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“少年强则国家强”,为了服务青少年健康成长,不久前,团中央、民政部等六部门联合印发了《关于加强青少年事务社会工作专业人才队伍建设的意见》(以下简称《意见》),以专业力量承揽和办理青少年事务。《意见》的出台满足了青少年什么样的需求?一个完善的青少年事务社会工作服务体系是什么样的?社会工作能发挥什么独特作用?本刊记者专访了团中央权益部、民政部社会工作司有关负责人以及中国青年政治学院陈涛教授就此进行解读。  相似文献   

青少年是国家的未来和希望。为青少年营造一个健康成长的社会环境,是全社会的共同责任,需要各方力量为此做出巨大努力。专注于提升青少年福利的青少年事务社工,成为服务青少年健康成长的一支重要力量。  相似文献   

近年来我国青少年心理方面的问题日益突出,严重地影响了青少年的健康成长和发展。造成青少年心理危机的原因是多样的,既有家庭、社会等外部因素,又有青少年个体的个性特征、认知等内部因素。对青少年心理危机进行干预,可以通过帮助青少年树立正确的心理认知,优化自身人格,完善青少年社会支持网络等策略来实现。  相似文献   

近年来,南宁市以兴宁区、江南区、青秀区等为试点,通过政府购买社会工作服务的形式组建职业化的工作队伍,协助政府管理青少年事务。同时,发动和组织大学生志愿者和社会公益组织参与到青少年事务社会工作服务中,形成“1+1”模式,即一个青少年事务社工加一个志愿者团队的模式,使得社会参与的范围与层次不断延伸和扩展,有效解决了青少年教育问题。  相似文献   

在目前的中国谈社工的发展模式,不能不提上海和深圳。 按照“政府主导推动,社团自主运作,社会多方参与”的总体思路,2003年11月,上海市禁毒办、上海市社区矫正办、上海市社区青少年事务办分别与自强社会服务总社、新航社区服务总站、阳光社区青少年事务中心等三家社团签订了《政府服务采购合同》,以每个社工4万元的标准,购买社工的社区服务。  相似文献   

记者:从您多年从事青少年事务研究的经验来看,目前我国青少年社会事业的发展状况如何?其中存在哪些突出问题?陈涛:目前我国青少年社会事业发展总体状况良好,不过,与快速变化的社会现实和青少年状况相比,与青少年日益多样化、复杂化的利益和需要相比,我国目前的青少年社会事业还存在诸多不足之处,其中比较突出的有三个方面。  相似文献   

市场经济在一定意义上说就是信用经济。一个有完善的信用管理与服务的国家被称之为“征信国家”。目前,世界上发达国家和地区大都建立了完善的信用管理体制。在这些国家或地区有良好的信用环境和完善的法律体系,人们信守契约,制约和惩罚失信行为,没有信用的自然人和法人在整个社会经济活动中寸步难行。与这些国家或地区相比,我国的信用环境令人担忧。近年来,信用丧失的现象愈演愈烈,市场经济秩序处于混乱状态,已严重影响了我国经济的良性、有序发展。因此,重建信用,大力倡导诚实守信的社会主义市场经济道德,不仅是当前整顿和规范市场秩序的主要内容,也是建立健全我国社会主义市场经济体制的客观要求。  相似文献   

斯芹 《现代交际》2014,(3):6-6,5
对于文化、经济多处于相对滞后的少数民族地区,社会管理显得尤为重要,少数民族多处于我国边疆地区,因而边疆地区的安定和谐是国家稳定发展的重要前提条件之一。社会管理作为政府职能的一项重要组成部分,其在社会和谐、安定以及经济社会发展中的作用是无法忽视的。在社会管理创新体制当中,社会工作成为社会管理创新的一个关键变革力量。社会工作通过专业的服务理念、服务过程及服务方式介入社会管理创新之中,使社会管理更加符合经济社会发展的需求,在促进社会和谐稳定的同时,也为其自身的发展和本土化进程起到了至关重要的推动作用。  相似文献   

2000年以来,上海市阳光社区青少年事务中心、新航社区服务总社、自强社会服务总社、中致社区服务社、乐群社会服务社等从事社会服务的社工机构得到了较快发展。这些机构的服务对象主要集中在社区青少年、社区矫正人员、社区吸毒人员、老人、少数民族以及外来人员等社会弱势群体身上,其职能除了提供社会服务之外,还承担着一定的社会管理职能。  相似文献   

经过20多年的发展.志愿服务和志愿精神在我国已经被普遍接受并推崇,总量6000多万的志愿者也成为社会服务体系的重要组成部分.为社会服务提供着重要的人力资源。在当前中国志愿服务繁荣发展之际,进一步加强志愿者队伍建设、完善志愿服务体制和运行机制,提高志愿服务的科学化、规范化、制度化水平成为摆在社会和志愿服务各相关部门面前最重要的问题。  相似文献   

Youth in the foster care system are more likely to be diagnosed with mental illness than those in the general population. Within this system, youth with antisocial behavior (e.g., aggressive, oppositional) are overrepresented. The challenges youth with antisocial behavior present to foster care systems make understanding the factors that predict remission in this population important for improving placement stability. Using Optimal Data Analysis (ODA), this study examines potential moderating effects of various individual, social, and strength variables on clinically significant decreases antisocial behavior in a sample of foster care youth over time. Results revealed positive improvements in youths' wellbeing to be the optimal predictor of resolution, followed by positive changes in family functioning and positive changes in adjustment to trauma (i.e., symptoms of PTSD). These results indicate that clinically significant decreases over time in antisocial behavior were associated with concurrent improvement in individual and environmental variables. Implications for service providers working with this population are discussed.  相似文献   

Fifteen years has passed since the Chafee Foster Care Independence Program was created under the Social Security Act, which marked an increased role of the U.S. federal government in supporting foster care youth to independence. It was not until the National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD) was launched in 2010 that all 50 states reported standard data on receipt of the 13 types of Chafee independent living services. This paper, which draws on the first two years of NYTD data, analyzes Chafee service receipt across the U.S. among youth in foster care (ages 16–21). About half of the 131,204 youth included in this analysis received at least one type of Chafee service, and considerable variation existed in the proportion of youth that received each of the 13 specific types of services. Females were more likely than males to receive all but one type of service, and African Americans were less likely to receive most of the services. An interaction effect indicated that Black youth were significantly less likely to receive services in large urban areas than other racial/ethnic groups. Young people with disabilities or medical/psychological conditions were generally more likely to receive services than youth without disabilities. Youth in large urban regions receive fewer services than youth residing in other areas, and substantial variation exists between states in proportions of service recipients. Recommendations are made for targeting services, future data collection, and research, including suggestions on ways to improve measurement of Chafee services.  相似文献   

2012年,上海地铁第二运营有限公司发布的一条官方微博引发了广泛的网络论战。围绕"骚"与"扰"的问题,在政务微博的权威性与通俗性如何权衡、网络时代的社会公共服务管理应如何作为、权利的边界与自由的限度该如何界定、个性张扬与自由标榜中是否也存在着对他人人格与尊严的无视与冒犯、公序良俗与法律对社会秩序的维护起着怎样的作用等问题上所形成的话语盛宴,为我们提供了一个解读当下青年的社会情绪及价值取向的生动范本。  相似文献   

Research on racial and ethnic disparities in mental health and substance abuse service use among incarcerated youth in the U.S. is inconclusive. This cross-sectional study adds to our understanding of racial and ethnic disparities by examining the prior use of mental health and substance abuse services among incarcerated juveniles. Guided by Andersen's behavioral model of health service utilization, a series of logistic regression analyses were conducted on a non-probability sample of 13–19 year-old youth in two residential facilities for juvenile offenders in Western Pennsylvania (N = 181). Black and Hispanic youth were less likely than White youth to have used mental health and substance abuse services, even when controlling for predisposing, enabling, and need factors. Additional analyses revealed that these differences did not hold across all service types, specifically with regards to outpatient service use. Significant differences did exist, however, in the prior use of inpatient mental health and substance abuse services. This suggests that White youth are often funneled into the mental health system, while youth of color enter the justice system. Implications for racial/ethnic disproportionality in service use and justice system involvement are discussed.  相似文献   

This study explored the ways in which adolescents in Israel and the United States perceived government, politics, and public affairs. A series of open-ended interviews were conducted with approximately 300 high school students in each country immediately prior to the national elections in 1980–1981. Differences were found in regard to the extent to which the young people felt affected by and capable of affecting the larger political system, the extent to which voting was viewed as an important rite of passage to adulthood, and the extent to which they perceived having real choices in candidates and parties, with Israeli youth generally demonstrating more engagement in national governmental affairs. Finally, the conditions and factors that were likely to lead adolescents toward concern, interest, and participation in public affairs were offered.  相似文献   

The high rate of adult criminal justice involvement in the United States has resulted in many unintended consequences for families of offenders. Families involved with the criminal justice system are disproportionately involved with the child welfare system, and adolescents involved in both systems (i.e., dual system involvement) exhibit higher levels of delinquency. Yet, a lack of research exists on dual system involvement and the effects on youth. The current study leveraged nationally representative and longitudinal data of families involved in the child welfare system to examine whether maternal criminal justice involvement predicted increases in youth delinquency. An ecological model tested the effects of maternal justice involvement beyond cumulative risks as well as the potential buffer of parental monitoring and non-violent discipline on system involvement. Results suggested child welfare-involved youth exhibited similar levels of delinquency over time, regardless of maternal justice involvement. Although youth with maternal justice involvement reported more parental monitoring, the level of monitoring mattered more for youth without maternal justice involvement who exhibited decreased delinquency in the presence of high parental monitoring compared to low monitoring. The differential pattern of association between parental monitoring and youth delinquency for dual-system involved families suggests they are distinct and may carry implications for treatment response aimed at delinquency reduction through parent training. These findings underscore the importance of interagency coordination around policy and interventions to identify these high risk families at risk of slipping through the cracks of multiple service involvement.  相似文献   

Coleman Advocates for Youth and Children is a pioneering 30-year-old child advocacy organization founded by several affluent community members and children's service professionals to stop housing abused and neglected children in juvenile hall. Today, low-income youth and parents in families of color are now assuming leadership in developing a unique hybrid approach that integrates community organizing with more traditional child advocacy strategies and focuses on increasing affordable housing and improving the city's educational system. The strategies employed by Coleman have also evolved, shifting from insider advocacy with administrative officials to public campaigns targeting the city budget process, to local initiative campaigns, and most recently to electoral politics. This organizational history features the issues mission and structure, leadership, managing issues, advocacy strategies and community relations, and funding.  相似文献   

青年运动是青年人的事业,是青年全面、深入参与、干预、介入民族国家和社会事务,乃至国际事务、全球化事务的基本形式和途径,是青年的社会历史舞台。近现代以来青年的发展史即是一部生动而复杂的青年运动史,在这一历史过程中,青年展示出其无限的可能性。青年运动作为社会运动的一种特殊形式,在现代社会生活中仍具有旺盛的生命力、创造力和想象力。青年运动,既是青年群体的社会行动方式,也是研究青年的一种视角、理论和方法。国内近些年来的青年研究有将青年运动历史化的倾向,这种倾向无论对于研究本身还是对青年的社会实践,以至社会对于青年的认识和理解都是不利的。  相似文献   

The lack of established and well-evaluated models of coordination between child welfare agencies and other public institutions presents lingering challenges to preparing foster youth to make the transition to adulthood. This may be particularly true for foster youth with developmental disabilities who must exit child welfare systems and enter into adult service systems, if eligible. The qualitative study we present explores the barriers and facilitators of the transition to adult service systems from the perspectives of service providers. Due to the rising prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in the general population, focus groups were specifically conducted to better understand the transition of foster youth with ASD. Barriers included perceptions of two separate systems and abrupt transitions; a lack of training, identification, and tracking of autism; and confusion about services and funding. Facilitators included persistence and professional relationship building, and consistent communication and information sharing. Implications for improving the transition to adult service systems are discussed.  相似文献   

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