,可她说晚上 有事。 黑桃:这是她自己的问题,她自己想办法解决。你是 她的上司,她没有权力讨价还价。 红桃:那就算了,你自己加班把工作做完,反正你算 明白了,谁都是不能指望的。 方片:你询问她有什么要紧事,她说她的孩子独自在 家,于是你建议说你愿意给她介绍一个临时保姆,费用由  相似文献   

星期天,我到朋友家去玩,正碰上朋友的孩子为了什么事大哭不止,朋友恐吓道:“我数三声,你再哭的话,我就把你从窗口丢下去!”小女孩睁大一双充满恐惧的眼睛,用小手捂着嘴里的哭声,一张小脸憋得通红。  相似文献   

高山 《女性天地》2007,(1):50-50
星期天,我到朋友家去玩,正碰上朋友的孩子为了什么事大哭不止,朋友恐吓道:“我数三声,你再哭的话,我就把你从窗口丢下去!”小女孩睁大一双充满恐惧的眼睛,用小手捂着嘴里的哭声,一张小脸憋得通红。  相似文献   

Dexter  S  寒月 《伴侣(A版)》2014,(5):26-27
需要相亲的人无非两种,一种是朋友圈子实在太小,单靠自己努力会单身一辈子的众多“宅人”们;另一种大概就是常年飘来飘去的“飘客”了。毕竟看着儿时的朋友们都一个个幸福美满了,自己这儿还依旧冰锅冷灶的,心里总会有那么点不舒服,再加上现在的网络传媒这么发达,要想不被那些秀恩爱晒幸福的照片闪瞎眼睛,就别一个人闷着了,看看下面的提示,快点出来相亲吧!  相似文献   

楼下新搬来的邻居会准时在下午五点三十分的时候吵架,老式小区的退休住户们也在那个时候忙活着张罗晚饭.锅碗瓢盆声中时不时穿插着年轻小夫妻的争吵,总是会被左邻右舍的大妈们津津乐道.同一层的张大妈嘴里便絮絮叨叨的,一边刮着手中鲫鱼的鱼鳞,一边对着正在开门的我教育道:“下面的小夫妻又开始闹腾了,每天瞎闹个什么劲儿呢,闭闭眼不就过了吗?你说是不是?”我掏出钥匙,露出了附和的笑容:“是啊.”张大妈满意地点了点头,忽然嗓门高了几分:“我说老头子!我让你买的葱呢!整天玩鸟有哈好玩的?能玩出几个铜板?”  相似文献   

Zhang Heads Delegation to Third Arab-China Women’s Forum,At the invitation of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of Saudi Arabia,Zhang Xiaolan,Vice-President and Member of the Secretariat of the All-China Women's Federation,headed a Chinese women's delegation to the Third Arab-China Women's Forum,held in Riyadh from December 19 to 20,2019.  相似文献   

中阿人民相隔千山万水,但中阿人民的友好关系却源远流长。这两个民族历史上都曾为人类创造出灿烂的文明,现在又同属第三世界,面临着许多相同的问题。中阿人民之间的友好往来,正随着时代的前进而不断发展。阿拉伯人经常提到的关于中国的名言,是伊斯兰教先知穆罕默德所说的千古流传的佳句:“要探求知识,哪怕它远在中国。”阿拉伯人一直把这句话视作“圣训”。我曾到过阿  相似文献   

Abdulla Shahid,President of the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly,visited China in late November 2021.During his visit,he participated in a virtual meeting with the All-China Women’s Federation(ACWF).The theme of the meeting was“Women’s Roles in Anti-Pandemic Efforts and Post-Pandemic Recovery.”Several outstanding women who participated in the fight against novel coronavirus disease(COVID-19)and the post-pandemic recovery were invited to share their stories with Shahid.  相似文献   

UN Women Executive Director Extends Spring Festival Greeting to Chinese Women,Offers Congratulations for Hosting Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics联合国妇女署执行主任巴胡斯向中国妇女致以新春问候并祝北京冬奥会成功The Chinese delegation to the United Nations held a reception on January 28,2022,to celebrate Spring Festival of the Year of Tiger and the opening of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.Sima Sami Bahous,UN Women Executive Director,attended the event and delivered a speech via video link.  相似文献   

ACWF Delegation Attends Celebration of 70th Anniversary of WGAM's Founding全国妇联代表团赴澳门出席澳门妇联总会成立70周年庆祝活动A photo exhibition celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Women's General Association of Macao(WGAM)was held in the Special Administrative Region(SAR)of Macao on November 27,2020.The event included a forum marking the 25th anniversary of the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women(held in Beijing in 1995).  相似文献   

At the invitation of Hong Kong Federation of Women(HKFW),Xia Jie,Vice-President and Member of the Secretariat of the All-China Women's Federation,recorded a video to extend festive greetings to sisters from HKFW and women from all walks of life in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region(HKSAR)ahead of International Women's Day.  相似文献   

Xia Meets Pakistan’s Ambassador to China.Xia Jie,Vice-President and Member of the Secretariat of the All-China Women's Federation(ACWF),met Naghmana Alamgir Hashmi,Pakistan's ambassador to China,in Beijing on January 16,2020.Xia spoke positively of China-Pakistan relations,and of the friendly exchanges between the women of the two countries.She introduced the important spirits of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC(Communist Party of China)Central Committee,and outlined the earth-breaking changes and enormous achievements reached by Chinese women in all areas under the firm leadership of the CPC Central Committee.  相似文献   

SCO Children's Art Exhibition Opens in Shanghai弘扬上合文化共筑上海精神——上合组织国家儿童画展在沪开幕A SCO(Shanghai Cooperation Organization)Children's Art Exhibition with the themeCarrying Forward SCO Culture and Building Shanghai Spirit Togetherkicked off in Shanghai on December 4,2020.The exhibition was held during the 24th Shanghai Art Fair.Xia Jie,Vice-President and Member of the Secretariat of the AlI-China Women's Federation(ACWF),Vladimir Norov,SCO Secretary-General,Saidzoda Zohir Ozod,Ambassador of the Republic of Tajikistan to China,and diplomats from SCO member states attended.  相似文献   

Huang Meets President of Hanns Seidel Foundation黄晓薇会见德国汉斯•赛德尔基金会主席Huang Xiaowei,Vice・President and First Member of the Secretariat of the All.China Women's Federation(ACWF),met a nine.mcmber German women's delegation in Beijing on November 18,2019.The delegation was headed by Ursula Mannle,preside nt of Hanns Seidel Foundation(HSS),Germany.Huang outlined the significance and important spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China(CPC).She explained the achievements in women*s progress since the People's Republic of China was founded in 1949.She spoke of the cooperative relations between the ACWF and the HSS.  相似文献   

女友向我哭诉:为什么男人都爱美女?我想了想,只能以我一知半解且一定错漏百出的生物学知识相答:人既然是一种生物,则必然有延续种族的天然宿命,优秀的、好的基因应该被保留下来。这些基因的一种,会以最直接的方式呈现,也就是美、性感、强壮,甚至奇异而不明所以的吸引力。这是DNA的安排,几百亿年来生物的本能,我们不可能挑战或者征服。  相似文献   

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