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The impact of perceived gender role violations on the willingness of evaluators to label a deadly act to "end suffering" as euthanasia was explored in two studies. It was predicted that "killing" (even mercy killing) would be perceived as more role contradictory for a female actor than for a male actor. Therefore, it was expected that the deadly actions of a female actor would be judged as less justified (i.e., less likely to be labeled as euthanasia) than the same action committed by a male actor. A total of 486 undergraduates participated in one of two studies. It was found that although perceptions of justification for a deadly act were clearly influenced by whether or not the method of action taken was direct and proactive (commission) vs. indirect and passive (omission), the gender of the actor did not impact differently on the judgments of the participants. Possible explanations and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Since the U.S. Supreme Court's 1992 Casey decision many states have enacted biased abortion counseling laws. These laws mandate that abortion providers furnish to women with unwanted pregnancies state-approved medical information about possible side effects from having an abortion that are false. The most egregious falsehoods are that abortion is linked to mental health problems (e.g., suicide, postabortion traumatic stress syndrome, and depression), breast cancer, infertility and fetal pain. This paper investigates whether these four biased abortion falsehoods have an impact on the demand for abortions in the year 2000. The empirical results find that these four biased abortion falsehoods have no significant impact on the abortion demand of pregnant women of childbearing age (15–44 years), adult pregnant women (18–44 years) or pregnant teen minors (15–17 years). The findings remain robust even after controlling for regional differences in antiabortion attitudes.  相似文献   

王云杰 《学术交流》2004,(6):127-129
文化人类学认为,文化具有经由社会习得、为民族所共有、象征性和整体性的本质特征。文化的创造离不开语言,语言是文化的载体。语言的学习,是文化的学习与渗透。因此,学习第二语言,掌握第二文化,必须同步并进,将语言置于其文化背景下,有助于开阔视野,获得较为全面的知识,从容地跨越文化交际的沟壑。  相似文献   

An attributional analysis of neonatal euthanasia was undertaken in two studies to compare the responsibility attributions of nursing and non-nursing students (Study 1) and nurses (Study 2) toward a physician for a critically ill neonate's death. In both studies, vignettes about a newborn's death differed with respect to the physician's treatment of the critically ill newborn. In the student study, the physician was attributed the least responsibility for the newborn's death when cardiopulmonary resuscitation was attempted but failed, followed by the physician's issuance of either a "Do Not Resuscitate" order or an order to turn off the infant's respirator. Greatest responsibility was attributed to the physician when he ordered the infant's nutritional and hydration support to be terminated. In addition, the student's major (nursing vs. non-nursing) and the nursing student's educational cohort impacted the level of physician responsibility attributed. In contrast, the nurses' study found that the termination of nutritional and hydrational support was viewed as different from the physician's other three actions.  相似文献   

影视中的跨文化传播   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姚金红 《唐都学刊》2006,22(3):55-57
影视既是现代化的大众传播媒介,又是具有巨大影响力的大众艺术,它已经成为我们时代的重要文化现象,是影响亿万人精神文化生活的重要艺术。其中,译制片是人类跨文化传播在现代社会的集中表现,是跨文化传播的结晶。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的步伐不断加快,越来越多的企业迈出国门,在国际市场这个更大的舞台上一展拳脚。随着这些企业的经营延伸到不同的文化背景、地域环境,企业的决策者也必将遇到跨文化经营所带来的前所未有的机遇与挑战。跨文化培训,作为企业有效应对跨文化经营所带来各种风险的有效方式,近来越来越受到企业方的重视。  相似文献   

Euthanasia has become a subject of public debate and concern. Here we examine the views of euthanasia among students at an east Texas university. Roughly three-fourths are in favor of euthanasia -similar to the general public. Because the university is located in a conservative geographical area, this result suggests growing approval of the various forms of euthanasia and doctor assisted death. While no significant differences were found between the three student major groups -Liberal Arts, Science and Business, some demographic differences were found within the groups. Mainly, African American female Science majors are the most opposed to euthanasia whereas Caucasian male Science majors are the most in favor and the most likely to use a scientific definition of death. The views of the latter group contrast notably with practicing doctors who lag behind the public in their approval of euthanasia. Student views might reflect a cohort difference, a lack of professional experience, or a growing trend among medical practitioners. Liberal Arts majors are the most conservative of the three groups, indicating nonscientific reasons for opposition. Resistance to euthanasia is apparently associated with demographics and nonscientific reasoning.  相似文献   

This paper reviews various life-ending techniques such as euthanasia, suicide, and assisted suicide in order to better address the psychological issues related to these actions. Specific attention is paid to investigating when a death is deemed to be appropriate and the role that the level of appropriateness should play in the decisions of individuals to terminate a life. In addition, a number of additional psychological concepts such as locus of control and subjective norms are examined in terms of their importance for decisions regarding euthanasia and suicide.  相似文献   

在跨文化心理学的研究中,研究者常常将个体主义和集体主义作为决定个体行为和价值观的两种不同的文化变量,寻找人类心理和行为在不同文化背景下的普遍性和特殊性。本文主要论述了个体主义和集体主义的定义,个体主义和集体主义维度,个体主义和集体主义研究方法;对个体主义和集体主义研究的文化局限、测量的方法进行了简要的评价。并对其研究的意义提出了新的展望。  相似文献   

Since the early 1970s the issue of euthanasia has been intensely debated in The Netherlands. Through these debates knowledge about medical practices involving the end of life was no longer confined to medical or legal quarters, but became public to a large extent. Following public opinion changes, the legal reaction to euthanasia changed. By prosecuting test cases the public prosecutors allowed the Dutch Supreme Court to formulate specific conditions in which euthanasia would go unpunished. The political debate about changing the criminal law, which still holds that euthanasia is a serious crime, developed at a much slower pace. Several extensive empirical studies were undertaken to gain valid knowledge about the medical practices. This article is concerned with a presentation of the various debates and the changes that took place in the fields of criminal law, politics, and medicine. The main conclusion is the hypothesis that a more open climate for medical practices concerning the end of life allows society to better control these practices.  相似文献   

新时代背景下,跨文化能力成为高校培养高素质创新性人才的重要要求.以《高级英语》课程为例,基于"金课"标准构建知识、技能、素养目标,该文分析了跨文化视角在英语专业课程体系中的实现途径,关注学生跨文化能力的发展.对教学目标、教学活动、教学策略、评价与反馈等方面进行课程设计,为课程体系的调整和教学改革提供新思路.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development and evaluation of the Abortion Attributes Questionnaire (AAQ), an instrument designed to assess the perceived importance of specific characteristics of abortion methods. Women receiving medical abortions ( n = 186) and women who chose surgical procedures ( n = 118) completed the AAQ. Participants were asked to rate how important each of 21 characteristics would be "when choosing between surgical and medical abortion." Factor analyses revealed that the AAQ consists of four factors and, as subscales, the factors have good internal reliability. The validity of the AAQ was established through discriminant function analysis and results indicated that three of the four factors predicted choice. Taken together, these findings provide empirical support for the constructs measured by the AAQ .  相似文献   

外语教学中的跨文化交际问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张晓光 《学术交流》2001,(1):144-146
在外语教学中强调跨文化交际,要求用社会语言学的基本观点解决语言与文化的关系、语言能力与交际能力的关系、外语教学与相关学科的关系.语言与文化有着密不可分的关系,使用语言不能脱离社会环境.语言不能脱离文化而存在,不能脱离社会延续下来的生活方式与信念,这些方式和信念的总体决定了人类生活的性质.外语教学的目的就是培养学生外语这一交际能力.  相似文献   

中国传统音乐作为文化传播载体,既能体现中华文化的精髓,又能在一定程度上超越语言,获得更直接的传播效果.但在跨文化传播的编码、解码过程中,中国音乐的编码系统并不为西方听众所熟悉,因而若曲目选择不当,或讲解时不擅于进行编码沟通,则西方听众有时难免会出现理解误区,认为其成就不如西方音乐,对中国音乐蕴含的文化内涵则更少有人能心领神会.因此传播者必须注意两种文化编码体系的沟通,深入研究两种音乐在哲学内涵、审美观念、表现形式、主题内容、表演方式、乐器特点等方面的异同.  相似文献   

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