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浅谈清真食品的界定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清真食品是清真食品立法、清真食品管理工作所要依据的一个法律关系客体 ,对其界定的准确性直接关系到这些民族工作的效果。但目前我国的法学界、学术界对清真食品的界定却未形成统一的认识 ,甚至有些观点还有失允当 ,从而为清真食品立法、执法工作带来诸多不便。本文正是针对这一问题 ,通过对大量的事实和资料的分析 ,论证出清真食品界定的”宗教说”更为准确  相似文献   

左边的标志为我们提供了对“清真”一词的直观印象,它经常出现在各类食品包装袋上,表示印有该标志的食品是清真食品。全球分布的清真食品现象提示我们看待这个问题应有的国际视野,其存在的悠久历史更要求深化研究的历史纵深,为此本文通过梳理中外清真食品规制中的关键概念、各项制度的演进历程,旨在揭示和勾画出这一标志背后所蕴含的制度轮廓,以便抛砖引玉,方便更进一步的研究。  相似文献   

李自然 《回族研究》2013,(1):125-128
因其特殊的文化特性和象征作用,清真食品产业已成为一些地方政府的支柱产业,"清真化"也已成为国内外部分企业扩大市场份额的一个重要手段。在此大好形势下,国内外清真产业发展迅速,但由于人们多热衷于其美好前景,对其本身的认识尚显不足,从而引发了诸多问题。文章着重分析了清真食品产业的真正产业特性,并在此基础上对政府管理和企业建设提出了一些政策建议。  相似文献   

张忠孝 《回族研究》2006,(1):165-168
明确“清真食品”的定义、准确界定其范围,是一个现实性和政策性很强的问题。本文以制定《宁夏回族自治区清真食品管理条例》为例,从立法的和政府管理的角度,就清真食品在管理条例中其含义和范围的界定原则及有关问题进行了思考,有助于对这些问题的深入探讨。  相似文献   

2002年8月下旬至9月上旬,以国家民委政法司田连副司长为组长的调研组到西安、银川等地,调研清真食品管理工作。此次调研活动围绕当前清真食品管理中存在的政策法律问题、实际工作中遇到的难点、重点问题等开展调查研究,借鉴、吸收有关省民族工作部门在管理清真食品工作中的经验、做法、为国务院起草一部全国性的、较为完备的《清真食品管理条例》(暂定名)做一些前期调研工作。调研组同志虚心听取基层同志的意见、建议,同时还抽出时间走访了西安、银川等地的清真食品经营户,听取个体经营者对清真食品管  相似文献   

关于清真食品产业发展问题的几点思考和探索   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文以大量的第一手调查材料为基础,深入地分析了黑龙江省清真食品产业的基本情况及存在的问题,并对促进黑龙江省清真食品产业的发展提出了对策和措施。  相似文献   

清真食品在春都文·图/郭守业洛阳牡丹甲天下,清真食品在春都。中国清真食品协会会员、河南省少数民族用品定点企业———洛阳春都集团清真食品公司,至今已在执行党的民族政策,丰富少数民族饮食文化和波澜壮阔的市场竞争中走进了第五个年头。春都集团清真食品公司自1...  相似文献   

中国清真食品如何适应现代社会   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着中国加入WTO,中国的清真食品行业也面临着新一轮的挑战。本文介绍了何为清真食品,并对我国清真食品的发展历史和现状作了论述;同时就如何规范中国的清真食品市场、如何让中国的清真食品行业与世界接轨、如何将中国传统优良的清真食品打出品牌,让世界穆斯林接受,提出了一些具体的建议和解决的方法。  相似文献   

石头 《中国民族》2007,(3):50-50
2006年8月,宁夏食品经济学家吴俊主编的《清真食品经济》一书,将“清真食品”与社会、文化、政治、民间风俗习惯、大众一日三餐等从民族经济视角进行探讨和研究,全面系统地进行阐述。该书是一部清真食品的学术力作,填补了我国清真食品经济领域的一项空白。  相似文献   

跨世纪的中国清真食品   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
清真食品工程是人类食品工程的重要组成部分,21世纪的清真食品在国内外有广阔的市场。中国清真食品需要在保持“清真”性质、内涵的传统基础上,向高科技含量的规模化、工业化生产经营方向发展  相似文献   


The expansion of halal commodities globally reveals how Muslims are an object of increasing commercial interest. In Australia, despite a hostile political context, the recognition of Muslims as consumers, captured by the growing availability of halal goods, is providing alternate modalities of belonging. Drawing on fieldwork from Melbourne, Australia, this paper illustrates the ways halal consumption works to produce local, national and global orientations in citizenship and belonging for Australian-Muslims. By paying close attention to ethnographic encounters, the paper demonstrates how participation in the research process played a significant role in shaping the way participants defined, delimited and expanded the meanings of halal and its relationship to identity claims and ethical consumption. The paper argues that the concept of consumer-citizenship offers an important prism for understanding these experiences and for challenging prevailing binaries of minority and mainstream belonging in a consumer society.  相似文献   

An increasing number of studies are concerned with the ways in which the religious practices of Europe's minority populations are accommodated on the political, national and local levels. In this article, I present a case study of Muslim practices in Danish schools. The study is an investigation of how and why six selected practices are governed in Danish schools: halal food, fasting, prayer, head scarves, holidays and mosques. The results underline the importance of the specific practice in question for the way in which it is governed: some practices are easily accommodated, while others are rejected outright by the schools. Furthermore, the study demonstrates how governance of Muslim practices is developed in the absence of national regulation and against the prevailing ideals in the Danish public debate. In fact, the governance developed seems to be a direct response to the number of Muslim children in school and in line with general school ideals of inclusion. However, the results also indicate that more direct involvement by local or national authorities might push schools to be more exclusive with regard to Muslim practices.  相似文献   

Each generation of immigrants has its own challenges; for example, how to maintain already constructed identities among first generation immigrants and how to construct identities of the second generation of immigrants. Numerous literature suggests that the previous studies on these topics have been conducted within larger cities such as London, Glasgow or Edinburgh. This article examines how Muslim immigrants in a small city maintain and modify some aspects of their religious and cultural identities. The data consist of 30 interviews conducted with first and second generation of Muslim immigrants in Scotland, analysis of which suggests the size of the city does not appear to affect daily Muslim practices nor their ability to maintain Muslim identity. Rather, access to shared spaces, such as Inverness Masjid and the local halal meat shop, become critical to how Muslim's maintain and modify their identity in a new place.  相似文献   

陈刚  王烬 《民族学刊》2017,8(2):34-41,103-105
在现代化的进程中,文山苗族的饮食文化无论是在主食、副食、饮品等食材结构,或是饮食器具、食物加工方法等方面,不管是器物层面,还是精神层面都发生了较为明显的变迁.这变迁并非受单一因素的影响,而是自然生态类型、社会经济因素、多元文化等共同作用的结果.除却看得见的变迁,隐藏在其后的则是关于饮食文化中性别角色、族群记忆与边界、饮食安全与健康等的思考.  相似文献   

杨福泉 《民族学刊》2017,8(2):25-33,100-102
本文从东巴古籍记载的饮食习俗和当代的延续、饮食禁忌与民间信仰的关系、食品祭祀和相关的水土观念、纳西族饮食中的民族文化融合以及饮食烹饪习俗中的社会性别和长幼观念五个方面探讨了纳西族饮食习俗的文化意蕴.纳西族的饮食文化源远流长,随着社会的变迁和发展,纳西族的饮食文化也在不断地发生着较大的变迁.其从古相沿的饮食文化,吸收了其他民族的饮食文化精华,进行了本土化改造和创新,得到了丰富和发展.  相似文献   

饮食作为文化的主要表现形式之一,长期以来一直受到文化人类学的关注。人类学对饮食的研究形成了一套独特的民族志表述,包括人种、生态、族群、区域、政治、伦理、礼仪、习俗等方面的关系和差异,藉以对文明形态和文化形貌进行分析。本文在梳理西方饮食人类学的历史脉络、发展过程及其特点的基础上,对国内近年来的饮食人类学研究进行评述,以期促进人类学这一重要分支在国内的研究和发展。  相似文献   

青壮年劳动力外出务工,客观上改善和提升了壮族乡村的生活质量,人们的衣、食、住、用等物质生活水平有了显著提高.与此同时,壮族乡村文化传统也受到了冲击,主要表现在:老人的传统地位下降,经济因素起重要作用;女性地位上升;传统文化活动迅速衰减,文化传承面临危机;互助范围缩小;传统养老模式面临挑战;乡村生活群体弱势化等方面.乡村劳动力流动的影响有积极的作用也有负面的因素,对于负面影响,我们要做的是理性面对并积极寻求解决的办法.  相似文献   

Food and consumption practices are cultural symbols of communities, nations, identity and a collective imaginary which bind people in complex ways. The media framed the 2013 horsemeat scandal by fusing discourses beyond the politics of food. Three recurrent media frames and dominant discourses converged with wider political debates and cultural stereotypes in circulation in the media around immigration and intertextual discourse on historical food scandals. What this reveals is how food consumption and food-related scandals give rise to affective media debates and frames which invoke fear of the other and the transgression of a sacred British identity, often juxtaposing ‘Britishness’ with a constructed ‘Otherness’.  相似文献   

This study identifies the characteristics of eligible African Americans who are not receiving food stamps. Secondary analysis of the American Community Survey focused on 14,443 African American citizens aged 18 and over who were living below the poverty line. Bivariate and logistic regression analyses were used to compare the 6,558 recipients of food stamps with the 7,885 non-recipients. Less than half of impoverished African American adults used food stamps in the previous year. Food stamp use was higher among females, younger respondents, and those who had not completed high school. FSP participation was associated with co-residing with children, receiving welfare benefits and reports of functional limitations. This study can inform food security activism and improved outreach to impoverished African Americans.  相似文献   

VIS(视觉识别系统)是现代企业发展中的经营管理策略,从国外兴起并引入我国,已成为我国企业管理中的新兴领域,正在逐步形成应用性很强、使用范围甚广、形式各样的一套可操作的方法与技巧。把VIS概念引入清真食品生产经营者和消费者的整合与管理中,对于树立清真食品形象、保护清真食品权益都是有用的。  相似文献   

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