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This paper intends to articulate common epistemological elements between Francisco Varela’s and Contemporary psychoanalytic relational-intersubjective theories. These shared elements could be described as a common epistemological gesture, the overcome of a reductionist and dualist paradigm, instead giving away to a paradigm of complexity. In both perspectives, a phenomenological and close to experience philosophical reflection is incorporated, which can account the human experience as an irreducible and valid source of knowledge. In Varela’s theory, the notion of embodiment permit to conceive the mind as natural endowment of the body. In Contemporary psychoanalytic theories, nature of human experience is conceive as intrisically social, proposing a “two person” psychology and the intersubjective model. Finally, in line with both currents and in a preliminary way, I propose the notion of co-emergency, seeking to overcome different forms of dualisms like internal/external, subject/world, I/Other, etc. From a clinical perspective, co-emergency can be conceived a s the coupling of two subjectivities, as a particular experiential mode of being with others, intending to overcome dualism regarding transference and represented mental states.  相似文献   

Many have noted the consonance between contemporary relational theory and classic social work values and practice principles such as person in environment and starting where the client is. However, there have been few efforts to explore relational theory’s utility to the generalist social work framework. This paper takes the position that relational theory’s intersubjective stance lends new coherence to classic social work principles, and therefore elucidates the process aspects of evidence-based social work practice. In order to illustrate this point, the author applies relational theory to implementation issues around early childhood home visitation with Spanish-speaking immigrant clients—a social work service modality that, like so many others, does not fall into the category of individual psychotherapy in the context of private practice.  相似文献   

This brief comment introduces a panel on Abelove’s classic contribution to psychoanalysis. The papers were recruited for the journal following a heated discussion between panelists and audience debating whether their psychoanalytic work could be considered free of ideas of the Good, or Ideology.  相似文献   

Sexual abuse, from being an event in fearful silence, is now seen as a civil wrong or crime. Participants are stereotyped as perpetrators, victims, and enablers. These are the simplifications of an adversarial legal and insurance system. I suggest a more complex view. I was abused as a boy by the senior acolyte who was training me. The abuse taught me to lie and lose trust in adults and myself. For survival, I learned to invent provisional selves without understanding that these would become profound confusions of identity, sexuality, and purpose, lifelong sources of anxiety and depression. Through a recovery of my abandoned spiritual life and an intense psychoanalysis that together amounted to a metanoia, “a change of heart,” I was able to move past mere forgiveness to a reconciliation with myself and my history, and with my elderly father, who I saw as having failed to protect me years before.  相似文献   

Harold Searles urged psychoanalysis to incorporate animals and the nonhuman environment within the clinical space, claiming we ignore the nonhuman at our peril. But as Searles outlined, our relationships with these nonhuman entities is fraught with ambivalence. This paper details some of the ambivalences within Searles’ writings, including the ways he both described and seemed to enact defenses around human exceptionalism on the one hand and our chaotic merging with the world on the other. Searles described this conflict as occurring not only within the family romance but also shaping our relationships with the nonhuman objects and animals in our environment. In this light, polluting the Earth, according to Searles, is an unconscious act designed to foreclose the future for our progeny whom we unconsciously hate and envy. Integrating Searles’ conflicting ideas with current work on the nonhuman in cultural studies, this presentation explores the ambivalent dependence of the human on the nonhuman, the co-emergence of these categories and subjectivities, and ways to consciously link these areas of experiencing in our clinical and theoretical work.  相似文献   

Whatever difficulty might arise in discussing the relationship of psychoanalysis and technology, the discussion inevitably will touch on another relationship that is difficult to discuss: that between the psyche and the social. There will be no easy way to simply establish the distinctiveness of or the relationship between the terms. They are so profoundly interimplicated in each other that some approach other than “establishing a relationship” is needed. This essay pursues this relationship via a discussion of psychic mechanism with attention to historical shifts in media and social technologies of control.  相似文献   

Sociological Forum -  相似文献   

Feminism and psychoanalysis have been in constant dialogue over the last four decades, and Juliet Mitchell has played a critical role in instigating and shaping that conversation. Yet her own work incorporates some of the most contentious aspects of it. Here I explore her latest book, Madmen and Medusas, to reflect upon why the relationship between her work and that dialogue remains so troubled. This exploration enables me to consider, once more, the contrasts between psychoanalytic perspectives that focus upon kinship, ideology, and symbolic structures and those which stress the historical contingency of gender categories.  相似文献   

Coming from the premise that in order to capture the social in action, we have to be able to re‐construct or re‐assemble reality through parallel histories, I propose to re‐examine the notion of modern subjective culture by focusing on a historically specific interaction of human and non‐human actors. The main vehicle of comparison utilized for this purpose is the cultural history of psychoanalysis and contemporary furniture design. Specifically, the bent‐wood furniture and its emblematic example, the Thonet chair, are used to recover a cultural history of design through bending. By cross‐referencing such design practice with the contemporaneous to it moment of psychoanalysis, I propose that the cultural logic of the fin de siècle, viewed through this particular configuration of the human and material cultures, rests on the practice of plasticity; a conditions which, since then, has become an indispensable component of modern individuality and its numerous identity “construction‐projects”.  相似文献   

Global Woman describes the migration of Third World women to the West to find employment as “care workers.” The book prompts the author's ref lections on the current state of our own female-dominated profession of psychoanalysis. With the ascendance of the relational perspective, notions of care have gained salience as defining features of our practice as analysts. This development has prompted a countermovement to reassert a more traditional conception of psychoanalysis as defined by a particular set of technical precepts and procedures. The apparent opposition between these competing definitions can be deconstructed by examining how many of the technical aspects of psychoanalysis as currently practiced contain within them a (generally unrecognized) theory of care. Rather than engage in a defensive redefining of the caring nature of our work, we need to criticize our society's undervaluation of care.  相似文献   

American sociology as a field tends to marginalize psychoanalytic perspectives despite scholars Cavalletto and Silver showing that this was not the case during Talcott Parson's intellectual heyday in the 1940s. From the 1970s on, though, constructionists emphasized the conservative rather than liberatory side of the Freudian tradition and symbolic interactionism took the place of psychoanalysis as the legitimized framework for understanding individuals. Marginalization has occurred for at least three reasons: (1) the legacies of positivism created a bias toward empirically observable rather than relatively unmeasurable concepts like the Freudian unconscious; (2) psychoanalysis uses internal data whereas sociologists look externally rather than inward; (3) because psychoanalysis focuses on individuals and sociology on groups, it is argued that the two are incommensurate. Nevertheless, even in the face of marginalization, some scholars have combined psychoanalytic and sociological perspectives in myriad ways conceiving of multi dimensional rather than rationalistic individuals within social and cultural settings; exploring interactional dynamics that are at once psychic‐and‐social; and, as in the work of Wilfred Bion, studying the psychoanalytic mechanisms of groups themselves. I posit that the ongoing marginalization of psychoanalysis deprives the discipline of an innovative tool of analysis, an especially salient one at times when the emotional and psychological dimensions of social life are glaringly evident.  相似文献   

Starting from the idea that relational sociology has been founded on various and incompatible social ontologies, I argue that it is at risk of losing its raison d'être if we do not answer two fundamental practical and ontological questions: (1) Why do we need relational sociology? and (2) What do we study in relational sociology? In this respect, I propose a deep, transactional sociology partly and freely inspired by the work of J. Dewey which clearly detaches relational sociology from social determinism and co-determinism.  相似文献   

This paper is a review of current ideas about intimacy and some ideas of my own about definitions of intimacy which come from a desire for respectful, egalitarian, lively and challenging relationships. I suspect that many current ideas about intimacy are overly influenced by the culture of romantic love, in which intimacy is portrayed as the warm, all encompassing feelings of unconditional love, where never a cross word is said. For me, intimacy includes all those feelings of closeness and warmth, but also those moments of brutal honesty, extreme anger, standing up for oneself and saying no. The myth that intimacy is easily obtained, and always pleasant, will be challenged in this paper.  相似文献   

In spite of a number of fundamental contrasts between the assumptions and methodologies of symbolic interactionist and psychoanalytic theories of social interaction in general and socialization in particular, the two perspectives embrace several common interpretations of human action. Moreover, many of the divergences can be appreciated as complementing, rather than contradicting, each other. Some of the more important convergences and complementarities, as well as unresolved differences, are noted and briefly treated under four broad rubrics: (1) human nature and human habitat; (2) the nature and stages of socialization; (3) the structure and functions of personality; and (4) the nature of social relationships. The points of synthesis implied by the complementarities between the two perspectives do not necessarily lead to eclecticism. On the other hand, such syntheses can enhance the analytical power of each perspective.  相似文献   

Relationships are fundamental to the work of teachers, nurses and social workers. Women by and large staff these occupations which are also called ‘relationship work’. In this article we compare the feminine ideal (often implicitly derived from a maternal ideal) with the ideal held by female relation workers. We suggest that taken for granted ideals of perfectionism in mothering are carried into relation work by the female relation workers themselves and the society at large. As a consequence, female relationship workers have a constrained portrait of themselves, leaving little opportunity and permission to explore the difficult emotional and situational complexities that they experience in their professional practice. Psychoanalytic and feminist perspectives allow challenging of these constraining implicit ideals. We argue the need for an expanded ideal that allows for negative feelings, creativity and uncertainty in professional relationships.  相似文献   

Language generativity can be described as the ability to produce sentences neverbefore said, and to understand sentences never before heard. One process oftencited as underlying language generativity is response generalization. However,though the latter seems to promise a technical understanding of the former at aprocess level, an investigation of definitions and approaches to the term“response generalization” that appear in the literature suggeststhat it does not do so. We argue that a more promising candidate for the role ofkey process underlying language generativity is derived relational responding.We introduce the latter concept and describe empirical research showing itsconnection with language. We subsequently present a relational frame theory(RFT) conceptualization of derived relations as contextually controlledgeneralized relational responding. We then review a series of recent studies onderived manding in developmentally delayed children and adults that arguablydemonstrate the applied utility of a derived relations-based approach withrespect to the phenomenon of generative language.  相似文献   

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