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Perinatally HIV-infected (PHIV+) youth are surviving into adolescence and young adulthood. Understanding the sexual development of PHIV+ youth is vital to providing them with developmentally appropriate HIV-prevention programs. Using pooled data (N = 417) from two longitudinal studies focused on HIV among youth (51% female; 39% HIV+) and their caregivers (92% female; 46% HIV+), the rate of sexual onset during adolescence across four youth-caregiver combinations was compared: PHIV+ youth with HIV+caregivers (12%), PHIV+ youth with HIV- caregivers (27%), HIV- youth with HIV+caregivers (34%), and HIV- youth with HIV- caregivers (27%). Youth with HIV- caregivers were more likely than other youth-caregiver groups to have had their sexual onset. Youth with HIV+ caregivers reported a slower rate of onset of penetrative sex across the adolescent years. Findings are discussed by highlighting the role that both youth and caregiver HIV status play in the onset of sexual behavior across adolescence.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypotheses that students taking a university human sexuality course will have different attitudes over a 2‐year period than students not taking such a course, and more accepting attitudes toward the sexual behaviors of others, over a 2‐year period, than toward their own sexual behavior. Sexual attitudes of 127 human sexuality class students and 114 control class students at the University of Northern Iowa were measured at the beginning of class (pretest), the end of class (posttest), and 2 years after the end of class (follow‐up). There were no pretest differences between the treatment and control groups in university classification, marital status, political affiliation, religious affiliation, sex, age, grade point average, or sexual attitudes. Both hypotheses were supported. Human sexuality students developed more accepting attitudes and became more accepting of behaviors for others compared to behaviors for self. Control group students developed less accepting attitudes and became less accepting of behaviors for others compared to behaviors for self. The sex of the students and the session they attended class were also found to influence sexual attitudes.  相似文献   

While much has been written about identifying and treating cases of child sexual abuse, we know little about which services are needed, which are offered and which are used. This study followed 124 cases of child sexual abuse over a minimum period of one year. Findings indicate workers still have difficulty discussing sexual abuse, that over one-third of the cases were reported again during the study period for protective service reasons; that services are provided for less than two years in the majority of cases, and that a multitude of services are needed, but not always available. Implications of these findings are discussed and suggestions made for protective service workers and agencies.  相似文献   

Prior research, modeling the effects of the victim's behavior and character on prosecutors' charging decisions, has used either a dichotomous variable that reflects the presence of any risky behavior or moral character issues or an additive index that captures the number of related items in a case file. We suggest that these measures do not adequately identify the specific issues that prosecutors take into consideration when making charging decisions. Using data on 666 sexual assault cases that resulted in arrest in three urban jurisdictions and a multivariate modeling strategy, we examine specific risk-taking behaviors and issues related to the victim's moral character in an effort to determine if certain behaviors and characteristics have a more substantial effect on charging decisions than others. We also examine the extent to which the effects of these blame and believability factors vary based on the nature of the cases. Our results reveal that although charging decisions in stranger cases are largely determined by legally relevant factors, these decisions in nonstranger cases are affected by several legally irrelevant victim characteristics: whether the victim had a prior criminal record, whether the victim had been drinking alcohol prior to the assault, and whether the victim invited the suspect to her residence. Further analysis, however, revealed that only the victim's prior record had a differential effect on charging decisions in cases involving strangers and nonstrangers and in aggravated and simple rape cases. Our results suggest that the focal concerns that guide prosecutors' charging decisions incorporate specific victim behaviors and background characteristics.  相似文献   

We studied the sexual behaviors of young, unmarried women living in rural China with a special focus on sexual debut, sexual risk‐taking behaviors, and reproductive health consequences. The analysis was based on 40 in‐depth interviews with young women who had undergone induced abortion, as well as information from focus group discussions. Study participants identified pornographic videos, parents’ tacit approval, and even encouragement as factors instigating their sexual debut. Reasons for unprotected intercourse included spontaneous sexual activity, misconceptions about fertility and the effective use of contraceptives, and the lack of negotiation skills. The results indicate the importance of making reproductive health education more accessible to rural populations in China, a group usually considered to be more traditional and less likely to engage in premarital sex.  相似文献   

This article presents an in-depth analysis of the changes observed in 25 homeless women with drug and alcohol abuse problems participating in a case management program. Participation in the program ranged from 6 to 44 months. Thirty-two percent of all participants' situations were considered to have improved, while 20% remained stable. Less improvement was noted in the situations of women followed for 3 years or more (14.3% improved, 28.6% stable). Domains showing the most improvement were housing, financial situation, and substance abuse. Deterioration was primarily attributable to physical and mental health problems. These findings could indicate that although a case management program can initially contribute to improving the living conditions of its clients, acquisitions are difficult to maintain over an extended period. Health and substance abuse play a crucial role in the deterioration process.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the problems and treatment of children with sexual behavior problems. These children coerce, intimidate or force other children by threats of physical harm to comply with their sexual requests, frequently a reenactment of their own experiences. This paper describes a comprehensive therapeutic foster care approach to these children.  相似文献   

A role‐play procedure was used to investigate the effects of acceptance of rape supportive beliefs (RMA), sexual intimacy, and sexual arousal on behavior in sexual disagreement situations. In Experiment 1, 67 college women role‐played their responses to their date's initial and continued unwanted sexual advances after viewing either an erotic or a neutral videotape. The women were more definite in their nonverbal responses to the “continued” than to the “initial” sexual advances. Low RMA women were less definite, and high RMA women were more definite, in their nonverbal refusals of unwanted intercourse than of unwanted breast fondling. Low RMA women were more definite in their verbal refusals after viewing the neutral than the erotic videotape. In Experiment 2, 78 college men role‐played their responses to their date's first and second refusal of their sexual advances. Men were less compliant in response to the first than to the second refusal. High RMA men who viewed the neutral film were less compliant than were low RMA men. However, high RMA men who viewed the erotic film were more compliant than high RMA men who viewed the neutral film. The men who viewed the neutral film were less compliant with refusals of breast fondling than with refusals of intercourse. Additionally, men who viewed the erotic film were more compliant with refusals of genital fondling than with refusals of intercourse. Finally, sexual experience and sex‐role ideology predicted when the man would try the same advances again.  相似文献   

Family influences on adolescent sexual and contraceptive behavior   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Studies of adolescent pregnancy risk are relevant to understanding responsible adolescent sexual behavior because most investigators have focused on the key proximal determinants of pregnancy--sexual intercourse and contraceptive use--rather than analyzing pregnancy status per se. Lesser pregnancy risk is associated with teens remaining sexually abstinent, postponing onset of intercourse, and having intercourse less often or with fewer partners, as well as by using contraception at first or most recent intercourse and by using contraception consistently over time. Living with a single parent, in a lower SES family, having older sexually active siblings or pregnant/parenting teenage sisters, being a victim of sexual abuse, and residing in disorganized/dangerous neighborhoods all place teens at elevated risk of adolescent pregnancy. Parent-child closeness or connectedness, and parental supervision or regulation of children, in combination with parents values against teen intercourse (or unprotected intercourse), decrease the risk of adolescent pregnancy. Studies about parent-child sexual communication and adolescent pregnancy risk are less conclusive, largely because of methodological complexities.  相似文献   

Using the Triandis Model of Interpersonal Behavior (TIB), we considered the unique context of Mardi Gras, the annual festival in New Orleans, Louisiana, and how it might influence sexual behavior. This study utilized a two-stage, qualitative and quantitative methodological framework. Focus groups of past Mardi Gras participants were held to gather data to inform the development of the study instruments, and data were subsequently collected from 300 Mardi Gras participants in February 2004 using a pencil-and-paper questionnaire. For women, the TIB model did not significantly predict intentions to engage in sexual behavior at Mardi Gras. Cognitive beliefs and subjective social norms predicted intentions to engage in oral and vaginal sex among male participants. For men and women, peer sexual activity, intentions, and previous sexual experience predicted engaging in sexual behaviors at Mardi Gras. Situational conditions related to Mardi Gras culture predicted anal sex behavior. The TIB, as a guiding framework for the study, makes apparent the importance of cultural context when developing interventions related to sexuality that are to be implemented in a specific setting like Mardi Gras.  相似文献   

Previous research findings have been inconsistent concerning the influence on a person's sexual behavior of the peer group's sexual behavior and approval. Therefore, in this paper the relative importance of one's closest, friends' sexual behavior, their perceived approval for engaging in premarital coitus. age, sex guilt, and conventional religiosity were examined. Respondents were 467 dormitory students from a large mid‐Atlantic university. Results of separate path analyses for men and women showed that the greater the number of close friends thought to be nonvirgins, the greater the likelihood the man was also nonvirgin. Anticipated approval from close friends was not associated with a man being a nonvirgin. For women, both the sexual behavior and the expected degree of approval from close friends was associated with a woman being a nonvirgin. For both sexes, sex guilt was negatively associated with being a nonvirgin, whereas the respondent's age and degree of conventional religiosity were not associated with the sexual behavior. The findings indicate that researchers should specify whether a peer group's standards, or behavior, is being considered.  相似文献   

The Sexual Inhibition and Sexual Excitation Scales (SIS/SES) measure the propensity for sexual inhibition and excitation in men. According to the theoretical model underlying the SIS/SES, sexual response and associated behavior depend on dual control mechanisms in the brain involving the balance of excitatory and inhibitory systems which impinge on sexual response. Previous research with the SIS/SES has indicated one higher-order excitatory factor and two higher-order inhibitory factors affecting sexual response. The present study analyzed the item structure and the psychometric properties of the instrument in a population based sample of Finnish male twins (N = 1,289), and, including 37 out of 45 items of the original scales, estimated the heritability of and the environmental influences on the excitatory and inhibitory mechanisms. The twin correlations and the structural equation modeling suggested modest heritability for both inhibitory mechanisms. Sexual excitation, in contrast, was not influenced by genetic effects and similarities between twins for this mechanism seemed to be caused by the common environment of the twins.  相似文献   

This study presents the results of a meta-analysis of the association between substance use and risky sexual behavior among adolescents. 87 studies fit the inclusion criteria, containing a total of 104 independent effect sizes that incorporated more than 120,000 participants. The overall effect size for the relationship between substance use and risky sexual behavior was in the small to moderate range (r = .22, CI = .18, .26). Further analyses indicated that the effect sizes did not substantially vary across the type of substance use, but did substantially vary across the type of risky sexual behavior being assessed. Specifically, mean effect sizes were the smallest for studies examining unprotected sex (r = .15, CI = .10, .20), followed by studies examining number of sexual partners (r = .25, CI = .21, .30), those examining composite measures of risky sexual behavior (r = .38, CI = .27, .48), and those examining sex with an intravenous drug user (r = .53, CI = .45, .60). Furthermore, our results revealed that the relationship between drug use and risky sexual behavior is moderated by several variables, including sex, ethnicity, sexuality, age, sample type, and level of measurement. Implications and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

While many long-term correlates of child sexual abuse (CSA) have been identified, theories to explain the development of these correlates have received little empirical validation. The process of experiential avoidance is one theory that has been proposed to account for many of the correlates of CSA. The purpose of the current study was twofold: (1) To attempt to develop a more complex measure of experiential avoidance in women with and without a CSA history, and (2) to explore variables related to two of the long-term correlates of CSA, general psychological distress and high risk sexual behavior. Levels of current distress, high-risk sex, and experiential avoidance were examined in 257 undergraduate females (mean age 20.0) using self-report questionnaires. The results of the current study indicate that CSA survivors report higher levels of experiential avoidance and high-risk sexual behavior with persons other than their primary partners. Implications of these findings for theory development, therapy with CSA survivors, and HIV prevention programs are discussed.  相似文献   

A follow-up study of adopted children from Romania   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Romania became notorious in recent history for the problems in its child welfare system. A black cloud continues to hang over the country since media reports, such as 20/20's Shame of a Nation, and other writings and broadcasts have focused worldwide attention on the child welfare problems in Romania. During this same time period from 1990 to 1993, several thousand children were adopted from Romania by North American families. This study describes the positive and negative aspects of children adopted from Romania. It gives particular attention to the experiences of families who adopted children from institutional settings compared to other placements.A version of this paper was presented at the 21st Annual North American Council on Adoptable Children Conference, Norfolk, Virginia, August 3–6, 1995.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to understand the sexual behaviors of young, unmarried women living in rural China with a special focus on sexual debut, sexual risk-taking behaviors, and reproductive health consequences. The analysis is based on forty in-depth interviews with young women who had undergone induced abortion as well as information from focus group discussions. Study participants identified pornographic videos and parents' tacit approval and even encouragement as factors instigating their sexual debut. Reasons for unprotected intercourse include spontaneous sexual activity, misconceptions about fertility and the effective use of contraceptives, and the lack of negotiation skills. The results indicate the importance of making reproductive health education more accessible to rural populations in China, a group usually considered to be more traditional and less likely to engage in premarital sex.  相似文献   

This follow-up study explored parents' (N = 452) intimate relationships when their firstborn child was 6 months old and then 4 years later. The measurement used was a modified version of the Dyadic Adjustment Scale, DAS. The present results show that most parents responding were content sensually at 6 months postpartum in 2002 and 4 years later, in 2006. More parents had changed from being sensually content in 2002 to discontent in 2006, than the contrary, however, and the sexual contentment remained low. The average sexual frequency was low both at 6 months and at 4 years for both parents with and without additional children. Experiencing tiredness as a hindrance to having sex was perceived as a greater problem among those parents without additional children. Prospective regression analyses indicated that sexuality was significantly related to both sensual and sexual contentment 4 years later. Sexuality was also one of the most significant covariates in the cross-sectional regression analysis for sensual contentment. Since sexuality plays a central role in partner well-being, it may be an important target for helping parents with small children.  相似文献   

《The aging male》2013,16(4):242-247
Introduction. Patients with late onset hypogonadism (LOH) also suffered from lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and LOH symptoms. The objects of this study are to evaluate the efficacy of testosterone replace therapy (TRT) by testosterone ointment (Glowmin: GL) for LUTS in LOH patients.

Methods. The Aging Male Symptom (AMS) scale, Medical Outcomes Study (MOS) 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36), International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5) and the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) were obtained from patients with LOH. A total of 41 patients with LOH have been treated with TRT using 6 mg/day of GL for 3 months. Serum free testosterone levels (FT) and these four scores were compared before and after TRT.

Results. Serum FT levels and the scores for the four parameters of AMS, six of eight domains in SF-36, IIEF-5 and total IPSS improved significantly after 3 months TRT. In addition, all IPSS domains also improved significantly, and voiding disturbance seems to have improved more than storage disturbance (P?=?0.0280 vs. 0.0483).

Conclusion. TRT by administration of GL is considered to be effective in the improvement of not only ED and LOH symptoms, but also LUTS (especially voiding disturbance) of patients with LOH.  相似文献   

Longitudinal data are critical for examining associations of religiosity with sexual behaviors and motivations during college. We use hierarchical linear modeling on five semesters of data from a diverse sample of college students (N = 735) to examine within- and between-person associations between religious service attendance and importance of religion and sexual behaviors and motivations for and against sex and consider gender as a moderator. Between-person religiosity was associated with sexual behaviors and motivations whereas within-person religiosity was not. Students' sexual motivations co-varied across semesters with their religious service attendance and importance of religion. Our results indicated more restrictive associations between religiosity and sexual motivations for women than for men.  相似文献   

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