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Putting People and Their Prosperity at the Forefront: Concept of Core Values in Modernization Yang Naichu ( 1 )
Abstract:After expounding the classics of Marxism and the practice of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, the author holds that putting people and their prosperity at the forefront is the views of core values of Marxism, noumenal request of socialist practice and the core of socialist value system, so it becomes the concept of core value during the process of modernization in China.  相似文献   

Uniqueness of our political systems and tremendous changes brought about by reform and opening up are reflected in language use,so contem porary Chinese political discourse has its own distinctiveness,and is especially featured by increasing political neologisms,posing difficulties for interpreters and for China’s international publicity.Quality of political neologisms interpreting has a direct bearing on whether or not success of interpreting the whole discourse can be achieved.The authors believe that interpreting of contemporary Chinese political discourse,also for the purpose of com m unication can gain guidance from Bachman’s CLA Model.So the paper elaborates through exem plification on strategies for interpreting political neologisms in light of Bachm an’s Model,with a view to realizing discourse power of Chinese.  相似文献   

Wang Wei 《学术界》2015,(2):262-270
Can the jury system replace the system of people’s assessors and find a way out of the jury system dilemma in our country? The author gives an affirmative answer that the jury system should be established as soon as possible in our country in order to give full play to the efficacy and value of judicial democracy and supervision. This paper tries to analyze from the following three aspects. Firstly, it analyzes the differences and advantages and disadvantages of two jury patterns including the jury system and the mixed court system; then,based on the statement of development and existing problems of the mixed court system in our country,it analyzes the feasibility of application of the jury system in our country combining with national conditions; finally, social effect of the introduction of the jury system is evaluated,which affects the situation as a whole domino.  相似文献   

Triple Explores on the Value Pursuits of National Governance of China Yang Xinglin(6) Abstract. The national governance of China not only has general value pursuits but its own special value pursuits. Perfecting and developing socialism system with Chinese characteristics is the direct value pursuit of the national governance in China; promoting social harmony and mak- ing people happiness is its basic value pursuit; returning state power to society and people con- sciously and gradually is its fundamental value pursuit. The three pursuits mentioned above are relying on each other, promoting each other, and reflect the essence of national governance and distinctive characteristics of China profoundly.  相似文献   

Zhu Weifang 《学术界》2012,(6):256-262
Confucianism plays an important role in the w orld’s diverse culture.Since C onfucianism w as spread from Asia to Europe,it has communicated,integrated and innovated w ith W estern culture,and even had a major impact on the European Enlightenment M ovement of ideas.T here is no doubt that it is important to interpret the cross-cultural values of C onfucianism and to explore its influence on the development of contemporary society.C onfucianism is an open ideological system,w hich needs us to treat it w ith an open mind.O nly by constantly absorbing the essence of the cultures from all over the w orld,enhancing civilization and exchanges betw een countries,seeking common ground w hile reserving differences,can w e uphold C hinese culture and make great contribution to the progress and development of the w hole human civilization.  相似文献   

冯平 《阴山学刊》2011,(5):63-66
The term "Other" is a key concept in the framework of postcolonialism.This paper attempts to analyze the native black people’s role-"the Other" in the process of colonization.The British writer Doris Lessing finds the unltimate expression in her first novel The Grass Is Singing.With the settlement of the colonizers,the South Africa has been rendered by the white colonizers as "the Other World" and the native people are regarded as "the Other" who are degraded into unspeakable animals by white people.  相似文献   

顾海兵  孙挺 《学术界》2012,(1):35-44
Ⅰ.Building an Index System of National Economic Security CapabilityThe connotation of national economic security is improving economy’s anti-crisis ability by strengthening its mechanism.Then it ensure China’s economic stability and health facing external impacts.〔1〕National economic security capability is part of national economic security and helps keep economy stable in front of external challen-ges.  相似文献   

Zhang Lü 《学术界》2015,(2):303-307
Linguistic civilization orientation is a necessity for all eras,with which the motivation,viable model and pragmatic hypothesis of the language can be formed."Chinese character— Chinese language"takes on different cultures in different regions, embodying the integration of language and civilization. As a result, in order to analyze linguistics, it is necessary for us to compare the Chinese language at home and abroad, and it is the linguistic construction based on the public. The modern Chinese language inherits the cultural connotation of the Chinese linguistics and answers the regional hypothesis and establishes the new linguistic system for the Chinese language in different regions.  相似文献   

Xunzi's Position on the Issue of Human Nature - -A Concurrent Discussion on Three Realms of Human Nature Development ,Some Views on the Promotion of XinjiangS Leap Forward in Development and Its Long -term Sta- bility - -Grasping the Spirit of the Central Work Conference on Xinjiang's Development,On Public Opinion Security in the Internet Age and Social Stability in Ethnic Minority Frontier Areas of Western China  相似文献   

“养老”·“教养”·儒家“教化”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虽然以往一些论著已经注意到"教养"这一说法的出现与上古中国庠序中的"养老"有关联,但对这"养老"的具体内涵的解释却并不准确。文章对"养老"的内涵重新作了分辨,并进而考察了先秦儒家在春秋战国之际对"教养"内涵的改造,从而找出了"教养"之所以后来与人的人格修养关联在一起的人文逻辑线索。通过对"教养"原意的追溯,论文揭示了先秦儒家教化的独特品格与其对于人的生命成全的重大意义。  相似文献   

<易经>是早期中华民族智慧的结晶.<易经>认为世界万物皆由阴阳两种不同元素组成."阴阳和谐"是事物变化发展的前提和基础.阴阳变易,整体和谐,才得以化生万物.<易经>之"和",是中国"和"文化的源泉,在中华数千年文明的历史进程中,"和"文化对于维护社会稳定,增强民族凝聚力,起到了十分重要的作用.今天我们构建社会主义和谐社会,"和"文化仍然是值得我们借鉴和吸收的重要文化资源,"和"的智慧和哲学在当代仍然发挥着十分重要的作用.  相似文献   

作为对当代文学英雄叙事传统的承接和延续,"新时期"文学"英雄悲剧"的叙事必然遭遇重构"个人"与"整体"关系的多重挑战;同时,与"受害者"和正剧英雄的形象相比,悲剧性"英雄"的塑造提出了更高的人格建构要求."新时期"英雄悲剧的叙事不同程度地陷入叙事矛盾导致的文本困境,尖锐地暴露了个人自我的成长在具体历史语境中的两难处境,也预示了当代文学英雄叙事传统的落幕.  相似文献   

九十年代,孔范今把20世纪中国文学放在“历史的悖论性结构”中来把握,探求“文学的补偿性调整与发展”。在此基础上,近年他进一步提出了以“现代转型”为观照视角的文学史观。他的文学史观秉持学理性的学术立场,力求达到历史与逻辑的统一,体现出动态性、超越性、包容性的理论姿态,真正使“二十世纪中国文学”在“复式结构”中得以多方位的整体性还原。  相似文献   

“平民小说”与“士人小说”概念的重新提出和定义,并用以宏观关照宋元以来的中国古代小说:《金瓶梅》以前的小说多是“平民小说”,明清之际小说主流转向“士人小说”,直至近代。以“四大奇书”为代表的明代小说的“平民小说”性质。清代“士人小说”的流变及特征。  相似文献   

从语言哲学、诠释学和宗教现象学等视域加以分析,中国传统文化中"无言"的天与西方基督教中"言说"的上帝存在着以下不同:由于天"无言",使其所指隐含着多义性和随意性,而由于上帝"言说",使其所指被限定为独一的位格神;"无言"的天"出场"的时间性极其模糊,而"言说"的上帝"出场"则具有清晰的时间性;人与"无言"的天之间是"我与它"的共生关系,而人与"言说"的上帝之间则是"我与你"的对话关系;"无言"的天更多的是"直观地"启发人,而"言说"的上帝则往往"临在地"启示人;对于"无言"的天,人主要通过感悟和体会去认知,而对于"言说"的上帝,人只能借助信仰和激情去体认;"无言"的天以"道说"而澄明,"言说"的上帝则因其话语不断"冥化"而隐蔽.  相似文献   

李奇志 《江汉论坛》2007,(1):120-123
清末民初的"英雌救国"小说有着深深的"性政治"情意结,其中的"情""色"叙事,基本上是被限定在民族革命国家命运的排他主义的框架中才可能存在.政治历史处境中的"情""色"被空前突出,民族革命的权力把"英雌"的"情""色"内涵紧紧地制约在"救国"的既定轨道上.  相似文献   

荣鑫 《兰州学刊》2009,(3):13-16
诚如大卫·里斯曼所言,当今社会已经由生产性社会转向消费社会。然而,消费社会并不止于物的“丰盛”,其成为其所是的根本在于其具有完备的符码规则、话语体系。正因此,其呈现出平等、民主化的幻象。要透过幻象进而认识消费社会的真实的社会结构,需要通过解读消费社会的区分逻辑达成。笔者认为,鲍德里亚《消费社会》一书为我们提供了解读该区分逻辑的锁钥。在文章中,笔者在结构主义语境中对区分逻辑加以分析,以此为基础,解读《消费社会》中的区分逻辑。由此,揭示消费社会真实社会结构的生成原则。  相似文献   

“概念创新”和“形象创新”是在前人理论的指导下提出的一个符合经营思想创新要求的理念。通过企业生产力要素的变化过程,可发现它们对提升企业经营力具有重要作用;它们对于指导企业创新实践的成功意义十分重大,能够促使企业在管理模式、创新方法、人才管理、形象塑造等方面突破旧式,使企业以更先进、更富人性化的管理方式生存。  相似文献   

关于名称和本质的若干思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘叶涛 《江汉论坛》2005,1(1):72-76
本文从现代名称理论的历史及具体争议入手,在对国内外有关研究成果进行比较研究的基础上,论证名称理论与本质主义的密切关系,阐明明确认识本质主义论争对于正确把握现代名称理论的重要意义,并就学界研讨中的一些相关问题进行讨论。  相似文献   

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