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2011年初以来的中东动荡几乎席卷整个阿拉伯世界,它与全球金融危机一样,为世界各国所瞩目,对中东地区乃至世界政治形势的发展产生了深远影响。中国政府除尊重有关中东国家人民的自主选择权外,还应继续坚持"不干涉内政"的基本原则,继续推进中东地区稳定,加强对地区形势和中东各国政情的深入研究,建立中国企业对外投资风险评估机制,制定中国对中东地区的长期能源规划,进一步加强中国同中东地区经贸领域的务实合作。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,国内各地来沪投资已经成为上海经济发展中不可或缺的重要力量。目前来沪企业占上海各类企业总数的三分之一,主要来自长三角和东部地区且分布在上海郊区,对上海GDP的贡献约占10%左右,提供岗位占20%左右,推动了上海产业结构优化,并形成了来沪企业的若干经济特征。鉴此,提出政策服务等若干促进来沪企业发展的对策建议,以期进一步吸引各地来沪投资,完善对各地来沪企业的服务,从而更好地提升城市服务水平,促进上海产业优化升级,推进上海“四个中心”和全球城市建设。  相似文献   

随着公交改革的深化,建立规范、有序的市场秩序。通过既有竞争、又有协作的经营来搞活企业。  相似文献   

Yuan Gong 《Cultural Studies》2020,34(3):442-465

This essay explores European football’s cross-cultural appeals in China by focusing on Chinese fans’ active readings of this globalized cultural text. Using analytical tools from both sport sociology and transnational reception studies, I understand Chinese urban middle-class supporters as a reflexive audience whose meaning-making of European football is contextualized in their local urban experience. The in-depth interviewing reveals that these fans’ interpretations of their favourite European football teams as symbols of ‘collective cooperation’ and ‘beautiful football’ produce critical reflections on the discourses of ‘competitive individualism’ and ‘utilitarian commercialism’ which are part of the rising ideology during China’s neoliberal reform. Through the comparison among European football, Chinese football, and popular ‘national’ sports in China, the participants further contest the prevalence of these discourses in China’s broader economic and social arrangements over which they are engaged in constant material struggles. I further discuss how the transnational consumption of European football offers the Chinese urban middle-class a symbolic space to project their reflexivity on the reforming process.  相似文献   

This article undertakes an analysis of British public debates on European integration by recourse to an original data set on political claims-making. The public sphere is conceptualized as a space where citizens interact through their acts of public communication. Such public communications are an important source of the Europe-building process, because they potentially provide public inputs to the elite-led processes of European political institutional integration. Our empirical findings show that British public debates are internalized within the nation-state rather than creating links to supra- or transnational European polities. In addition, we find relatively low levels of civil society engagement compared to that of political elites, and a high level of political competition between the two major political parties, Labour and Conservative. Overall, we argue that elite ambivalence to Britain's position within the European Union has created this climate of uncertainty and political competition over Europe.  相似文献   

This paper examines the implications for European music culture of the European Union’s (EU) Digital Single Market strategy. It focuses on the regulatory framework being created for the management of copyright policy, and in particular the role played by collective management organisations (CMOs or collecting societies). One of the many new opportunities created by digitalisation has been the music streaming services. These depend on consumers being able to access music wherever they are, but such a system runs counter to the management of rights on a national basis and through collecting organisations which act as monopolies within their own territories. The result has been ‘geo-blocking’. The EU has attempted to resolve this problem in a variety of ways, most recently in a Directive designed to reform the CMOs. In this paper, we document these various efforts, showing them to be motivated by a deep-seated and persisting belief in the capacity of ‘competition’ to resolve problems that, we argue, actually lie elsewhere – in copyright policy itself. The result is that the EU’s intervention fails to address its core concern and threatens the diversity of European music culture by rewarding those who are already commercially successful.  相似文献   

Resource allocation and economic growth in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
S Lin 《Economic inquiry》2000,38(3):515-526
This article shows that the allocation of resources among enterprises of different types of ownership is important to economic growth. The data on 30 Chinese provinces indicate that the investment share of state enterprises is negatively related to the growth rate of per-capita GDP, while the investment share of private enterprises is positively related to the growth rate. Meanwhile, the effect of total investment on the growth rate of per capita-GDP appears to be insignificant. The share of trade in GDP was positively related to economic growth. Also, the illiteracy rate of employees was negatively related to economic growth.  相似文献   

The relationship between macroeconomic uncertainty, investment and economic growth is an empirical issue in developing countries. This paper investigates the effects of macroeconomic uncertainty on investment and economic growth in Pakistan for the period 1975–2008 by using the accelerator model of investment and endogenous growth model. The conditional variances, directly estimated through the Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (GARCH) model is utilized for erecting the uncertainty variables related to fiscal policy, openness and foreign capital inflows. The results clearly indicate that the macroeconomic uncertainty have significant negative effects on investment and per capita income of Pakistan. We conclude that a reduction in macroeconomic uncertainty through appropriate fiscal and monetary policy, stability in capital inflows and improved trade performance could result in high investment and sustainable economic growth in the country.  相似文献   

中小型连锁企业要在市场竞争中立于不败之地,必须根据自身的优、劣势及特点,确定适合自身发展的战略道路,才能生存发展。连锁经营模式是中小型企业在设定好自已的企业使命、目标以及完成外部与内部分析后做出的战略选择。企业为在市场或产业中获得竞争优势会采取业务层战略和公司层战略。文章就中小型连锁企业战略管理模式做一些分析。  相似文献   

This paper contains a general vision of the main issues on innovation policies in East European new member countries and candidate countries. It is based both on the data taken from the main European benchmarking studies on innovation perspectives, and on the direct experience of advisors who worked in East European pilot countries (Slovenia). This paper focuses on the problems arising from the encounter of European innovation policies and local culture and governance structures in these countries. This situation shows that the innovation phase, following transition, generally calls for a further tuning of EU innovation policies in these countries. In order to develop effective market spin-offs from innovation policies, greater attention should be given to triggering bottom-up policies at regional level by reducing decision-making centralism; lowering the risk of imitative and trend-oriented policies; supporting the birth of new enterprises besides backing the existing ones; developing mostly software rather than hardware policy components. All of this should fit in a general framework recognising the central role of individuals – and thus of culture, starting from entrepreneurial culture – within a knowledge-based innovation process. The recent Slovenian action plan for innovation is included as an example of a strategic plan able to spotlight these main issues.  相似文献   


By focusing on East European Jewish and Lithuanian ethnic groups in the United States, this paper offers a three stage model for understanding the process by which assimilating groups create their ethnicity: Stage One, ethnic community and participatory organizations; Stage Two, individual perpetuation and representational organizations; Stage Three, informal behavior and residual symbols. The model considers the impact of both cultural and structural variables, instead of treating them as rival claimants to primacy. In applying the model to data gathered in the groups' Chicago communities, we found that despite particular divergencies, both groups presented a similar response to the United States, enabling their members to maintain a dual ethnic identity beyond the tightly-knit ghetto and urban village.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates that the non-inheritability of human capital makes investment in it fundamentally different from investment in physical capital when lifetime is uncertain. A simple two-period model is used to highlight the effect of lifetime uncertainty on the optimal investment in human capital with and without markets for life insurance.  相似文献   

In recent times, many nations are experiencing an increase in anti-immigrant attitudes on the part of natives. Most papers only explore one or two sources of anti-immigrant attitudes at a time, which provides an incomplete picture of the effects at work. This paper tests eight different explanations for anti-immigrant attitudes: cultural marginality theory, human capital theory, political affiliation, societal integration, neighborhood safety, contact theory, foreign investment, and economic competition. Analysis is conducted using combined data from the European Social Survey and Eurostat/OECD and individual-, regional-, and national-level predictors. Results indicate that key predictors of anti-immigrant attitudes are regional and national interpersonal trust, education level, foreign direct investment, and political variables.  相似文献   

The crisis of the welfare state has generated a powerful pulling effect for contemporary intra-European migration flows. This article focuses on the migration of live-in care workers from Central and East European countries to the Netherlands, following the Dutch care reform. It explores the motivations and strategies of live-in migrant carers (LIMC) engaging in transnational mobility, aiming to understand how their agency is structured in multiple contexts. I am especially interested in transnational coping strategies and in how migrants pursue specific motivation mixes combining need and self-realization. The article draws on in-depth interviews with LIMC workers, triangulated with data from LIMC providers, family carers and other stakeholders. Participants use the LIMC jobs to cope with home and host country constraints, reconcile work and private life, and keep family ties. Continuous mobility is a strategic choice, which makes tough working conditions bearable and enables the achievement of long-term goals.  相似文献   

Factors that have made it difficult for post-communist East European societies to integrate the Holocaust into their historical cultures include the communist heritage, which downplayed the specifically Jewish Holocaust; sensitivity to charges that a nation was complicit in the murder of the Jews; the framing of East European histories as national narratives into which it is difficult to incorporate the experience of other nations; the feeling that Jewish suffering is recognized, while that of other East Europeans is not; the positive re-evaluation of the interwar and wartime politics and culture after the collapse of communism; the survival and revival of anti-Semitism, with new inputs from the Middle East and from Western Holocaust deniers; the construction in the West of the Holocaust as a centrepiece of twentieth-century history; the influence of East European diasporas; the embedment of the discourse on the Holocaust in the political divide between nativists and Westernizers; the deployment of accusations of Holocaust collaboration as an instrument of foreign policy; and debate over the restitution of confiscated Jewish property. Often these factors come together into a reinforcing discursive structure. The essay’s conclusion suggests how to overcome these obstacles to the integration of the Holocaust into East European histories.  相似文献   

中东是全球主要的能源供应基地,在国际能源体系中扮演着重要的角色。随着习主席提出建设“一带一路”战略构想,中国与中东国家的能源关系发展迅速,已成为中国“一带一路”框架的战略支点。本文考察改革开放以来,中国与中东的能源关系的历程,通过分析中国与中东能源合作的主要机制,即中阿能源合作大会、中海战略对话以及中国与中东能源合作面临的主要问题和挑战,即中东地缘政治风险、西方国家对中国在中东的指责,指出中国在中东面临的竞争加剧,并对中国中东能源合作提出了几点思考。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the close linkage between domestic philanthropy and commerce at the end of the early modern period, and the sophistication with which well-connected evangelical institutions transcended the confines of established religion and territorial boundaries. Use of a large set of primary and secondary sources that are relatively unknown in the history of the voluntary sector permits the examination and analysis of several notable aspects of the Francke Orphanage Foundations, an 18th-century central European institution of evangelical reform and colonial mission. Particular attention is given to the innovative efforts of their founder, August Hermann Francke, to secure an independent financial base for his institutional goals. These goals, which were supported in large part by members of the German nobility and of merchants in the imperial cities, included but were not limited to reform of charity care and education. From the outset, a close network of personal supporters and evangelical institutions that extended throughout Protestant Europe proved essential for both trade and evangelical mission; this network permitted expansion into Russia and the Baltic provinces, Hungary, the Near East and India, and eventually the British North American colonies.  相似文献   

中东油气与中国石油发展的战略思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在当前国际环境下,中国的石油安全战略应是开放和外向型的,其核心思想是“保内争外”,即中国政府应进一步加强对中国石油企业参与国际能源合作的宏观指导和支持;中国石油企业应加强国内油气资源的可持续开发和利用,坚持开展国际能源合作,直面国际博弈。中东国家油气资源丰富,且与中国关系友好,应是中国石油企业对外开展能源合作的首选地区。  相似文献   

法、德两国领导人更替后,欧洲同美国的关系恢复到伊拉克战争之前的状态,但是欧盟主要大国及欧盟本身对中东北非地区的政策仍不同于美国。2003年以来,该地区一系列事件发生后,欧盟及欧洲各大国决策者和学者对以往的政策做出评估或修改:比以往更强调坚持长期的经济发展政策;由下而上改变政权结构;推动中东北非国家进入国际体系;提高治理能力及保障人身安全等,从而达到“以发展促安全、以安全促发展”之目的。  相似文献   

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