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This paper considers the minimum-energy symmetric network connectivity problem (MESNC) in wireless sensor networks. The aim of the MESNC is to assign transmission power to each sensor node such that the resulting network, using only bidirectional links, is connected and the total energy consumption is minimized. We first present two new models of this problem and then propose new branch-and-cut algorithms. Based on an existing formulation, we present the first model by introducing additional constraints. These additional constraints allow us to relax certain binary variables to continuous ones and thus to reduce significantly the number of binary variables. Our second model strengthens the first one by adding an exponential number of lifted directed-connectivity constraints. We present two branch-and-cut procedures based on these proposed improvements. The computational results are reported and show that our approaches, using the proposed formulations, can efficiently solve instances with up to 120 nodes, which significantly improve our ability to solve much larger instances in comparison with other exact algorithms in the literature.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an access network design problem with end-to-end quality of service (QoS) requirement. The problem can be conceptualized as a two-level hierarchical location-allocation problem on the tree topology with nonlinear side constraints. The objective function of the nonlinear mixed integer programming model minimizes the total cost of switch and fiber cable, while satisfying demand within the prescribed level of QoS. By exploiting the inherent structure of the nonlinear QoS constraints, we develop linearization techniques for finding an optimal solution. Also, we devise an effective exact optimal algorithm within the context of disjunctive constraint generation. We present promising computational results that demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed solution procedure.  相似文献   

Classical stock cutting calls for fulfilling a given demand of parts, minimizing raw material needs. With the production of each part type regarded as a job due within a specific date, a problem arises of scheduling cutting operations. We here propose an exact integer linear programming formulation, and develop primal heuristics, upper bounds and an implicit enumeration scheme. A computational experience carried out for the one-dimensional problem shows that our primal heuristics outperform known ones, and that the formulation has good features for finding exact solutions of non-trivial instances.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an exact algorithm for the knapsack sharing problem. The proposed algorithm seems quite efficient in the sense that it solves quickly some large problem instances. The problem is decomposed into a series of single constraint knapsack problems; and by applying the dynamic programming and another strategy, we solve optimally the original problem. The performance of the exact algorithm is evaluated on a set of medium and large problem instances (a total of 240 problem instances). This algorithm is parallelizable and this is one of its important feature.  相似文献   

The linear programming approach to approximate dynamic programming has received considerable attention in the recent network revenue management (RM) literature. A major challenge of the approach lies in solving the resulting approximate linear programs (ALPs), which often have a huge number of constraints and/or variables. Starting from a recently developed compact affine ALP for network RM, we develop a novel dynamic disaggregation algorithm to solve the problem, which combines column and constraint generation and exploits the structure of the underlying problem. We show that the formulation can be further tightened by considering structural properties satisfied by an optimal solution. We prove that the sum of dynamic bid‐prices across resources is concave over time. We also give a counterexample to demonstrate that the dynamic bid‐prices of individual resources are not concave in general. Numerical experiments demonstrate that dynamic disaggregation is often orders of magnitude faster than existing algorithms in the literature for problem instances with and without choice. In addition, adding the concavity constraints can further speed up the algorithm, often by an order of magnitude, for problem instances with choice.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop a branch-and-bound algorithm for solving a particular integer quadratic multi-knapsack problem. The problem we study is defined as the maximization of a concave separable quadratic objective function over a convex set of linear constraints and bounded integer variables. Our exact solution method is based on the computation of an upper bound and also includes pre-procedure techniques in order to reduce the problem size before starting the branch-and-bound process. We lead a numerical comparison between our method and three other existing algorithms. The approach we propose outperforms other procedures for large-scaled instances (up to 2000 variables and constraints). A extended abstract of this paper appeared in LNCS 4362, pp. 456–464, 2007.  相似文献   

The syntenic distance between two genomes is the minimum number of fusions, fissions, and translocations that can transform one genome to the other, ignoring the gene order within chromosomes. As the problem is NP-hard in general, some particular classes of synteny instances, such as linear synteny, exact synteny and nested synteny, are examined in the literature. In this paper, we propose a new special class of synteny instances, called uncovering synteny. We first present a polynomial time algorithm to solve the connected case of uncovering synteny optimally. By performing only intra-component moves, we then solve the unconnected case of uncovering synteny. We will further calculate the diameters of connected and unconnected uncovering synteny, respectively.  相似文献   

Integrating retail decisions on such aspects as assortment, pricing, and inventory greatly improves profitability. We examine a multi-period selling horizon where a retailer jointly optimizes assortment planning, pricing, and inventory decisions for a product line of substitutable products, in a market with multiple customer segments. Focusing on fast-moving retail products, the problem is modeled as a mixed-integer nonlinear program where demand is driven by exogenous consumer reservation prices and endogenous assortment and pricing decisions. A mixed-integer linear reformulation is developed, which enables an exact solution to large problem instances (with up to a hundred products) in manageable times. Empirical evidence is provided in support of a classical deterministic maximum-surplus consumer choice model. Computational results and managerial insights are discussed. We find that the optimal assortment and pricing decisions do not exhibit a simple, intuitive structure that could be analytically characterized, which reflects the usefulness of optimization approaches to numerically identify attractive trade-offs for the decision-maker. We also observe that suboptimal inventory policies significantly decrease profitability, which highlights the importance of integrated decision-making. Finally, we find that the seasonality of consumer preferences and supply costs present an opportunity for boosting the profit via higher inventory levels and wider assortments.  相似文献   

We present a decision support approach for a network structured stochastic multi-objective index tracking problem in this paper. Due to the non-convexity of this problem, the developed network is modeled as a Stochastic Mixed Integer Linear Program (SMILP). We also propose an optimization-based approach to scenario generation to protect against the risk of parameter estimation for the SMILP. Progressive Hedging (PH), an improved Lagrangian scheme, is designed to decompose the general model into scenario-based sub-problems. Furthermore, we innovatively combine tabu search and the sub-gradient method into PH to enhance the tracking capabilities of the model. We show the robustness of the algorithm through effectively solving a large number of numerical instances.  相似文献   

In this study, we consider the stochastic capacitated lot sizing problem with controllable processing times where processing times can be reduced in return for extra compression cost. We assume that the compression cost function is a convex function as it may reflect increasing marginal costs of larger reductions and may be more appropriate when the resource life, energy consumption or carbon emission are taken into consideration. We consider this problem under static uncertainty strategy and α service level constraints. We first introduce a nonlinear mixed integer programming formulation of the problem, and use the recent advances in second order cone programming to strengthen it and then solve by a commercial solver. Our computational experiments show that taking the processing times as constant may lead to more costly production plans, and the value of controllable processing times becomes more evident for a stochastic environment with a limited capacity. Moreover, we observe that controllable processing times increase the solution flexibility and provide a better solution in most of the problem instances, although the largest improvements are obtained when setup costs are high and the system has medium sized capacities.  相似文献   

We develop a stochastic programming model to aid manufacturing firms in making strategic decisions in technology acquisition. The proposed model maximizes the firm's expected profit under the condition of the uncertainty in technological progress and development. To solve this large‐scale problem, we decompose future uncertainties through scenarios and then develop an algorithm to solve the resulting non‐linear subproblems efficiently. Finally, we develop a heuristic to eliminate the infeasibility in the master problem and obtain best solutions. Numerical results show that our heuristic solutions are very close to the optimal solutions and meaningful insights are derived.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new problem to the OR community that combines traditional tramp shipping with a vendor managed inventory (VMI) service. Such a service may replace the more traditional contract of affreightment (COA) which for decades has been the standard agreement between a tramp shipping company and a charterer. We present a mathematical formulation describing the routing and scheduling problem faced by a tramp shipping company that offers a VMI service to its customers. The problem is formulated as an arc-flow model, and is then reformulated as a path-flow model which is solved using a hybrid approach that combines branch-and-price with a priori path-generation. To solve larger, and more realistic, instances we present a heuristic path-generation algorithm. Computational experiments show that the heuristic approach is much faster than the exact method, with insignificant reductions in solution quality. Further, we investigate the economic impact of introducing a VMI service, by comparing the results obtained with the new model with results obtained by solving the traditional routing and scheduling problem faced by tramp shipping companies using COA. The computational results show that it is possible to substantially increase supply chain profit and efficiency by replacing the traditional COAs with VMI services.  相似文献   

Manish Garg  J. Cole Smith   《Omega》2008,36(6):1057
We consider the design of a multicommodity flow network, in which point-to-point demands are routed across the network subject to link capacity restrictions. Such a design must build enough capacity and diverse routing paths through the network to ensure that feasible multicommodity flows continue to exist, even when components of the network fail. In this paper, we examine several methodologies to optimally design a minimum-cost survivable network that continues to support a multicommodity flow under any of a given set of failure scenarios, where each failure scenario consists of the simultaneous failure of multiple arcs. We begin by providing a single extensive form mixed-integer programming formulation for this problem, along with a Benders decomposition algorithm as an alternative to the extensive form approach. We next investigate strategies to improve the performance of the algorithm by augmenting the master problem with several valid inequalities such as cover constraints, connectivity constraints, and path constraints. For the smallest instances (eight nodes, 10 origin–destination pairs, and 10 failure scenarios), the Benders implementation consumes only 10% of the time required by the mixed-integer programming formulation, and our best augmentation strategy reduces the solution time by another 50%. For medium- and large-sized instances, the extensive form problem fails to terminate within 2 h on any instance, while our decomposition algorithms provide optimal solutions on all but two problem instances.  相似文献   

There are several algorithms to solve the integrated process planning and scheduling (IPPS) problem (i.e., flexible job shop scheduling with process plan flexibility) in the literature. All the existing algorithms for IPPS are heuristic-based search methods and no research has investigated the use of exact solution methods for this problem. We develop several decomposition approaches based on the logic-based Benders decomposition (LBBD) algorithm. Our LBBD algorithm allows us to partition the decision variables in the IPPS problem into two models, master-problem and sub-problem. The master-problem determines process plan and operation-machine assignment, while the sub-problem optimizes sequencing and scheduling decisions. To achieve faster convergence, we develop two relaxations for the optimal makespan objective function and incorporate them into the master-problem. We analyze the performance and further enhance the algorithm with two ideas, a Benders optimality cut based on the critical path and a faster heuristic way to solve the sub-problem. 16 standard benchmark instances available in the literature are solved to evaluate and compare the performances of our algorithms with those of the state-of-the-art methods in the literature. The proposed algorithm either results in the optimal solution or improves the best-known solutions in all the existing instances, demonstrating its superiority to the existing state-of-the-art methods in literature.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose two algorithms for solving both unweighted and weighted constrained two-dimensional two-staged cutting stock problems. The problem is called two-staged cutting problem because each produced (sub)optimal cutting pattern is realized by using two cut-phases. In the first cut-phase, the current stock rectangle is slit down its width (resp. length) into a set of vertical (resp. horizontal) strips and, in the second cut-phase, each of these strips is taken individually and chopped across its length (resp. width).First, we develop an approximate algorithm for the problem. The original problem is reduced to a series of single bounded knapsack problems and solved by applying a dynamic programming procedure. Second, we propose an exact algorithm tailored especially for the constrained two-staged cutting problem. The algorithm starts with an initial (feasible) lower bound computed by applying the proposed approximate algorithm. Then, by exploiting dynamic programming properties, we obtain good lower and upper bounds which lead to significant branching cuts. Extensive computational testing on problem instances from the literature shows the effectiveness of the proposed approximate and exact approaches.  相似文献   

We consider a dynamic problem of joint pricing and production decisions for a profit-maximizing firm that produces multiple products. We model the problem as a mixed integer nonlinear program, incorporating capacity constraints, setup costs, and dynamic demand. We assume demand functions to be convex, continuous, differentiable, and strictly decreasing in price. We present a solution approach which is more general than previous approaches that require the assumption of a specific demand function. Using real-world data from a manufacturer, we study problem instances for different demand scenarios and capacities and solve for optimal prices and production plans. We present analytical results that provide managerial insights on how the optimal prices change for different production plans and capacities. We extend some of the earlier works that consider single product problems to the case of multiple products and time variant production capacities. We also benchmark performance of proposed algorithm with a commercial solver and show that it outperforms the solver both in terms of solution quality and computational times.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a column generation approach for the Point-Feature Cartographic Label Placement problem (PFCLP). The column generation is based on a Lagrangean relaxation with clusters proposed for problems modeled by conflict graphs. The PFCLP can be represented by a conflict graph where vertices are positions for each label and edges are potential overlaps between labels (vertices). The conflict graph is decomposed into clusters forming a block diagonal matrix with coupling constraints that is known as a restricted master problem (RMP) in a Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition context. The clusters’ sub-problems are similar to the PFCLP and are used to generate new improved columns to RMP. This approach was tested on PFCLP instances presented in the literature providing in reasonable times better solutions than all those known and determining optimal solutions for some difficult large-scale instances.  相似文献   

Through observations from real life hub networks, we introduce the multimodal hub location and hub network design problem. We approach the hub location problem from a network design perspective. In addition to the location and allocation decisions, we also study the decision on how the hub networks with different possible transportation modes must be designed. In this multimodal hub location and hub network design problem, we jointly consider transportation costs and travel times, which are studied separately in most hub location problems presented in the literature. We allow different transportation modes between hubs and different types of service time promises between origin–destination pairs while designing the hub network in the multimodal problem. We first propose a linear mixed integer programming model for this problem and then derive variants of the problem that might arise in certain applications. The models are enhanced via a set of effective valid inequalities and an efficient heuristic is developed. Computational analyses are presented on the various instances from the Turkish network and CAB data set.  相似文献   

Aircraft routing and crew pairing problems aim at building the sequences of flight legs operated respectively by airplanes and by crews of an airline. Given their impact on airlines operating costs, both have been extensively studied for decades. Our goal is to provide reliable and easy to maintain frameworks for both problems at Air France. We propose simple approaches to deal with Air France current setting. For routing, we introduce an exact compact IP formulation that can be solved to optimality by current MIP solvers in at most a few minutes even on Air France largest instances. Regarding crew pairing, we provide a methodology to model the column generation pricing subproblem within a new resource constrained shortest path framework recently introduced by the first author. This new framework, which can be used as a black-box, leverages on bounds to discard partial solutions and speed-up the resolution. The resulting approach enables to solve to optimality Air France largest instances. Recent literature has focused on integrating aircraft routing and crew pairing problems. As a side result, we are able to solve to near optimality large industrial instances of the integrated problem by combining the aforementioned algorithms within a simple cut generating method.  相似文献   

We present node-arc and arc-path formulations, and develop a branch-and-price approach for the directed network design problem with relays (DNDR). The DNDR problem can be used to model many network design problems in transportation, service, and telecommunication system, where relay points are necessary. The DNDR problem consists of introducing a subset of arcs and locating relays on a subset of nodes such that in the resulting network, the total cost (arc cost plus relay cost) is minimized, and there exists a directed path linking the origin and destination of each commodity, in which the distances between the origin and the first relay, any two consecutive relays, and the last relay and the destination do not exceed a predefined distance limit. With the node-arc formulation, we can directly solve small DNDR instances using mixed integer programming solver. With the arc-path formulation, we design a branch-and-price approach, which is a variant of branch-and-bound with bounds provided by solving linear programs using column generation at each node of the branch-and-bound tree. We design two methods to efficiently price out columns and present computational results on a set of 290 generated instances. Results demonstrate that our proposed branch-and-price approach is a computationally efficient procedure for solving the DNDR problem.  相似文献   

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