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<正>Any journalist would consider it a career highlight to cover a major historical event or witness a ground-breaking breakthrough.I am thankful that the milestone 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) came as a fortuitous stroke of serendipity in my professional life.  相似文献   

<正>I came to China in 2005 and I have been teach ing in Beijing at Min zu Un iversit y of China for the past sixteen years.While I have taught a number of courses during my years in China, as faras my teaching goes, I am probably best known for teaching Chinese universit y students to do public speaking and to tell the world about China in English. A common lesson I teach my students is that, whenever they can,  相似文献   

The COVID-19 is a very severe problem and it is crucial to view the case in the serious light that it is in and not underestimate it.However,it is also important to not overestimate the situation.Food safety as a global and severe problem In our personal understanding the key issue is the safety of the food,more than the accusations pointed to a specific population or criticism against particular culinary habits.  相似文献   

There is a lot of agreement today that managers and leaders are not exactly the same. Already in 1992 Edgar Schein said that leaders "create and change cultures, while managers and administrators live within them". Management and leadership capabilities however are necessary to create companies, make them grow and eventually consolidate them as successful global players. Management and leadership are thus two different types of talent and although we may be born with more or less intellectual potential, leadership and management capabilities need to be developed: leadership, management or entrepreneurship are not the resuk some of us being born with a particular gen, these things are the result of learning.  相似文献   

China is a paradise for travelers where people travel vastly and frequently,be it for business trips or vacations.And it is explainable due to the country’s developed touristic sector,the low cost of travel,accessibility,bullet trains that now connect the majority of cities in China and awe-inspiring scenery.In addition,China’s convenient geographical position in SouthEast Asia makes it easy to travel to other budget-friendly and amazing countries like Thailand,Vietnam or South Korea.  相似文献   

Two years ago I published a book here in China.It is called Stories from My Chinese Journey and it tells about China through my eyes and experience. I wrote my book to help foreigners better understand China and I explain in the "Introduction" that it is "for those who are seeking a view of China not clouded by the politically motivated rhetoric" that is most commonly found in western media portrayals.  相似文献   

I'm Ravi Shankar from India and I have been with China Daily for more than a decade; l'm currently executive editor of Overseas Editions. An American professor friend insists that only two things have shaped the world since the 1990s: the Internet; and the amazing growth of China. It is an enriching experience to be here at such a time and enjoy every moment of it. It has been a profound and rewarding journey for me in telling the China story around the world. We write on the real China and the Chinese -- the very people that embody the Chinese Drearn (zhongguo meng). China Daily is very much a part of communicating that China Dream, not just to those in China, but to people across the globe.  相似文献   

Space science offers a unique opportunity to open dialogue between countries,independently of their political system. In the early 1990s,Dr. Roger-Maurice Bonnet,Director of the Science Program of ESA received a letter from a group of Chinese scientists in response to an invitation,to cooperate on the ESA CLUSTER mission. That event marked the initiation of space cooperation between ESA and China. He is very disappointed about that the partners of the International Space Station(USA,Russia,Europe,Japan,Canada) would not agree on accepting China as one of their partners,and China has to develop its own space station with its own means.  相似文献   

When I was growing up in the United States in the 1950s and 1960s, the country was full of optimism about the future. We were building a magnificent infrastructure of roads, airports, railroads and seaports that would link each part of the country for commerce and tourism. We all believed in President John F. Kennedy when he challenged the country to land a man on the moon by the end of the 1960s. The first jumbo jet, the Boeing 747, was a product of this belief in the future.  相似文献   

正On the 22nd of May at a Foreign Experts Symposium in Shanghai,it was a great honour for me as a foreigner,to present to President XI some of my observations on how to attract foreigners to contribute to China’s innovation ambitions.It is also my honour to consider myself as one of the foreign experts,which President called"private ambassadors"and members of the Chinese family.It is my privilege to answer to  相似文献   

"相较于以往主要招聘外籍教师,外籍人才招聘会近年来提供了越来越多的高新技术以及管理岗位,这是一大显著特点。"在5月4日举办的北京外籍人才招聘会上,国家外国专家局国外人才信息研究中心副主任钟延光告诉记者。"2005年至2008年,外籍人才招聘会提供的职位大多是外语教师,但在后金融危机时代,越来越多的企  相似文献   

PMI的项目管理标准体系已经应用在中国的多个行业及领域,如北京奥运会的成功举办、首都国际机场T3航站楼建设、上海虹桥交通枢纽建设,以及帮助华为从本土公司快速成长为跨国企业等。  相似文献   

高校本、专科的英语教学无论在生源基础、教学目的还是教学模式上都存在差别;比较两者的异同及参考国外相关教学理论,得出要提高专科学校的英语教学水平,必须在英语教学课程内容、教学方法等方面进行改革。  相似文献   

随着金融海啸不断袭来,面临着成本上涨、利润下降双重压力的企业管理者,不得不为生存而考虑如何降低不断攀升的开支,包括削减人力成本。于是,裁员之风四起,企业管理者压力陡增,而雇员也忧心忡忡。  相似文献   

今年,旅客在青岛机场候机楼内可以通过终端设备,享受到流畅,快捷的免费无线网络服务了随时随地上网浏览信息、收发邮件、聊天,轻松度过候机时光。据青岛机场工作人员介绍,进入机场候机楼区域的旅客,利用手机、平板电脑等具备无线上网功能的设备,搜索并连接至无线网络域名“AIRPORT-FREE—WIFI”,在登录页面输入“手机号码”及“验证码”,即可获取免费的短信密码,凭该密码在机场WIFI主页登录成功后即可免费上网。  相似文献   

我认为中国政府可能是在吸引海外人才上最有远见的政府之一,在吸引"散居在外的人"方面,中国是最成功的。  相似文献   

“洋插队”们本国的福利那么好,为什么还要来中国工作?他们在中国的工作是否一帆风川页?他们如何在这片“广阔天地”中“大有作为”?  相似文献   

张晓 《国际人才交流》2011,(7):38-40,64
作为全球最大的专业技术组织,电气电子工程师学会(IEEE)在电气及电子工程、计算机、通信等领域中发表的技术文献占到了全球同类文献的30%,同时吸引了全球40万专业技术人士,其中45%的会员来自美国之外。  相似文献   

侯烨 《国际人才交流》2012,(6):52-54,64
Patrick用他的行动告诉我们,无论你是怎样的一个人,无论你处于什么样的环境中,你都有能力去做一些力所能及的事,为什么不立即行动起来呢?  相似文献   

通过分析高等数学教育的特点及其现状,探讨了在高等数学教学中融入数学建模思想的必要性,并就教学提出了具体的实践方法。  相似文献   

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