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Until now, in the literature, a variety of acceptance reliability sampling plans have been developed based on different life test plans. In most of the reliability sampling plans, the decision procedures to accept or reject the corresponding lot are developed based on the lifetimes of the items observed on tests, or the number of failures observed during a pre-specified testing time. However, frequently, the items are subject to degradation phenomena and, in these cases, the observed degradation level of the item can be used as a decision statistic. In this paper, we develop a variables acceptance sampling plan based on the information on the degradation process of the items, assuming that the degradation process follows the inverse Gaussian process. It is shown that the developed sampling plan improves the reliability performance of the items conditional on the acceptance in the test and that the lifetimes of items after the reliability sampling test are stochastically larger than those before the test. A study comparing the proposed degradation-based sampling plan with the conventional sampling plan which is based on a life test is also performed.KEYWORDS: Variables sampling plan, degradation test, inverse Gaussian process, mixture distribution, stochastic ordering  相似文献   

The article addresses a real-life problem on determining the optimum sampling interval for control of defective items in a hot rolling mill. Having observed that the pattern of appearance of mill defects indicates a geometric process failure mechanism, an economic model is developed in line with the method suggested by Taguchi and critically examined by Nayebpour & Woodall. An expression for the expected loss per product as a function of the sampling interval is derived and the optimum interval is obtained by minimizing this loss function. The practical issues involved in this exercise, such as estimation of various cost components, are also discussed and the effect of erroneous estimation of cost components is studied through a sensitivity analysis.  相似文献   

This paper discusses some uses in econometrics of empirical process theory for dependent rendom variables. Examples considered include non-standard parametric hypotheses tests and semiparametric estimation. The application of bracketing functional limit results is discussed in some detail  相似文献   

This paper discusses some uses in econometrics of empirical process theory for dependent rendom variables. Examples considered include non-standard parametric hypotheses tests and semiparametric estimation. The application of bracketing functional limit results is discussed in some detail  相似文献   

We study crossover designs for the comparisons of several test treatments versus a control treatment and partially generalize the results of Hedayat and Yang (2005) to the situation in which subject effects are assumed to be random. More specifically, we establish lower bounds for the trace of the inverse of the information matrix for the test treatments versus control comparisons under a random subject effects model and show that most of the small size (3-, 4- and 5-period) designs introduced by Hedayat and Yang (2005) are highly efficient in the class of designs in which the control treatment appears equally often in all periods and no treatment is immediately preceded by itself.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to present a statistical uncertainty principle that can be used when localizing a single change in the mean of a band-limited stationary random process. The statistical model investigated is a continuous time process that experiences a shift in its mean. This continuous time process is presumed to be sampled using an ideal low-pass filter. The least squares estimate of the location of the change in mean is asymptotically Gaussian. The standard deviation of the least squares estimate of the location of the change-point provides a physical limit to the accuracy of the estimate of the time of the mean shift which cannot be bettered.  相似文献   

Most materials and components degrade physically before they fail. Engineering degradation tests are designed to measure these degradation processes. Measurements in the tests reflect the inherent randomness of degradation itself as well as measurement errors created by imperfect instruments, procedures and environments. This paper describes a statistical model for measured degradation data that takes both sources of variation into account. The degradation process in the model is taken to be a Wiener diffusion process. The measurement errors are assumed to be independent normal random outcomes that are independent of the degradation process. The paper describes inference procedures for the model and discusses some practical issues that must be considered in dealing with the statistical problem. A case study is presented.  相似文献   

Necessary and sufficient conditions for weak and strong convergence are derived for the weighted version of a general process under random censoring. To be more explicit, this means that for this process complete analogues are obtained of the Chibisov-O'Reilly theorem, the Lai-Wellner Glivenko-Cantelli theorem, and the James law of the iterated logarithm for the empirical process. The process contains as special cases the so-called basic martingale, the empirical cumulative hazard process, and the product-limit process. As a tool we derive a Kiefer-process-type approximation of our process, which may be of independent interest.  相似文献   

This article proposes a new mixed variable lot-size multiple dependent state sampling plan in which the attribute sampling plan can be used in the first stage and the variables multiple dependent state sampling plan based on the process capability index will be used in the second stage for the inspection of measurable quality characteristics. The proposed mixed plan is developed for both symmetric and asymmetric fraction non conforming. The optimal plan parameters can be determined by considering the satisfaction levels of the producer and the consumer simultaneously at an acceptable quality level and a limiting quality level, respectively. The performance of the proposed plan over the mixed single sampling plan based on Cpk and the mixed variable lot size plan based on Cpk with respect to the average sample number is also investigated. Tables are constructed for easy selection of plan parameters for both symmetric and asymmetric fraction non conforming and real world examples are also given for the illustration and practical implementation of the proposed mixed variable lot-size plan.  相似文献   

The existing statistical process control procedures typically rely on the fundamental assumption of a parametric distribution of the quality characteristic. However, when there is a lack of knowledge about the underlying distribution (as full knowledge is not available in practice), the performance of these parametric charts is very likely to be heavily degraded. Motivated by this problem, a one-sided nonparametric monitoring procedure using the single sample sign statistic is proposed for detecting a shift in the location parameter of a continuous distribution. An economic model of the control chart is developed to optimize the sample size, sampling interval, and control limits. Three data-dependent estimation approaches for the unknown parameter are evaluated and discussed. Simulation results exhibit that our proposed procedure generally performs well under a great variety of continuous distributions and hence it is recommended as an alternative scheme especially when the knowledge of the underlying distribution is imperfect. Furthermore, beneficial recommendations of estimation approach selection are provided for practical implementation of the control chart.  相似文献   

An empirical Bayes approach to a variables acceptance sampling plan problem is presented and an empirical Bayes rule is developed which is shown to be asymptotically optimal under general conditions. The problem considered is one in which the ratio of the costs of accepting defective items and rejecting non-defective items is specified. Sampling costs are not considered and the size of the sample taken from each lot is fixed and constant. The empirical Bayes estimation of the Bayes rule is shown to require the estimation of a conditional probability. An estimator for conditional probabilities of the form needed is derived and shown to have good asymptotic properties.  相似文献   

In the case where non-experimental data are available from an industrial process and a directed graph for how various factors affect a response variable is known based on a substantive understanding of the process, we consider a problem in which a control plan involving multiple treatment variables is conducted in order to bring a response variable close to a target value with variation reduction. Using statistical causal analysis with linear (recursive and non-recursive) structural equation models, we configure an optimal control plan involving multiple treatment variables through causal parameters. Based on the formulation, we clarify the causal mechanism for how the variance of a response variable changes when the control plan is conducted. The results enable us to evaluate the effect of a control plan on the variance of a response variable from non-experimental data and provide a new application of linear structural equation models to engineering science.  相似文献   

Lifetime Data Analysis - The proportional hazards (PH) model is arguably one of the most popular models used to analyze time to event data arising from clinical trials and longitudinal studies. In...  相似文献   

For estimation of the mean of a stationary random process the variance-optimal choice of the observation points (the so called experimental design) is considered. For this discrete and continuous designs are introduced, some known results of process statistics are interpreted to experimental design and a proposal for simplification of the minimization problem is offered, moreover it is proved, that for monotone decreasing eovarianee functions a design, for which the points near the ends of the observation interval are more dense than in the middle, is better than the equidistant design.  相似文献   

A random coefficient autoregressive process for count data based on a generalized thinning operator is presented. Existence and weak stationarity conditions for these models are established. For the particular case of the (generalized) binomial thinning, it is proved that the necessary and sufficient conditions for weak stationarity are the same as those for continuous-valued AR(1) processes. These kinds of processes are appropriate for modelling non-linear integer-valued time series. They allow for over-dispersion and are appropriate when including covariates. Model parameters estimators are calculated and their properties studied analytically and/or through simulation.  相似文献   


We extend Chebyshev's inequality to a random vector with a singular covariance matrix. Then we consider the case of a multivariate normal distribution for this generalization.  相似文献   


For clinical trials, molecular heterogeneity has played a more important role recently. Many novel clinical trial designs prospectively incorporate molecular information to evaluation of treatment effects. In this paper, an adaptive procedure incorporating a non-pre-specified genomic biomarker is employed in the interim of a conventional trial. A non-pre-specified binary genomic biomarker, which is predictive of treatment effect, is used to classify study patients into two mutually exclusive subgroups at the interim review. According to the observations at the interim stage, adaptations such as adjusting sample size or shifting eligibility of study patients are then made in case of different scenarios.  相似文献   

With reference to a specific example of a random spatial fractal and the modified box-counting method of dimension estimation, this paper aims to examine firstly the estimation of pointwise dimension via modification of the box-counting procedure, secondly the regression inspired estimation procedure, including generalised least squares and, finally, to develop a new estimation procedure – the asymptotic quasi-likelihood method – for the estimation of pointwise dimension. The main focus is on practicality – to arrive at an estimation method which is easy to use and robust.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of estimating the parameters of the covariance function of a stationary spatial random process. In spatial statistics, there are widely used parametric forms for the covariance functions, and various methods for estimating the parameters have been proposed in the literature. We develop a method for estimating the parameters of the covariance function that is based on a regression approach. Our method utilizes pairs of observations whose distances are closest to a value h>0h>0 which is chosen in a way that the estimated correlation at distance h is a predetermined value. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our procedure by simulation studies and an application to a water pH data set. Simulation studies show that our method outperforms all well-known least squares-based approaches to the variogram estimation and is comparable to the maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of the covariance function. We also show that under a mixing condition on the random field, the proposed estimator is consistent for standard one parameter models for stationary correlation functions.  相似文献   

Consider a finite population of large but unknown size of hidden objects. Consider searching for these objects for a period of time, at a certain cost, and receiving a reward depending on the sizes of the objects found. Suppose that the size and discovery time of the objects both have unknown distributions, but the conditional distribution of time given size is exponential with an unknown non-negative and non-decreasing function of the size as failure rate. The goal is to find an optimal way to stop the discovery process. Assuming that the above parameters are known, an optimal stopping time is derived and its asymptotic properties are studied. Then, an adaptive rule based on order restricted estimates of the distributions from truncated data is presented. This adaptive rule is shown to perform nearly as well as the optimal stopping time for large population size.  相似文献   

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