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郝润华教授、侯富芳副研究馆员编著的《二十世纪以来中国古籍目录提要》于2012年6月由华东师范大学出版社出版。这是迄今为止国内第一部全面叙录20世纪以来编定的古籍书目的著作,除本身具有的目录学价值以外,对于我们读书治学具有实在的指导作用与利用价值。本文主要对该书的内容和特点做些介绍,以彰显该书对目录方法与读书治学的价值。  相似文献   

著名宋史专家徐规教授总的史学思想是务实,不尚空论。他继承、发展了传统的重“义理、考证、文章”的治史方法,成果卓著。最近出版的他的论著集《仰素集》,就是这三者有机结合的一部学术精品。  相似文献   

This article analyzes sex differences in high school seniors' propensity to enlist in the military, differences between military preferences and expectations, sex differences in the relationship between propensity and actual service, effects of background and educational characteristics, and post-high school activities of men and women who do not serve. Using data from the Monitoring the Future surveys, we find that young women's propensity to serve is lower than men's, but more women desire than expect to serve. The relationship between propensity and service is weaker for women than men and has not increased over time. Background characteristics and educational achievement and plans are less predictive of women's propensity and enlistment than men's, with the exception of higher race and ethnicity effects among women. Having children has a small negative effect on high propensity women's enlistment, but an even stronger positive effect on low propensity men's enlistment. More women desire and expect to serve than the military is enlisting. Mady Wechsler Segal is Professor of Sociology and Distinguished Scholar-Teacher at the University of Maryland, as well as a faculty affiliate of the Women's Studies Program and Associate Director of the Center for Research on Military Organization. Her recent research focuses on military personnel issues, with particular attention to military women and military families. His current research focuses on enlistment propensity, diversity in military forces, and peacekeeping operations. His most recent book is Smoking, Drinking, and Drug Use in Young Adulthood: The Impacts He has co-authored, with David R. Segal and Jeral G. Bachman, several forthcoming articles on military propensity and enlistment. His publications deal with alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drug use and related attitudes and beliefs.  相似文献   

刘若愚(James L.Y. Liu,1926-1986)教授是美国著名华裔中英比较诗学研究家。他的《李商隐的诗》是美国汉学界研究李商隐最重要的成果,于1969年由美国芝加哥大学出版社出版。本文探讨李商隐的诗在具体表达不同的境界上有多么成功,并且揭示这些是什么样的境界。译者由原版译出,原载该书第207-219页。为了中国读者阅读方便,译者加上了各节标题。该书在中国翻译出版,得到刘若愚教授遗著托付人林理彰(Richard John Lynn)教授的支持,谨致谢忱!  相似文献   

After more than thirty years of feminism and dramatic changes in the number of women entering the legal profession, legal scholars and researchers continue to debate the impact of women's presence on the administration of justice. Central to this debate is the question of whether gender affects legal outcome. Using data collected from state trial judges (N=195) in Pennsylvania, this study examines whether the gender of the litigant and/or judge affects case outcome. Findings show that while litigant characteristics do not affect judicial decisions, the gender of the judge does. Phyllis Coontz is an Associate Professor in the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Pittsburgh. She also holds joint appointments in Women's Studies and Sociology. She is currently doing research on drug treatment needs among newly arrested offenders, focusing on women's drug use patterns and treatment needs. She has done extensive research on a wide range of gender related issues and has published articles on gender and the legal profession, gender and involuntary commitment, gender and crime, gender and international law, family violence, and the impact of large scale unemployment on fathers' involvement with their small children. She has also published articles on gambling policy and sports bookmaking and has a forthcoming book that focuses on the social organization of sports bookmaking.  相似文献   

全福教授是蒙古族当代著名学者,蒙古诗歌研究是他的主攻方向之一,其相关著作有《〈诗镜〉诠释》、《文韵论》、《蒙古诗歌学》、《蒙古诗歌理论研究》等,此外还发表了五十多篇蒙古诗歌评论和研究论文。他通过上述研究,系统地探讨了蒙古文诗歌的形式、格律、韵律、节律、语言特色和艺术发展规律,构建了以民族特色见长的、开放的、流动的蒙古诗歌理论活态体系。  相似文献   

季平主编《西南师范大学学报》十多年 ,对学报的复刊和发展卓有贡献。他既是优秀编辑 ,又是宋史研究的学者。季平是从特定条件下研读《资治通鉴》走上学术研究道路的。发表学术论文 17篇 ,出版专著《司马光新论》。他有感于对司马光的不公正评价而提出一系列不同看法 ,在宋史学界产生了颇大的影响。他的学术研究具有明显特点和意义  相似文献   

卜凯与中国近代农业经济学的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
约翰·洛辛·卜凯 (JohnLossingBuck) (1891- 1975 )教授 1915年来华 ,192 1年创建了中国第一个农业经济系———金陵大学农业经济系 ;开创并极大推动了我国近代农业经济学教学与研究的发展。本文试从学科建设、人才培养、农村经济调查等方面 ,总结卜凯教授对我国近代农业经济学发展的深远影响  相似文献   

顾颉刚1927年4月至1929年2月在中山大学任教授,历任史学系主任、语言历史学研究所主任、图书馆中文部主任等职,并担任繁重的教学任务和研究工作.他对中山大学的学科建设、图书资料的搜集和整理、优良学风的形成等方面都作出了开创性的贡献.今天的中山大学已有很大的发展,顾先生当年开创的事业,后继有人,他所提倡的优良学风得到发扬光大.  相似文献   

文章系对香港岭南大学英语学院荣誉教授安德鲁·格特力教授(Andrew Goatly)的访谈。他主要的研究兴趣涉及生态批评话语分析、隐喻、文体学、语言幽默等,代表著作包括《隐喻语言》(The Language of Metaphors)[1]、《“洗脑”:隐喻及隐含的意识形态》(Washing the Brain:Metaphor and Hidden Ideology)[2]、《文体学探索》(Explorations in Stylistics)[3]、《意义与幽默》(Meaning and Humour) [4] 等。访谈涉及生态语言学的学科属性、词汇语法“绿色语法”、分支生态文体学等问题。   相似文献   

Direct and indirect aggressive behaviors were studied using surveys and interviews of students in two public schools. The variables of “sex-of-aggressor” and “sex-of-target” were included. Claims in previous research that girls engage in far more indirect aggression than boys are not supported. Further, it was found that girls are more likely to target the opposite sex with direct aggression than boys. This suggests more gender fluidity in the use of aggression by girls and adds to a growing body of research that dispels the notion that direct and indirect aggression can be neatly sorted into male and female categories of behavior.
Sibylle ArtzEmail:

Sibylle Artz   Ph.D., is a Full Professor in the School Child and Youth Care at the University of Victoria. Her research focuses on aggression and violence and girls’ use of violence. She has written two books, Feeling as a Way of Knowing (1994) and Sex, Power and the Violent School Girl, (1997) and co-edited, a third book Working Relationally with Girls, (2004), with Dr. Marie Hoskins. Diana Nicholson   is a Ph.D., Candidate in the Centre for Cross-Faculty Inquiry in Education at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. Her research in the past decade has focused largely on supporting at-risk youth. She has a general interest in effective practice with children and youth, and a special interest in qualitative inquiry and relationally-based educational initiatives. Dr. Douglas Magnuson   is Associate Professor in the School of Child and Youth Care at the University of Victoria. He is working on a study in child protection, including (a) the use of influence methods and mandated authority, (b) professional judgment and decision-making, and (c) the use of solution-focused methods in domestic violence cases. In recent years he has published articles on the pedagogy of spirituality in child and youth care. He is the editor of Working with Youth in Divided and Contested Societies and has a forthcoming article in Youth and Policy.  相似文献   

徐僖院士,高分子材料科学家,中国科学院院士,我国高分子材料学科的奠基人之一。现任四川大学教授、高分子研究所所长,上海交通大学教授、高分子材料研究所所长。西南石油大学“油气藏地质及开发工程”国家重点实验室第二届学术委员会委员。《高分子材料科学与工程》、《油田化学》期刊主编。曾任《中国大百科全书·化工》高分子化工分支主编,《中国大百科全书·化学》高分子化学分支副主编,《材料科学技术百科全书》高分子材料分支主编。 徐僖教授长期从事高分子化学、高分子材料成型基础理论、高分子力化学、油田化学、辐射化学等领域的研究。早在20世纪50年代后期,他即致力于高分子力化学的研究。力化学是化学与力学交叉的学科,高分子力化学一般较多研究应力导致高分子材料性能下降与结构破坏,他则着重研究应力对高分子材料的正效应。美国著名力化学家R.S.Porter在其专著《Polymer Stress Reactions(Academic Press,New York,1979)》中摘录了徐僖教授20世纪60年代的全部研究成果。20世纪80年代,徐僖教授和他领导的科研群体通过超声作用合成了18种难以从其单体合成的嵌段/接枝共聚物,可用作不相容聚合物的增容剂,油、气田勘探开发用的化学品和金属冷加工润滑剂等新型高分子材料。研究成果“在超声作用下聚合物的降解和接枝(嵌段)共聚”被认为达到国际先进水平,获得1987年国家自然科学奖二等奖。徐僖教授在他长期从事的研究领域先后在国内外学术刊物上发表研究论文300余篇,撰写出版著作、译著4本,获国家发明专利28项。曾获国家自然科学奖、国家发明奖等20余项国家、部委、省级奖励以及高分子材料学科建设与高层次人才培养国家级优秀教学成果奖、何梁何利基金科学与技术进步奖、侯德榜化工科学技术奖成就奖等。曾被授予全国高等学校先进科技工作者、全国教育系统劳动模范、国防军工协作先进个人等称号。徐僖教授早已年逾八旬,却仍然辛勤工作在科研和教学第一线。他说:“我没有风烛残年之感,也没有仅能发挥余热的凄凉。我想到的是如何与国内同行、海外华人共同努力,树立我们中华民族在国际高分子材料科学领域在国际上的声誉和地位。”他的人生格言是“人生的乐趣在于无私奉献”。他最大的心愿是“中国人能在世界上普遍受到尊重”。  相似文献   

为纪念著名植物病理学家吴友三教授诞辰100周年,《沈阳农业大学学报(社会科学版)》农学家研究栏目约请刘维志教授专题介绍恩师吴友三教授一生顽强奋斗、儒雅风范和铮铮傲骨以及在植物病理学领域做出的卓著科学成就,以志怀念。吴友三(1909~1997),沈阳农业大学终身教授,著名植物病理学家,浙江省余姚县人,一生历经风风雨雨而矢志拼搏进取,在科学研究、农业教育、植物病理学科建设等领域做出了突出贡献;先后获国家级、省、部级科技成果奖励十余项,发表学术论文近百篇,出版专著多部;曾担任中国植物病理学会副理事长及其东北分会理事长。  相似文献   

与解决集体行动困境问题的私有化和政府模型不同,埃莉诺·奥斯特罗姆开创性地提出了解决集体行动困境的第三条道路——自主治理,并进一步发展了多中心治理理论。在简要回顾有关集体行动问题研究背景的基础上,翻译整理了2011年5月9日埃莉诺.奥斯特罗姆在"北航大讲堂"的主要演讲与问答内容。这些内容不仅涵盖了对其诺贝尔之路的探讨,对其学术研究思路和方法的分析,而且通过对公共交通、中国改革、官僚制的交易成本、内蒙古草原管理、多中心治理和集权传统的矛盾、制度多样化、提高私人生活水平和环境保护之间的矛盾、异质性在自治系统中的价值等具体问题的互动讨论,探讨了她自治和多中心治理学说的理论和应用问题。  相似文献   

阎云翔先生开创了中国私人生活变革的研究,探究了中国乡村家庭生活中的个人与情感问题,提出了研究私人生活的新模式,讨论了作为独立个体的个人之出现与发展和国家在私人生活的转型以及个人主体性的形成中所起的重要作用。他提出的“无公德的个人”的概念,成为洞悉中国乡村社会变迁、解读乡村生活的关键词。研究中略微不足之处在于作者对私人生活转型之原因的分析略微草率,对于私人生活的变革所带来的影响在判断上过于单一。他所倡导并身体力行的个人中心民族志方法,对中国乡村人类学的方法论建设有着很好的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Wang  Wendy 《Gender Issues》2005,22(2):3-30
Gender bias in family formation, such as sex selected-abortion, imbalance of the sex ratio, child abandonment, and sibling size/order in relation to fertility is well documented in China. Much less is known about continued gender bias after birth in relation to children's status inside the family. In particular, there is a relative scarcity of research on the impact of the parental son preference in determining differential educational opportunities of male and female children. Continued and fast economic growth in China is not accompanied by the dramatic change in traditional value, and many peasants still hold son preference value. Using 1990 China census data and drawing on ethnographic fieldwork in Beijing and its suburbs, I examine children's educational opportunities, and investigate the relationship between parents who hold the son preference value and their unequal treatment when rearing children. The results demonstrated that the continued son preference value, based on traditional views as well as on perceived financial returns to families, leads to a lower level of educational attainment among daughters in rural areas of China. The lower educational attainment and higher labor force participation rates of rural female adolescents reflect unequal opportunities provided by their parents in addition to social inequality in China. Children who live in urban areas with educated parents received better educational opportunities and experience less gender bias. She received her Ph.D. in sociology from the University of California, Los Angeles in 1993. Her research interests include social demography, social deviance, social psychology, race and ethnicity, and quantitative sociology. Her recent publications include illegal drug rehabilitation and detoxification, international migration, sociology of emotions, and gender inequality.  相似文献   

《左传》的文学性带来的艺术之美历来为人所公认,其长于记述战争、善于描摹人物的叙事艺术是此书具有极高文学价值的重要表现之一。而书中的另一种艺术之美--幽默却未被人充分留意。延安大学贺陶乐教授曾写过一篇《论〈左传〉的幽默讽刺艺术》的文章,专门提到这点,而迄今为止,对于《左传》幽默艺术的研究也仅止于此文,挖掘的力度亦不够,实在是一种缺憾。贺教授慧眼独具,指出了《左传》研究中的空白,起到抛砖引玉的作用。拟从美学的角度再次探讨《左传》的幽默艺术,多方位阐述书中具有的内庄外谐的幽默特征。《左传》的幽默,正需要反复咀嚼,仔细品味,才能在那含而不露的行文中发现,体悟作者深刻的用意,欣赏书中特有的内庄外谐的幽默艺术魅力。  相似文献   

刘祚昌教授是我国著名历史学家.解放后参与培养了我国第一批世界史师资,是新中国美国史和英国史研究的奠基人之一.他在教书育人的同时,潜心从事美国史研究.虽在"文革"中受尽磨难,但矢志不移.改革开放后,在教学改革、教材建设和科学研究等领域取得了令人瞩目的巨大成就.他的史学研究亨誉海内外,其人生经历、学术思想和治学经验是一笔宝贵的精神财富.  相似文献   

回忆老一代理论家何干之教授1948年在老解放区华北大学培养研究生的经过,说明何干之教授在学术上的重大贡献,阐述学术上的师承关系和治学要领,反映我国两代社会科学工作者的坎坷之路和光明前景。  相似文献   

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