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孙巍等 《统计研究》2020,37(9):44-55
在我国即将完成脱贫攻坚背景下,异质性在居民减贫并防返贫进程中逐渐起到关键作用。本文通过反事实分析法将收入分布变迁分解为均值、方差以及残差三种变化,进而将其引入贫困分解中,对我国农村及区域贫困进行分解。研究表明,引入收入分布变迁贫困分解结果具有稳健性,且农村居民收入增长效应与离散效应存在非对称性,提高收入已不足以弥补收入差距扩大带来的贫困加深效应,而异质效应和离散效应间存在对称性,居民异质性在减贫进程中逐渐起到关键作用。同时从区域视角看,东部区域异质效应减贫效果明显高于增长效应;中部区域增长效应和异质效应均具有显著减贫效果;而西南区域增长效应的减贫效果最显著。  相似文献   

We describe recent developments in the POPAN system for the analysis of mark-recapture data from Jolly-Seber type experiments. The previous versions (POPAN-3 for SUN/OS workstations and POPAN-PC for IBM-PC running DOS or Windows) included general statistics gathering and testing procedures, a wide range of analysis options for estimating population abundance, survival and birth parameters, and a general simulation capability. POPAN-4 adds a very general procedure for fitting constrained models based on a new unified theory for Jolly-Seber models. Users can impose constraints on capture, survival and birth rates over time and/or across attribute groups (e.g. sex or age groups) and can model these rates using covariate models involving auxiliary variables (e.g. sampling effort).  相似文献   

We describe recent developments in the POPAN system for the analysis of mark-recapture data from Jolly-Seber type experiments. The previous versions (POPAN-3 for SUN/OS workstations and POPAN-PC for IBM-PC running DOS or Windows) included general statistics gathering and testing procedures, a wide range of analysis options for estimating population abundance, survival and birth parameters, and a general simulation capability. POPAN-4 adds a very general procedure for fitting constrained models based on a new unified theory for Jolly-Seber models. Users can impose constraints on capture, survival and birth rates over time and/or across attribute groups (e.g. sex or age groups) and can model these rates using covariate models involving auxiliary variables (e.g. sampling effort).  相似文献   

How do we communicate nuanced regulatory information to different audiences, recognizing that the consumer audience is very different from the physician audience? In particular, how do we communicate the heterogeneity of treatment effects - the potential differences in treatment effects based on sex, race, and age? That is a fundamental question at the heart of this panel discussion. Each panelist addressed a specific “challenge question” during their 5-minute presentation, and the list of questions is provided. The presentations were followed by a question and answer session with members of the audience and the panelists.  相似文献   

Measurement errors occur in many real data applications. In this paper, the linear and the non linear wavelet estimators of the derivatives of the density function are constructed in the case of data contaminated with heteroscedastic measurement errors. We establish Lp risk performance of the estimators and show that they achieve fast convergence rates under quite general conditions.  相似文献   

The ecological fallacy is related to Simpson's paradox (1951) where relationships among group means may be counterintuitive and substantially different from relationships within groups, where the groups are usually geographic entities such as census tracts. We consider the problem of estimating the correlation between two jointly normal random variables where only ecological data (group means) are available. Two empirical Bayes estimators and one fully Bayesian estimator are derived and compared with the usual ecological estimator, which is simply the Pearson correlation coefficient of the group sample means. We simulate the bias and mean squared error performance of these estimators, and also give an example employing a dataset where the individual level data are available for model checking. The results indicate superiority of the empirical Bayes estimators in a variety of practical situations where, though we lack individual level data, other relevant prior information is available.  相似文献   

Summary. Vining and co-workers have used plots of the prediction variance trace (PVT) along the so-called prediction rays to compare mixture designs in a constrained region R . In the present paper, we propose a method for describing the distribution of the prediction variance within the region R by using quantile plots. More comprehensive comparisons between mixture designs are possible through the proposed plots than with the PVT plots. The utility of the quantile plots is illustrated with a four-component fertilizer experiment that was initiated in São Paulo, Brazil.  相似文献   

The increasing availability of high-throughput data, that is, massive quantities of molecular biology data arising from different types of experiments such as gene expression or protein microarrays, leads to the necessity of methods for summarizing the available information. As annotation quality improves it is becoming common to rely on biological annotation databases, such as the Gene Ontology (GO), to build functional profiles which characterize a set of genes or proteins using the distribution of their annotations in the database. In this work we describe a statistical model for such profiles, provide methods to compare profiles and develop inferential procedures to assess this comparison. An R-package implementing the methods will be available at publication time.  相似文献   

Summary.  Regression, matching, control function and instrumental variables methods for recovering the effect of education on individual earnings are reviewed for single treatments and sequential multiple treatments with and without heterogeneous returns. The sensitivity of the estimates once applied to a common data set is then explored. We show the importance of correcting for detailed test score and family background differences and of allowing for (observable) heterogeneity in returns. We find an average return of 27% for those completing higher education versus anything less. Compared with stopping at 16 years of age without qualifications, we find an average return to O-levels of 18%, to A-levels of 24% and to higher education of 48%.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider and propose some confidence intervals for estimating the mean or difference of means of skewed populations. We extend the median t interval to the two sample problem. Further, we suggest using the bootstrap to find the critical points for use in the calculation of median t intervals. A simulation study has been made to compare the performance of the intervals and a real life example has been considered to illustrate the application of the methods.  相似文献   

跨期风险—收益权衡关系研究——来源于沪港通的新证据   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
风险—收益权衡关系是金融经济学重要内容之一。应用扩展的EGARCH-M模型考察了上海股票市场组合跨期风险收益权衡关系以及沪港通对这种关系的影响。研究发现,上海股票市场组合的跨期风险收益权衡关系显著为正,沪港通的开通正向加强了这种关系,提高了投资者的风险溢价需求。通过不同样本的对比和不同条件分布的假定证实了结果的稳健性。此外,还识别出了SGED分布可能更适合用于描述上海股票市场组合收益率的条件概率分布。  相似文献   

Five sampling schemes (SS) for price index construction – one cut-off sampling technique and four probability-proportional-to-size (pps) methods – are evaluated by comparing their performance on a homescan market research data set across 21 months for each of the 13 classification of individual consumption by purpose (COICOP) food groups. Classifications are derived for each of the food groups and the population index value is used as a reference to derive performance error measures, such as root mean squared error, bias and standard deviation for each food type. Repeated samples are taken for each of the pps schemes and the resulting performance error measures analysed using regression of three of the pps schemes to assess the overall effect of SS and COICOP group whilst controlling for sample size, month and population index value. Cut-off sampling appears to perform less well than pps methods and multistage pps seems to have no advantage over its single-stage counterpart. The jackknife resampling technique is also explored as a means of estimating the standard error of the index and compared with the actual results from repeated sampling.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new estimator combined estimator (CE) is proposed for estimating the finite population mean ¯ Y N in simple random sampling assuming a long-tailed symmetric super-population model. The efficiency and robustness properties of the CE is compared with the widely used and well-known estimators of the finite population mean ¯ Y N by Monte Carlo simulation. The parameter estimators considered in this study are the classical least squares estimator, trimmed mean, winsorized mean, trimmed L-mean, modified maximum-likelihood estimator, Huber estimator (W24) and the non-parametric Hodges–Lehmann estimator. The mean square error criteria are used to compare the performance of the estimators. We show that the CE is overall more efficient than the other estimators. The CE is also shown to be more robust for estimating the finite population mean ¯ Y N , since it is insensitive to outliers and to misspecification of the distribution. We give a real life example.  相似文献   

Umbrella trials are an innovative trial design where different treatments are matched with subtypes of a disease, with the matching typically based on a set of biomarkers. Consequently, when patients can be positive for more than one biomarker, they may be eligible for multiple treatment arms. In practice, different approaches could be applied to allocate patients who are positive for multiple biomarkers to treatments. However, to date there has been little exploration of how these approaches compare statistically. We conduct a simulation study to compare five approaches to handling treatment allocation in the presence of multiple biomarkers – equal randomisation; randomisation with fixed probability of allocation to control; Bayesian adaptive randomisation (BAR); constrained randomisation; and hierarchy of biomarkers. We evaluate these approaches under different scenarios in the context of a hypothetical phase II biomarker-guided umbrella trial. We define the pairings representing the pre-trial expectations on efficacy as linked pairs, and the other biomarker-treatment pairings as unlinked. The hierarchy and BAR approaches have the highest power to detect a treatment-biomarker linked interaction. However, the hierarchy procedure performs poorly if the pre-specified treatment-biomarker pairings are incorrect. The BAR method allocates a higher proportion of patients who are positive for multiple biomarkers to promising treatments when an unlinked interaction is present. In most scenarios, the constrained randomisation approach best balances allocation to all treatment arms. Pre-specification of an approach to deal with treatment allocation in the presence of multiple biomarkers is important, especially when overlapping subgroups are likely.  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetic studies are commonly performed using the two-stage approach. The first stage involves estimation of pharmacokinetic parameters such as the area under the concentration versus time curve (AUC) for each analysis subject separately, and the second stage uses the individual parameter estimates for statistical inference. This two-stage approach is not applicable in sparse sampling situations where only one sample is available per analysis subject similar to that in non-clinical in vivo studies. In a serial sampling design, only one sample is taken from each analysis subject. A simulation study was carried out to assess coverage, power and type I error of seven methods to construct two-sided 90% confidence intervals for ratios of two AUCs assessed in a serial sampling design, which can be used to assess bioequivalence in this parameter.  相似文献   

In the medical literature, there has been an increased interest in evaluating association between exposure and outcomes using nonrandomized observational studies. However, because assignments to exposure are not random in observational studies, comparisons of outcomes between exposed and nonexposed subjects must account for the effect of confounders. Propensity score methods have been widely used to control for confounding, when estimating exposure effect. Previous studies have shown that conditioning on the propensity score results in biased estimation of conditional odds ratio and hazard ratio. However, research is lacking on the performance of propensity score methods for covariate adjustment when estimating the area under the ROC curve (AUC). In this paper, AUC is proposed as measure of effect when outcomes are continuous. The AUC is interpreted as the probability that a randomly selected nonexposed subject has a better response than a randomly selected exposed subject. A series of simulations has been conducted to examine the performance of propensity score methods when association between exposure and outcomes is quantified by AUC; this includes determining the optimal choice of variables for the propensity score models. Additionally, the propensity score approach is compared with that of the conventional regression approach to adjust for covariates with the AUC. The choice of the best estimator depends on bias, relative bias, and root mean squared error. Finally, an example looking at the relationship of depression/anxiety and pain intensity in people with sickle cell disease is used to illustrate the estimation of the adjusted AUC using the proposed approaches.  相似文献   

The use of Bayesian methods to support pharmaceutical product development has grown in recent years. In clinical statistics, the drive to provide faster access for patients to medical treatments has led to a heightened focus by industry and regulatory authorities on innovative clinical trial designs, including those that apply Bayesian methods. In nonclinical statistics, Bayesian applications have also made advances. However, they have been embraced far more slowly in the nonclinical area than in the clinical counterpart. In this article, we explore some of the reasons for this slower rate of adoption. We also present the results of a survey conducted for the purpose of understanding the current state of Bayesian application in nonclinical areas and for identifying areas of priority for the DIA/ASA-BIOP Nonclinical Bayesian Working Group. The survey explored current usage, hurdles, perceptions, and training needs for Bayesian methods among nonclinical statisticians. Based on the survey results, a set of recommendations is provided to help guide the future advancement of Bayesian applications in nonclinical pharmaceutical statistics.  相似文献   

Summary.  Following devolution, differences developed between UK countries in systems of measuring performance against a common target that ambulance services ought to respond to 75% of calls for what may be immediately life threatening emergencies (category A calls) within 8 minutes. Only in England was this target integral to a ranking system of 'star rating', which inflicted reputational damage on services that failed to hit targets, and only in England has this target been met. In other countries, the target has been missed by such large margins that services would have been publicly reported as failing, if they had been covered by the English system of star ratings. The paper argues that this case-study adds to evidence from comparisons of different systems of hospital performance measurement that, to have an effect, these systems need to be designed to inflict reputational damage on those that have performed poorly; and it explores implications of this hypothesis. The paper also asks questions about the adequacy of systems of performance measurement of ambulance services in UK countries.  相似文献   

王亚菲 《统计研究》2010,27(6):56-62
 本文使用经济系统物质流核算与分析方法(EW-MFA)从物质维度研究中国经济系统的可持续性。我们核算了1990-2008年具有国际可比性的中国物质流总量指标。研究结果表明,除1998年外,中国经济的年度物质消耗持续增加,而物质效率呈现出四段式的发展趋势,反映出政府在八五、九五、十五和十一五期间实施不同宏观经济政策的作用效果。在此研究基础上,本文提出了将EW-MFA作为环境管理有效工具的改进措施和进一步研究的建议。  相似文献   

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