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Addressed in this paper are two problems that have received little empirical attention in the social movement literature: the problem of outward-reaching strategies and tactics and the problem of movement adaptation and accommodation to its environment of operation. The paper sheds some empirical and theoretical light on these two problems by examining how a contemporary religious movement in America has strategically sought to establish a viable, accommodative relationship with the larger society by attempting to render itself respectable and legitimate in the public eye. The findings suggest that movement accommodation might be best understood as an outward-reaching strategy aimed at securing “idiosyncrasy credit”—which is conceptualized as a movement-related resource that has the property of allowing a certain amount of idiosyncratic behavior or nonconformity.  相似文献   

Since the 1930s, jury deliberation has been studied only through questionnaire or interview, or experimental methods. This paper uses a participant observer approach to the study of deliberations in six juries. Juries were found to be concerned both with the issues in the trial and with the intersection of their own and the trial participants' birgraphies. Their deliberations included assessments of the moral character of the criminal participants, the competence of the attorneys and judges, both from within the context of jurors' own life experiences. The imagery of the “good juror,” the interactions with fellow jurors, and the extra-jury everyday life contingencies brought to the jury room also influenced deliberations.  相似文献   

This study tests Roof's (1972,1976,1978) local-cosmopolitan theory of religious commitment using a sample of Catholics living in west Tennessee. Consistent with Roof's theory, local community reference (localism) had significant positive effects on four measures of religious beliefs and played a limited role in mediating the effects of education, size of hometown, and length of residence on these measures. However, localism had inconsequential effects on four behavioral measures of religiosity. Possible explanations for these findings and implications they have for the generalizability of the theory are discussed.  相似文献   

Reviewing past research on news and mass media, this article charges it is “administrative” research which accepts the presuppositions of the media being studied, particularly their emphasis on “facts” as discrete and objective phenomena. It also suggests that there are epistemological problems implicit in such concepts as “bias” and “refraction” used in gate-keeping studies. The article offers an alternative paradigm, described as “serious work on the sociology of knowledge as a junction with the sociologies of organizations and occupations and professions.” Some studies using that paradigm are described.  相似文献   

In analyzing the process of facework engaged in by medical students in applying for medical school admission, data were collected on a number of theoretical problems which are in need of greater research and empirically-based theorizing. In terms of theory on facework, it was found that future research is needed into the stages of individuation and normalization. In terms of theory on professional socialization, analyses are required which reveal (1) the interpenetration of multiple socialization processes which invididuals participate in simultaneously; and (2) how individuals may use specific socialization processes to prepare them for multiple identities and roles.  相似文献   

A symbolic interactionist approach to the study of social organizations is specified. Materials are drawn from an on-going investigation of the American liquor industry, which is treated as a fragmented organization. The core actors, activities and interactional locales of the industry are identified. The problems of establishing a historical baseline for a case study are discussed, as are the problems of confronting archival data, locating informants, and establishing interactive linkages. The stages in writing a case history of an organization are presented and illustrated with examples drawn from the American liquor industry.  相似文献   

The law has enormous cultural significance; it creates many of the roles and statuses that structure people's lives, represents a society's values, establishes rights of cultural expression, and places restrictions on these rights. The cultural dimensions of the law are especially important for marginalized groups, as the law can act as a barrier to political and social inclusion or offer protection from discrimination. This essay argues that cultural studies of the law have overlooked the significance of the different sources of law. In the USA, culturally significant laws and legal interpretations can come from the judiciary or the legislature. Laws that are recognized by the judiciary or established by it through common law have a much different cultural significance from laws that are passed by legislatures. Judicial decisions are more symbolically meaningful, but may have a more limited power to produce deep cultural changes. Some major judicial decisions on minority rights, such as that in Brown vs. Board of Education, have even incited backlash. Legislative decisions tend to be seen as more legitimate and more reflective of the popular will, yet it may be more difficult for minority groups with limited resources to act through the legislature. Moreover, the legislature can also be used to by larger groups to block minority groups' attempts to gain rights. This essay illustrates the differences between these two sources of law and their comparative power to influence culture with key examples drawn from the civil rights movement and the gay rights movement.  相似文献   

Approaching the topic of American leader-image from the perspective of politics-as-theater (political communication as exchange of symbols), this paper examines a taken-for-granted visual symbol which a national political leader is invariably expected to present: a wife. Her contributions to her husband's “impression management” techniques (Goffman, 1959) are studied in Goffman's “defensive” categories of dramaturgical loyalty, dramaturgical discipline, and dramaturgical circumspection. This analysis suggests that the visible presence of a wife in public leadership rituals offers the public voter or viewer important reassurances or symbolic guarantees about her husband's “morality”—and, therefore, his appropriateness for public trust. She has become a necessary partof his public performance because of our everyday need for “cultural absolutes” (Furay, 1977) in the image of our leadership figures.  相似文献   

The comic relief of the theater has an everyday analog. It is seen in the momentary humorous respites from the seriousness or lengthy concentration on a collective task commonly found in certain spheres of daily life. These respites facilitate the completion of that task by refreshing the participants. Observations of social comic relief made during a series of rehearsals and performances of an amateur theater company are reported. The nature and function of this sort of humor is considered, first in theater, and then in other similar settings. A comparison of social comic relief as a function of humor with selected philosophical and psychological relief theories of humor follows. A concluding section considers the place of creativity and wit in social comic relief.  相似文献   

Lin  Nan 《Public opinion quarterly》1974,38(4):562-573
The Mclntire-led March for Victory, held in Washington, D.C.,in 1970, in support of U.S. Victory in Vietnam, provided thedata for constructing a model to detect the dynamic processof participation commitment: the source and date of initialawareness and the extent of information and opinion relaying.One interesting observation was that political ideology relativeto the war in Vietnam, although a dominant theme in the march,played an insignificant role in participation commitment; previousbehavior in similar activities was a far more relevant factor.  相似文献   

In this paper I focus on how women in their first year of medical school build biographies of fitness as a means of negotiating the status of peer in a male-dominated group. Their goal is to negotiate a master status and primary identity as medical student. They do this by making gender, a key characteristic, both irrelevant and relevant. I also discuss the technique of using interview data to provide a particular perspective on the medical students' situation and their use of the interview as a vehicle for identity building. I conclude that women's apparent success in maintaining identities as successful people and in negotiating barriers to the collegia! status stem both from their numbers and from using situationally appropriate vocabularies of motives to build past and future biographies of fitness.  相似文献   

Careful consideration of Mead's theory of universals proves to be a corrective to a number of tendencies evident in the work of at least some influential contemporary symbolic interactionists. Mead avoids any realistic hypostatization of separate universals (“meanings,” “forms,” or “essences” while at the same time eschewing nominalistic and conventionalistic views of language. His principle of the objective reality of perspectives (1932:161-175) allows him to grant objective reality to universal characteristics of concrete objects, but entails neither hypostatization nor idealization of the universal. In addition to contravening nominalism and conventionalism, Mead's theory of universals provides a perspective from which the reality of the self, and the importance of intentional action for the development of a firmly felt sense of self and autonomy, can both be affirmed. Far from being an illusion or mer.e symbolic construct, the self is seen to be an objectively real universal within the perspective of social action.  相似文献   

Abstract We analyze the relationship between legitimation, resource mobilization, and political opportunity and the founding rate of national environmental organizations between 1895 and 1994. We address recent criticisms that organizational ecologists' reliance on the density dependence model—which treats legitimation as an unmeasured intervening variable—has failed to capture the active sociopolitical character of this process. We advocate a more historical approach to legitimation which relies on print media to construct direct measures of legitimation. Specifically, we use the yearly count of environmental books published as a measure of the legitimacy of environmentalism in the U.S. This count remains statistically significant and positively related to foundings even when other variables are added to the model. A negative second‐order effect of total books suggests that the recent proliferation of state and local environmental organizations is beginning to depress the founding rate of national organizations. Variations in resource mobilization and political opportunity also have affected foundings, though variables measuring the latter were not significant in the full model.  相似文献   

Abstract In this article, I put forward a Marxian analysis of the conflict over dam-building on the Narmada River in central and western India, which seeks to bring out how in this specific conflict it is possible to discern the workings of the master change processes that have moulded the Indian trajectory of postcolonial capitalist development. I start by showing how the concrete case of dispossession in the Narmada Valley is expressive of how the development strategies that defined the postcolonial nation-building project have been moulded in such a way as to create a de facto transfer of productive resources to the country's dominant proprietary classes. I then move on to argue that these features of the political economy of India's postcolonial development project can be understood as the sediment of struggles between social movements from above and below in the decades immediately prior to Independence. Arguing that the postcolonial development project has unravelled, I outline the fundamentals of an analysis of the characteristics of social movements from below in the conflictual field of force which is emerging in its wake. Finally, I draw on the trajectory of resistance to dam-building on the Narmada to articulate a series of reflections on the nature of state power in India and the possibilities that might exist for the state to function as an enabling space for the struggles of subaltern social groups.  相似文献   

The Value Profile is a general purpose inventory of values developed for use in research on interpersonal relations. Eight hundred and seventy-two value statements were collected from tests of values, personality tests, theoretical treatments of values, and statements made by subjects in group discussions. A factor analysis of 143 items representing all value positions yielded four orthogonal factors: I, Acceptance of Authority; II, Need-determined Expression vs. Value-determined Restraint; III, Equalitarianism; and IV, Individualism. The underlying factor space seems to be congruent with that obtained by Morris, and others, and provides a means of relating existing theoretical classifications of value positions to each other.  相似文献   

This paper describes a follow-up study of 40 consecutive whole family admissions. One hundred and forty three families have been admitted over the past three years. The reasons for admission are described as well as some explanation of the factors contributing to the 80% successful outcome based on independent therapist and parent reports.  相似文献   

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