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Advanced maternal age is associated with negative offspring health outcomes. This interpretation often relies on physiological processes related to aging, such as decreasing oocyte quality. We use a large, population-based sample of American adults to analyze how selection and lifespan overlap between generations influence the maternal age?Coffspring adult health association. We find that offspring born to mothers younger than age 25 or older than 35 have worse outcomes with respect to mortality, self-rated health, height, obesity, and the number of diagnosed conditions than those born to mothers aged 25?C34. Controls for maternal education and age at which the child lost the mother eliminate the effect for advanced maternal age up to age 45. The association between young maternal age and negative offspring outcomes is robust to these controls. Our findings suggest that the advanced maternal age?Coffspring adult health association reflects selection and factors related to lifespan overlap. These may include shared frailty or parental investment but are not directly related to the physiological health of the mother during conception, fetal development, or birth. The results for young maternal age add to the evidence suggesting that children born to young mothers might be better off if the parents waited a few years.  相似文献   

劳动年龄人口大规模流动,其子女的去向一直是学界关心的问题。已有研究证明相对于留守儿童,流动儿童身心发展较为健康。包括子女性别、年龄、流动人口自身职业、收入等在内的多种因素影响流动人口子女随迁的机会,但鲜见关于生育年龄对子女随迁机会影响作用的探讨。本文利用2014年全国流动人口卫生计生动态监测调查数据,以目前只生育了一个子女且子女年龄在3-14岁的流动妇女为研究对象,分析生育年龄对其子女随迁机会的影响作用。结果发现:在控制了社会人口学变量、流动特征及流入地政策环境等变量后,生育年龄仍可正向预测其子女的随迁机会,越晚生育子女随迁机会越大;与生育年龄相关的社会经济状况可提高流动人口子女随迁机会,但无法替代生育年龄对子女随迁机会的预测作用,晚育对流动人口子女随迁机会的促进作用可能同时得益于年龄增长所带来的心智成熟;流动人口的生育年龄、子女年龄与实际年龄之间存在密切关联,但流动人口的生育年龄比实际年龄更为单纯,对子女的随迁可能性有更大预测作用,该结论可推广至其他有关流动人口子女的研究中,使用流动人口的生育年龄而非实际年龄作为自变量将有助于区分父母特征和子女特征对流动人口子女相关因变量的影响作用。  相似文献   

我国已婚育龄人群避孕水平及避孕方法使用趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用中国20世纪60年代到2004年的全国计划生育调查数据,深入分析我国已婚育龄人群避孕水平及避孕方法的使用趋势。结果表明,我国一直是全球总避孕水平最高的国家,避孕方法以长效措施为主。90年代后,主要避孕方法中宫内节育器现用率逐年上升,女性绝育逐年小幅下降,男性绝育逐年明显下降,避孕套现用率逐年递增,口服避孕药、外用避孕药和其他避孕方法呈逐年下降趋势;且避孕方法的选择存在省市、城乡差异。  相似文献   

Although the consequences of teen births for both mothers and children have been studied for decades, few studies have taken a broader look at the potential payoffs—and drawbacks—of being born to older mothers. A broader examination is important given the growing gap in maternal ages at birth for children born to mothers with low and high socioeconomic status. Drawing data from the Children of the NLSY79, our examination of this topic distinguishes between the value for children of being born to a mother who delayed her first birth and the value of the additional years between her first birth and the birth of the child whose achievements and behaviors at ages 10–13 are under study. We find that each year the mother delays a first birth is associated with a 0.02 to 0.04 standard deviation increase in school achievement and a similar-sized reduction in behavior problems. Coefficients are generally as large for additional years between the first and given birth. Results are fairly robust to the inclusion of cousin and sibling fixed effects, which attempt to address some omitted variable concerns. Our mediational analyses show that the primary pathway by which delaying first births benefits children is by enabling mothers to complete more years of schooling.  相似文献   

本文利用 1997年全国人口与生殖健康调查数据 ,应用作者提出的育龄妇女生育健康个体指标 ,从人口、社会、经济几个方面对我国育龄妇女生育健康状况的部分影响因素进行了定量分析。分析结果显示 ,我国育龄妇女的生育健康状况及存在主要问题与妇女年龄、文化程度、居住地及社区环境密切相关。文章最后根据分析结果 ,对改善我国育龄妇女生育健康状况提出了几点建议  相似文献   

China’s low fertility combined with increase in average life expectancy is leading to disappearing demographic dividend and population aging crisis. In this case, we may have a policy choice to raise the retirement age. Because the disappearing of demographic dividend gradually and the reversal of labor supply and demand may be the driving force of raising the retirement age, and the payment crisis of pension system which caused by the population aging may be the pulling force of raising the retirement age. If we consider the impact of this policy on urban employment and the laborheterogeneity in current conditions, we should carry out the practical policy which raise the retirement age slowly progressive and gradually.  相似文献   

不仅劳动力相对数量影响出口比较优势,劳动力年龄分布同样影响出口比较优势。对此,本文采取动态面板数据系统GMM方法,利用我国2001-2010年28个制造业行业数据进行实证检验,在对FDI、全要素生产率和研发密度等变量进行控制后,发现16—29岁和30—44岁劳动力分布比重与行业出口贸易正相关.45—64岁劳动力分布比重与行业出口贸易负相关;而且,人口老龄化趋势对出口贸易不利。此外.传统要素禀赋理论在我国仍然发挥作用,资本劳动比也显著地与出口贸易负相关。  相似文献   

Torche F 《Demography》2011,48(4):1473-1491
A growing body of research highlights that in utero conditions are consequential for individual outcomes throughout the life cycle, but research assessing causal processes is scarce. This article examines the effect of one such condition-prenatal maternal stress-on birth weight, an early outcome shown to affect cognitive, educational, and socioeconomic attainment later in life. Exploiting a major earthquake as a source of acute stress and using a difference-in-difference methodology, I find that maternal exposure to stress results in a significant decline in birth weight and an increase in the proportion of low birth weight. This effect is focused on the first trimester of gestation, and it is mediated by reduced gestational age rather than by factors affecting the intrauterine growth of term infants. The findings highlight the relevance of understanding the early emergence of unequal outcomes and of investing in maternal well-being since the onset of pregnancy.  相似文献   

住房支付能力、生育行为与人口年龄结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过构建房价收入比、人口出生率和少儿抚养比的VAR模型,进行脉冲响应函数及方差分解分析,发现自我国实施货币化分房政策以来,高房价对我国人口出生率和人口年龄结构有重要影响.主要结论:(1)房价持续上涨,导致住房支付能力减弱,迫使人们做出推迟婚育的抉择;(2)住房支付能力减弱,直接使人口出生率下降,但经过4到5年的调整,人口出生率又逐渐恢复;(3)住房支付能力降低,间接拉低少儿抚养比,导致人口结构的老化;(4)人口出生率和少儿抚养比的变动也会引起房价的变化,特别是人口出生率和少儿抚养比的降低会影响到预期房价.基于国内房地产市场的特征和人口发展的现状,本文认为在将房价控制在合理区间的同时,有必要积极调整生育政策,完善社会保障体系,使得人口政策、教育措施、养老方式及住房保障政策相匹配,才能释放家庭活力,优化代际关系,最终实现人口、社会经济的可持续发展.  相似文献   

老年妇女绝经年龄与生育、疾病及寿命的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用问卷询问、体检及生化检查等方法,调查了14个民族3 255名已绝经妇女。通过对60岁及以上妇女生育史、婚姻状况及疾病的调查,为制定公共卫生和卫生政策提出建议,为老年妇女保健措施提供依据。研究结果显示,绝经年龄城市早于农村;绝经年龄晚可能与长寿有关;生殖功能旺盛,末次生育年龄晚、生育期长、孕产次多均使绝经年龄推迟;早年丧偶,可使绝经年龄提早;绝经年龄早,某些疾病患病率高;生活在同一环境中的不同民族绝经年龄不同,疾病的患病率也不同。  相似文献   

Changes in adult mortality in Italy for cohorts born between 1882 and 1953 are analysed and interpreted by means of two different statistical models. The first, an Age–Period–Early Mortality (APEM) model, is employed to analyse the possible relationships between adverse conditions during the first 15 years of life and subsequent mortality. It is shown that higher mortality early in life is associated with higher mortality up to age 45 and lower mortality at latter ages. Finally, possible links between the observed decline in early mortality and the evolution of adult mortality are analysed and discussed.  相似文献   

Social science literature on aging has assumed without empirical basis that women experience greater continuity in their lives than men and that this is beneficial to women in the process of aging. This research explores the issue of continuity in values over the life course and the relationship of values to a sense of meaning attributed to one's life over the life course. Thirty life history interviews of men and women over the age of sixty-nine were conducted. Differences in values were found between men and women. Men experienced less continuity of values, less continuity in sources of meaning in Life, and more dissatisfaction in the process of life review, but for most men the lack of continuity was not a source of dissatisfaction in old age.  相似文献   

Women and Aging:     
After an analysis of a 1985 Canadian national survey, a lack of conclusive results encouraged the researchers to examine how traditional research has failed women in terms of ignoring- ag-e.. gender, class, race, and sexual orientation. In additih, alternate research methodoloeies based on aualitative and feminist principles are discussed in order to direct future research.  相似文献   

Women and Aging:     
《Journal of women & aging》2013,25(1-3):47-67
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

育龄妇女生殖健康状况及其影响因素分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
0 77%的妇检者查出患有疾病 ,患病率在地区、城乡、年龄和受教育程度间呈极大差异 :居民 >村民 ,中部 >西部 >东部 ,少数民族 >汉族。影响妇女生殖健康的因素包括个人行为和社会环境因素 ,涉及个人特征、婚育状况、避孕状态、保健意识、宣传教育等。结果提示 :1 增强自我保健意识 ,提高自我保健能力是有效的预防手段。 2 .生殖保健工作重点在农村和中西部。 3 实现生殖健康目标需要重视教育尤其是对女性的教育  相似文献   

I reexamine the epidemiological paradox of lower overall infant mortality rates in the Mexican-origin population relative to U.S.-born non-Hispanic whites using the 1995–2002 U.S. NCHS linked cohort birth-infant death files. A comparison of infant mortality rates among U.S.-born non-Hispanic white and Mexican-origin mothers by maternal age reveals an infant survival advantage at younger maternal ages when compared with non-Hispanic whites, which is consistent with the Hispanic infant mortality paradox. However, this is accompanied by higher infant mortality at older ages for Mexican-origin women, which is consistent with the weathering framework. These patterns vary by nativity of the mother and do not change when rates are adjusted for risk factors. The relative infant survival disadvantage among Mexican-origin infants born to older mothers may be attributed to differences in the socioeconomic attributes of U.S.-born non-Hispanic white and Mexican-origin women.  相似文献   

本文通过剖析南通市老年人口高龄化成因特征,找出老年长寿的有利因素及其发展需求,对现行高龄老年社会福利保障做法和效果进行评估、总结经验、明确任务,提出进一步优化高龄老年物质与精神保障结合机制的建议措施。  相似文献   

基础养老金的财务可持续性是基本养老保险制度可持续发展的关键.根据我国现行城镇职工基本养老保险制度的收支办法,构建基础养老金长期财务随机预测模型,运用蒙特卡洛随机模拟方法给出变量在预测年度的取值,并通过5000次模拟,测算基础养老金未来75年财务状况的变动趋势和可能变动范围.结果表明:基础养老金年度缴费收入将在2020年开始不足以满足当年的养老金支出需求,出现年度缺口;到2025年,养老金累计结余消耗殆尽并出现累计赤字.如果将法定退休年龄推迟5年,将使基础养老金年度财务收支出现缺口的可能时间推迟17年左右,2085年的累计缺口将降低55%左右.  相似文献   

本文通过虚弱度模型展示了中国高龄老人死亡率模式中的个体异质性,女性内部异质性远大于男性。在控制未观测异质性后,结果显示:男性和女性高龄老人的基准死亡率呈现交叉效应;配偶对男性高龄老人的存活存在显著的保护作用,已婚有偶的男性高龄老人死亡风险较之无偶的低22%(=1-e-0.253);除日常照料和精神慰藉外,子女对烟酒嗜好等不健康生活方式的监督,对男性高龄老人的存活也可能存在不可替代的保护作用。女性高龄老人在社会支持网络依赖、社会经济地位与健康生活方式上迥异于男性,使得配偶和子女以上支持作用并不显著。  相似文献   

《Journal of women & aging》2013,25(3-4):221-226
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

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