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Exploration and Enlightenment on Chinization of Humanism Thought of China's Bourgeoisie
Tan Peiwen
Abstract: As a proposition with special connotation, the Chinization of Marxist humanism thought was gradually formed in the 1990s. However, this does not mean there was no Chinization of humanism thought during China's bourgeois revolution before the time. The humanism thought of China's bourgeois revolution, with Sun Yat-sen as a representative, is the combination of western humanitarianism thought and bourgeois-democratic revolution in China. The Chinization process of bourgeois humanism thought can be classified as the early publicity, communication, critic, filter and reform of western humanitarian thought. Sun Yat-sen emphasized on people's livelihood and proposed democratic politics, rejected selfishness and regarded the whole world as one community, which enrich the people-oriented connotation and provide important reference for China during its construction of a socialist and harmonious society.  相似文献   

The amount of thought given to the death penalty is almost equal to that which the entire field of humanities and social science has expended on life itself, and shows no signs of flagging. The question may be formulated as a purely philosophical one, but it has also drawn the attention of political scientists. Naturally, it is also an important legal issue.Papers presented in this special issue on the death penalty cover both substantive and procedural law. In "On the 'Criterion' of Proof in Capital Cases and the Revision of the Code of Criminal Procedure," Professor Wang Minyuan discusses the trial hearing from the perspective of the Criminal Procedure Law, arguing that whether a capital case meets the most rigorous requirements for proof is the basic standard by which its quality should be measured and the key to solving quality problems in capital cases. In "The Death Penalty and Human Rights," Professor Chen Zhonglin reflects upon the legitimacy of the death penalty from the perspective of substantive law, and emphasizes the need for a correct understanding of the conditions for application of the death sentence and the suspended death sentence stipulated in the Criminal Law of China.  相似文献   

Qing dynasty was keen on jade and related objects made of jade, which gave rise to the rapid development and great improvement of the jade manufacturing techniques. The techniques in that period collectively referred to as “Qianlong Gong”. The artworks made by “Qianlong Gong” are of great technical and artistic values and even known as the luxuries in the collection circle.  相似文献   

( 1 )Preliminary Analysis on the Model of Transactional Analysis in Social Work
Wen Jun Yi Zhenzhen · 3 ·
The transactional analysis (TA) is considered a technique to interpret and analyzed the process of communication. Distinct behaviors and feelings are measured through different ego states that represent the attributes of parent, adult and child. As TA is exchange of expression, so it may be categorized in terms of complementary, crossed and ulterior transactions. The interactive concepts of TA are easy to read and understand, so its applicability is wide, especially in the field of social work in recent years. The author point out that with its development, we should not just be limited to the individual' s inner psychological analysis, but also pay more attention to the role of external factors, and concentrate ef- forts on the self-remodeling of clients.  相似文献   

Before his death Lu Xun was sub-jected to every kind of taunt, abuse, cursesand attack, and even after his death he couldnot rest in peace: unintentional misunderstand-ings and deliberate distortions have followedone another without end. Lu Xun’s failureto be understood by others is rooted in hisideological “heresies.” These heresies arerelated to the progressiveness, rebelliousspirit and tenacity of the Yue culture, a localculture of the Chinese nation, and are morecorrelated spiritually…  相似文献   

The emergence of various schools is the most prominent feature of the Western mythological research in the 20th century, which helps to lead the disciplinary integration and construct a new academic paradigm. In the research of civilization origins, Nanno Marinatos' view that there is a symbiotic interaction between the Minoan civilization and the Mediterranean civilization (given in his book, Minoan Kingship and the Solar Goddess: A Near Eastern Koine), solves in some way the long debates on the origin of the Greek civilization. And the interpreting mode of the interdisciplinary comparison between iconographic patterns initiated by him, undoubtedly plays an essential role in guiding the interdisciplinary interaction.  相似文献   

(1)An Introduction of Professor Yuan Fang' s Social Work Educational Thought and Practice in Pro- moting Professional Development
Professor Yuan Fang is one of the forerunners in the restoration of social work profession in China and has profound social work educational thought. He defines social work as a professional discipline which should have solid sociology theory foundation and be supported by the social welfare and social security system in responding multiple needs of vulnerable population. Sociology can be viewed as a broader vision of social work. Social welfare and social security system is the institutional base to prac- tice social work and professional social work provides an important way to solve problems of the vul- nerable. He argues that social work should be professionalized and social work education should be closely tied with practical sectors. His thought plays an important role in directing social work' s resto- ration and its future development in China.  相似文献   

Since the 1980s, there has been an upsurge of Hui studies at home and abroad, among which the most important is the study of Huizhou merchants with a variety of books and papers emphasizing their commercial success, and also exploring the characteristics and effects of Huizhou merchants' "trading while favoring Confucianism." A Study of Bao Tingbo's Book Collecting and Block Printing (published by Yellow Mountain Publishing House, 2011) is just a part of the studies of Huizhou merchants; starting from a specific case, it highlights the outstanding contributions that the Huizhou merchants as a special group had made to cultural and academic development in the Qing dynasty.  相似文献   

The relationships between state and society underwent tremendous changes dur- ing state building from the late nineteenth century to the mid-twentieth century in China. The gradual establishment of the so- cialist planned economic system from the 1950s to the 1990s and of market economic system after the 1990s had a great impact on state-society relationships. Overall, in the interactions between state and society the government as a proxy of the state is always active and in a dominant positi…  相似文献   

It has been two decades since the Third Plenary Session of theEleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Twosignificant events occurred during this period: a shift in emphasis from"class struggle" to economic development; and a shift in the economicsystem from a planned to a market economy. These events have had aprofound influence on China's socio-economic development, and led tospeculation on the relationship between the state and society, public lawsand private laws.The…  相似文献   

Ever since the pre-Qin period, almost all scholars, thinkers and philosophers in all dynasties have thought about and studied the issue of “how to run the country well” in varying ways and have put forward a vari- ety of different views and theories. We may use a cover-all term for their exploratory work and its intellectual results: “China’s clas- sical management science.” The philosophers and thinkers of the pre-Qin period did not concern themselves with political institutions. They n…  相似文献   

On 10 April 2002, Professor Qin Yi, Editor-in-Chief of Social Sciences in China Press,interviewed Dr. Klaus Kautzor-Schroder. The influence of China's accession to both of theWTO and China itself, and how China will implement its accession protocol were discussedin the interview. Dr. Kautzor-Schroder served in the GATT from the 1970s to the pre-found-ing period of the WTO. He was Director in the GATT Secretariat for 20 years and responsiblefor tariffs, NTMs, AD, Subsidies, safeguards, FTA and a number of other trade policy-relatedareas. During his tenure of office he took part in the Tokyo Round and Uruguay Round multi-lateral trade negotiations. After retiring in 1991, Dr. Kautzor-Schroder has given his help toa number of developing countries in their accession process. He has visited China many timesin connection with the training of Chinese civil servants and young professionals. This inter-view was conducted during his stay in China.  相似文献   

The share of labor income in China's national income shrank dramatically from the mid- 1990s onwards, accompanied by the shrinking of the share of household income and a continuing rise in the shares of corporate and government income. As income distribution is closely related to social stability, public well-being and economic development, changes in this regard and the related policy suggestions have attracted wide attention. The four articles in this special issue are devoted to answering three questions: a) what has caused the decline in labor income share? b) what factors have contributed to the changes in the distribution of national income among the corporate, govemment and household sectors? and c) what impact does the changing distribution of national income have on the national saving rate?  相似文献   

Li Shu on Study     
The essence of Li Shu's statements on study, an importantcomponent among his ideas, rests on his advocacy of mental emancipation and the rejection of modern superstitions, new obscurantism, newslavishness, and old and new dogmatism, in order to maintain a freeatmosphere for academic study, holding practice as the criterion fortruth, so that new problems can be recognized, studied and settled in anew context.The Core of Li Shu's Statements onStudy - Mental EmancipationA successful scholar mu…  相似文献   

The six-volume Zhongguo Dongbei shi (A History of NortheastChina), the result of more than ten years' work by over twenty authors,has made a great impact in the field, and its influence has even extendedto the fields of frontier history and studies on regional history. The workwas published by Jinn Literature and History Publishing House, andedited by the late historian Tong Dong.The study of the history of Northeast China, which developedroughly simultaneously with that of frontier stud…  相似文献   

The term "community" bears totally different meanings at different times in China.
In the era of the planned economy, social welfare, social services, and even political mobilization and social control, were largely the responsibilities of the danwei (work units) that were subordinate to the government in China. Every danwei, whether economic in nature (e.g., factories, shops and people's communes) or a public institution (e.g., schools, hospitals and nursing homes) had to provide its members with an economic livelihood, medical care, education, and an old-age pension, in addition to undertaking its designated business. This extended to members' dependent children, for whose medical insurance and other benefits the danwei was responsible. A danwei was even responsible for matters in its members' private life such as marriage and funerals and mediating family disputes, in addition to ideological control and political education. Such being the case, all members of society were directly and closely bound to their danwei in terms of interests. In other words, every member of society was a typical "'danwei man." It was very hard for neighborhoods to play any social, cultural, political or economic role and form any "community" in the real sense of the word. Therefore, the economic, political and social institutions of that era are now called "danwei-based institutions."  相似文献   

Samuel Huntington attracted wide atten- tion with his 1993 article “A Clash of Civilizations?” and his 1996 The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of the World Order. Indeed, he has built an eye-catching framework for thought about world politics and thence exposed the major problems con- fronting the human race in the contempo- rary world. However, in the same way as the problems themselves remain largely concealed, this framework (or model) of thinking that attempts to touch upon …  相似文献   

The term "Xiyu" or the "Western Regions" first appeared as thetitle of a chapter in Ban Gu's History of the Han Dynasty (Han shu ),published in the early years of the Eastern Han dynasty. It was defined inthe book as an area "lying to the west of the Xiongnu and south of theWusun peoples; an area flanked by large mountains on its northern andsouthern sides, with a river flowing through its heart; an area measuringmore than six thousand li from west to east and over one thousand lifrom nort…  相似文献   

Huludao is rich in resources of ocean, mine and advantaged tourism. It has a strong backing in industry, and many large-sized State-owned enterprises. The city has made great achievements in the opening up to the outside world, but it has a lot of work to do in the opening wider and further. The Party secretary of the CPC Huludao Committee has a new thinking for opening up in an all-round way. He says that one of our important tasks is to give our superiority at position and resources into …  相似文献   

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