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小城镇在英国工业革命中的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆伟芳 《学习与探索》2006,2(5):157-161
英国工业革命期间小城镇发展历程表明,小城镇在国家的现代化过程中起着不可或缺的作用,它们始终是联结大城市和农业的纽带。工业化和城市化进程对小城镇的发展既是一个机遇又是一个挑战,小城镇的发展受到多种因素的制约,小城镇经济不能单纯依赖于传统的市场交易,而必须促使小城镇的经济因素多元化,坚持和发展自己的专业特色是小城镇生存和发展的又一个关键。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the differential effects of human capital and health on welfare exit‐route, earnings and working hours among female welfare recipients in Israel. The study also examined whether higher human capital mediates the effect of health problems on the different outcomes. The data were obtained from a national panel survey of 2,700 single mothers who were receiving welfare when the Israeli welfare reform was implemented. The effect of health was found to be more consistent than the effect of human capital. Formal education had no effect on welfare exit‐route, while health did. The effect of health on working hours was more profound than the effect of human capital, while the reverse applied to earnings. Richer human capital did not mediate the effect of health problems. These findings suggest that the prediction power of human capital on labour and welfare decisions has weakened under welfare reform provision.  相似文献   

The Industrial Revolution led to the formation of a clear regional specialization in terms of production in England. Northwestern England developed into a modern industrial area, where the secondary industry sector was the main sector. London and its periphery in southeastern England developed mainly domestic and foreign trade, the financial industry and high-level service industry, all of which belong to the tertiary industry sector. The vast intermediate area between the northwest and the southeast mainly developed the first industry sector, namely commercial corn-animal husbandry. This regional economic specialization had a profound impact on urban development, under which the development of the three major regions showed different characteristics in terms of urban functions, city size and regional urban system. Specially, in the intermediate zone, there left traces of rural towns in the pre-industrial period.  相似文献   


Valerie A. Kivelson, Autocracy in the Provinces. The Muscovite Gentry and Political Culture in the Seventeenth Century (1997), xx + 372 (Stanford University Press, Stanford, $55.00).

Theda Perdue, Cherokee Women: Gender and Culture Change, 1700–1835 (1998), xi + 252 (University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, Nebraska and London, $40.00).

William Reddy, The Invisible Code: Honor and Sentiment in Postrevolutionary France, 1814–1848 (1997), xv + 258 (University of California Press, Berkeley, $40.00).

Peter Mandler, The Fall and Rise of the Stately Home (1997), 544 (Yale University Press, New Haven, $45.00).

Pamela Scully, Liberating the Family? Gender and British Slave Emancipation in the Rural Western Cape, South Africa, 1823—1853 (1997), xiii + 210 (Heinemann, James Currey and David Philip, New Hampshire, Oxford and South Africa, $60.00, paperback $23.95).

Rick Halpern and Jonathan Morris (eds), American Exceptionalism? US Working‐Class Formation in an International Context (1997), x + 325 (St Martin's Press, New York, $69.95).

Padraic Kenney, Rebuilding Poland: Workers and Communists, 1945–1950 (1997), xv + 360 (Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London, $39.95).

Frederick Cooper, Decolonization and African Society: The Labor Question in French and British Africa (1996), xvii + 677 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, $69.95/ paperback $27.95).

David Horn, Social Bodies. Science, Reproduction, and Italian Modernity (1994), 189 (Princeton University Press, Princeton, $45.00, paperback $15.95).  相似文献   

胡绳认为,新民主主义时期党史研究的重要目的是总结经验教训,为社会主义现代化建设提供有益的借鉴;要充分论证毛泽东思想的创造性,充分论证在新民主主义革命时期中共党内存在的"左"倾教条主义的危害性;研究新民主主义革命时期的党史一定要把中国近代社会作为重要的历史背景,党史研究必须要注意中国近代社会历史发展的全局。他提出要以现代化为线索来编写建国前历史的新框架,要重视对中间势力的研究;提出了可资利用的党史研究的方法和新民主主义革命时期研究的新论断,推进了新民主主义革命时期的党史研究。  相似文献   

董海军 《社会》2006,26(4):188-194
自从1978年改革开放以来,随着社会主义市场经济的发展,在中国发生了一场遍及各个领域的消费革命。不少中外学者对这场消费革命作了精辟的论述(James L.Watson,1998;Merle Goldman,1999;Jun Jing,2000;David L.Shambaugh,2000;Perry,Elizabeth J.&Selden,Mark,2000;等),其中对当今中国经济消费领域作了全新的、系统的、纪实的研究,填补了该领域研究不足的,当数《中国城市的消费革命》(The Con-sumer Revolutionin Urban China)一书的出版(参见《Durable Inequality》一书的作者Charles Tilly对该书的评论,见英文版的封底)。由美国…  相似文献   

十月革命和科学社会主义的历史命运   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
19世纪中叶,科学社会主义诞生,社会主义运动成为不可抗拒的历史潮流。俄国十月革命的胜利,将社会主义由理想变为现实,把马克思主义推进到一个新的历史阶段——列宁主义阶段。十月革命改变了世界历史的方向,中国革命是十月革命的继续,成为世界无产阶级社会主义革命的一部分。离开中国的特点来谈马克思主义,是抽象的空洞的马克思主义。马克思主义必须和中国的具体特点相结合并通过一定的民族形式才能实现。邓小平理论与列宁主义、毛泽东思想一脉相承,是实践的、具有时代特征和民族特色的马克思主义。当代中国社会发展所取得的宏伟成就,是毫不动摇地坚持和发展中国特色社会主义的结果。在经济全球化的背景下,我们仍生活在十月革命开辟的从资本主义向社会主义过渡的时代。21世纪将是社会主义复兴的世纪,资本主义为社会主义所代替,是世界历史发展的必然趋势。  相似文献   

王司瑜 《求是学刊》2001,28(2):59-62
:产业结构的优化升级是实现我国经济结构战略性调整的关键。我国当前的经济发展已经进入了加速优化产业结构的新阶段 ,具有与以往阶段不同的新特点 ,必须采取新对策 :推进基础产业的规模化 ,提高支柱产业的技术化 ,促进第三产业的规范化 ,增强高新技术产业优势化 ,形成与新体制相适应的产业结构动态调整机制  相似文献   

新中国减灾60年   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
减灾制度从新中国成立初期的创建与发展,到改革开放后的改革与创新,再到新世纪的现代化与法制化,这一变化过程不仅反映了生产力发展和科技进步,也是社会主义政治文明建设推进的结果。  相似文献   

海权论作为地缘政治学的重要流派之一,一直随着国际社会和军事技术的进步与发展而与时俱进.随着新军事变革在全球的蓬勃发展,这个有着深厚历史底蕴的战略学派也呈现出勃勃生机.本文将从新军事变革的角度论证海权论已从冷战时代向后冷战时代转变.作为机械化战争时代的产物,冷战时代的海权论已经不能满足现代国家经略海洋的需要.信息化的时代需要信息化的海权,即后冷战时代海权.后冷战时代海权的出现不仅仅具有较强的现实意义,而且也有较大的理论价值,丰富和发展了海权论.  相似文献   

王威孚  王智 《学术交流》2004,7(1):120-125
技术革命与文化革命思想是中国共产党探索社会主义先进文化建设的重要内容,二者分别有其自身的内涵,它们的提出与实施并不完全同步,但最终被作为一个总体战略付诸实施。技术革命与文化革命是经济文化十分落后的中国进行社会主义建设的必要选择。这一思想在实践中发挥了积极的作用,但是后来“由扬而抑”,渐被偏离,文化革命更被导入“文化大革命”的歧途。尽管技术革命与文化革命的思想曾经被误读,但因此所获得的历史经验却为1978年后的“自抑又扬”创造了条件。  相似文献   

黑龙江省新型工业化道路的战略选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
焦方义 《求是学刊》2004,31(2):51-55
文章从走新型工业化道路的角度分析了黑龙江省的现实问题、潜在优势 ,比较“两种”工业化道路的本质区别 ,指出黑龙江省能否抓住国家振兴东北这一难得的历史机遇 ,关键在于走出一条不同于过去的新型工业化道路。要结合省情选择走新型工业化道路的路径 ,充分发掘比较优势 ,培养竞争优势 ,加快进行体制创新、机制创新和结构调整  相似文献   

新型工业化的产业内源性科技支持能力是指以增强自主开发和技术创新能力为中心,以提高科技对经济增长的贡献、产业结构升级、可持续发展为目标的科技对新型工业化支撑、引领能力。它包括推动信息化和高科技产业发展的科技先导力及推进传统产业升级的科技提升力。培育产业内源性科技支持能力,要建立以企业为主体的创新体系,实行开放式自主创新模式,实现重点突破和技术跨越。  相似文献   

Objective. Government policy has long linked resource production with economic development in surrounding rural communities. The purpose of this article is to examine how the USDA Forest Service 's (USFS) resource‐based, rural development policies have shifted due to economic restructuring and environmental challenges to the “management” of nature. Methods. Historical data was gathered on USFS timber harvests and policies toward forest‐dependent communities. Data was also gathered through interviews and participant‐observation on a USFS‐supported, locally planned ecotourism project. Results. USFS rural development policies have shifted from predominantly providing federally determined, sustained timber harvests in the industrial era to increasingly emphasizing local, amenity‐based entrepreneurship and economic diversification in the post‐industrial era. Conclusions. USFS rural development policies and resource production have been de‐coupled. However, amenity‐based development may depend both on amenity migrants and sustained commitment from external sources to support local initiative, given limited entrepreneurship in rural areas long dependent on high‐wage extraction and manufacturing.  相似文献   

崇明 《社会》2014,34(5):41-67
托克维尔在关于法国大革命与拿破仑的未完成著述中讨论了大革命中自由和平等的张力以及革命的政治动力。在作为大革命第一阶段的1787-1789年的自由革命中,由激进的民主自由观念推动的阶级斗争逐步压倒了贵族自由和精英自由观念。王权的削弱和相关的错误决策加剧了阶级斗争并强化了革命意识形态,民众暴力的介入推动了革命的激进化,导致革命在内部分裂和权力斗争中走向恐怖。大革命后期,法国人既厌倦革命和政治的动荡,又热爱革命带来的平等和利益,继承了革命平等而抛弃了自由的拿破仑得到了法国人的拥戴。同时,托克维尔揭示了革命和拿破仑的个人统治如何继承了旧制度的政治文化遗产,特别是国家主义。  相似文献   

In many European countries, greater importance is accorded to labour market policies in which employers are involved in activating unemployed people. Such employer‐oriented policies target employers’ demand for labour and attempt to influence their willingness to hire, train or guide (often disadvantaged) unemployed groups. Using data from a qualitative interview study of an employer‐oriented programme in a medium‐size city in Sweden, the present article aims to develop knowledge about how these policies are used to influence employers to hire unemployed workers and how jobs created in this context differ from regular jobs. The article argues that creating jobs through new arrangements for the division of labour, with the promise of relieving regular staff of unskilled tasks, may influence employers’ willingness to hire the unemployed when used alongside other kinds of policy instruments. However, the article also shows that this new division of labour, with programme participants performing mainly unskilled tasks, has been difficult to realize, as new staff gradually come to perform an increasing number of regular working tasks.  相似文献   

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