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In today's climate of health care reform, the title of this article might more appropriately be "Is the Role of the Primary Care Physician Evolving or Going the Way of the Dinosaur?" According to Koop, primary care is in trouble. Whereas only 29 percent of U.S. physicians are primary care physicians, in Great Britain, 72 percent of physicians are primary care physicians and in Europe and Canada the average is 50 percent. Many U.S. primary care physicians are in the later stages of their careers and nearing retirement age. Unless the supply increases, this number will dwindle further. However, in 1992, only 14 percent of U.S. medical school graduates were headed for primary care careers. Even if the supply of primary care graduates were increased to 50 percent of the graduating medical school class, it would be well into the next century before the ratio of primary care physicians to specialists would be equal. Primary care is at a critical juncture and the next few years will decide the fate of the primary care physician. Given the state of primary care today, I believe that a fundamental look at the assumptions regarding the role of primary care physicians is in order. The current health reform movement has placed a major responsibility on primary care to solve many of the problems in health care delivery today, such as cost, utilization, and prevention. Many health care organizations are planning strategies involving primary care providers, and physician executives can play a key role in these decisions.  相似文献   

Do all physician executives have much "catching up" to do in relation to their non-MD colleagues? A comparison of the role of the physician executive versus the non-MD executive/administrator provides a big picture view and signals new opportunities for physicians in the evolving health care system. Physician executives have only recently become invested in the health care executive suite and are less wedded to old methods and "classic" ideas. They are more likely to be able to adapt to new circumstances, jettisoning traditional approaches that have outlived their usefulness. But each group-physician executives and their MHA- or MBA-credentialed, non-MD colleagues- has much to offer to or learn from the other. By retaining those skills that are applicable, while also adapting the useful characteristics of the "traditional" health care administrator, a physician executive can increase the likelihood of success today.  相似文献   

Because the stakes in health care are high, physician executives are challenged to meet high expectations set by their CEOs and boards. These may be unrealistic--for example, demanding that physician executives possess expertise in finance or strategic planning. Job stresses for physician executives are specific to the role, but are not unlike those faced by other senior executives. It's a fact that professionals leave jobs for any number of reasons; sometimes, not through their own choice or fault. Thus, every time a physician executive leaves a job, it should not be characterized as "being fired," and not every job-leaving should be taken as a failure. Accept that you may make mistakes while doing the best job you can. Rely on your own value system and integrity to see you through.  相似文献   

The rapid change in the managed health care industry is placing substantial demands on the managerial and leadership skills of physician executives. These changes are forcing a reevaluation of the fundamental principles of managed care organizations, specifically in terms of patient satisfaction, cost containment, and quality health care. Additionally, the physician executive will be confronted with substantial issues concerning future staffing needs. This article assesses the health care industry's environment to suggest where managed care is going and how physician executives should position themselves to optimize their position in the marketplace.  相似文献   

Physicians often determine the demand for health care services, as well as control the clinical processes aimed at improving health outcomes at the individual and population level. Given their important role in enhancing health status and improving the health care delivery system, it is critical that physician executives master the tools necessary to positively influence physician behavior. But changing behavior is far more complex than "doing it or not doing it." The Nike slogan "just do it" is motivating, but over-simplified. The roots of human change include: consciousness-raising, emotional arousal, commitment, helping relationships, self-reevaluation, reward, and environmental control. A model to effectively influence behavior is presented and includes setting clear expectations, measuring and monitoring performance, providing feedback, and rewarding and recognizing improvement. If all else fails, try discipline. This five-step approach is based on the science of human behavior and working with physicians in diverse settings, ranging from academic medical centers to small practices.  相似文献   

How can physician executives be effective leaders during a time of such upheaval in health care? How does anyone lead in a confusing environment where planning seems impossible? Is effective leadership even possible when no one seems to understand what is going on? These important questions are addressed in this article. Health care is a confusing field. But it still needs effective leadership. Even though nobody really knows what is going on, physician leaders can play a beneficial role by encouraging everyone they work with to experiment and innovate with ways to make health care work better for patients. Physician executives can insist on accountability and on implementing what really works in their given context, rather than what the latest theory states should work.  相似文献   

The author found himself in a surprising situation in the Fall of 1998. For the first time in his life, he was looking for a job. Kent Bottles, MD, shares his experience of reinventing himself from academic chairman in an integrated delivery system to health care consultant. He stresses that physician executives need to package their experiences in terms of transferable skills that are easily understood by potential employers. He also emphasizes that acquaintances are more important than friends in obtaining employment; one needs to network with acquaintances and rely on the sympathy of relative strangers. A lot of hard work, networking, and "selling" his reinvented self resulted in a CEO hiring him. With all the changes brought on by the global economy and the uncertainties of the health care marketplace, other physician executives may be faced with the need to reinvent themselves.  相似文献   

Hospitals and other health care organizations are adding physician executives at such a rate that demand is outstripping supply-there are more opportunities for seasoned physician executives than there are physicians with track records as medical managers. It is possible that hiring management will have to consider the employment of a physician who wants to be in management but has no track record as a physician executive. In some cases, it may even be preferable to employ a neophyte physician executive, especially when the physician is a respected clinician already on the organization's medical staff. In selecting such a physician, however, an evaluation must be made of the probability that the physician will be successful in the new role. The author points to 10 criteria that the hiring organization should observe in hiring inexperienced managers.  相似文献   

In late 1993, ACPE and Tyler & Company, a national health care executive and physician search firm based in Atlanta, Ga., jointly conducted a survey of physician executives to determine their most likely behavioral patterns. It is the first of a two-part survey that, when complete, will create a multifaceted profile of the "ideal" physician executive as seen through physician executives' eyes and through the eyes of hospital management. Questionnaires based on the DiSC method of behavioral analysis were mailed to 750 randomly selected members of ACPE. More than 170 responses were received. The survey results showed that the majority of physician executives have strong communications skills, are people-oriented, and are strong leaders. The majority of respondents are self-motivated and industrious and are driven by accomplishments. The second part of the survey, which will be conducted later this year, will poll hospital CEOs and boards of directors about their preferences for behavioral patterns in their executives. Comparisons and consistencies will be analyzed between the two surveys to develop a comprehensive profile of the "ideal" physician executive, and the results will be reported in Physician Executive.  相似文献   

The newest health care trend involves changing the core business--health care delivery and the resources involved--through better care management. This impacts every practitioner all day, every day. This issue truly belongs to the physicians, and thus to physician executives. Care management is the latest frontier, the place where the delivery of quality care, in the most efficient way, at the best possible cost, all come together. And physician executives are being challenged to make it happen, to change the way medicine is practiced and health care is delivered across the country, to move from treating episodes of care to a true preventive mindset and population-based methodologies. This column outlines the skills in care management that systems-based physician executives will need to develop or enhance to remain competitive--effective communication skills and team-building capabilities are critical attributes for those who hope for success.  相似文献   

Fraud and abuse, which can occur in all industries, also exist in the health care industry. This problem is compounded by the reality that "American medicine, although undergoing evolution, now faces changes of a magnitude that has never before been encountered." These changes are creating new realities for physician executives and also new challenges. As there are changes in business practices, there will be changes in how fraud occurs in health care. Physician executives need to be sensitive to the possibility of fraud and abuse as an unwanted component in medical losses in managed care systems.  相似文献   

Most physician executives today have acquired substantial management training and experience, and many have worked with and relied on the expertise of mentors for their career guidance and development. Physician executives are actually becoming executives who happen to be physicians. They view themselves first as leaders, then as physicians, and finally as managers. That is a remarkable transformation in perception. To chronicle this process, Witt/Kieffer, Ford, Hadelman & Lloyd conducted a national survey this spring among senior physician executives in both payer and provider organizations. The data provide a "snapshot" of their role, and may also suggest some future scenarios for the industry. The primary reasons for choosing to pursue a management role noted by most participants include a desire to be part of the health care solution and an interest in management and leadership challenges.  相似文献   

What is the CPE Tutorial and how can it help advance the careers of physician executives? This five-day program teaches executive skills that make physician executives more valued in the marketplace. When candidates successfully pass an evaluation judged by a panel of health care CEOs, recruiters, and Fellows of the College, they become Certified Physician Executives (CPEs). This certification provides recognition to potential employers that CPEs have: stature as a physician; been successfully tested in all disciplines of medical management; demonstrated management experience; and successfully completed the Tutorial with a five minute presentation describing skills and competencies on the last day. As CPEs become widely known in the marketplace, the designation will be a valued credential that helps physician executives get and keep desirable positions, as well as advance to the next level in their careers.  相似文献   

"As the debate over health care reform rages in Washington, the market is reforming itself. For any given market, it's a question of 'How soon will it hit?', not 'Will it hit?'" Health care reform and market restructuring are ushering in a new era of integrated health care. Although the future is not fully clear, there are at least three competing models for the creation of regional and statewide health systems that will integrate the financing and delivery of services to large enrolled populations of consumers: Payer-driven networks. Provider-sponsored systems. Partnership models. Whatever the future scenario, physician executives will play a larger, more dominant role. Research on integrated health systems has identified three critical success factors for future success: physician-hospital integration, clinical integration and information integration. For managed care to be successful, there must be clinical leadership. The essence of managing care is clinical efficiency, based on "critical-path" treatment protocols and real-time patient care management, supported by integrated information systems.  相似文献   

An extensive amount has been written, reported, and spoken on health care reform. It is a time of turmoil and uncertainty in the health care field. There is a great deal of talk at the federal level on reform, but efforts there seem to be at least temporarily stymied. Much is happening at the local and regional level, however, as the health care field itself wrestles with the changes that have already occurred and with the promise of changes that lie ahead. In the following conversation between two fictional physician executives, one with many years experience, the other his junior, some of the issues surrounding health care reform are discussed. Although the specific environment for the conversation is managed care, most physician executives will find themselves somewhere in the conversation. let's eavesdrop as they speak, in the late summer of 1994.  相似文献   

Recently, Hospitals & Health Networks reported the results of a study it conducted, in conjunction with Premier Health Alliance, Inc., and among hospital CEOs and COOs to gauge their preparedness and level of concern about various health care reform issues. Because administrators and physician executives are not always in agreement, we wondered how physician executives would rate the same issues. To find out, the American College of Physician Executives polled some members and posed the original survey questions. The results and subsequent interviews revealed that health care reform appears to be a catalyst in bringing the two factions closer in their thinking.  相似文献   

The arrival of the Internet offers the opportunity to fundamentally reinvent medicine and health care delivery. The "e-health" era is nothing less than the digital transformation of the practice of medicine, as well as the business side of the health industry. Health care is only now arriving in the "Information Economy." The Internet is the next frontier of health care. Health care consumers are flooding into cyberspace, and an Internet-based industry of health information providers is springing up to serve them. Internet technology may rank with antibiotics, genetics, and computers as among the most important changes for medical care delivery. Utilizing e-health strategies will expand exponentially in the next five years, as America's health care executives shift to applying IS/IT (information systems/information technology) to the fundamental business and clinical processes of the health care enterprise. Internet-savvy physician executives will provide a bridge between medicine and management in the adoption of e-health technology.  相似文献   

We continue to muddle through using tourniquets and bandaids on a health care system that is in dire straits. And the future is even less promising. There will be millions without basic health care, let alone basic health care coverage. Rural and inner-city hospitals will close, with progressive public apathy, as we focus on the marvels of expensive technologies that serve only the few. Costs will continue to rise at double digit rates, and our nation's employers will fall further behind in the global marketplace. Preventive care will be uncommonly provided and only more rarely reimbursed, while a couple more children die of measles in Mississippi. It's not a pretty picture, and it simply doesn't have to come to pass. "What we really need is leadership," the public cries. That leadership can and should come from medicine through physician executives.  相似文献   

This article is based in part on responses from 150 physician executives who participated in an interactive discussion of future trends at the American College of Physician Executives' 1999 Spring Institute and Senior Executive Focus, in Las Vegas, Nevada, on May 13, 1999. The session included electronic polling on 40 predictions, such as the future composition of the clinical workforce and how technology will affect the way that medicine is practiced and the patient-physician relationship. The prediction for physician executives? A growing number of physician executives will find themselves at the top of their careers in the next decade. The physician executive of the future will have a broad array of management opportunities and career choices. More doctors will be managers. Physician executives will work at every level of health care organizations, across the continuum of care, from large complex urban systems to small rural settings.  相似文献   

The recent rise in the number of physician executives in the health care industry vividly demonstrates that a genuinely new generation of physician executives is seeking to combine the sensitivity of their clinical skills with the business acumen that today's health care organizations need to prosper and grow. But physicians who are preparing themselves to be selected one day as chief executive officers by hospitals, integrated systems, and managed care organizations should understand that the CEO role is radically different from that of the CEO of a physician practice. The corporate CEO role requires the management of managers and responsiveness to the organization's board. Those who imagine that the corporate CEO role bears any resemblance to the autonomous, independent existence of the practitioner are certain to have a rough time.  相似文献   

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