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本文对规划交通运输系统时所涉及的一些问题进行了说明,对交通运输系统协调所具有具体内容加以分析探讨,并对交通运输系统的可持续发展提出一些建议举措。  相似文献   

本文分析了公共行政管理体制建设与旅游业的可持续发展中存在的问题,提出政府要以正确的行政决策、合理的行政规划、加强行政协调和沟通、加强行政立法和加大行政执法力度来促进旅游业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

党的十六届三中全会提出,要坚持以人为本,树立全面、协调、可持续的发展观,促进经济社会和人的全面发展。这是党中央在新的历史时期,结合我国国情和发展现状提出的科学发展观。树立和落实这个发展观,对于全面实现全面建设小康社会的目标具有十分重要的意义。近年来,在省委省政府正确领导下,四川省经济和社会发展同全国一样呈现出良好的发展态势。目前,四川正在制定“十一五”经济社会发展规划。在形成“十一五”规划总体发展思路时,如何坚持和落实科学发展观,进一步提升四川科技创新能力,发挥第一生产力在推动四川发展新跨越中的巨大作用,促进四川经济和社会全面、协调、可持续发展,是我们当前应该研究和思考的重要问题。  相似文献   

在区域一体化背景下,构建一体化的高速管理体系是保障区域高速路网有序通行和良性运转,实现区域协调与可持续发展的重要路径。但是,长期以来,京津冀三省市缺乏从区域交通网络系统的角度考虑、缺乏整体认识和意识,没有形成一个高速管理的"一张图"。因此,如何构建一体化的现代高速管理系统,实现区域内的协调通行,已成为京津冀三地普遍关注的问题。本文从分析京津冀高速管理体制的发展现状及存在的问题入手,在借鉴国内外成功经验的基础上,提出京津冀高速管理体制一体化建设的发展思路,即规划一体化、政策一体化、信息一体化和技术标准一体化。  相似文献   

可持续发展的概念已被全球接受,这方面的研究已成为国际关注的热点,但是仍有许多理论和方法问题没有得到解决,尤其是如何判别一个地区发展是否可持续?如何制订可持续发展模式?本文将根据可持续发展的基本原理,提出可持续发展的指标体系和可持续发展规划优选模型的设计思想。  相似文献   

省委九届八次全会提出了坚持统筹城乡经济社会发展的重大决策。统筹城乡发展,既是对提高各级领导干部执政能力的考验,也是规划“十一五”、振兴辽宁老工业基地、构建和谐辽宁,推进我省经济社会全面协调可持续发展的迫切需要。  相似文献   

规划之间不能有效衔接是当前的共性问题,电网规划与城市总体规划因规划编制的出发点、区域范围、所处层面以及编审程序等差异,暴露出两个规划存在不协调的诸多问题。针对这些问题,文中对如何做好两个规划的有效衔接提出了建议。  相似文献   

兰佳佳 《决策与信息》2011,(12):273-274
新疆能源资源相对丰富,但生态环境脆弱,在能源开发中必须从保护生态环境与协调可持续发展的高度来规划资源开发与永续利用。大力发展新疆能源金融,对于能源资源的获取与开发、新疆经济发展具有重要的意义。本文通过对新疆能源产业及能源金融发展的现状和存在的问题进行分析,并且在此基础上提出新疆能源金融发展的建议。  相似文献   

发展是人类社会永恒的主题。可持续发展是国际社会深刻反思传统发展模式后,为实现全球和平、稳定与繁荣而作出的共同选择。党的十六届三中全会提出了以人为本,树立全面、协调、可持续的科学发展观。人与自然和谐相处是可持续发展最核心的问题,是科学发展观在现实工作中的具体体现。走可持续发展之路,就是要在大力发展经济的同时,正确处理好人与自然的关系,促进人与自然的和谐。  相似文献   

在市场经济下,财务预算能通过对施工企业财务预算目标的分解、编制、汇总与审核、执行与调整、评价与考核,将对企业起到沟通认识、协调行动、控制经营、激励业绩及规划发展等方面的作用。本文为此通过具体的理论与案例分析了施工企业实施财务预算管理的总体目标,用实证分析了中南地区某施工企业财务预算管理可持续发展的过程,剖析了一些工程施工企业财务预算管理存在的问题,然后根据问题提出了相关的对策。  相似文献   

重量级IT项目具有高度复杂性和不确定性,以过程为基础的项目管理需要借敏捷方法加以改进.本文以阐明IT项目的复杂产品系统特性为起点,从复杂产品系统的模块化及分解入手,讨论了IT产品的动态形成过程.提出了一个重量级IT项目敏捷管理方法框架.在该方法中,探讨了复杂产品分解的随机Petri网概念模型、柔性团队行为模型、重载方法适度规范集以及基于知识转移的敏捷开发过程.  相似文献   

The construction of a software system requires not only individual coding effort from team members to realize the various functionalities, but also adequate team coordination to integrate the developed code into a consistent, efficient, and bug‐free system. On the one hand, continuous coding without adequate coordination can cause serious system inconsistencies and faults that may subsequently require significant corrective effort. On the other hand, frequent integrations can be disruptive to the team and delay development progress. This tradeoff motivates the need for a good coordination policy. Both the complexity and the importance of coordination is accentuated in distributed software development (DSD), where a software project is developed by multiple, geographically‐distributed sub‐teams. The need for coordination in DSD exists both within one sub‐team and across different sub‐teams. The latter type of coordination involves communication across spatial boundaries (different locations) and possibly temporal boundaries (different time zones), and is a major challenge that DSD faces. In this study, we model both inter‐ and intra‐sub‐team coordination in DSD based on the characteristics of the systems being developed by the sub‐teams, the deadline for completion, and the nature of division adopted by the sub‐teams with respect to development and integration activities. Our analysis of optimal coordination policies in DSD shows that integration activities by one sub‐team not only benefit that sub‐team (as is the case in co‐located development) but can also help the other sub‐teams by providing greater visibility, thereby resulting in a higher integration frequency relative to co‐located development. Analytical results are presented to demonstrate how the characteristics of the projects and the sub‐teams, and the efficiency of communication across the sub‐teams, affect coordination and productivity. We also investigate the pros and cons of using specialized integration sub‐teams and find that their advantage decreases as the project schedule becomes tighter. Decentralized decisions and asymmetric subsystems are also discussed.  相似文献   

《Risk analysis》2018,38(3):620-634
Shared ownership of property and resources is a longstanding challenge throughout history that has been amplifying with the increasing development of industrial and postindustrial societies. Where governments, project planners, and commercial developers seek to develop new infrastructure, industrial projects, and various other land‐and resource‐intensive tasks, veto power shared by various local stakeholders can complicate or halt progress. Risk communication has been used as an attempt to address stakeholder concerns in these contexts, but has demonstrated shortcomings. These coordination failures between project planners and stakeholders can be described as a specific kind of social dilemma that we describe as the “tragedy of the anticommons.” To overcome such dilemmas, we demonstrate how a two‐step process can directly address public mistrust of project planners and public perceptions of limited decision‐making authority. This approach is examined via two separate empirical field experiments in Portugal and Tunisia, where public resistance and anticommons problems threatened to derail emerging industrial projects. In both applications, an intervention is undertaken to address initial public resistance to such projects, where specific public stakeholders and project sponsors collectively engaged in a hypothesis‐testing process to identify and assess human and environmental health risks associated with proposed industrial facilities. These field experiments indicate that a rigorous attempt to address public mistrust and perceptions of power imbalances and change the pay‐off structure of the given dilemma may help overcome such anticommons problems in specific cases, and may potentially generate enthusiasm and support for such projects by local publics moving forward.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the characteristics and results of two different approaches to urban regeneration which we have termed ‘Metagovernance’ and ‘Pluricentric coordination’ following. We studied this through a comparative study of area-based, participatory urban regeneration projects in Denmark and Japan, representing each one approach. The paper aims to clarify results of the two approaches in terms of five aspects of urban regeneration, relevant to the process and results: (1) strategic spatial improvement, (2) influence of the legal system and transparency of the processes, (3) empowerment of citizens and diversity of participants, (4) innovative capacity (diversity and creativity of the projects) and (5) continuity and flexibility of the projects. The paper concludes that each approach has strengths and weaknesses and that each country can learn from the other to strengthen future participatory urban regeneration.  相似文献   

供应链协同与信息共享的关联研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
蔡淑琴  梁静 《管理学报》2007,4(2):157-162,179
将协同分成管理协同、技术协同与人机协同3类。据此定义了供应链协同,分析了信息共享在不同条件下存在的价值差异,探讨了供应链协同与信息共享的内在关联。研究结果表明,信息共享是供应链协同实现的必要但不充分条件。在某些条件下,信息共享并不能解决供应链中的协同问题,相反还可能增大协同工作量。要避免这种情况发生,提前进行合理的信息共享设计是必须的。  相似文献   


This paper explores how engineering companies develop and integrate solution-based capabilities for complex ‘one-off’ or small-batch production. Although there is extant literature on developing a stand-alone service, product and process capabilities, an integrated solution-based capability for effective execution of complex ‘design-build’ projects is currently underdeveloped. For such firms to be successful in delivering complex solutions, there is the need for organisational structured routines and processes which we conceptualise as complex solution-based capabilities (CSC). The study was based on a multiple case study using in-depth semi-structured interviews with managers and engineers. Primary data collected were complemented by documentary evidence, for triangulation and validity. The data were analysed using thematic analysis to develop a framework of CSC. The findings show that the case study companies have developed and integrated CSC through organisational routines and processes of make-to-concept approach, value creation and strategic coordination. Implications and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that many firms are under pressure to reduce research and development (R&D) expenditures, there are few studies which test methods for containing costs associated with innovation. A multi-industry study of new product development projects suggests that development costs are lower when there are (a) high rewards for speedy development, high clarity of product concept, and low management interest in the project (criteria-related factors), (b) high use of external ideas and technologies (scope-related factor), (c) high number of product champions, low project leader's position in the organization, low project members' education level, and low team representativeness (staffing-related factors), and (d) low process overlap, low team proximity, low frequency of testing, and high use of CAD systems (structuring-related factors). The final model was significant at the p<0.001 level and explained 61% of the variance in development costs. Implications for scholars and managers are discussed.  相似文献   

Communities are complex systems subject to a variety of hazards that can result in significant disruption to critical functions. Community resilience assessment is rapidly gaining popularity as a means to help communities better prepare for, respond to, and recover from disruption. Sustainable resilience, a recently developed concept, requires communities to assess system‐wide capability to maintain desired performance levels while simultaneously evaluating impacts to resilience due to changes in hazards and vulnerability over extended periods of time. To enable assessment of community sustainable resilience, we review current literature, consolidate available indicators and metrics, and develop a classification scheme and organizational structure to aid in identification, selection, and application of indicators within a dynamic assessment framework. A nonduplicative set of community sustainable resilience indicators and metrics is provided that can be tailored to a community's needs, thereby enhancing the ability to operationalize the assessment process.  相似文献   

研发项目是企业提高竞争力的关键,研发项目选择关系到企业的战略和未来发展趋势。研发项目在生命周期内面临技术风险、突发风险和市场风险,本文考虑到研发项目的风险特征,结合企业战略,构建了基于效率排序的研发项目选择模型。首先,本文对研发项目的有效性和相对于其它备选项目的相对优势进行分析;然后针对数据包络分析模型排序的不足,结合平衡计分卡理念,规范研发项目投入的比例,引入实物期权理论,改进数据包络分析模型,实现了对研发项目的效率排序;最后通过实际算例对模型进行验证、横向对比和敏感性分析,结果表明:相对于标准数据包络分析模型,本文提出的模型具有更高的效率区分度,并且能够敏感地捕捉到研发项目投入和产出的变化对效率影响的演变过程。  相似文献   

This paper describes a computer-aided software development process design. This is a computerized intelligent tool designed to aid managers of software development projects in planning, managing and controlling the development process of medium to large scale software projects. The application of this computerized tool should help reduce the uncertainties involved in the budget, personnel and schedule planning of software development projects.  相似文献   

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