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Among the most fundamental assumptions made in economics are utility maximization and the separability of the arguments in the representative consumer's utility function. These assumptions are important for theoretical and empirical applications of economics. In this article, we present results from nonparametric tests of these assumptions of consumer behavior. We find that utility maximization generally obtains with either annual or quarterly per capita data on consumption goods, leisure, and relatively liquid monetary assets. Annual data on consumption goods, leisure, and all monetary assets are consistent with utility maximization. There is some evidence in support of using partial adjustment models when estimating quarterly data models of the demand for monetary assets. Further, annual data on consumption goods and leisure and on liquid monetary assets meet the necessary and sufficient conditions for weak separability. These results support the notion of a monetary aggregate more broadly based than currency plus demand deposits. Separability of monetary assets does not obtain for quarterly data.  相似文献   

Covariate measurement error occurs commonly in survival analysis. Under the proportional hazards model, measurement error effects have been well studied, and various inference methods have been developed to correct for error effects under such a model. In contrast, error-contaminated survival data under the additive hazards model have received relatively less attention. In this paper, we investigate this problem by exploring measurement error effects on parameter estimation and the change of the hazard function. New insights of measurement error effects are revealed, as opposed to well-documented results for the Cox proportional hazards model. We propose a class of bias correction estimators that embraces certain existing estimators as special cases. In addition, we exploit the regression calibration method to reduce measurement error effects. Theoretical results for the developed methods are established, and numerical assessments are conducted to illustrate the finite sample performance of our methods.  相似文献   

Many of the recently developed alternative econometric approaches to the construction and estimation of life-cycle consistent models using individual data can be viewed as alternative choices for conditioning variables that summarise past decisions and future anticipations. By ingenious choice of this conditioning variable and by exploitation of the duality relationships between the alternative specifications, many currently available micro-data sets can be used for the estimation of life-cycle consistent models. In reviewing the alternative approaches their stochastic properties and implict preference restrictions are highlighted. Indeed, empirical specifications that are parameterised in a form of direct theoretical interest often can be shown to be unnecessarily restrictive while dual representations may provide more flexible econometric models. These results indicate the particular advantages of different types of data in retrieving life-cycle consistent preference parameters and the appropriate, most flexible, econometric approach for each type of data. A methodology for relaxing the intertemporal separability assumption is developed and the advantages and disadvantages of alternative approaches in this framework are considered.  相似文献   

Many of the recently developed alternative ecocometric approaches to the construction and estimation of life-cycle consistent models using individual data can be viewed as alternative choices for conditioning variables that summarise past decisions and future anticipations. By ingenious choice of this conditioning variable and by exploitation of the duality relationships between the alternative specifications, many currently available micro-data sets can be used for the estimation of life-cycle consistent models. In reviewing the alternative approaches their stochastic properties and implicit preference restrictions are highlighted. Indeed, empirical specifications that are parameterised in a form of direct theoretical interest often can be shown to be unnecessarily restrictive while dual representations may provide more flexible econometric models. These results indicate the particular advantages of different types of data in retrieving life-cycle consistent preference parameters and the appropriate, most flexible, econometric approach for each type of data. A methodology for relaxing the intertemporal separability assumption is developed and the advantages and disadvantages of alternative approaches in this framework are considered.  相似文献   

Many of the recently developed alternative ecocometric approaches to the construction and estimation of life-cycle consistent models using individual data can be viewed as alternative choices for conditioning variables that summarise past decisions and future anticipations. By ingenious choice of this conditioning variable and by exploitation of the duality relationships between the alternative specifications, many currently available micro-data sets can be used for the estimation of life-cycle consistent models. In reviewing the alternative approaches their stochastic properties and implicit preference restrictions are highlighted. Indeed, empirical specifications that are parameterised in a form of direct theoretical interest often can be shown to be unnecessarily restrictive while dual representations may provide more flexible econometric models. These results indicate the particular advantages of different types of data in retrieving life-cycle consistent preference parameters and the appropriate, most flexible, econometric approach for each type of data. A methodology for relaxing the intertemporal separability assumption is developed and the advantages and disadvantages of alternative approaches in this framework are considered.  相似文献   

In pattern classification of sampled vector valued random variables it is often essential, due to computational and accuracy considerations, to consider certain measurable transformations of the random variable. These transformations are generally of a dimension-reducing nature. In this paper we consider the class of linear dimension reducing transformations, i.e., the k × n matrices of rank k where k < n and n is the dimension of the range of the sampled vector random variable.

In this connection, we use certain results (Decell and Quirein, 1973), that guarantee, relative to various class separability criteria, the existence of an extremal transformation. These results also guarantee that the extremal transformation can be expressed in the form (Ik∣ Z)U where Ik is the k × k identity matrix and U is an orthogonal n × n matrix. These results actually limit the search for the extremal linear transformation to a search over the obviously smaller class of k × n matrices of the form (Ik ∣Z)U. In this paper these results are refined in the sense that any extremal transformation can be expressed in the form (IK∣Z)Hp … H1 where p ≤ min{k, n?k} and Hi is a Householder transformation i=l,…, p, The latter result allows one to construct a sequence of transformations (LK∣ Z)H1, (IK Z)H2H1 … such that the values of the class separability criterion evaluated at this sequence is a bounded, monotone sequence of real numbers. The construction of the i-th element of the sequence of transformations requires the solution of an n-dimensional optimization problem. The solution, for various class separability criteria, of the optimization problem will be the subject of later papers. We have conjectured (with supporting theorems and empirical results) that, since the bounded monotone sequence of real class separability values converges to its least upper bound, this least upper bound is an extremal value of the class separability criterion.

Several open questions are stated and the practical implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

This work provides a set of macros performed with SAS (Statistical Analysis System) for Windows, which can be used to fit conditional models under intermittent missingness in longitudinal data. A formalized transition model, including random effects for individuals and measurement error, is presented. Model fitting is based on the missing completely at random or missing at random assumptions, and the separability condition. The problem translates to maximization of the marginal observed data density only, which for Gaussian data is again Gaussian, meaning that the likelihood can be expressed in terms of the mean and covariance matrix of the observed data vector. A simulation study is presented and misspecification issues are considered. A practical application is also given, where conditional models are fitted to the data from a clinical trial that assessed the effect of a Cuban medicine on a disease of the respiratory system.  相似文献   


The regression model with ordinal outcome has been widely used in a lot of fields because of its significant effect. Moreover, predictors measured with error and multicollinearity are long-standing problems and often occur in regression analysis. However there are not many studies on dealing with measurement error models with generally ordinal response, even fewer when they suffer from multicollinearity. The purpose of this article is to estimate parameters of ordinal probit models with measurement error and multicollinearity. First, we propose to use regression calibration and refined regression calibration to estimate parameters in ordinal probit models with measurement error. Second, we develop new methods to obtain estimators of parameters in the presence of multicollinearity and measurement error in ordinal probit model. Furthermore we also extend all the methods to quadratic ordinal probit models and talk about the situation in ordinal logistic models. These estimators are consistent and asymptotically normally distributed under general conditions. They are easy to compute, perform well and are robust against the normality assumption for the predictor variables in our simulation studies. The proposed methods are applied to some real datasets.  相似文献   

In estimating a linear measurement error model, extra information is generally needed to identify the model. Here the authors show that the polynomial structural model with errors in the endogenous and exogenous variables can be identified without any extra information if the degree is greater than one. They also show that a weighted least squares approach for the estimation of the parameters in the model leads to the same estimates as the solutions of a system of estimating equations.  相似文献   

In a cocaine dependence treatment study, we use linear and nonlinear regression models to model posttreatment cocaine craving scores and first cocaine relapse time. A subset of the covariates are summary statistics derived from baseline daily cocaine use trajectories, such as baseline cocaine use frequency and average daily use amount. These summary statistics are subject to estimation error and can therefore cause biased estimators for the regression coefficients. Unlike classical measurement error problems, the error we encounter here is heteroscedastic with an unknown distribution, and there are no replicates for the error-prone variables or instrumental variables. We propose two robust methods to correct for the bias: a computationally efficient method-of-moments-based method for linear regression models and a subsampling extrapolation method that is generally applicable to both linear and nonlinear regression models. Simulations and an application to the cocaine dependence treatment data are used to illustrate the efficacy of the proposed methods. Asymptotic theory and variance estimation for the proposed subsampling extrapolation method and some additional simulation results are described in the online supplementary material.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of measurement error on principal component analysis in the high‐dimensional setting. The effects of random, additive errors are characterized by the expectation and variance of the changes in the eigenvalues and eigenvectors. The results show that the impact of uncorrelated measurement error on the principal component scores is mainly in terms of increased variability and not bias. In practice, the error‐induced increase in variability is small compared with the original variability for the components corresponding to the largest eigenvalues. This suggests that the impact will be negligible when these component scores are used in classification and regression or for visualizing data. However, the measurement error will contribute to a large variability in component loadings, relative to the loading values, such that interpretation based on the loadings can be difficult. The results are illustrated by simulating additive Gaussian measurement error in microarray expression data from cancer tumours and control tissues.  相似文献   

对不完全市场下的农业劳动供给研究,普遍采用不可分性或禀赋依赖假设,即农户的生产决策受消费相关因素的影响,而不是基于利润最大化目标。这种假设只对缺乏非农兼业或市场参与机会的农户成立,故应在决策研究中考虑农户受市场约束的异质性。利用内生选择的切换模型和陕西周至山区的农户调查数据,对农户的非农参与及农业劳动供给决策进行的实证研究表明:金融可及性和人力资本的分布特征决定了农户非农活动的参与及类型,反映了不完全市场对农户的约束状况,进而决定了农业劳动供给决策的影响机制。纯农户的农业劳动供给行为,除了受农户的生计资本影响外,还受其家庭结构等相关因素的影响。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a bias corrected estimate of the regression coefficient for the generalized probit regression model when the covariates are subject to measurement error and the responses are subject to interval censoring. The main improvement of our method is that it reduces most of the bias that the naive estimates have. The great advantage of our method is that it is baseline and censoring distribution free, in a sense that the investigator does not need to calculate the baseline or the censoring distribution to obtain the estimator of the regression coefficient, an important property of Cox regression model. A sandwich estimator for the variance is also proposed. Our procedure can be generalized to general measurement error distribution as long as the first four moments of the measurement error are known. The results of extensive simulations show that our approach is very effective in eliminating the bias when the measurement error is not too large relative to the error term of the regression model.  相似文献   

In this paper, the finite sample properties of the maximum likelihood and Bayesian estimators of the half-normal stochastic frontier production function are analyzed and compared through a Monte Carlo study. The results show that the Bayesian estimator should be used in preference to the maximum likelihood owing to the fact that the mean square error performance is substantially better in the Bayesian framework.  相似文献   

Nested error linear regression models using survey weights have been studied in small area estimation to obtain efficient model‐based and design‐consistent estimators of small area means. The covariates in these nested error linear regression models are not subject to measurement errors. In practical applications, however, there are many situations in which the covariates are subject to measurement errors. In this paper, we develop a nested error linear regression model with an area‐level covariate subject to functional measurement error. In particular, we propose a pseudo‐empirical Bayes (PEB) predictor to estimate small area means. This predictor borrows strength across areas through the model and makes use of the survey weights to preserve the design consistency as the area sample size increases. We also employ a jackknife method to estimate the mean squared prediction error (MSPE) of the PEB predictor. Finally, we report the results of a simulation study on the performance of our PEB predictor and associated jackknife MSPE estimator.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a flexible parametric (FP) approach for adjusting for covariate measurement errors in regression that can accommodate replicated measurements on the surrogate (mismeasured) version of the unobserved true covariate on all the study subjects or on a sub-sample of the study subjects as error assessment data. We utilize the general framework of the FP approach proposed by Hossain and Gustafson in 2009 for adjusting for covariate measurement errors in regression. The FP approach is then compared with the existing non-parametric approaches when error assessment data are available on the entire sample of the study subjects (complete error assessment data) considering covariate measurement error in a multiple logistic regression model. We also developed the FP approach when error assessment data are available on a sub-sample of the study subjects (partial error assessment data) and investigated its performance using both simulated and real life data. Simulation results reveal that, in comparable situations, the FP approach performs as good as or better than the competing non-parametric approaches in eliminating the bias that arises in the estimated regression parameters due to covariate measurement errors. Also, it results in better efficiency of the estimated parameters. Finally, the FP approach is found to perform adequately well in terms of bias correction, confidence coverage, and in achieving appropriate statistical power under partial error assessment data.  相似文献   

Summary.  In a linear model, the effect of a continuous explanatory variable may vary across groups defined by a categorical variable, and the variable itself may be subject to measurement error. This suggests a linear measurement error model with slope-by-factor interactions. The variables that are defined by such interactions are neither continuous nor discrete, and hence it is not immediately clear how to fit linear measurement error models when interactions are present. This paper gives a corollary of a theorem of Fuller for the situation of correcting measurement errors in a linear model with slope-by-factor interactions. In particular, the error-corrected estimate of the coefficients and its asymptotic variance matrix are given in a more easily assessable form. Simulation results confirm the asymptotic normality of the coefficients in finite sample cases. We apply the results to data from the Seychelles Child Development Study at age 66 months, assessing the effects of exposure to mercury through consumption of fish on child development for females and males for both prenatal and post-natal exposure.  相似文献   

Separability assumptions on functional structure have received a great deal of attention from econometricians and economic theorists because (a) separability provides the fundamental linkage between aggregation over goods and the maximization principles in economic theory, (b) separability provides the theoretical basis for partitioning the economy's structure into sectors, and (c) separability provides a theoretical hypothesis, which can produce parameter restrictions, permitting great simplification in estimation of large demand systems. The power of the various available tests for separability has never been determined, however. We conduct Monte Carlo studies to examine the capability of currently available methods to provide correct inferences about separability.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the ultrahigh-dimensional sufficient dimension reduction (SDR) for censored data and measurement error in covariates. We first propose the feature screening procedure based on censored data and the covariates subject to measurement error. With the suitable correction of mismeasurement, the error-contaminated variables detected by the proposed feature screening procedure are the same as the truly important variables. Based on the selected active variables, we develop the SDR method to estimate the central subspace and the structural dimension with both censored data and measurement error incorporated. The theoretical results of the proposed method are established. Simulation studies are reported to assess the performance of the proposed method. The proposed method is implemented to NKI breast cancer data.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the properties of several bias-corrected estimators for generalized linear measurement error models, along with the naive estimator, in some special settings. In particular, we consider logistic regression, poisson regression and exponential-gamma models where the covariates are subject to measurement error. Monte Carlo experiments are conducted to compare the relative performance of the estimators in terms of several criteria. The results indicate that the naive estimator of slope is biased towards zero by a factor increasing with the magnitude of slope and measurement error as well as the sample size. It is found that none of the biased-corrected estimators always outperforms the others, and that their small sample properties typically depend on the underlying model assumptions.  相似文献   

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