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韩冰  王良燕  樊骅 《管理科学》2016,29(3):71-80
把对消费者社会阶层的社会认知研究扩展到消费者与品牌关系研究中,旨在探讨品牌关系类型(交换型vs.共享型)与消费者社会阶层(高vs.低)的交互效应对品牌评价的影响,并且考察企业管理者如何将品牌关系作为营销的有效手段以及如何根据消费者的社会阶层判断消费者对不同营销策略的反应。基于期望确认理论,通过验证消费者期望确认的中介效用,解释对品牌评价产生交互效应的理论作用机制。通过3项对中国真实消费者关于服务业和制造业的实验研究,采用聚光分析、方差分析和中介作用分析等统计方法对假设进行检验。 研究结果表明,品牌关系与消费者社会阶层存在匹配效应,进而影响对品牌的评价。与建立共享型品牌关系相比,高社会阶层的消费者对与其建立交换型品牌关系的品牌评价更高;与建立交换型品牌关系相比,低社会阶层的消费者对与其建立共享型品牌关系的品牌评价更高。交换型品牌关系提供的高质量产品和高效率服务可以更好地满足高社会阶层消费者的期望,共享型品牌关系提供的无条件的关心和帮助可以更好地满足低社会阶层消费者的期望。因此,当面临相对应的品牌关系定位时,消费者由于其期望得以确认,对品牌的评价更加积极。 企业在实际工作中需要关注消费者的社会阶层,进而选取适当类型的营销策略定位品牌与消费者的关系。通过探讨品牌关系和社会阶层的匹配效应丰富了品牌关系管理和社会阶层研究的理论应用,为企业的品牌管理提供了积极的实践价值和管理建议。将社会阶层作为提升品牌定位策略有效性的重要工具,企业应该认清目标消费者和潜在消费者的社会阶层,与其培育恰当的品牌关系以满足他们的期望。研究结果为企业更好管理品牌提供了具有启发性和实践性的方法。  相似文献   

在品牌竞争时代,企业要想在消费者心目中培育一个有分量的、具有亲和力的、满意的品牌,就需要借助品牌传播来形成独具个性的品牌文化,本文主要研究通过广告进行品牌文化传播,使企业把品牌文化准确有效地的传达给消费者的各种策略。  相似文献   

本研究基于品牌意图能动框架提出了品牌感知的能力、道德、亲切三维度模型,通过询问消费者对品牌感知三个维度的理解,让消费者列举相应品牌的方式挖掘这三个维度之于消费者的含义。本研究先后对10个品牌的消费者感知进行了调查,验证了品牌感知三维度框架的有效性,以及三个维度对积极品牌支持行为和消极品牌伤害行为的影响。研究结果表明品牌感知三维度框架能够较好地预测品牌支持行为和品牌伤害行为,对于具有不同特点产品的品牌这三个维度对品牌行为的影响强度存在差异,消费者对中国品牌(vs.外国品牌)的品牌行为较易受到道德因素的影响,而对奢侈品牌和有敌意国家品牌的品牌行为较易受到亲切维度的影响,亲切维度对品牌行为的影响有时会超过能力维度对品牌行为的影响,一定程度上否定了以往认为消费者对品牌的能力感知是驱动消费者购买意向和品牌忠诚主要因素的结论。品牌感知三维度框架为企业的品牌管理和品牌建设提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

品牌延伸对品牌权益影响之实证研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
品牌延伸是企业在推出新产品过程中经常采用的营销策略,也是提升品牌权益利用的重要方式.本文以问卷调查的方法,对于品牌纵向延伸策略对其品牌权益的影响进行了实证研究.研究结果证实了品牌向下延伸会对基于消费者的品牌权益产生负面影响;同时,关于品牌向上延伸对基于消费者的品牌权益产生正面影响的假设得到部分证实.最后,进一步讨论了研究结论和今后的研究方向.  相似文献   

随着网络普及化和微博的日渐成熟,企业在营销策略中越来越强调消费者参与和互动.本文结合微博传播的特点和品牌老化的原因,进行了老化品牌微博营销的SWOT分析,并提出应用微博这一平台进行老化品牌营销和品牌激活的策略.  相似文献   

品牌延伸已经成为企业推出新产品的主要策略之一,成功的品牌延伸可以帮助企业利用品牌这一无形资产,提高企业的绩效。本文首先回顾了品牌延伸的经典研究范式:从母品牌质量、母品牌与延伸产品匹配两个角度来研究品牌延伸评价,随后再从消费者个体属性视角来拓展此研究范式。在评价品牌延伸时,不同调节聚焦属性的消费者对于母品牌质量、母品牌与延伸产品匹配程度两个因素的相对重要性的判断存在差异:趋进型调节聚焦属性的消费者更加重视母品牌与延伸产品之间的匹配;规避型调节聚焦属性的消费者更加重视母品牌质量。在发现了调节聚焦对品牌延伸评价的影响后,本研究进一步揭示了母品牌类型、母品牌与延伸产品匹配的类型对上述影响的调节作用。  相似文献   

品牌故事是企业与消费者沟通的重要营销方式之一,示弱型和示强型的品牌故事哪种更能唤起消费者好感和取得消费者信任呢?消费者对不同类型品牌故事的感知和态度存在怎样的差异呢?本研究通过三个实验探讨了示弱和示强类型的品牌故事对消费者品牌态度影响的双重路径机制和作用边界。研究发现,激励感知和能力感知在品牌故事类型和消费者品牌态度中发挥了中介作用。与示强型品牌故事相比,示弱型品牌故事会增强消费者对品牌的激励感知;而与示弱型品牌故事相比,示强型品牌故事会增强消费者对品牌的能力感知。此外,本研究还进一步探索了消费者的内隐人格和品牌历史的调节作用。本研究结论丰富了品牌故事的理论发现,为企业品牌故事的设计和营销策略的制定提供了重要的实践启示。  相似文献   

随着在线社区的兴起,如何在社区中开展网络营销活动,不断提升消费者的品牌认同感,通过品牌的有效定位以占领更多的消费者心智份额日益受到越来越多品牌的关注和重视。本文将基于RAS信息接收-接纳(Receipt-Accept-Sample)模型,针对不同类型的消费者群体从社区平均心智份额与社区消费者心智份额两个角度探讨基于在线社区的消费者品牌认同提升效果,并根据品牌发布广告的信息复杂度与信息强度来揭示广告信息特征对消费者品牌认同提升效果的影响,进而提出在线社区消费者品牌认同提升的品牌定位实施策略建议。研究发现:(1)在线社区消费者的平均心智份额呈现曲折上升态势,品牌有必要适时调整支撑品牌定位的营销组合策略;(2)消费者的心智资源不会被某一品牌所独占,品牌无法获取所有消费者的认同;(3)品牌定位应是简单明了且易于理解;(4)在提升消费者的品牌认同时,应基于消费者个性展开提升而非消费者的能力与意识;(5)在线社区消费者品牌认同提升过程中始终存在被竞争品牌攻击与反超的风险,品牌可能会流失已经夺取的心智资源;(6)即使品牌重启新的品牌定位战略,也无法全部挽回因竞争品牌反击而遭受的损失。本文在验证以往品牌认同与品牌定位理论相关结论同时,也获得了现有理论中未曾揭示的研究发现,为品牌开展有效品牌定位,扩大消费者心智份额,提升在线社区消费者品牌认同提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

有关品牌文化内涵及影响因素的探索性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着商品经济的发展和市场竞争的日益激烈,品牌文化的建设已经成为一个品牌成功的关键.本研究基于扎根理论对品牌文化的概念模型进行了探索性研究.通过文献分析和质的研究(32个深度访谈、四组焦点团体访谈)相结合的方法,本研究认为品牌文化包括企业文化、产品与服务、品牌个性和理念以及品牌归属四个维度.品牌文化以企业文化为基础,以产品和服务为载体,通过理念、个性、声誉等品牌精神的塑造,最终使得用户对品牌产生归属感.在这一过程中,品牌文化的形成受到企业营销手段、社会潮流和消费者的共同影响.本研究为品牌文化的定量研究打下了坚实的基础,对品牌研究和营销实践都具有重要意义.  相似文献   

以真实消费者为样本对整体视角的品牌知识模型进行了检验。研究发现,品牌知识在内容上具有由品牌原型、基于产品、基于沟通体验和基于社会的品牌知识等13个维度构成的复合体系,在结构上具有品牌水平、属性水平的层次结构,品牌原型在知识组织中具有关键作用。研究结果为企业在营销日趋复杂化情形下开展品牌知识管理以提高营销产出提供了指引。  相似文献   

2009年,中国民族品牌借全球金融危机之机,为加快其全球化的步伐,花费重金并购国外强势品牌。然而,"蛇吞象"式的跨国并购背后却是消费者的认知失调。同时,国内外现有研究针对改善该认知失调的品牌战略研究十分有限。因此,本文基于认知一致性和顾客品牌资产(CBBE)理论,从弱势品牌视角出发,围绕如何有效减轻"蛇吞象"后消费者的认知失调,运用焦点小组、个人访谈、实验和LME模型,最终得到了一些重要的发现:品牌要素战略(名称变化)、营销支持战略(价格维持或降低)以及次级联想杠杆战略(原产地保留或去除)都对并后品牌绩效产生显著影响。此外,本研究还揭示了消费者认知失调的改善机制,即品牌契合度在减轻消费者失调的并后品牌战略交互效应对品牌绩效的影响中起着重要的中介作用。这些成果既可以丰富现有品牌战略管理理论,也为民族品牌国际化提供实践指导。  相似文献   

Brand alliances represent a popular business strategy in many industries, because firms hope to evoke positive consumer evaluations of both the alliance’s product and the partner brands. However, extant research offers mixed findings regarding the effects of a brand alliance on its partner brands (i.e., spillover effects). In response, this study separates spillover effects into the effects of the alliance product on the partner brands (brand alliance effects) and the effects between partner brands (brand contrast effects), while also noting the potential moderating impact of perceived attitude- and product-based fit between partner brands on resulting spillover effects. Two experimental studies consistently reveal the existence of brand contrast effects; furthermore, the partner brand’s attitude-based fit reduces undesired brand contrast effects and positively moderates spillover effects in brand alliances, whereas product-based fit does not. Therefore, a third study identifies relevant drivers of partner brand’s attitude-based fit for different brand alliances (i.e., co-branding, ingredient branding, and joint advertising). The findings have notable implications for the design and management of brand alliances.  相似文献   

农产品区域公用品牌建设在乡村振兴中发挥着重要作用,如何提升农产品区域公用品牌一直是各方关注的焦点。本文运用演化博弈方法,探讨了在提升农产品区域公用品牌过程中,不同场景下各参与主体如何进行策略选择,并用数值仿真对相关结论进行分析。研究结果表明:演化稳定策略受政府补贴力度、奖励、收益和成本的影响;合适的补贴力度有利于三方的共同参与,即农产品生产企业提升产品质量、品牌运营公司积极运营、地方政府严格监管;品牌运营公司给予企业的奖励应在一个合理的范围,同时上级政府增加对地方政府的奖励,也有利于三方共同的参与;降低参与成本和提升参与收益有利于激励农产品生产企业和品牌运营公司参与提升农产品区域公用品牌。  相似文献   

Drawing on the agency theory and the stakeholder theory, this study assesses strategies for corporate support to the arts and analyzes their organizational and contextual determinants. Based on an original dataset of Italian companies benefitting from a tax incentive program, we observe the following findings: smaller companies are more likely to contribute to the maintenance of the artistic heritage of the local area where they are located, with the aim of sustaining the cultural capital of their community (local legacy strategy); larger companies are more likely to support arts and culture as part of their social responsibility strategy (rich patronage strategy); medium-sized service companies are more likely to contribute a small amount of money to cultural and artistic events with a national appeal, with the aim of enhancing their reputation (Market-oriented strategy). Our research provides useful insights to artistic and cultural organizations for designing their fundraising activities and to policymakers interested in stimulating private donations for the preservation of a country's cultural heritage.  相似文献   

This research investigates negative spillover effects on brand trust and purchase intentions due to violations of implicit or explicit rules within brand cooperation (transgressions). In particular, this research examines a joint new product launch activity of a focal brand and a partner brand. Study 1, an experimental study with brand community members of the focal brand and different transgression scenarios, reveals fewer spillover effects on the focal brand when the partner brand is responsible for the transgression, and discovers more negative spillover effects on the partner brand when the focal brand causes the transgression. In other words, brand community members transfer the responsibility for the transgression to an external cause. Study 2 explores different forms of crisis communication in the context of a product launch delay and finds that a denial by the focal brand is more effective with respect to image restoration than a denial by the partner brand. However, when both brands deny responsibility at the same time, the denial negatively influences trust in both brands.  相似文献   

This article explores how the growth in concentration of the retail trade has influenced both the strategies and performances of brands within the FMCG industry. Three mature markets within the FMCG industry—tea, toothpaste and dishwashing liquid—are examined over a 13-year period (1982–1993). The study compares the strategies of dominant brands in these markets against those of second tier brands. Four key brand strategies—advertising, distribution, number of brand variants and pricing—are closely examined. The study illustrates the increasing divergence in the strategic profile of dominant and second tier brands and the emergence of a group of brands, termed ‘trapped’ brands, which are particularly vulnerable as a consequence of consolidation of the retail trade.  相似文献   

This literature review analyzes leading international business and management journals from 2000 to 2012 in order to explore the role of national culture in international business research. Through the analysis of the 265 selected articles, the study thematically maps the field and identifies research challenges and opportunities. It reflects on avenues for future research related to both thematic and methodological issues, among them: research focused on the impact of the home/host national culture on internationalization processes (as existing literature mainly focuses on cultural distance); the role to be played by new theoretical frameworks; and the need to consider cultural positions and cultural friction rather than traditional cultural distance when analyzing internationalization decisions.  相似文献   

Social networking sites (SNS) play an increasingly important role in the mix of brands’ marketing communication. A key question for marketing departments, therefore, is how brand posts can be best framed to provoke positive user reactions and interactions. In order to better understand the determinants of communication success on SNS, we propose a theoretical framework of how users process posts on SNS. Its logic suggests that the overall theme of a post (“post appeal”) is a main antecedent of communication success. Thus, we empirically examine the effects of post appeals on user interaction by profoundly analysing a sample of 1948 Facebook posts. Results show that some post appeals have positive and others have negative impact on user interaction. Interestingly, some of the appeals with positive impact are rarely used by brands, while some of the appeals with negative impact are used quite frequently, indicating that brands currently do not grasp the full potential of post appeal strategy. This article concludes by discussing theoretical and managerial implications.  相似文献   

在营销实践中存在大量的仿洋和仿古品牌名称,因为品牌名称作为信息确实会影响消费者的认知和态度。基于信息加工的角度,本文探讨了消费者如何加工品牌名称等多重信息。通过实验研究发现品牌名称与产品功能诉求在互补型匹配时传播效果更好,而且其效果具有一般性。这一结果有助于在更抽象的信息加工层面理解仿洋和仿古品牌名称的应用效果,因而更好地调控消费者的反应。  相似文献   

There is wide consensus that the brand experience literature (BEL) suffers from a deficit in conceptual works. This study argues that, for brand experience research to overcome its conceptual insipidity, it must re‐examine the core of its intellectual structure to rediscover what ‘an experience provided by brands’ truly implies. The purpose of this paper is to reconceptualize and present a future research framework for research into the concept of brand experience, by identifying both the core and peripheral sources of knowledge of the concept and its association with brand meaning. Through a bibliometric process covering 136 articles published between 2002 and 2018, resulting in a database of 2698 citations, this brand experience conceptual paper fills a critical research gap by providing the first full‐scale bibliometric study to date of the BEL, using a combination of high citation and co‐citation metrics. Based on this conceptual reorientation, a matrix for future development is presented, enabling the reader to visualize the scope and breadth of potential brand experience research horizons in areas relating to customer experience, consumer–brand relationship, online brand experience and sensory brand experience. The four approaches listed in the matrix – firm‐based, social constructionist, virtuality and embodiment – provide a roadmap for future brand experience research undertakings to explore the rich potential of experience evoked by brands.  相似文献   

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