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在当今信息经济时代,IT对企业管理水平和竞争力提升的积极意义是显而易见的.本文从管理职能的角度构造了IT对企业管理水平提升的价值模型,并从计划、组织、领导和控制4个方面阐述了IT对企业管理水平提升的价值体现.  相似文献   

IT作为一种广泛利用的信息资源,不仅可以增强企业的实力,提高企业的竞争力,甚至可以转换成企业的核心能力。根据信息时代IT与企业经营战略的关系,从企业经营战略高度进行IT战略设计,将企业IT战略与企业经营战略进行整合,对规避IT实施风险,提升IT项目决策的科学性及有效性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

张鲁杭 《经营管理者》2012,(17):187+156
IT技术的发展和普及,使得企业生产更加快捷,管理更加高效,决策更加准确,有效提高了企业的价值。同时,由于IT技术自身的复杂性,使得企业IT投资拥有很大的风险。加强企业IT治理的研究与探索,提高企业IT治理水平,对于提高企业价值和竞争力,具有很强的学术价值和现实意义。本文从国内外IT治理的现状入手,分析了当前IT治理存在的问题与不足,在系统分析了影响IT治理的内部因素与外部因素,并提出了提升企业IT治理水平的对策建议。  相似文献   

一、企业集团战略管理与核心竞争力从20世纪70年代开始,美国一些大公司开始重视战略管理,学术界也在积极探索战略管理的理论和技术,这标志着现代企业管理的发展进入了一个崭新的阶段。核心竞争力是一个公司发展的基础,是一个公司可以获得竞争优势、创造价值及获得高于平均收益的能力。要获得核心竞争力,公司战略管理的模式主要有两种:高于平均水平收益的产业组织模式(简称I/O模式)和高于平均水平收益的资源基础模式(简称RBM模式)。I/O模式是建立在产业组织经济基础之上的,企业获得高于平均水平投资收益率的根本原因在于企业之外的环境因…  相似文献   

创新党员学习机制是增强党员的创新能力、发挥党员的模范带头作用的重要途径,这一点对于具有创新性特点的IT企业尤为重要.从IT企业党员学习机制现状来看,学习方式单一和学习制度不完善等问题客观存在着,这些问题阻碍了IT企业党员学习效果的提升.为了创新IT企业的党员学习机制,要创新学习理念以建立学习型组织,以党员活动为载体来创新党员学习形式,以IT技术为支撑来提升党员学习效率,围绕IT企业发展学习.  相似文献   

我国航空公司核心竞争力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民航企业核心竞争力是在市场竞争中积累的、由多种资源和能力组合的、难以模仿的、可以为企业带来持续竞争优势的竞争力。本文运用文献综述、理论推演和案例分析方法,基于行业关键资源探讨,得出民航企业核心竞争力主要表现在:航线优化与运营能力、航空品牌经营能力、航空市场应变能力、航空学习能力、航空联盟管理能力、航空愿景吸引力和航空组合激励能力七个方面。本文成果对于培养和提升我国民航企业核心竞争力具有一定借鉴价值。  相似文献   

陈峻 《办公室业务》2012,(14):62-65
如今各个类型的企业都在不同程度地建立了和使用的信息服务系统。为了提高生产效率并保持竞争力,不少企业逐渐重视起其自身的IT服务管理。作为提供专业服务的律师事务所,对于IT服务的要求比较高,因此对其内部的IT服务管理具有一定的特殊性。本文从日常运维,持续改善和IT项目三大方面深入陈述了IT服务在该行业的特点和管理方法。  相似文献   

一、研究背景在以网络经济为主导的新经济形势下,知识资本所具有的独特优势越来越成为组织发展的核心资源,人力资源价值已成为衡量企业整体竞争力的重要标志,人力资源管理也经历着前所未有的各种力量的冲击和挑战。人力资源管理需要从烦琐的行政性、事务性工作中解脱出来,更加关注战略性人力资源管理和企业战略;人力资源管理观念需要从传统职能管理部门变成服务部门(客服中心)——为企业、为员工;人力资源管理  相似文献   

信息技术已经成为企业战略执行和驱动的关键工具。在战略信息系统时代,IT战略与企业战略协同的程度直接决定了信息技术应用的效果,并对企业产生巨大的影响。本文根据McFarlan的战略方格和Henderson的战略协同模型,在4种战略协同观点的基础上,针对不同产业对IT需求不同的特点,提出一种新的战略协同方法,该方法具有较好的普适性和较强的可操作性。该方法的应用,有助于提高不同类型的企业IT战略与企业战略协同的水平。  相似文献   

多项目跨区域管理已成为企业迫切需要解决的问题。目前多项目跨区域管理存在的管理模式处于过渡阶段、组织结构具有一定雏形、项目管理流程逐渐完善的现状及其中的问题,在此基础上,提出了多项目跨区域管理对组织结构的基本要求。从企业发展全局战略角度构建了与传统项目管理职能完全不同的项目组合管理办公室管理模式(PPMO),对其职能、组织构建、管理目标以及模式特点进行了阐述,为其在项目中的应用奠定了基础。最后,提出了PPMO自我进化及价值提升的7个手段,对于大型公司战略发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The conduct of information technology (IT) planning processes has been of dominant managerial concern in public and private organizations. Yet, current IT planning research offers little guidance on the types of planning actions and behaviors that are appropriate to organizational contexts. We focus on the conduct of the IT planning process by describing an exploratory research project. The project empirically examined a number of issues associated with managing IT planning within a single large public enterprise, particularly identifying actions and behaviors related to producing quality IT plans. The results of the study yield some useful set of guidelines; most interesting is the importance of building IT infrastructure based on IT sophistication and innovativeness for large agencies to improve plan quality. Other recommendations include having a focused, balanced technology and business planning orientation that incorporates a strategic outlook, support of top management, attention to business planning, and early consensus among planning members.  相似文献   

Nowadays, the business environment is characterized by great uncertainty and variability. In this environment, information technology (IT) has proved to be an important strategic ingredient for the creation of competitive advantage. This role of IT has been widely accepted during the past few years [Feeny D. Creating and sustaining competitive advantage with IT. In: Earl M, editor. Information management the strategic direction. Oxford, 1990; Ives B. Wingtip Courriers, Southern Methodist University Case Study #SMY/MIS/90-01, Edwin L. Cox School of Business, Dallas, TX, January 1990].  相似文献   

经济全球化的趋势深刻影响着企业组织管理的各方面.在新的环境下,企业的业务处在不断变化的过程中,企业信息系统(Enterprise Information Systems,EIS)作为企业管理系统的重要组成部分,面临前所未有的挑战.EIS项目的开发方式存在的问题使得业务与技术的演进难以同步,阻碍了企业的变革.近年来,企业体系结构(En-terprise Architecture,EA)的研究在信息管理领域正得到越来越多的关注.EA作为业务流程和IT架构的组织逻辑,反映了标准化和集成化的公司运作模型,目标是得到业务的敏捷性和利润的增长.本文探讨EIS开发方法的问题,介绍EA的概念和代表框架,总结EA的一般特点,研究EA对EIS开发的重要意义.  相似文献   

基于战略群组理论视角,分析了企业战略定位中不同战略维度的匹配问题。以境内外交易所上市的中国互联网企业为样本,选取移动互联业务比重和IT投入强度这两个关键战略维度,采用面板数据回归模型检验了研究假设。研究发现,当企业的移动互联业务比重和IT投入强度同时处于较高水平时,这一战略组合能为企业带来高绩效,是一种合理的战略位置;另一合理的战略位置则是较低的移动互联业务比重配以较低的IT投入强度,它也明显好于一者较高、另一者较低的战略组合。以上结果表明,战略定位的关键是实现不同战略维度决策之间的合理匹配,从战略组合的角度理解行业中的战略位置。研究结论不仅有助于理解移动互联市场的竞争战略与绩效,也验证了战略群组理论在战略定位研究中的重要意义,对战略组合的分析不可简化为对各战略维度的单独分析。  相似文献   

Determining and assessing the requisite skills of information technology (IT) personnel have become critical as the value of IT has risen in modern organizations. In addition to technical skills traditionally expected of IT personnel, softer skills like managerial, business, and interpersonal skills have been increasingly cited in previous studies as mandatory for these employees. This paper uses a typology of IT personnel skills—technology management skills, business functional skills, interpersonal skills, and technical skills—and investigates their relationships to two information systems (IS) success variables, IS infrastructure flexibility and the competitive advantage provided by IS. The study investigates these relationships using the perceptions of chief information officers (CIOs) from mostly Fortune 2000 companies. The contributions of this study are: IT personnel skills do affect IS success, technical skills are viewed as the most important skill set in affecting IS infrastructure flexibility and competitive advantage, and modularity is viewed as more valuable to competitive advantage than integration. Several explanations are offered for the lack of positive relationships between the softer IT personnel skills and the dimensions of IS success used in this study.  相似文献   

张海青  田军 《管理学报》2011,(9):1359-1364
以资源基础观为理论指导,研究IT人员的技术能力与业务能力以及二者的协同效应对企业竞争优势的影响。在已有研究成果的基础上,构建了企业IT人员能力及其互补性与企业经营绩效关联的概念模型,通过对国内300家大中型企业的问卷调查和统计检验,验证企业IT人员的技术能力和业务能力与企业绩效都有着显著的正相关关系,而且这2种能力之间也存在较强的互补性。研究结论显示,技术能力是IT部门人员区别于其他部门的根本,业务能力使IT人员能够更好地理解企业业务,进而充分发挥IT系统的战略作用,产生的协同效应能够进一步提升企业的经营绩效。  相似文献   

企业项目管理战略实施研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
分析了企业战略和企业项目间的关系,探讨了企业全新管理模式—企业项目管理,建立了企业项目管理体系,提出建立战略级项目管理办公室,帮助组织在实现企业战略目标的同时提高项目管理能力。  相似文献   

Cooperative logistics relationships require the sharing of information, which must be enabled by the integration of disparate information systems across partners. In this article, we theorize business‐to‐business logistics relationships should be managed using cooperative and competitive postures. Based on data from 91 dyadic relationships using interorganizational information technology (IT), we find that performance gains accrue when parties share strategic information and customize IT; mutual trust enables IT customization and strategic‐information flows and equitable relationship‐specific investments positively impact IT customization, mutual trust, and performance. Among other scholarly and practical implications discussed, partners should compete on resources for IT customization and cooperate to share strategic information. Managers tend to think of relationships with firms as polar opposites and view them as entirely cooperative or entirely competitive. Our results support active balancing and understanding of both competitive and cooperative stances. Such an approach enables conditions for participation symmetry that yields greater performance gains.  相似文献   

A critical decision problem for top management, and the focus of this study, is whether the CEO (chief executive officer) and CIO (chief information officer) should commit their time to formal planning with the expectation of producing an information technology (IT)‐based competitive advantage. Using the perspective of the resource‐based view, a model is presented that examines how strategic IT alignment can produce enhanced organizational strategies that yield competitive advantage. One hundred sixty‐one CIOs provided data using a postal survey. Results supported seven of the eight hypotheses. They showed that information intensity is an important antecedent to strategic IT alignment, that strategic IT alignment is best explained by multiple constructs which operationalize both process and content measures, and that alignment between the IT plan and the business plan is significantly related to the use of IT for competitive advantage. Study results raise questions about the effect of CEO participation, which appears to be the weak link in the process, and also about the perception of the CIO on the importance of CEO involvement. The paper contributes to our understanding of how knowledge sharing in the alignment process contributes to the creation of superior organizational strategies, provides a framework of the alignment‐performance relationship, and furnishes several new constructs.  相似文献   


Enterprise management is highly value conscious, trying to determine and guide the activities of the company so as to be competitive (improve profits, reduce costs and time to market, etc.) and to build future capability to remain competitive. It is necessary to demonstrate why enterprise modelling is necessary to attain business objectives. We then discuss the role of interfaces in enterprise engineering and why enterprise modelling will play an even more significant role in the future enterprise. Finally, we discuss three research questions: model interoperability, the development of a reference model for global virtual enterprise, and plug-and-play, or 'component-based' enterprise engineering.  相似文献   

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