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In view of the high rate of immigration, the Israeli population is of very diverse ethnic origin. Mixed marriages between spouses of different national origins appear to be responsible for the high rate of divorce. These are related to educational and cultural differences. Moreover, there is a relatively “free” attitude to marriage and divorce among some sections of the population.

As it is unlikely that the proportion of mixed marriages will decrease, no reduction in the divorce rate is likely to occur in the near future.  相似文献   

A model of interactions of marriage and labor markets, taking into account a feedback process from aggregate divorce rates on individuals' decisions, explains why small changes in men's attitudes towards sharing the breadwinner role with their wives may change female labor force participation rates and divorce rates considerably.  相似文献   

The paper addresses aspects of life cycle demographic analysis in three ways. First, the paper describes a methodological innovation-essentially a generalization of multi-state life table techniques using a newly developed monte carlo microsimulation model, DEMOGEN. Second, the DEMOGEN model is applied to an analysis of divorce behaviour. This analysis shows, among other things, that higher divorce rates are not necessarily associated with more time spent by children growing up in lone-parent families. Finally, the DEMOGEN model is used to assess the impact of a major public pension reform option - the inclusion of homemakers under the Canada and Quebec Pension Plans. This latter analysis includes estimates of overall costs and distributional impacts by lifetime income and demographic status.This paper is a work about fiction rather than a work of fiction. Any similarity between the events described here and real family life histories is not a pure and sublime coincidence but rather the result of deliberate forethought. (adapted by M.B. Fiering, 1967)  相似文献   

就业:势态分析、根本出路与中长期方案   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
从解决就业的主要路径来看,发展农业、国有和集体企业、大企业、社区就业、吸引外商投资等,有的会继续从中挤出劳动力来,有的即使能增加就业,但也从根本上改观不了失业率将会很高的局面。一个国家,99%以上的企业是中小企业,每千人企业数量在40~60个,65%~80%的劳动力在中小企业就业,这是一个世界性的规律。惟有大力发展几千万个中小企业才能从根本上解决中国的就业难题,而发展以千万计的中小企业的关键是有没有以千万计的创业者。就此,作者提出紧急制定和实施“21世纪创业者和中小企业发展计划”,并就这一重要计划进行了概要性的阐述。  相似文献   

Population Research and Policy Review - The present study contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of the relation between employment instability and union dissolution. To address the...  相似文献   

Arabs in Israel are a heterogeneous but largely underprivileged minority with a history of disadvantage in several domains, including education and employment. In this paper, we document changes in their attainment of various educational levels across cohorts born from the mid-1920s to the 1970s. We make comparisons among different Arab religious groups, between men and women, and between Arabs and the majority Jewish populations in Israel. We find that over consecutive birth cohorts, substantial ethnic differences in educational attainment have narrowed at the lower levels of schooling, but have increased at higher levels. Moreover, the results indicate that the disadvantage of Muslim Arabs in terms of entry into and completion of high school can be accounted for only partially by differences in the social status of their parents and characteristics of their neighbourhoods. The findings suggest that long-term historical differences among groups and discriminatory practices towards Arabs are important factors in explanations of disparities in educational attainment.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of marital and nonmarital separation on individuals’ residential and housing trajectories. Using rich data from the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS) and applying multilevel competing-risks event history models, we analyze the risk of a move of single, married, cohabiting, and separated men and women to different housing types. We distinguish moves due to separation from moves of separated people and account for unobserved codeterminants of moving and separation risks. Our analysis shows that many individuals move due to separation, as expected, but that the likelihood of moving is also relatively high among separated individuals. We find that separation has a long-term effect on individuals’ residential careers. Separated women exhibit high moving risks regardless of whether they moved out of the joint home upon separation, whereas separated men who did not move out upon separation are less likely to move. Interestingly, separated women are most likely to move to terraced houses, whereas separated men are equally likely to move to flats (apartments) and terraced (row) houses, suggesting that family structure shapes moving patterns of separated individuals.  相似文献   

The study assesses housing hierarchies among immigrants in Israel by investigating three different but complementary paths: homeownership, crowding, and access to housing goods. Data from the most recent Israeli census in 1995 (the 20% version file) allows us to classify the immigrant population by 46 countries or areas of origin, each meeting the criterion of having a minimum of 100 sample cases. I controlled for several confounding factors: immigration characteristics, community of residence, demographic and human-capital variables, household composition, and housing characteristics. The results of multivariate analyses suggest that membership in approximately half of the immigrant groups has a statistically significant effect on homeownership. Representing very different origin groups from developing countries in Asia and Africa, as well as developed areas in Western Europe and America, most of the effects are negative relative to the reference group of Polish Jews. The pace of home acquisition is fastest among immigrants from several former Soviet republics and slowest among Syrian and Ethiopian Israelis. A better ethnic hierarchy was found for the other two characteristics, crowding and housing goods, with immigrants from Asia, Africa, and Eastern Europe being at a disadvantage. Many of these gaps close as immigrants purchase housing and gain tenure in Israel. The pace of advancement, however, is not uniform. I speculate that the differences in pace reflect structural characteristics, cultural background, and immigration processes, as well as absorption policy, which were not fully indexed by the census data. The discussion addresses broader implications of the findings for ethnic differences and social stratification in immigration countries.  相似文献   

An exploration of growth and change involving external crisis and internal shifts of awareness during a therapist's transition from midlife to old age. Focus is on the continuing need to balance and renegotiate work and family within a framework of creativity, professional opportunities, aging, spouse's illness, and changing social climate.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to examine how midlife women adjusted psychologically, socially, and economically after the dissolution of a long-term marriage. Specific attention was given to evaluating the extent of pre-retirement planning before and after the divorce transition and perceptions regarding the later years. The data indicates chat a majority of women established a positive self-identity within five years after divorce. However, few women in the sample have acquired financial planning skills which severely jeopardizes their economic well-being after retirement.  相似文献   

Fertility,Employment, and Child-Care Costs   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A sample of labor-market and birth histories is used to estimate the effects of child-care costs on employment and fertility decisions. A reduced-form empirical analysis is performed, which is based on hazard functions for transitions among various fertility--employment states. Higher child-care costs result in a lower birth rate for nonemployed women but not for employed women. Higher child-care costs also lead to an increase in the rate of leaving employment and a reduction in the rate of entering employment. The results suggest that potential behavioral effects of child-care subsidies could be significant and should be taken into account when alternative child-care policies are being debated.  相似文献   

大规模的人口流动已成为现阶段中国社会的基本特征。人口流动造成的亲子分离、夫妻分居不利于婚姻稳定和家庭发展。文章基于2017年全国流动人口动态监测调查江苏省数据,运用Cox比例风险模型分析流动人口离婚风险的代际差异及其影响因素。实证分析表明流动人口的离婚风险呈现双峰结构特征,离婚风险有代际递增趋势。其中1960年前出生队列的流动人口离婚风险相对较低,未出现明显的"倒U型"特征。1961年至1980年出生队列的流动人口离婚风险存在时间滞后性是造成流动人口离婚风险双峰特征的主要原因。1980年以后出生的流动人口离婚模式表现出"闪婚闪离"的特征。在影响流动人口离婚风险的因素方面,婚后夫妻双方共同流动显著地降低了离婚风险。流动距离对流动人口离婚风险有强化作用,证实了家庭对婚姻的约束作用随流动距离增加而降低。子女因素和核心型流动家庭结构对流动人口离婚风险有显著的抑制作用且抑制作用随着代际兴替而增强。为了维持婚姻稳定,年轻一代流动人口更加重视以婚姻为基础的家庭实践和婚姻在维持家庭功能完整性方面的作用。  相似文献   


This paper contributes to the ethnography of guided tours in politically contested spaces by interrogating their use for political advocacy by Palestinian guides in the Old City of Jerusalem. It advances the guided tour genre as a potentially transformative encounter for tourists, while offering reflection on its possibilities and limitations for solidarity. Analyzing the narrative framework of the tour vis-à-vis the cityscape shows that guides strategically employ both discourse and movement to convince tourists of the injustice of the Israeli occupation through a practice called political detouring. It reveals how guides manipulate the tour genre’s dynamic nature by spontaneously altering its trajectories to expose the corresponding instability of Palestinian lives in Jerusalem.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use longitudinal data to investigate how parental death and divorce influence young women’s own experience of divorce in Malawi, a setting where women marry relatively early and unions are fragile. We find that maternal death and parental divorce are positively associated with divorce for young women but, after controlling for socio-demographic and marital characteristics, only the association with maternal death remains statistically significant. Maternal and paternal death are both strongly associated with women’s post-divorce living arrangements, which in turn affects their material well-being. This finding suggests that divorcing at a young age shapes the subsequent life chances of women; although some women return to their parental home and may have the opportunity to reset the transition to adulthood, other women begin their 20s as head of their own household and with considerable material disadvantage.  相似文献   

The Italian National Statistical Office is implementing a new project for computing sub-national Purchasing Power Parities (PPPs) on a regular basis, which is based on an appropriate use of existing Consumer Price Index (CPI) data and new sources of data. Concerning the use of CPI data, in this paper the role of the Country Product Dummy (CPD) method for compiling sub-national PPPs at Basic–Heading (BH) level is analysed together with the specific issues that arise in this context, such as the need to take spatial autocorrelation among price relatives into account. The results of various experiments based on CPI data concerning 7 BHs and 19 Italian regional chief towns are presented and discussed with the aim of exploring the performance of various CPD models and analysing to what extent the type and characteristics of the data affect the estimates obtained. The statistical uncertainty associated with the ranks derived from the regional PPPs was then calculated by means of a simulation procedure. Our findings prove to be interesting and confirm that methods and CPI data for spatial comparisons are reciprocally influenced.  相似文献   

Poland experienced a rapid fertility decline after the end of the socialist regime in 1989. At the same time, it became much more difficult, especially for women, to act on their determination to find and keep paid employment. To investigate whether women postponed childbearing until they found a job, we undertook a simultaneous estimation of transitions to childbirth and entry to and exit from employment. The results reveal a strong incompatibility between childbearing and employment, but also that employment does not function as a barrier to childbearing but rather that it is an important precursor when women plan how to reconcile their intentions to work and to have children. We conclude that better prospects for women's employment could result in increased fertility.  相似文献   

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