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Many stated preference studies report framing effects in responses to valuation questions. Framing in stated preference studies occurs when respondents use irrelevant information contained in the question to help them value the good. This may occur because respondents are uncertain or do not hold well-formed preferences for the good in question. We investigate if respondent certainty explains framing effects in a contingent valuation study, using data from a double bounded dichotomous elicitation format and a follow-up certainty question. We investigate if respondent certainty influences anchoring and the shift effect. We find evidence that the anchoring effect is stronger for respondents who are less certain about their response to the contingent valuation question compared to respondents who are very certain. However, the shift effect is significant and negative only for respondents who are very certain. Our results indicate that certain respondents are more consistent with the predictions of rational behaviour than uncertain respondents.  相似文献   

Both fat people and disabled people share common barriers to full societal participation and acceptance. While there has been a substantial amount of literature relating to these two groups as separate entities, there is a lack of contemporary research that investigates the relationship between fat and disability identity formation. The purpose of this qualitative study was to engage in a dialogue with fat individuals and explore the construction of their identities – whether or not they identified with having a disability and, if so, whether or not they viewed their fatness as a disability. Interviews with a sample size of seven participants who self‐identified as ‘fat’ revealed an unwillingness to adopt a disability identity based on their fatness.  相似文献   

This article highlights how course material on ‘culture’ and ‘intercultural communication’ faces a distinctive challenge in crafting an engaged power‐focused positionality for students. I discuss the importance of incorporating a ‘critical intercultural communication perspective and practice’ into an upper‐division diversity/intercultural communication course in the US academic context.  相似文献   

The concept of intimacy has long permeated theories of social life, and its use within sociology has produced conceptual confusion rather than coherence. Overlapping with concepts of emotions and communities, intimacy both binds modern life together and offers a respite from its affective “coldness.” This paper offers a framework for the concept of intimacy and outlines the dimensions along which to organize future empirical work. Building on sociological, psychological, and queer theoretical approaches, I propose four such dimensions: affect, knowledge, mutual action, and norms. The degree of overlap between these four dimensions suggests a continuum between “strong” and “weak” intimacies. These conceptual refinements enable empirical specification, particularly in the study of close relationships like friendships.  相似文献   

Visual framing is a popular paradigm for media research around the world but its conceptualisation remains vague and often neglects the richness of images. Just as with framing theory generally, its definition and operationalisation are matters of considerable debate. Visual framing’s many applications may be advantageous for their bridging properties but at the same time demand theoretical refinement. Based on a review of 165 scholarly publications from the humanities and social sciences, this essay first argues that media research tends to emphasise literal depictions more than visual conventions or production, falling short of its interrogative and critical potential. The essay then proposes a model of visual framing that attends more carefully to the contingency and materiality of images in order to strengthen the paradigm’s explanatory and critical value.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of message framing on cognitive processing by employees of an internal organizational message. A between-subject factorial experimental design with random assignment was used to test the moderating role of message frames on cognitive processing. Subjects in the study produced a significantly different number of thoughts in response to messages with different frames. The different frames presented also resulted in generation of different topics of thought for participants. This difference in cognitive response to a message may point to a difference in the salience of the message for the audience. The results of this study underscore the need for public relations practitioners to understand the needs and motivations of internal audiences and to contextualize internal messages for increased effectiveness in persuasion.  相似文献   

The way an issue is ‘framed’ (viewed and understood) has a profound effect on whether it is viewed as a priority for action by international organisations, states, and civil society. Wartime sexual violence used to be framed as a ‘women's issue’, but since the issue gained widespread notoriety in the mid-1990s, it has shifted to being understood as a ‘security issue’. Activists and campaigners have used this as an opportunity to press for more attention at international and national levels, and policymakers have given higher priority to the issue of ending wartime sexual violence. Yet framing wartime sexual violence in terms of security – and in particular, a focus on ‘rape as a weapon’ – comes at a cost. First, it isolates this violence conceptually from the wider context of gender-based violence before, during, and after active armed conflict, and other types of violence may receive little attention. In addition, the specific emphasis on ‘rape as a weapon’ affects the types of wartime sexual violence recognised and condemned by the international community, the kinds of ‘victims’ granted assistance, and the extent to which women and men are perceived as victims, empowered agents, or perpetrators.  相似文献   

Partant de la constatation que les chercheurs et autres spécialistes associés aux courants post-modernes et critiques tendent à privilégier les théories et les modéles transnationaux, l'auteure de cette communication affirme que toute recherche environnementale doit reposer au préalable sur une compréhension du caractére unique, chez l'objet de l'étude, du sentiment d'être-dans-le-monde ou de la place occupée. Elle suit l'exemple des nouveaux ethnographes partisans d'une écriture qui laisse une large place à la réflexion et à la subjectivité en cherchant à concrétiser (et non pas simplement à décrire) cette notion au travers d'une suite d'idées imbriquées les unes dans les autres sur des sujets aussi variés que la spatialité, la représentation et la spécificité canadienne.
Noting the tendency among postmodern and critical scholars not merely to employ but to privilege transnational theory and models, the author of this essay suggests that a prerequisite for environmental research of any kind should be an understanding of the site-specificity of the sense of being-in-the-world, or 'place.' Following the new ethnographers with their validation of reflexive/subjective modes of writing, she attempts here to perform (rather than simply describing) this sense through an interlocking series of ruminations on such topics as spatiality, representation, and Canadian difference.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to examine how framing influences people’ s cooperation behavior in social dilemmas. In Experiment 1 we investigated the influence of outcome valence (positive vs. negative outcome) and externality valence (positive vs. negative externality) framing on players’ willingness to cooperate in a repeated public good game. We found a significant interaction effect on first-round cooperation, indicating larger cooperation rates when there is a negative outcome valence and a positive externality on others. Furthermore, this effect remained largely stable when comparing cooperation over all rounds, resulting in 45–63% increased cooperation compared to the other conditions. In Experiment 2 we replicated the effect in an applied vignette study, lending support for the generalizability of this framing effect. Taken together, these findings suggest that public goods provisions may be increased substantially by framing the situation’s outcome valence as negative rather than positive.  相似文献   

今天的时代是知识经济时代,企业对生产要素的依赖性已经发生了根本性的变化:物质要素不再是决定企业兴衰成败的核心因素,企业内在的精神要素已经越来越明显地显示出它强大的生命力。谁拥有先进的文化优势,谁就拥有了竞争优势、效益优势和发展优势。这些优势最终要落在企业员工内在的文化素养以及将其内化后迅速转化为行动的执行能力。企业员工文化素养的建构1.企业员工文化素养建构的内涵文化素养是由知识、能力、情感、态度、价值观等多种因素整合而成的相对稳定的内在品质。它是通过知识传授、环境熏陶及实践体验以不断将人类优秀的文化成…  相似文献   

This study examines framing of organizational crises by news media and the public. Due to the rapidly evolving and escalating character of crises, this study emphasizes the initial phase of a crisis, in which public social media manifestations (tweets) play a crucial role. Moreover, this study uses automated content analysis to obtain latent frames embedded in text. Through analyzing the Dutch Moerdijk crisis, this study reveals the dynamic characteristics of public crisis framing and the media framing potential to prevent crisis escalation.  相似文献   

By applying a framing perspective, this study explores the effect of a crisis-denial strategy on public response. The online public framing of a specific crisis is compared with the crisis-denial frame provided by the organization. An automated semantic-network analysis is used to identify frames embedded in the public and organizational communication. The Max Havelaar crisis revealed that denial strategy is not always unsuccessful and would advance a more complex understanding. Moreover, the framing perspective and the semantic-network approach prove to be useful to analyze crisis-response strategies.  相似文献   

This article discusses the generational equity debate in the United States--including its origins and the functions it serves. This debate has emerged in the context of concerns over the aging of the population, budgetary crises, growing health care costs, increased poverty among children, growing economic inequality, and declining faith in institutions. By potentially fragmenting support for Social Security and other social programs, the generational equity approach to framing public policy issues may serve the interests of those conservatives wishing to shrink and restructure the American approach to social welfare. However, the possibility exists that this debate could serve also as a forum to advance progressive ideas about universal access for persons of all ages to income and health benefits and employment opportunities.  相似文献   

Investigations into the option framing effect involve the use of a subtractive versus an additive option-framing method to gauge their impact on consumer behaviors. This research examines how option framing could affect choice decisions as a function of a consumer’s goal orientation. Study 1 offers convergent support for the proposition that regulatory focus moderates the option framing effect and the mediating role of action/inaction on the relationship between regulatory focus and the option framing effect. In particular, a reverse finding shows that promotion-focused consumers provided with a +OF options list tend to choose more options than those who are given a −OF option list. To explain the reverse effect, Study 2 examines and demonstrates regulatory fit as a possible moderator. The results of Study 2 also confirm our inference and echo the same results of Study 1. Finally, based on the regulatory fit theory, Study 3 examines if cognitive constraints associate with a consumer’s regulatory orientation may also account for the interaction between regulatory focus and option framing. The results of Study 3 also support the proposition.  相似文献   

The aggregation of individual sets of judgments over interconnected propositions can yield inconsistent collective sets of judgments, even when the individual sets of judgments are themselves consistent. A doctrinal paradox occurs when majority voting on a compound proposition (such as a conjunction or disjunction) yields a different result than majority voting on each of the elements of the proposition. For example, when most individuals accept proposition X; most individuals accept proposition Y ; but only a minority of individuals accept the compound proposition ‘X and Y’. Conducting two elemental votes would lead to accept X and Y , but conducting one compound vote would lead to reject X and Y . In such a situation, do people manifest a stable preference as to which voting procedure should be applied? This research reports the results of two behavioral experiments using a within-participant design, which show that procedural preferences can be upturned by framing either positively or negatively the set of judgments to be aggregated. This shift in procedural preference leads to large swings in the final collective judgment endorsed by participants.  相似文献   

This article discusses (a) sustained critiques of framing theory and of collective action frames, (b) the development and implications of a dialogic and relational alternative, and (c) suggestions for how to pursue this alternative approach using mental models. Proponents of framing theory have advocated that a dialogic and relational alternative could prove fruitful in advancing sociological understanding of the variety of contexts in which social movement discourse takes place. Drawing insights from the work of several scholars, I propose what this alternative entails in terms of both theory and research. Parallel to the development of relational sociology, academics have developed discourse mapping techniques that blend network analysis with cultural analysis. I suggest that one way researchers can integrate a dialogic and relational approach into their analyses of framing is through the use of mental models.  相似文献   

Mobile apps for antiracism have become valuable pedagogical and activist tools for their real-time and mapping capabilities, their portability and intimate bodily presence, which enables a reaction exactly when an act of racism occurs. In this article, five mobile apps aimed at producing antiracism education or intervention outcomes from the United Kingdom, Australia and France are the focus of an interrogation of the ways in which racism and antiracism are framed and the strengths and weaknesses of these initiatives for countering dominant forms of everyday racism. We identify a number of different approaches to racism and antiracism in our inquiry, which lead to particular sets of aims, features and uses: the app as a tool for capturing, reporting and responding to racist acts; as a way of reinforcing a wider sense of community identity and solidarity; to demonstrate racism, especially Islamophobia, and make its forms visible, and as a means for challenging racism through raising awareness and encouraging bystanders to oppose it. We argue that while these apps are well disposed to exposing and manifesting isolated incidents of racism in everyday life, we question their potential for transformative societal outcomes beyond the level of unilateral action in the context of events experienced as unique incidents.  相似文献   

Drawing on two qualitative studies which looked at diet, weight and health from a social class perspective, we use Bourdieu's theory of habitus to help explain the different food and eating practices undertaken by families with young teenagers. Whilst the families displayed considerable reflexivity when making decisions about what to eat on a daily basis, the analysis highlighted that everyday behaviours are still bounded by distinctions of taste, according to social position. The paper includes an examination of the relationships between different forms of capital and whether form or functionality is prioritised within families. We show the importance of temporal frameworks when interpreting classed food and eating practices.  相似文献   

《Journal of Socio》1998,27(2):229-243
In both experimental economics and psychology, framing research has focused primarily on the reflection effect. Recently, however, economic research on framing has employed a broader definition which incorporates context and institutional factors in a more general and productive way-a way which is also more consistent with the goals of socio-economics. This paper explores this expanding definition of framing and its particular impact on economic experimentation. A wide range of studies are reviewed to illustrate the influence on economics of the changes in understandings of framing, and to examine some of the evidence for context-dependent choice. Research concerning fairness and institutional framing, social norms, reference points, and non-rational choice is considered. Because of the complementarity between economic experimentation and economic theory, these advances in framing research are viewed as further positive signs of the opening of neoclassical economics to socio-economic premises.  相似文献   

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