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A puzzling observation in the diffusion of modern fertility control is the persistent diversity in contraceptive practices across communities or social strata. I propose a model of “learning in social networks” to explain this diversity with the random dynamics of word-of-mouth communication. Women are uncertain about the merits of modern contraception and estimate the different qualities of available methods based on imprecise information from network partners. Their contraceptive choices are determined by this estimate and by private knowledge about one s personal characteristics. This process of social learning leads to path-dependent adoption of fertility control within, and diversity in contraceptive practices across villages or social strata.  相似文献   

Racial differences in contraceptive choice: Complexity and implications   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Previous research has failed to generate consensus about why black fertility has persistently exceeded that of whites in the United States. In an effort to shed light on this question, this article examines black/white differences in sociodemographic factors affecting contraceptive choice. Using data from the 1976 and 1982 National Surveys of Family Growth, we find a complex pattern of black/white differences. Not only does contraceptive choice vary by race, but the effects of such variables as age, marital status, and education also differ between blacks and whites. For example, compared with whites, black married women avoid coital methods, and compared with blacks, white women shift contraceptive behavior more as they change marital status. The complex nature of the racial differences in contraceptive choice are interpreted as reflecting differences in marriage patterns and trends.  相似文献   

Edmeades J 《Demography》2008,45(2):283-302
This study explores the ways in which women's contraceptive behavior in a rural area of Thailand is shaped by both past and present context, based on the life course framework. Although the importance of contextual influences for contraceptive behavior is well established in the literature, relatively little research has been conducted that explores how behavior is influenced by historical and contemporaneous contextual factors and by individual life experiences. In addition, much of this research has neglected the role of the normative environment within which contraceptive use takes place. The focus of this paper centers on the effect of contraceptive environment at both early and late stages of the life course and on how this effect is shaped by individual experience with migration to urban areas. This study takes advantage of a unique, prospective longitudinal data set with detailed information on community context at multiple points in time, an important improvement upon prior research. The results show that contraceptive behavior is particularly responsive to current community context, with past context primarily exerting an indirect effect on behavior through shaping current contextual influences.  相似文献   

This paper blends quantitative with qualitative data in an investigation of community and contraceptive choice in Nang Rong, Thailand. Specifically, it develops an explanation of 1) method dominance within villages, coupled with 2) marked differences between villages in the popularity of particular methods. The quantitative analysis demonstrates the importance of village location and placement of family planning services for patterns of contraceptive choice. The qualitative data provide a complementary perspective, emphasizing the importance of social as well as physical space and giving particular attention to the structure of conversational networks.  相似文献   

This study examines how the social environment of religious congregations affects the spread of contraceptive use in developing contexts, using Mozambique as a case study. Analysis of qualitative data collected in urban areas of that country in 1998-99 and of the data from the 1997 Mozambique Demographic and Health Survey suggests that, in urban areas, the environment of more socioculturally diverse and inclusive Roman Catholic and mission-based Protestant congregations is more propitious to the spread and legitimization of modern contraception than the milieu of smaller, relatively homogeneous, independent churches. In rural areas, however, sociocultural diversity within and across different religious denominations is minimal, and membership in any formal congregation offers an advantage in contraceptive learning.  相似文献   

Using data from the Food and Agricultural Organization and some other sources, it was estimated that rapid population growth in countries with an initial average calorie availability of below 2800 per head inhibited improvements in food production and availability per head during the 1980s and early 1990s. There were statistically significant negative effects of population growth on the growth in the production of noncereal food crops, milk, and meat, and in total food production. Because net food imports and aid shipments of cereals responded similarly, rather than acting as compensatory factors, the development in total calorie availability per head was least satisfactory in countries with the most rapid growth. A rapid increase in the number of adults of working age appeared to be no less disadvantageous than an increase in the number of children or elderly. Weaker effects were found when the entire 1970-95 period was considered. There were few indications that poverty, illiteracy, or land or water scarcity made it particularly difficult to cope with a growing population.  相似文献   

We examine how informants' reports on community perceptions of the quality and accessibility of family planning facilities relate to the use of modern contraceptives by individuals in rural Tanzania. Using information on individual-level contraceptive use in conjunction with community-level information on the accessibility and quality of family planning facilities, we employ two distinct statistical procedures to illustrate the impacts of accessibility and quality on contraceptive use. Both procedures treat the community-level variables as imperfect indicators of characteristics of the facilities, and they yield nearly identical implications. We find that a community-level, subjective perception of a family planning facility's quality has a significant impact on community members' contraceptive use whereas other community measures such as time, distance, and subjective perception of accessibility have trivial and insignificant direct impacts, net of the control variables. Future research that uncovers the determinants of perceptions of both community-level and individual-level quality could provide key insights for developing effective and efficient family planning programs.  相似文献   

Fertility transition,conscious choice,and numeracy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One of the preconditions of the fertility transition, as stated by A.J. Coale, is that reproductive decisions must be within the calculus of conscious choice. It is suggested that the change in mentality which leads to family limitation includes "numeracy about children," a clear notion of what family size ought to be and the awareness of individuals of where they stand with respect to the norm. The article explores the hypothesis that numeracy about children appeared historically in various times and places, and that the conceptualization of family size was a necessary condition for adopting family limitation.  相似文献   

The effects of spatial structure in terms of local capacity, or the maximum number of larvae surviving competition at resource patches, and temporal structure in terms of the period vulnerable to parasitoid attack in host populations on the persistence of host-parasitoid systems were quantitatively evaluated by laboratory experiments and well-parameterized model analyses. One of two bruchid beetles,Callosobruchus maculatus andC. phaseoli, were used as a host with Heterospilus prosopidis used as the parasitoid.C. maculatus, in which few larvae survive competition to become adults in each bean, andC. phaseoli, in which many larvae become adults in each bean, along with two kinds of beans, the mung and the azuki, were combined to construct four (2×2) resource-herbivorous host-parasitoid systems that differed in local capacity and vulnerable period. The mung-C. maculatus system with the parasitoid was the most persistent, i.e., took the longest time for extinction of either the host or parasitoid to occur. Since this resource-herbivorous host combination exhibited the lowest local capacity and the shortest vulnerable period, these two conditions possibly promoted the persistence of the system. A model incorporating the host population structure supported the observed persistence. Furthermore, the possible contribution of the timing of density-dependent competition of the host on the host-parasitoid persistence is predicted.  相似文献   

Li WL 《Population studies》1973,27(1):97-104
Abstract The conventional mode of evaluating the success of family planning programmes has frequently emphasized the activities of the programmes, rather than their ultimate effects. This paper examines the role of family planning programmes in inducing fertility decline in Taiwan. First it presents the secular trends of Taiwanese fertility changes, pointing out that family planning programmes began only after the birth rate had already shown a substantial decline. Secondly, it specifically evaluates the impact of family planning programmes in the Taichung areas, since its success has been widely proclaimed. Finally, it is stipulated that the dynamics of Taiwanese fertility changes may be related to declining infant mortality and accelerating educational development, and that these institutional effects, rather than the family planning programmes, should be credited with changes in fertility.  相似文献   

Empirical studies in the migration literature have shown that enclaves (networks) negatively affect the language proficiency of migrants. Most of these studies do not address the choice of location as a function of language skills. Using data on Mexican migration to the US, we show that migrants choose smaller networks as their English language proficiency improves.
Ira N. Gang (Corresponding author)Email:

This paper incorporates the insights of the life course perspective in an examination of the determinants of contraceptive use. It views decision-making about contraceptive methods in the context of personal history and the broader social setting. Three stages in the reproductive life course of married women are considered. In the early years, timing decisions dominate. Contraception is used to delay the first birth and control the tempo of fertility. Mid-career, the major concern is whether to have a sterilizing operation. Towards the end of the fecund period, couples must decide when to stop using contraception, given that they have not already opted for sterilization. We examine choice among nonpermanent methods, as well as sterilization, in the context of a theoretical model that explicitly recognizes the permanence of the sterilization decision. Our statistical procedures control for unobserved community influences. The data are from Nang Rong district, Thailand, a relatively poor area near the Cambodian border under going substantial socioeconomic change during the 1980s. Our results clearly show variation in method choice over the reproductive life course, and variation in the effects of specific determinants including age of husband and wife, living arrangements, and village location. They also demonstrate gains in the understanding of any particular stage in the life course that accrue from an integrated examination of all of them.  相似文献   

This paper applies the theory of relational contracts to a model in which a couple decides upon fertility and subsequently on continuation of the relationship. We formalize the idea that within-household-cooperation can be supported by selfinterest. Since the costs of raising children—a household public good—are unequally distributed between partners, a conflict between individually optimal and efficient decisions exists. Side-payments can support cooperation but are not legally enforceable and thus have to be part of an equilibrium. This requires stable relationships and credible punishment threats.Within this framework, we analyze the effects of separation costs and post-separation alimony payments on couples’ fertility decisions. We derive the predictions that higher separation costs and higher alimony payments facilitate cooperation and hence increase fertility. We present empirical evidence based on a recent German reform that reduced rights to post-divorce alimony payments. We find that this reform reduced in-wedlock fertility.  相似文献   

Repeat migration,information costs,and location-specific capital   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is well-known from previous research that recent migrants often migrate again. This paper seeks to illuminate several possible mechanisms that might give rise to this association. The effect of previous migration on subsequent migration appears to be largely due to the fact that the consequences of one move often become the cause of the next and that people tend to return to places they recently left. The concepts of location-specific capital (assets that are more valuable in their current location than they would be elsewhere) and information costs provide powerful explanations for the patterns of multiple movement disclosed in the longitudinal data used in this study.This paper draws on research supported by grants from the Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, and from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, and draws upon findings reported in DaVanzo (1976b). Any views expressed in this paper are those of the author. They should not be interpreted as reflecting the views of The Rand Corporation or the official opinion or policy of any of its governmental or private research sponsors. Special thanks are due to Peter A. Morrison, who carefully read and critiqued numerous drafts. The author also thanks William P. Butz, Glenn Gotz, James P. Hosek, Susan Hosek, and John Rolph for their valuable comments on earlier drafts, and John Raisian, Richard J. Buddin, and Franklin D. Berger for their skilled programming assistance.  相似文献   

A major decision of the 7th Seminar on Information, Education and Communication organized in Tokyo by the Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning (JOICFP) held in June and July 1977 was to recommend that the term "family planning" be replaced by "family welfare." The intention of this change is to reflect the current trend of combined programs which have the objective of improving the quality of life. The major theme stressed by the seminar speakers was the importance of information, education and communication in launching improved innovative approaches and strategies in support of the integrated approach. 4 topics were selected for special consideration: 1) interpersonal communciation; 2) incentives; 3) organizational approach in family planning programs; and 4) integration of family planning with maternal and child health.  相似文献   

This paper performs two tasks. It first describes the return migration behavior of Finnish immigrants to Sweden over the period 1968–1976 as revealed by the Swedish population register. The volume of return migration is considerable but varies by age and sex. Second, we examine the sensitivity of return migration to economic conditions at both destination and origin. The model proposed allows the relative weights attached to information on the two locations to vary as the interval of absence lengthens. Econometric evidence indicates that conditions at the original location appear to exert increasing influence on the decision to return the longer the interval of absence.  相似文献   

Recent changes in the United States health care system include a broadened definition of health and renewed focus on public health. Increasingly, demographic analyses are incorporated into public health decision-making. Analysts also are using geographic information more routinely, because Geographic Information System (GIS) software is becoming easier to use. The paper describes three cases in which demographers used GIS to analyze the spatial distribution of public health data. The first case, from Santa Clara County, California, focuses on adolescent sexually transmitted diseases in secondary school districts. The second case, also from Santa Clara County, maps preventable hospitalizations of senior citizens. The third examines the distribution of premature births in Tennessee counties. The researchers applied demographic techniques and perspectives in each case, and each case produced information that is being used by officials who plan health education campaigns and services.  相似文献   

At present, the ‘freedom of information’ concept has particular appeal to various democracies seeking to realize or refine a popular right to government information. The American experience with this construct provides both a significant theoretical model and a legislative realization of this idea. However, drafting imperfections and political tampering with the policy purpose of the Freedom of Information Act are apparent in the legislative history of the Federal statute and, hopefully, can be avoided by other nations pursuing this type of law. In addition, the United States has developed privacy of information and has sought to reconcile it and official secrecy with the ‘freedom of information’ concept. While the former is regarded as a valuable symbiont the latter appears to be a dangerous competitor to the effective realization of ‘the people's right to know’.  相似文献   

BackgroundRepeat pregnancy in the first year after a birth is common. Many of these conceptions are unintended and may be prevented by providing access to contraception in the immediate postpartum period. Midwives in the hospital setting could potentially play a greater role in improving postnatal contraception information and provision.AimWe sought to implement and examine the success of a program training hospital-based midwives in immediate postpartum implant insertion.MethodsThis mixed methods study in two hospitals in New South Wales sought to explore the feasibility, acceptability and sustainability of a program that provided competency-based implant insertion training for midwives. The study documented training completion, implant insertion numbers and experience, and conducted end of study interviews with midwives and stakeholders.FindingsTwenty-seven midwives undertook training and inserted 265 implants during the study period. Interviews with 13 midwives and 11 stakeholders concluded the program to be feasible and acceptable with midwives reporting high satisfaction from their involvement. All interviewees felt that midwives were well placed to insert implants, and reported that challenges around workload and opportunities for practice were generally manageable. It was recognised that sustainability of the program would require supportive policy and regular insertion opportunities.ConclusionsMidwives successfully upskilled in implant insertions and there was widespread support for the program with expectations it would be sustained. Provision of contraceptive information and implant insertion by midwives in the immediate postpartum period is likely to increase contraceptive choice and access for women and contribute to reducing rapid repeat pregnancies.  相似文献   

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