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晚明士人“尊女”观集中体现为李贽“男女平等”说和士人“女胜于男”说。两者在其构建路径上都存在挖掘女强典范来对比男弱的思维取向。士人“女胜于男”说旨在彰显女性崇高的道德和行为,有从两性道德向日常生活层面拓展的过程,也是明代士人“尊女”观影响逐步加深的表现。李贽“男女平等”说是明代士人“尊女”观走向伦理纲常对立面的结果,亦反映出明代国家与社会思想领域动态统一被打破,社会思想独立性的凸显。对李贽“男女平等”说既不能脱离时代和历史发展去过誉和捧杀,也不能过于强调封建社会的本质而忽视其进步性。  相似文献   

Research on competition amongst women has largely focused on relational aggression amongst adolescents, but less explored are women’s understandings of the origins of competition as it relates to comparisons amongst women and feminine ideals. Drawing on semi-structured, in-depth interviews with 30 collegiate women, we find young women’s stories constructed comparisons and competition amongst women as never-ending and seemingly natural, although they point to restricted societal expectations of femininity as its origin. Women drew from the interrelated topics of perfection-seeking, media portrayals, relationships, and consumerism to explain how they and other women negotiated feminine ideals. Even if participants understood these actions as ultimately undermining their self-image, they still perceived achieving goals of femininity as connected with perfection and happiness. We define such ongoing comparisons and competition as a feminine rivalry, as women perceived other women as direct competitors and thus understanding of the nature of the competition. We conclude by considering how college-aged women’s negotiations of feminine ideals to seemingly bolster or secure their social positioning in a hierarchy of femininity, at times in contradictory ways, offers additional insight into connections between interpersonal dynamics, expectations, and stereotypes of women.  相似文献   

Many Korean women felt strongly positive about donating their eggs for Hwang Woo Suk’s research, in spite of the fact that Hwang was accused of fraud. It is said that there is a kind of unique ‘egg donation culture’ among Korean women, which urged them to donate their eggs for his research. However, positing such a Korean ‘egg donation culture’ does not seem to give a sufficient explanation of why so many Korean women were seemingly willing to provide their own eggs for Hwang’s research. Instead, we suggest that egg donation issues in the Hwang affair can be interpreted under the paradoxical context, in which Korean women are situated in the age of biotechnology. On the one hand, the invisibility of women as subjects in the public sphere led to their lack of social control over ova trafficking and made it possible for a huge number of eggs to be supplied secretly for Hwang’s team. The patriarchal structure of family, the myth of economic growth, and the restricted activities of feminist organizations are possible contributors to the invisibility of Korean women. On the other hand, in the practices of bodily technologies such as cosmetic surgery and reproductive technologies, Korean women have been highly visible. With the help of those technological instruments, women have been empowered to own their own bodies and to have them at their disposal. We argue that these dualistic realities of women as egg owners can explain the egg donation culture among Korean women in the Hwang affair.
Jin Hee Park (Corresponding author)Email:

摩塞的社会性别分析框架来源于第三世界国家的发展与实践,该框架旨在通过实用性社会性别需要来实现战略性社会性别需要,其发展计划既扎根于妇女的实际需要,又时刻被战略性社会性别需要所指导.中国的国情与第三世界国家具有很多相似性,中国妇女的实用性社会性别需要很难被表达,而战略性社会性别需要又容易被忽视,因此该框架对中国妇女的发展实践具有指导意义.根据中国有关妇女培训和小额信贷的发展实践,在应用该框架时应注意三点:发展实践要具有社会性别意识;在进行需求调查时,一定要让妇女拥有话语权;必须从满足妇女的实用性需要入手来吸引她们参与发展实践,从而解决问题.  相似文献   

李佩甫笔下的女性是伴随男性而存在的群体形象,大致可以分为四类:第一类是悲情形象;第二类女子具有叛逆园子;第三类为普通农村女子,能干却颇有瑕疵;第四类是经济上依附于男性生存的女子。作者笔下的女性作为与男性相对应的群体在其总体创作的位置和功能是靠否认自身凸现男性而得以确认的,潜藏在背后的深层原因是作家本人的男权中心意识。  相似文献   

人力资本理论尤其重视女性人力资源的开发,认为对女性的人力资本投资,是获得整体性人力资源高资本存量,实现其价值的最大增值的关键所在。为促进民族贫困山寨农村女性人力资源开发,探讨并提出了武陵民族贫困山寨女性人力资源开发机制和对策:建立武陵民族山寨农村女性人力资源开发与管理的宏观调控体系;发展民族教育文化事业,致力于提高民族贫困山寨妇女文化素质;紧扣发展主题,推动民族贫困山寨妇女创业就业;培养山寨妇女参政意识,提高山寨妇女参政能力;加强医疗卫生工作,促进山寨妇女身心健康;充实完善女性人力资源优先开发的政策法规,建立健全民族妇女的维权机制;引导山寨妇女超越自我,更新观念,培养健全人格。  相似文献   

Childlessness is an increasing trend, internationally and in Australia. The few studies exploring the lived experiences of childless women have been conducted in America, Canada and the United Kingdom; predominantly during the 1980s and 1990s. The experiences of childless women in contemporary Australia remain under-researched. This hermeneutic phenomenological study sought to enhance understanding of the lived experience of being a childless woman in contemporary Australia. In-depth interviews with five childless women revealed five key themes as significant facets of the experiences of childless women: notions of ‘natural’ and ‘unnatural’; woman = mother; childlessness as a discrediting attribute; feeling undervalued; and the significance of being childless. By privileging the experiences of childless women in a pronatalist society, it is apparent that misconceptions and stereotypes about childlessness continue to pervade. This study contributes to understanding this growing population group; highlighting that while childlessness is increasingly acknowledged, it is still not completely understood.  相似文献   

张爱玲与施叔青分别在20世纪40年代与80年代创作了多篇以香港为题材的小说。她们以独特的女性视角指出了都市女性苍凉的生存困境,并揭示了女性原始而又恒久存在的“原罪意识”。在物欲和情欲的支配下,张爱玲笔下的女性成为男性的附庸,无法活出自我,逐渐沉沦下去。而施叔青小说中的女性虽然曾一度沦为物质的俘虏,但大多能走出来自省,从欲望中觉醒,获得新生。  相似文献   

中国妇女文学研究的历史和现状,可分为三个重要历史时期和话语形态:20世纪20、30年代的第一个高潮期,即文学史研究的性别审美视角确立时期,妇女文学史著作和“作家论体”批评成为该时期的标志性成果;20世纪80、90年代的第二个高潮期,在多元文学批评思潮中突现了女性主义文学批评,女性文学史论等多种成果成批量问世,蔚为大观;世纪之交的女性文学批评,进入文化批评的哲学、美学的更高层次,理论建构趋于成熟,女性学、女性文化诗学已形成一门具有世纪性和世界性的显学,女性文学研究队伍业已形成。  相似文献   

以往对残疾人就业或妇女就业的讨论,缺乏对女性残障个体的关照。我国残障女性规模庞大,残障女性的平等就业权、劳动报酬权和劳动条件权等就业权益面临严重困境。文章从交叉性理论出发,剖析我国残障女性的就业权益困境,分析我国残障女性在宏观(传统观念和法律制度推波助澜)、中观(媒体的形象控制和代际压力)和微观(残障歧视和性别歧视)层面的多元交叉压力和歧视。对此,残障女性就业权益保障应当推动残障女性反就业歧视的理念变革,促进残障主流化和社会性别主流化;建立性别与残障双重评估立法机制,完善法律制度设计和配套措施建设;优化多元主体协同网络以谋求社会合力,切实保障残障女性的就业权益。  相似文献   

《镜花缘》是李汝珍呕心沥血创作出的一部以女性为主角,关乎女性问题的小说,书中叙述了由“百花贬谪为百女和复唐 灭周的两重因缘关系”[1]2构成的奇幻故事,塑造了千姿百态的女性形象,构筑出一个全新的女性世界。作者大胆赞扬女性的才 华,否定了“女子无才便是德”的封建传统思想,对女性在社会生活中的角色重新定位,反映出作者较为进步的女性意识。其中 作为“笑靥花”谪世的孟紫芝以自己独特的性格特点,推动着故事情节的发展,闪耀着女性解放意识的光辉。  相似文献   

This article describes the evolution of an applied research project from the point of view of a consultant researcher working on a Bangladesh Flood Action Plan study. As the author familiarized herself with a new working environment and a new country, her view of project goals expanded from straightforward information gathering to include having an impact on attitudes of policymakers. Study findings eventually laid the groundwork for a case to include a gender-balanced approach to planning for floods in Bangladesh. The article defines four phases in feminist social research oriented to women’s empowerment: (1) pressure for change in the research agenda; (2) gathering informationabout women; (3) gathering informationfrom women; and (4) consultation with women. The article argues for connecting externally funded research and communication process with local groups and institutionalized planning processes.  相似文献   

丁玲的创作生涯与中国近现代革命、思想与文学的现代性进程有着密切联系,她的生命轨迹与中国女性在解放道路上的缩影交织着。丁玲自始至终以现代女性的姿态将自己的生命体验与女性经验付诸文字与思想,塑造了一大批女性人物形象:觉醒的五四女儿梦珂、莎菲,在革命边缘生存的美琳、玛丽,从事革命工作的三小姐,处于革命体制中的贞贞,陷于阶级斗争中的黑妮等。表面上看是社会机制的不完善、革命体制的规约、阶级斗争等对女性造成压迫,给女性解放带来阻力,但丁玲自始至终为读者展现了一条男权中心主义的线索,不管披着何种外衣,男性主体的男权意识始终是压迫女性的最直接的武器。在对女性主体性的积极建构之外,丁玲对男权的解构、揭露与批判构成了丁玲思考妇女解放问题的另一个支点。  相似文献   

Women are underrepresented in wilderness recreation despite the numerous benefits such activities provide to mental, physical, and emotional health. Several theories have been proposed linking women??s beliefs about their competence in outdoor spaces, fears of victimization, and concerns over retaining femininity to their lack of participation. We explore media representations of wilderness recreation as a possible agent in the gender socialization process that dissuades women from participation. Through analyzing advertisements from the 42 issues of Backpacker and Outside magazines published in 2008 and 2009 we find that, when women are shown, they are portrayed as having limited and passive roles in wilderness recreation. These advertisements also use the setting to reinforce traditional gender arrangements and paint women as consumers rather than conquerors of the wild. When women are shown as active participants in wilderness recreation, their physical accomplishments are often either downplayed or depicted as the endeavors of ??unique?? women who require feminization.  相似文献   

重视和保障妇女权益、实现男女平等和妇女解放是中国共产党一以贯之的优良传统。 中华人民共和国成立,妇女运动从阶级解放走向社会解放。《中华人民共和国婚姻法 》的颁布是新中国建立初期妇女解放的重要举措,带来了妇女婚姻家庭的巨大变化。天津较早颁布并大力推行新《婚姻法》,尤其是轰轰烈烈的贯彻《婚姻法》运动,对天津妇女的婚姻家庭产生了巨大影响。以天津市档案馆馆藏档案、《天津日报》等资料为基础,对此问题作一系统的实证研究。新《婚姻法》促进男女平等、婚姻自由等新式婚姻家庭观念逐渐确立,促进婚姻制度变革和社会主义新妇女的形成,妇女解放达到一个新的高度。这对当今《婚姻法》的完善及妇女问题的解决都有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

A recent manifestation of the North/South, East/West political-economic divide is the international sex trade in women, of which trafficking in women for purposes of sexual employment is a large subset. Trafficking in humans in general, and women in particular, has taken center state in many nation-states as an issue of a threat to national security and societal cohesion. This article explores some of the basic facts about trafficking and spotlights it as a truly global phenomenon, with its contemporary origins in the international capitalist market system. Furthermore, it argues that the international political economy of sex not only includes the supply side—the women of the third world, the poor states, or exotic Asian women—but it cannot maintain itself without the demand from the organizers of the trade—the men from industrialized and developing countries. The patriarchal world system hungers for and sustains the international subculture of docile women from underdeveloped nations.  相似文献   

This article addresses the gender dynamics of the included canonized literature of each edition of the Norton Anthology of English Literature as related to the gender dynamics of the editorial staff, the publication date of each of the eight editions, and the feminist criticism prominent at the time of publication. The project combines quantitative and qualitative methods to examine the construction of the literary canon. The project finds that there is a direct correspondence between the number of women editors and the percent of the total pages of each edition occupied by works by women writers. The project also finds a correlation between the gender makeup of the editorial staff and a leap in included women writers in the fifth edition and the emergence of gynocriticism in the 1980s. The project recognizes the establishment of a separate canon for women’s literature that corresponds with this shift. The research indicates that as time passes, the inclusion of women writers in the literary canon and the editorial staff of the Anthology generally increase.  相似文献   

资本主义国家女性反全球化的原因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
反全球化已经成为当今世界一个非常引人注目的问题,在反全球化的参与者中,女性工人为数很多.她们在运动中也表现得非常积极和活跃.这是因为女性工人深受经济全球化之苦.经济全球化使大量的女工失去了工作,或不得不从事工资极低的工作,致使劳工家庭的生活水平下降.经济全球化因为打破了国与国之间的界限,所以使性贸易和血汗工厂等违法犯罪活动难以得到控制,致使女性深受其害.公司的全球竞争还使工会组织遭到很大破坏.  相似文献   

新时期高校女生的发展状况及面临的挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校女生的发展状况主要从学业与能力表现、职业准备、社会交往、政治和社会事务参与、婚恋状况、身心健康和社会性别观念等七个方面衡量。研究发现,高校女生在学习表现上并不落后于男生;绝大部分女生赞同女性也应该有自己的一番事业;通过寻找兼职及获得职业证书的方式为自己积累求职资本;更偏好与初级群体建立联系,和其他人建立起情感性的密切关系;在政治活动和参与社团活动等方面并不落后,有更多的女生加入社会公益组织;在平衡学业和情感关系上,高校女生表现出一定的优势;高校女生的社会性别观念日趋理性、平等。高校女生有着良好的发展状况和发展环境的同时,也面临着挑战和处于不利的发展环境。  相似文献   

学界普遍认为明代妇女的社会地位很低,明代中晚期的商妇作为妇女中的一个特殊的群体,她们的地位并没有一般学者认为的那样低。对传统贞节观念的挑战,通过参与商业活动提高经济地位,通过相夫教子提高自己的名誉,并由此引发当时的人们对于男女平等问题的思考,是明代中晚期商妇地位提升的具体表现。晚明男女平等的观念的提出,与明代中晚期商妇社会地位的提升有着密切联系。  相似文献   

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