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在大数据和人工智能时代,企业人力资源管理面临着一定的冲击和影响,主要表现为企业缺乏复合型的管理人才、数据获取能力以及数据安全保护机制缺乏制约人工智能型人力资源管理转型、科层式的组织机构不利于大数据和人工智能时代的人力资源管理以及未来机器代人导致的员工再就业问题等。为此,企业人力资源管理部门应树立变革意识,积极应对人工智能带来的挑战;培养企业复合型人才,建立终生学习机制;建立企业人才数据库,满足紧缺人才供给需求;构建扁平化组织结构,实现"去中心化"人力资源管理;建立员工数据保护和监管的有效防范机制,保护员工的隐私不受侵害;构建全面认可激励机制,提升员工创造力;转变人力资源管理者的工作角色和工作方式。  相似文献   

<正>伴随着新经济时代和新技术革命成长起来的新生代员工对新时期管理带来了机遇与挑战,管理者该如何构建管理新思维、探索管理新模式是一个崭新的课题。本文所探讨的新生代员工是指以"80后""90后"为代表的受过高等教育的知识型员工。一、取变革之势我国新一届政府对民生问题和社会建设的高度关注,在微观管理实践中的体现就是对员工自我价值实现和幸福管理的充分重视。十八届三中全会吹响了新一轮改革的集结号,国家层面的宏大叙事和顶层设计将会  相似文献   

市场经济运行的时代,社会人的整体素质水平提高,对人性全面发展的要求上升到一个新的水平。员工首先作为社会人,在一定的组织中工作,接受组织的管理。作为组织的管理者如何把员工管理好,让员工有全面的发展,让组织能完成目标等问题,只有把员工放在首要的地位,即人本管理;而运用好这个理论的前提,就是要明确在这个实践管理过程中管理者的定位。  相似文献   

由于中国人"互依自我"和"关系导向"的国民性,中国服务企业具有发展关系营销的先天优势。西方顾客关系理论侧重企业作为营利性组织整体和顾客的企业互动,而忽视管理者、员工和顾客作为社会个体的社会互动,缺乏对社会人情的考量和借重。同时,本土企业的管理者、员工在工作中往往自发采用人情手段,但缺乏将之提升为竞争战略和管理手段的理论依据。本文一方面梳理出中国式顾客关系的核心变量——信任、承诺—企业真情、承诺—社会人情,另一方面构建了一个经由企业互动导向、变革型领导和员工互动响应对中国式顾客关系的、企业互动和社会互动共同作用的双驱动模型,揭示本土关系营销中人情关系裹挟管理行为和商业行为的特征,而以珠三角地区209家服务企业为调查对象的数据分析结果表明,相比只考虑企业互动的单驱动模型,加入了社会互动因素的双驱动模型的拟合性得到了改进,路径系数的显著性检验也得到了更强的支持。最后本文就中国本土服务企业顾客关系的本质特征及主要影响因素进行了讨论。  相似文献   

如果计划不如变化,企业是否需要制定战略?需要制定什么样的战略?以及如何有效管理战略?这是企业经营环境动态化给企业战略管理研究提出的严峻挑战.通过整合企业战略管理的理性学派与非理性学派的理论贡献,总结了动态条件下的企业战略决策包括了事前主动决策和事中反应性决策;有效的企业战略管理需要有机结合承诺坚定、决策科学和行动迅速.同时,提出有效回应上述挑战的方法应该是将企业战略决策的内容划分为战略承诺、战略决策和战略行动3个有机组成部分,以便企业战略管理者在阶段、对象及方法上进行战略决策和战略管理.  相似文献   

作为管理者,如何通过各种管理手段来实现企业管理目标?"激励是管理的核心"。通过有效激励可以充分开发运用人力资源,调动员工的积极性和创造性,提高组织绩效,实现组织的既定目标,促进企业发展。  相似文献   

伦理人假设是指在以人为本的基础上,追求利润的同时承担社会责任,以达到追求卓越与和谐的统一。文章在分析伦理人假设的内涵和特点后指出,应结合中国文化传统和西方科学管理,贯彻"伦理人"人性假设思想,从而使企业提升社会责任意识,注重领导决策伦理化和培养员工的工作伦理,以实现个人、组织和社会之间的和谐发展。  相似文献   

随着时代以及社会的发展,企业的发展面临着更多的发展机遇和更大的挑战,只有不断地进行各项管理改革与创新,才能为企业竞争力的增强提供活力。绩效管理作为一种有效的企业人力资源管理手段,它的结果可以直接应用到企业工作人员的晋升、调动、报酬以及离职的决定等,绩效管理贯穿于人力资源运行、投入和产出的整个过程中,是提升企业管理的战略性、增强企业竞争力的重要法宝。因此,在最新的历史形势下,如何提升企业人力资源绩效管理,逐渐成为企业界备受关注的热议话题。  相似文献   

伦理领导力是领导者强化自身伦理行为以及下属伦理行为的能力。伦理领导力在组织层级之间存在着垂滴传导的态势。根据社会交换理论、调节焦点理论和社会学习理论,领导者伦理个人和伦理管理者的二重属性通过不同机制沿着"高层领导—中层领导—员工"自上而下扩散。基于此,为实现伦理领导力良性循环,需要促进伦理领导力的整合。高层领导要开好头,成为组织首席伦理官;中层领导要接好棒,发挥承上启下的中介作用;员工要再开局,为组织伦理水平提升贡献力量。如此,方可形成三元传导与三元共治的可持续发展。  相似文献   

<正>诺贝尔经济学奖获得者西蒙认为,管理行为是"有限理性"和"满意解"的统一,非程序化决策必然导致管理者选择机会与风险适宜的行为。现实管理过程因各种因素影响,管理者行为差异明显。特别是受社会知觉效应干扰,一些管理者行为与方式的选择常常主观臆断,人为忽视员工的自我人性假设,严重脱离员工个体需求满足,挫伤了员工积极性,降低了其满意度,导致管理效果事倍功半。而作为管理思想、管理观念认识基础的人性假设,对于管理效果、管理成败的意义就在于它直接决定管理者行为方式的选择,也时时左右员工自我行为方式的判断。研究人性假设理论,对于进一步提高管理者行为方式选择的科学性和灵活性,具有积极意义。  相似文献   

虚拟企业及其智能化管理   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:19  
随着计算机技术和信息技术的高速发展.虚拟企业将是未来企业的有效组织形式。企业组织形式与经营模式的巨大变革,将促使企业管理模式的更新、因此,虚拟企业与由虚拟企业所引申的管理理念(本文称之为虚拟企业策略)、虚拟企业管理三者之间存在本质的差异。本文针对当前对"虚拟企业"理解和认识上的不完善,系统地阐述了虚拟企业的有关概念,并讨论了虚拟企业的体系结构,提出了虚拟企业智能化管理的基本思想.探讨了虚拟企业管理智能决策综合集成系统的总体设计方案和若干关键技术问题。  相似文献   

This paper critically reviews the literature relating to the management of ethics within organizations and identifies, in line with other authors, a gap between theory and practice in the area. It highlights the role of management (both as an academic discipline and from a practitioner perspective) in bridging this gap and views managers, with their sense of individual ethical agency, as a key locus of ethics within organizations. The paper aims to address the theory–practice gap by surveying the business ethics literature in order to identify, draw together and integrate existing theory and research, with a particular emphasis upon models of ethical decision-making and their relationship to work values. Such an endeavour is necessary, not only because of the relative neglect of management practice by business ethics researchers, but also because of the current lack of integration in the field of business ethics itself. The paper outlines some of the main methodological challenges in the area and suggests how some of these may be overcome. Finally, it concludes with a number of suggestions as to how the theory–practice gap can be addressed through the development of a research agenda, based upon the previous work reviewed.  相似文献   

接班人的选择与培养对于家族企业的生存发展至关重要。本文通过文献回顾、深度访谈和问卷调查方式,采用探索性和验证性因子分析方法构建了家族企业接班人的胜任—绩效模型。结果显示,模型具有较好的拟合度,家族企业接班人胜任能力包括社会网络、政府关系、发现机会、承担风险、资源整合、战略决策、学习创新和科学管理八个因子,其中,前四个因子和后四个因子可以分别归属于管理素质和管理技能两个一级因子;家族企业的继承绩效包括客观绩效和主观绩效两个因子,其中,客观绩效包括人才结构、产品技术、品牌形象、市场份额、利润增长和企业规模六个二级因子,而主观绩效主要包括家族满意和员工满意两个二级因子;社会网络、学习创新、政府关系、资源整合等因子对于家族企业的继承绩效具有更显著的相关性关系,而社会网络和政府关系对于企业继承的影响颇具中国特色。  相似文献   

The arrival of the Internet offers the opportunity to fundamentally reinvent medicine and health care delivery. The "e-health" era is nothing less than the digital transformation of the practice of medicine, as well as the business side of the health industry. Health care is only now arriving in the "Information Economy." The Internet is the next frontier of health care. Health care consumers are flooding into cyberspace, and an Internet-based industry of health information providers is springing up to serve them. Internet technology may rank with antibiotics, genetics, and computers as among the most important changes for medical care delivery. Utilizing e-health strategies will expand exponentially in the next five years, as America's health care executives shift to applying IS/IT (information systems/information technology) to the fundamental business and clinical processes of the health care enterprise. Internet-savvy physician executives will provide a bridge between medicine and management in the adoption of e-health technology.  相似文献   

Rapid growth of technology innovations promotes governments world-wide to actively explore the best way to realize its economic benefits. Likewise, Chinese government has positioned advances of high technology a driving-force to continued economic achievements, and launched various high-tech policies. This case study focuses on computer-aided design (CAD), a key field under policy support, discloses policy’s critical role. Interview/survey data from corporate and academic leaders were also collected and synthesized. The emergence of university–industry collaboration, capitalizing university intellectual property, and new modes in CAD innovation and technology diffusion are among those major findings. A Model is also proposed. The study provides new observations for debates to high-tech policy-makers and can benefit scholars and business managers seeking to understand the environment in China, and serve as a foundation for further policy and management research.  相似文献   

科技创新引领技术变革,加速变革的科技正在重塑世界政治、经济和社会发展的新格局、新形势。一系列新场景、新环境下的管理决策问题,如新一代移动通讯、人工智能、物联网、轨道交通与建筑工程、医疗工程、能源环境工程等,开启了管理科学与工程学科研究的新局面,并提出了全新的要求和挑战。本文通过系统梳理和总结相关文献和课题项目,阐述管理科学与工程领域的关键技术发展态势,并结合领域权威专家的问卷和访谈结果,立足新技术融合和新产业应用两个方面概括了技术驱动下管理科学与工程的主要研究方向。  相似文献   

低碳技术创新是解决高排放的重要手段,本文首先针对低碳技术创新复杂系统进行分析,根据政企双方在不同时期、不同阶段的博弈状态和博弈形成机理,建立了动态赋时博弈模型,分析了政府的决策做出对企业低碳技术创新系统性能指标的时间量特性影响。政企在低碳技术创新行为决策博弈中,某一时段的目标函数取决于当前双方的博弈状态和前一时段演进过程中博弈结果。然后,建立了动态博弈下的企业目标决策模型和动态博弈下政府目标决策模型,以利润最大化来组织生产的企业,政府的低碳规制会直接影响企业低碳技术创新决策行为,政府的低碳经济与环境保护责任目标要求企业的单位排放量的销售额是稳定增加的,或者单位销售额的排放量的稳定下降,这就要求不断地进行低碳技术创新。最后,给出了双重集成引导低碳规制的路径选择方法,并以安徽省部分调研企业数据为例进行了仿真应用验证,验证结果表明所设计的低碳规制路径的合理性,为低碳环境下政府制定合适的引导企业低碳技术创新政策规制提供了科学的参考依据。  相似文献   

Knowledge management is seen by many to be a prerequisite for the successful organization, and one that relies heavily, though not exclusively, on a sound technological infrastructure. A major drawback, though, with current technology (e.g. Lotus Notes and www) is its focus on information management and communication rather than on knowledge itself. What knowledge management needs is tools and techniques that are more oriented towards knowledge – its creation, mapping, transfer and use. We show how many of the methods and tools used in the branch of artificial intelligence known as knowledge engineering can be adapted to provide such a knowledge-oriented technology, and lead to significant benefits for organizations. A number of case studies are presented which illustrate our points, including decision-making at Andersen Consulting and best practice at Rolls-Royce. A more elaborated use is shown in the context of business process re-engineering, where a new software tool kit called SPEDE is being applied and validated within the aerospace and automotive industries.  相似文献   

Outsourcing is a phenomenon that as a practice originated in the 1950s, but it was not until the 1980s when the strategy became widely adopted in organizations. Since then, the strategy has evolved from a strictly cost focused approach towards more cooperative nature, in which cost is only one, often secondary, decision-making criterion. In the development of the strategy, three broad and somewhat overlapping, yet distinct phases can be identified: the era of the Big Bang, the era of the Bandwagon, and the era of Barrierless Organizations. This paper illustrates that the evolution of the practice has caused several contradictions among researchers, as well as led to the situation where the theoretical background of the phenomenon has recently become much richer. Through examining existing research, this paper intends to identify the development of outsourcing strategy from a practical as well as a theoretical perspective from its birth up to today. In addition, through providing insights from managers in the information technology industry, this paper aims at providing a glimpse from the future – that is – what may be the future directions and research issues in this complex phenomenon?  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that the Taiwan’s machine tool industry as a whole is prominent in the world, ranking sixth in output and fifth in exports. This paper explores the current status and features of Taiwan’s national systems of innovation (NSI) for its machine tool industry. It is suggested that five major elements of the NSI explain the extensive diffusion of new technologies in the industry, namely: industry clusters, educational system, bridging institutions, government policy, and global business environment. Further, the structural and institutional problems of the innovation system are identified. Future directions of technology development are also discussed.  相似文献   

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